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Lesson Number Four

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Lesson Number Four Empty Lesson Number Four

Post by Kenshi Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:15 am

Today would be an important lesson for the both of them. After undergoing so much training in a short time, Ginko knew that Tenchi's human muscles couldn't keep up with his potential. He wouldn't become better unless he had a higher cell count, which would give him more energy to burn, and more chakra at his disposal. Ginko was planning to some surgery to him, to make him better in the needed areas. It would be a rough job, but since Ginko wasn't human his muscle would help Tenchi in the long run. Reviving his own muscle would be the problem. He'd have to wait until after the surgery to fix his own muscles back to their normal functioning methods. It would be a pain, but it would help Tenchi become better.

After the surgery Tenchi would be perfectly fine, and even though it would be kind of foolish for Tenchi to resume training, he would have to do it. His speed training hadn't really helped in anything permanent, and it was imperative that he continued training. One lesson wasn't going to cut it. His long range speed seemed to be good, but his new muscles would help with his fast twitch, and his close range movements. Tenchi would have to combine his taijutsu and ninjutsu to win the Chuunin Exams. Ginko wouldn't let him lose, no matter what. They had literally hours to be back in Konoha before the exam, but yet they had so much they had to do. Some how, they needed to do it all in the short window of time that they already had.

The morning however was pretty dark, and the sun hadn't even risen in the sky. Like always Tenchi was sound asleep, laying across both beds in the little tent that Ginko had set up. Usually Tenchi was extremely tired after training, so his tossing and turning would usually wake Ginko up. Ginko didn't mind it, and even though he wanted to sleep sometimes, he knew that having Tenchi get the most rest was important. This morning, Ginko had decided to wake Tenchu up early. Today was the last day before the exams, and they needed to start as soon as possible, or Tenchi wouldn't even have time to rest before the exams. Ginko walked back into the tent, looking at the young genin on the ground. He tapped his shoulder quickly, hoping that would be enough to wake him up.


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Lesson Number Four Empty Re: Lesson Number Four

Post by Dean Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:40 am

Tenchi was laying on the ground moving back and forth when having his dream. Though his dream was fighting with a ninja in a mysterious cloak and was just as powerful as him. He welcomed the challenge. This person was roughly the same size has him and everything. In the background he heard a boom and jumped back. He looked behind him and it looked like a village burning up in flames. People's voices were heard screaming throughout he land in pain. He looked back at the person with such a furiousity going against all of his teaching to have a cool head in a fight and charged at the person. He was so fast that the person didn't have any time to react and got thrown through a wall.

Tenchi walked forward to see who was under the hood. He pick it up and it was him. His face, his hair, everything about this person was his. He began to look scared and jump back. Soon the person rose up from the ground as if nothing happened and only smiled. He jumped back from him and ran to the back of his dream and disappeared with a horrible laugh kicking the bodies of all of the dead people. For the first time he was able to look down, and he was shocked by the destuction that was cause. Smoke rose in the air and the people's voices stopped as the dream blurred out and he awoke to see Ginko above him.

Tenchi didn't say anything as he got up. He only looked at Ginko with a disturbed expression and walked out into the darkness of early morning. Ginko had awoken him the earliest he ever has. Normally, his sensei would let him sleep in until sunrise, but today it was early. Then he remembered. The Chuunin Exams are soon, I guess he wanted us to get up sooner so we could have some earlier training. He fixed his expression on his face and looked back at his sensei then looked up into the sky. He had been happy his sensei had woken him up this early. He had a chance to see the stars. Training with Ginko, he would usually fall asleep before sun set even. The brillience of the stars shown down on the ground.

Tenchi took his eyes off of the stars and looked at his sensei wondering what he was going to do today. "So sensei what are we going to do today? It looks like it will take a long time because we are up so early." He looked at the ground then back up at his sensei awaiting a responce for his question.

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Lesson Number Four Empty Re: Lesson Number Four

Post by Kenshi Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:04 am

"Today me and you will---well, me, yeah that's right, I'll be having some fun. Today what I'm going to do is cut you, and give you some of my muscle. I know it sounds messed up, but if you want to be better it's going to have to happen. Your human muscles can't keep up with the wind manipulation that you are dishing out. For some reason, you're really good at it, at a level that no ordinary human should be at for someone your age. You need a higher cell count so you can compete better, if you don't have a higher cell count early, it's going to take you forever to get better."

