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Flash's RP sample.

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Flash's RP sample. Empty Flash's RP sample.

Post by WTFlash Sun May 03, 2009 12:36 am

One large post, basically leading up to the mental break down of a character and his attempt to flee his village to search for a dream that may not even exist... Which lead to his death/basically suicide! I can't promise that they will all be this 'long' or have this much psychological structure but here it is! (FYI, Seluj is the name of my character, which is Jules backward, the sort version of my real name, Julian, just for some 'proof' that it's really mine)

Seluj sat at the edge of the water, dusk settling into the land he called home. Here he pondered; there were many things on his mind and many goals and wishes that settled deep inside of him. He stood, feeling his feet sink lightly into the bed of sand and mud that lined the Lake. It was only at this time, when the sun sunk into the western horizon, that he could find his reflections perfectly in the water. He looked upon the glassy water and then outward onto the lake. A good walk over the water was always worth having at this time of day.

He sat out along the water, once foot infront of the other. As he continued, he reviewed the story that the Elder Odolwa had told him. It was of an ancient seal, that was told to be lost along the sand of ages. It was known as the Trinity, three seperate parts of the same seal that formed the bond of reality; each part the manifestation of an ancient Goddess of creation.

The Story was Odolwa Mythology. According to the myths, before anything existed, there was chaos. From the chaos, three beings formed, and from them, laws and rules. They decended upon the concentration of chaos, and form it, carved the world they existed from into what it is today. It was said, to keep this chaos in control, they created a seal known to humans as the Trinity, and from it, the laws and rules of reality itself could be controled...

However, the seal was incomplete, and chaos leaked into the world. The incomplete world however, remained in balance as a constant struggle between the forces of the order and that of chaos. The Trinity was abused by either side, and was said to be broken into many peices and hidden throughout the world, where it's influence would be unseen.

He snapped out of his stories.. they were told to children after all. He looked up over the horizon as he stood about the center of the vast lake. The Sun was slowly burring itself into the hilly plane and his mirror image would soon fade. The perfect time for reflection was slowly coming to an end... "Hehe, that's the dependable thing about this place. Ain't no body out standing in the middle of a Lake, ehh?" He said openly to himself.
It was the next day, and he returned to his little secluded place in the lake. It was his time to reflect and relax once more. Seluj walked out onto the water as he did the passing days. As usual, he had no company but the wind that blew along the glassy surface of the water, and his reflection. As the breeze slid along his clothing a human chill slid down his spine; Lonley.

It only lasted for a moment. The moment a weakness in his mind was recognized, defense mechanisms of his superego and ego kicked in. 'It wasn't his place to be lonely, you are just fine without other people, women and men alike are just animals, the only thing you can possible trust is yourself, Got it? That is the truth you must live with. The reality you endure. No, the reality you concure and rule over. In your mind, all you see is yours to reign'

At leasts that's what he convienced himself. He psyched himself out like this on multiple occasions. Unlike many with the ability to kill, he would only do so when it was the best possible option. Unlike those with power, he never fell in lust for more power. Power was a tool, just like everything else, and with power, the world around him could be controled. But his objective wasn't to control the world around him, but to control his own reality, his own destiny... his own mind.

It was a task all too difficult. The three influences in a constant dance in his mind. First there was the animal... creating impulses. The Ego, himself in reality, and the super ego, the concious and judge of his mind. The three acted on everyone whether they knew it or not. Sometimes Seluj wished that he did not know.

Ignorance was bliss right? If someone can survive by being fearless to the unknown, then they have done something right. The truth is, knowledge and positive thinking clash. In order to be happy, one must know nothing. Seluj knew this, and it was keeping him from what he really wanted.

No, that wasn't what kept her from being happy... Sidartha, a great prophet, was a man who completely removed himself from reality. He removed his ego from impulse and judgement, and lived on a plane higher then everyone. But Sidartha was a prophet, and he was a shinobi. His enlightnment would be found by balancing his own persona with not only his impulses and his concious, but with the world around him.

But then again, this is what his own personal part of the lake was for... to sit on the glassy water, and observe himself as others do. He was content with what he saw.. but when it came down to it, that wasn't what he wanted...


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Flash's RP sample. Empty Re: Flash's RP sample.

Post by WTFlash Sun May 03, 2009 12:37 am

He snapped himself out of his thoughts. It was a bit silly after all to be dwelling on his own desires when they were the very thing he was trying to repress. He knew that repression was something that only the unconcious functions of the mind were able to do... but it couldn't hurt. His mind drifted back to the old stories he was told as a child. The Odolwa mythology that he knew and remembered. The sun remained over the horizon and his reflection still studied back at him the same we he looked to it.

"Hey... listen up, I got a story for ya. It's a pretty good one I think. You should like it..." He said to himself in a low tone, literally taking a seat on the water that he once stood upon and speaking to his reflection, " It's a story of myths... of good and evil and of how the world came to be as it is... like I said, you should like it. Are you interested?"

Seluj nodded his head up and back so that he could see his reflection nod back at him. " Good! Then where else to start but the beginning...":

There were onces three gods... goddesses rather. Each of them came together and formed a pact, a seal between each of them. This was the seal of order and it was to bring peace and tranquility to the chaos of the universe by trapping it at the center of the seal.

The first goddess was Din, the goddess of power and also of fire and earth. She was the one that shaped chaos into rock and stone and shaped the sky and the stars as well. Din created the foundation of the universe with her great power.

