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Tsukiko's training

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Tsukiko's training Empty Tsukiko's training

Post by Tsukiko Sun Jun 14, 2009 5:31 am

It was a cold and snowing day. Tsukiko woke up late that morning, just seeing the surroundings was covered with a thick quilt of snow. It took her long moments later to get out of bed. She then put on her top and went out. Tsukiko loves the nature so much, especially the snow. Her body can stand the freezing weather since Tsukiko is a Hyouton manipulator. It was just her extreme laziness that kept her staying late in bed. She opened her arms as if to embrace to air around her. After that, she quickly rushed to the lake to see how it was. When Tsukiko arrived at the lake, she gasped a bit, but her face stretched into a big grin..."Hey Lake, u look more beautiful when u get frozen over..." She stood there with her eyes closed, letting snowflakes drop onto her skin.
Suddenly, she remembered that she didnt start her today's training yet. Quick enough, she opened her eyes and jumped back, performing handseals...Snow was gathered ten feet in front of her, forming into a wall. Tsukiko then infused chakra into it, making it hard. She then created a snowball above the wall and dropped on it, causing it to collapsed. She hurried run and made a large snowman in the middle of the lake with severals snow pillars around. Tsukiko did some handseals again, thrusting her arms to send out a black ether-like dragon to strike the snowman and the pillars. As it flew through the air it began to turn. When the dragon hit the target it launched the snowman into the air above as well as cut off the pillars.

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Join date : 2009-05-02

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