Ginko turned to Tenchi, looking at his face. He knew that he probably didn't want to go through with this surgery, but Ginko had a lot of areas for him to strengthen. His muscle wasn't comprised of ordinary muscle, it was something else that was spiritually binding him from releasing his self. It grew like regular muscle, but was far from it. It seemed though, that the make up of whatever it was had the ability to spread, and if it spread around his body, Tenchi could get even better. Ginko planned on hitting several of his most important areas, to strengthen the needed areas for his battle.

"I'll be cutting your hamstrings, your legs, your biceps, some of your deltoids, your abs, and your trapezious and latissimus dorsi. I would cut your glutes, but that's kinda gay and the muscle that I'm giving you should spread. It'll be alright though, I can numb you up, and you can do it awake if you want to. I can put you out if you want it to go by fast so you aren't looking at me the whole time. Whenever you're ready, I need you to put on just some shorts, I don't want blood getting all over your clothes that you have to wear."


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Lesson Number Four Empty Re: Lesson Number Four

Post by Dean Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:39 am

Tenchi looks at Ginko. His jaw started to drop as he heard that he was going to cut him up. His eyes were big, and looked a little scared of being cut open by his sensei. This is gonna hurt like a bitch! Also isn't it a little dark outside to just be doing surgery like this in the open field! Though, I guess once I think about it will make me stronger so much faster, and this is better than running for 20,000 miles every day with him like the last lesson. He looked to the ground and made his jaw and his eyes go back to normal when it looked at Ginko. He then looked at the sky. The stars seemed to calm him down the most.

"Okay I'm willing to do this surgery. As long as it can help me in the long run I'm all for doing it. So how long is this going to take? Also how much pain do you think i will be in? You know what nvm. I don't want to know because it will just make the pain all the worse. I guess this muscle that you are going to give me from you own body is some special stuff. Is that how you are so fast and stong? Well I guess this will cut my training into a fraction of the time it will actually need to be to fully get a person to this speed and strength. Well let's get this started!"

Tenchi bent over and got out a pair of his shorts from his bag. He usually sleeps in his underwear. He got on a pair of his shorts and ran back over to his sensei ready to get this surgery over and done with. He took one last look at the stars to sooth is worries and relax his muscles as if about to go back to sleep. He breathed in for a long time until his lungs were full, and then let all of the air out of his lungs slowly. He looked over and in the middle of the camp had a huge medical table. He then went away from his sensei and laid on the table on his back. He was ready for the pain and surgery. This would hurt him of course, extremely bad too, but he is a little more prepared to recieve the pain from this surgery.

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Lesson Number Four Empty Re: Lesson Number Four

Post by Kenshi Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:38 pm

Ginko walked over to a small case of supplies that he had. Since it was early in the morning, Ginko wanted to get this done before anyone could see what they were doing. Ginko took out a small case of medical supplies and some gloves. Just like Tenchi Ginko removed his dirty long sleeve shirt and put on some shorts for the areas that he was going to cut. He wasn't going to numb himself up, it wouldn't hurt him much at all, he was used to giving up muscles to other patients, even before his transformation into a Death God began. Ginko could see well enough to cut Tenchi, and that's all he needed. He had some creams for bacteria, but they would be fine. The muscle that Ginko had would automatically adapt to Tenchi's body, and become a part of it in less that 30 minutes of the surgery. Ginko put on the gloves and brought them over to the table that Tenchi was on.

"Alright. This is gonna hurt, but you can think of it like training. It's not going to kill you, but you will feel pain when I cut you. I'm going to go soft or slow, I'm going to cut quick and easy. Don't complain either because I'm not going to stop until it is over. The best way would be to put you out, but you need to get used to the pain of being cut, it'll only make you stronger in the long run. I'm gonna start with your legs on up"