The Second goddess was Farore. Farore was the goddess of courage and also of life. Farore shaped beings and creatures from the chaos and covered this world with and all within it with animals and plants, demons and angels.

The third goddess, Nayru, was the goddess of Wisdom, and also of water. She crafted from the chaos, rules and laws that they would all live under, and also gave birth to might sees as her gift to the land and all of the beings that populated it.

Once the three had completed their task, in order to remove the chaos from the realm and those about it, the came together in the form of three triangular prisms, and locked corners with one another. In their center the sealed away all of the Chaos in the world...

"Not bad so far huh? I thought you'd like it... but that's just the beginning! There is plenty more." Seluj looked down upon the water. It seemed as though the sun had moved far enough over the horizon that his mirror image, his story buddy, had faded from site. "I see how it is. Well then, I suppose the story will have to continue another time... tomorrow perhaps. I will meet you here, and we shale continue the story together..."

Seluj stood, and began the walk from the center of the lake home.
Rejection was a word that was often learned before it was taught. Many feel rejection in many different ways before they know that the sequence of 'R', follow by 'E' and so forth to finish 'jection' means what is does. Rejection beings with it many emotions and feelings that in some cases were nothing, and in other, were intense.

For Seluj, he hadn't even been rejected... yet. It would seem as though, like the sun, he was looking over into the distance of another dusk, watching the warmth and brilliance of the sun slip under the horizon once more. But just as the sun sets, it must also eventually rise. Following this metaphor to it's core, he was looming on the edge of the setting sun, watching it set, where it would soon set and reject him it's warmth.

Seluj felt his cheek, he was still warm to the touch. A very human warmth, brought on by the self and not by others. Every human can maintain a warmth of 98.6 without trying, but only a few can stay 'warm' on their own. The funny thing was, it wasn't like, this time around, he was loosing anything close to him. This rejection was as distant as the sun, however even at such a length, a bit of hope still left the surface of his skin with each setting.

He decided then, as he walked along the surface of the lake headed home, that he would treat himself to some tea this evening. Like himself, tea could warm the body from the inside out. It wasn't what he wanted, but he would make do with what he could. A processes he knew was called displacement. Displacing something takes energy of impulses and spends them on something else... but there was always energy left over, so what became of it?

Emotions perhaps. Or many it was stored somewhere in his unconcious. Perhaps the impulses never really stopped, however the mental blocks placed in his mind over the years by experience and wisdom was to repress these energies until one day they became too much for even him to handle. Seluj couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of it... That wouldn't happen for at least a thousand years.

But his unconcious could answer the questions that Seluj could not. These energies that were displaced, became doubt and fear, slowly robbing hope of it's influence. Hope that kept the human spirit motivated. Without it, no one could function. For without hope, there is no goal. Without goals, there is no purpose, and without purpose, there is no meaning for existance. When one decides that his meaning is worthless, they disappear, for not only have they removed themselves from the world around them, the are removing themselves from themselves.

Seluj wasn't that far gone. He knew he wasn't depressed or anything. Infact, many had it much much worse than he did, but he understood that all Shinobi, no, all humans must endure these feelings from time to time. They are apart of the trials and experiences that shape who we are, or at least, shape him.

He came to the shore line, breathing a sigh as he no longer needed chakra to keep himself standing. It was such a relief lifted off his shoulders. As the souls of his feet met the soft squishy mud sand combination of the ground, he couldn't help but turn his head once more to the left and try to catch a glimpse of the sun once more...


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Flash's RP sample. Empty Re: Flash's RP sample.

Post by WTFlash Sun May 03, 2009 12:38 am

(I'm typing this part with my eyes closed as a symbolic reference to ones thought pattern as they fall asleep. If it goes crazy gibberish, then you know what happen, lol.)

He wasnt sureif what he saw was the sun or not. either was he was saticfied with the view and all he desired most at the moment was the satfty of his own bed. It was no one elses byt his after all. It seemed when people had nothin, hey alwys want somthing, but when they have something, the alwasys want something to do with it. Greedy ehh?

It was then that a very interesting complex came to his mind. The comples of immortality. For immortals, the would live longer tand stronger then any other bing in the universe. They are indestructable and often more wise then they are strong, through their strength doubles over most men.

So why would someone of something like a great immortal eventually want death as the complex so put. It would seem as though, even theough the immortals were no bonded by the rules of life and death, they were still 'human' and even though they were many times older and stronger, they would all have feelings that were all too human.

Thus immortals would eventually kill themselves, or attempt to at least, to free themselves from what would otherwise be years and years, generations upon generations, of watching lovoes come and go. emotions born and then fading. Such a complex was truly one that all must experience. And like himself, he would experience the man and multiple generations of suns rise into the sky and then their fall into the west, where their light is nothing but a reminder of the past and what warmth their once was.

He was also curious... why exactly one owuld want to attemptto destroy an entire world? It is a decent show of power, however what good would it do. To kill all on earth at any time would give the person the burden of sharing the rest o fhis miserable ecistacne along, wit no world to destroy and no planet to end. Even thes deeling effeffc tthe worst of people. If this was the case, and he was as human as the rest of them, who knows, at any time, he would be just as curios as the next, just as evil, or just as good. This was a fate he had et to decide, hor he honestly didn't know which waws better for him and his goals...

At this tim Seluj finally returned to his small apartment, leavin his shadow at the door as h reminded himself once mroe how the feel of the masmtress and bed emulated the feel and softness and warmth of something he treasured dear to him... BUT for now, a case of fatigue was bing diagnosed, and thus, sleep was ordered...


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