Ginko took out his scalpel and reached around to the back of his leg. Without even looking, Ginko began to cut a long deep line right in between his left and right gastronemius muscles, perfectly dividing them from right to left. Moving his hands towards the inside of his body, Ginko cut again, and began to cut untill there was a bloody square mark on his leg. He removed the muscle, the whole left side of his gastronemius muscle and laid it on the table. Blood began to fill the whole area, dripping down on his barefeet, coating them in blood. Flipping Tenchi over on his stomach, Ginko cut a smaller portion on both of his legs the same way, but in the middle. He needed the muscle to spread, so cutting between the both of them would be the best option. Tenchi began to bleed minimally in both of his legs, but as Ginko removed the muscle blood began to flow everywhere. Since Ginko was bigger than Tenchi, his own muscle would suffice for the both of them. Ginko divided his cut muscle up into two parts and placed them in the sections that he cut. The bleeding wouldn't subside for a while, but it would stop soon. Ginko moved on to his own hamstrings, cutting a large chunk out of the middle of the several muscles that were located there. Ginko was naturally a large dude, and Tenchi was very small compared to him. Ginko placed his muscle on the table, not even shaking at the loss of muscle and blood that was leaking out of his body. If he didn't hurry up, he'd faint. Quickly making deep cuts in the back of Tenchi's thighs, Ginko removed his muscle rather sharply this time, knowing it was causing the boy pain. Ginko managed to quickly place the cut portions of the muscle and place them in Tenchi's thighs. There was blood everywhere, and it was strong to the smell. The morning dew and the morning winds would push it away, and it was the reason that Ginko had gotten up so early in the first place. Ginko continued cutting, cutting a chuck out of back muscle, his shoulder, his abs, and his and his higher back muscle. His body and clothes were now drenched with blood right along with Tenchi. Ginko finished patching up Tenchi, slowing his bleeding down. Using his Regeneration jutsu, Ginko focused his chakra into both of their bodies healing them quickly. Ginko woke looked at Tenchi to see if he was ok, making sure he didn't have any left over cuts.

"I'm done, finally"

Last edited by Kenshi on Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:26 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Lesson Number Four Empty Re: Lesson Number Four

Post by Dean Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:42 pm

Tenchi heard Ginko talk as if the surgery was gonna be fast, though in the back on his mind he knew that the surgery would feel like an eternity of torture. He took another long deep breath. He let his lungs fill all the way up with air and then he let the air flow out. Then he started to feel the cuts of Ginko. They were smooth, but it hurt like hell. Hot searing pain came from his gastronemius and soon it felt like he couldn't move it. Soon he felt something get put in there perfectly. Somehow it began to soothe the pain, though it still hurt it didn't hurt as much. Then he could feel that movement was coming back into his gastronemius. He didn't dare move it though, he could just feel control come back into his muscle there, but it felt different, even stronger already. He could feel his muscle there warm and become stronger and stronger.

This continued on it seemed like an eternity of cycles. First searing pain where the muscle was removed. So bad he wanted to die. He couldn't control that muscle at all. Then later the spot where the muscle was cut at soon began to grow warm as the muscle from Ginko was out into that spot. The muscle could be felt growing in strength. Finally, after what had seemed like days, though it was still dark out, the surgery was done, though it didn't seem like this process was over. Not by a long shot. His whole body began to get warmer. It was as if every muscle in his body was being transformed in to the same type of muscle in Ginko's body. As the muscles got stronger and stronger, so did the the heat from the transformation process of the muscle.

When Tenchi had got the confermation from Ginko that it was done he felt no pain. He felt only the blazing warmth of the muscles. Ready to try out his new muscles he decided to get off the table. He couldn't move. It seemed like his nerves were mistranslating the signals so instead of movement he didn't move. The muscles that he had gotten where used to Ginko's brain telling them what to do, not his brain telling them what to do. This may take some time to get used to. He thought about trying to get up and this time he was able to get up and put his feet onto the ground. Then he stood up. His knees buckled as he tired to get up, but he sat down again and got up perfectly this time.

Tenchi tried to flex his arms with his biceps and they didn't respond. He did it again and it responded perfectly. He continued to this with all of his muscles till they all perfectly responded to him. This is going to suck trying to walk. He attempted to walk, but he fell down after attempting to put on leg ahead of the other. Then he got up and attempted to walk again. This time it was a little shaky, but as he kept walking the better he got at it. He got faster and faster until he was in a run. He had finally got his coordination back with all of his muscles, walking, and etc. He started out with his normal run, but this was a small faction of his speed. He was able to almost disappear in air and appear 50 meters away in a fraction of a second. If he started to control this is would make for a deadly attack.

Tenchi looked back at his sensei amased by his own transformation. He had gotten this fast in less than an hour. I wonder how much stronger I have gotten? He walked over to a tree that was 5 meters in diameter. He then winded back his punch and hit it. He could feel the tree shake un the force at which he hit it. He then hit it with a 2 hit combo with his fists and the tree topple over un the force of his hits. He wasn't even hitting as full strength either. His eyes almost poped open when the tree feel over from his strength.

He then looked back at Ginko and ran back. In almost an instant he was right next to him. "Holy crap I thought this was going to help a lot I never thought that it would help this much. I can run so much faster now. This beats a crap load of running." He felt the burning in his muscles still happening. He was still getting stronger and faster. After around 5 more minutes the burning started to fade from his body. He felt completely transformed. He was like a new person now. His body with his new muscles felt as light as a feather.

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Lesson Number Four Empty Re: Lesson Number Four

Post by Kenshi Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:03 pm

"It seems like you are already taking effect to the muscle tissue that I gave you. However, I don't want you running at long distances anymore, it could damage them. The long exertion of the new muscles isn't good for you, and I would hate to have to go back in and try to fix them. However, you are cleared for close range fighting, and that is something I want to train. We haven't been focusing on taijutsu that much, even though that is what I promised you. For your last lesson, I want you to fight me, and I want you to dodge every single one of my attacks, ya ready?

Ginko however had been itching for a fight. It had been a while since he used his katana, and he was tired of keeping it cooped up. He needed to use it, and he needed to stop stalling with it. Battle was something that he had to do, and he hadn't been doing his job as a Shinigami. There were tons of souls that needed reaping, and if Ginko didn't get on the ball soon with his job, he would lose his powers and die. Still though, Ginko didn't want to fight around Tenchi, he wanted to be there for him in his training, and he didn't want the boy to think that he was some psychopathic killer, that went around reaping souls because it was his "job". If Tenchi decided to stay with Ginko after the chuunin exams, if he decided to leave his country Ginko would tell him. After all, the boss of OZ had a genin that he was training, and it would be good for both of them to have some genin that where above-par.

Ginko put his hands together and smiled, Instead of pulling his katana right out in front of him, Ginko summoned it regularly. The long katana appeared with no scabbard, just its glistening blade, floating in the air. Ginko swung his arm around, snatching the hilt of the blade before him. As he spun his right arm down, his shoulder followed with the rest of his body, as Ginko bent down into a low springing pose. His right eye was looking at Tenchi, with the tip of the katana pointed towards his face. Ginko smiled as his grin trickled up the edge of the blade pointing at Tenchi's face. Using his upper body muscles, Ginko quickly turned around, disappearing. He appeared instantly behind Tenchi, holding his long blade at the tip of his Adams apple. A hilt poked the palm of Tenchi's hand, it was his own blade. Ginko's chuckling, and evil manner began to fall over him, his killing intent was high, and the winds around the both of him began to pick up.

If he didn't calm down, he would kill the boy out of his own blood lust.


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Lesson Number Four Empty Re: Lesson Number Four

Post by Dean Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:27 pm

Tenchi looked back at Ginko as he talked. He was confident that with his new muscles he could dodge most of his hits, but he wasn't exactly sure about dodging all of them. Then he looked at the horizen. The sun was starting to come up. The sky turned various colors as it ran up through the skies. He then looked back down at Ginko. Though he seemed as if he was okay there was something about him. He looked as if he was a little crazed as he preped for what was to happen next. He saw him disappear and before he knew it his sensei had a sword around his neck. The blade was at his adams apple and the hilt of the blade at his hand.

Tenchi grabbed the hilt of the blade as fast as he could and then as he grabbed it turned and elbowed Ginko in the middle of his sternum in his chest. "Yeah of course I'm ready." He completed his turn and stood right in front of Ginko. He was in a crouched position with the blade facing his sensei. It was diagonally across his chest. Why should I dodge when I can attack, too? No, this lesson is to dodge so dodge I shall do I then kept my hands on the hilt extremely tight as he prepared for Ginko's stike. He was going to dodge, but if he did have to he would block it. To make Ginko less accurate and angled the blade down so the light from the sun was in his eyes.

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Lesson Number Four Empty Re: Lesson Number Four

Post by Kenshi Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:03 pm

Ginko literally could feel his own blood lust rushing through his veins. It wasn't normal like adrenaline because it was so much more than that. He was a doctor, and even though he should always be calm, his blood lust was taking over. Ginko looked an Tenchi, and his body began to lunge a bit, and a grin began to creep out over his face. A weak smile spread out, and saliva dripped out of his mouth. It was as if he was losing complete control over his self. Ginko didn't want Tenchi to see this side of him, but he couldn't help it. His sword wanted to cut so badly, he could hear the spirit of his sword calling out to him. Ginko wanted blood.

Ginko's image began shake in all directions, and winds began to swirl around him. His image disappeared, and a ring of dust spread around a large around around Tenchi. The trees that were in the forest cracked, and began to lay in the path that they were cut. One by one, the trees fell into a round circular position and the battle began to start. Ginko was making sure Tenchi didn't have any room to go anywhere else, he wanted him in the area only, and it would help train his ability to dodge quickly. It seemed as if Ginko wanted to train, but from any other perspective, it would seem like Ginko was trapping in.

Ginko's image reappeared in his original spot, and his green eye began to pulse a bright yellow for a second. Ginko disappeared and appeared right in front of Tenchi. His blade was pointed with the sharp end up, and it was pointed at his abs. The blade shook under Ginko's own blood lust, and more saliva dripped from his mouth. Ginko disappeared again, and the blade tip of his blade was pointed to the child's jugular, and Ginko was back to back with Tenchi. More saliva could be heard splashing on the ground, and Ginko could feel his control slipping away. Ginko disappeared one last time, right above Tenchi, slamming his sword point down above his head. Liquid dripped on Tenchi's head, signaling Ginko's seriousness.



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Lesson Number Four Empty Re: Lesson Number Four

Post by Dean Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:27 pm

Tenchi watched as Ginko started to transform into what had seemed like a monster. It was like he wanted to eat me or something. There was a hungry staving look in his eyes and looked as if he was being driven mad by this drive to be nourish his own hunger. He watched as his sensei seemingly transported around the battlefield in no time. The first time when he appeared in front of him he looked at the blade of Ginko's pointing at his abs. He knew he wasn't going to attack because if he was he would have actually stabbed me. Then he disappeared again with his blade pointed at his jugular. He knew yet again if he wanted to kill him he would have actually stabbed killed him right there. With his finally disappearance he didn't reappear to his sides. He felt something hit his head and something whistled about his he. Ohh crap.

Tenchi stepped out of the way just in time to dodge the oncoming attack from above. Good I resisted my erg to jump. I would have been killed if I did. A simple side step out me out of the way of his attack. When he side stepped to the right he turned to counter Ginko coming down above him. He knew it would be hard for Ginko to move in the air if he was coming down above him, though he might be able to do something in midair. He jumped away from Ginko.

If that didn't knock sense back into him, then I don't think anything will. Tenchi stood back into his defencive position with his katana ready for him to resume the battle. His eyes were starting to get used to the movements of his speed, though they still were not perfectly adapted to them. The last time he disappeared he had actually saw him move before he he disappeared completely from his vision.

Last edited by Dean on Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Lesson Number Four Empty Re: Lesson Number Four

Post by Kenshi Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:28 pm

Ginko landed on the ground smoothly, with both of knees bent, and his sword parallel to the ground in his right hand. Ginko held his sword out as he slowly stood up, facing Tenchi with a grin on his face. Ginko's lips quivered and and blood began to drip out of his mouth, splashing on his red shirt. Ginko's eyes were flashing uncontrollably, and the green calm eyes that were once his normal self began to fade. Dark red blood dripped out of his lips, and Ginko smiled, revealing a mouth full of blood that began to leak from his mouth. His eye flashed yellow and began to move around in his head. The beady yellow eye focused on Tenchi, and Ginko began to chuckle softly, pumping more blood out of his mouth.

Ginko lifted his right arm up, pointing it towards Tenchi. He didn't move for a while, but something was happening. The winds around Ginko began to pick up, and swirl around him. His sword began to turn bright yellow, and the force around it began to increase. In a seconds notice, the unmistakable power was out again, and Ginko smilied. Winds began to push stronger now, all over the enclosed battlefield. Ginko held his katana pointed at his student, ready to kill him. The cut trees were pushed back and the winds flurried Ginko's hair as they spiraled out from his direction. A blood curdling scream raced across the sky, sending more pressure out from Ginko. He was losing his control...

Ginko disappeared with no sound at all and several events conspired around Tenchi. The fallen trees cracked, and a pure line split them in two. A small image of a white speck raced around the area, and a cloud of dust began to appeared around Tenchi. The dust grew high in the air, cutting off Tenchi's sense of sunlight. The dust cloud began to grow thicker and thicker by the moment, closing in on Tenchi until he was surrounded by dust. Throughout the dust, a dull screaming could be heard, like an imp from hell. All of a sudden Ginko's image appeared in front of Tenchi, with a bloody mouth and a yellow fierce eye. Ginko's smiled and blood began to fly towards Tenchi's face as Ginko's katana came up to the boys neck. Holding it in his right hand, Ginko bent his wrist so the blade of the katana would face towards Tenchi's next. The pulses of energy from the katana were strong, and if Tenchi didn't react soon, he would be cut.


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Lesson Number Four Empty Re: Lesson Number Four

Post by Dean Fri Jun 05, 2009 11:34 am

Tenchi watched as his sensei lost more and more control. He looked like he was ready to even kill him. He watched as the more physical transformations happened. His sensei's eyes turned yellow, and his sword turned yellow, too. This kind of freaked Tenchi out because he was so used to his sensei being in contol of himself. He looked on as the dust storm surrounded him and soon it was impossible to see through. He watched as Ginko came closer and closer through the sand storm walls. Damn, he has gotten dead serious. From the looks of it, too he has lost control of himself. Even if he didn't want to hurt me he would hurt me anyways.

As the katana got closer and was by Tenchi's neck he watched Ginko ready to kill him. He falls to the ground avoiding his sensei's blade then rolls over to try to counter his sensei trying to stab him while he is laying on the ground. He kicks his feet and gets back onto them. He runs though the the cloud of dust. The dusts keeps hitting him in the eyes. His own eyes start to turn red from the pounding of the dust. Finally, he decides to close his eyes and focus more on the sounds around him more than his sight. He continues to run through the dust storm with his eyes closed though that wasn't the smartest choice either.

As Tenchi was running he ran into a boulder going about 60% of his speed. He smashed into it so hard that it knocked the wind out him. He then fell over onto the ground trying to gasp for air, but all he got from it was dust. He tore off some clothing from his shirt and wraped it around his mouth to avoid breathing in as much dust, or dust period. Finally, he was able to breath again and he was back onto his feet. He stood in his spot prepared for his sensei to attack. He had no doubtibly heard him smash in to the boulder because it made such as loud cracking sound. He had his katana in his hand ready to dodge, or block any of Ginko's attacks. I wonder if he will ever be normal again.

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Lesson Number Four Empty Re: Lesson Number Four

Post by Kenshi Fri Jun 05, 2009 1:02 pm

Like an animal to it's prey, Ginko was listening for every single sound that was made through the dust storm. Without both eyes, his hearing senses were stronger, and he could hear better through loud noises. As he missed his attack, his ears opened up and Ginko began to listen for everything, any sounds that could leave clues to about where his opponent was. The dust storm was still in the air, and slowly fading by the second. As soon as Ginko listened, he heard a sharp cracking sound to his left, like one of the trees had split, or something had crashed into a a rock. Ginko turned his yellow eye towards the sound and walked towards it.

He couldn't see due to the dust storm, but he could make out the small image of the boy. He smiled, with more blood dripping out the corner of his mouth. His image disappeared, and the gigantic dust storm suddenly slowed it's movement. Moving at the opposite direction of the cloud and the opposite speed, Ginko was able to stop the cloud, causing it to settle back into the ground. Ginko however, was completely mission with no trace of himself to be seen anywhere.

A small flash of light began to shimmer from the trees behind Tenchi. At first, it seemed like water, but it wasn't. The area underneath the trees was extremely gory. The puddle of blood began to get bigger as Ginko began to smile. He pushed his katana through the trees, aiming right at Tenchi's back in a surprise attack. He was completely silent, and Tenchi's only hope would be the pitter patter of the blood that fell into the puddle.


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Lesson Number Four Empty Re: Lesson Number Four

Post by Dean Fri Jun 05, 2009 1:35 pm

Tenchi's hearing had increased due to his eyes being closed during the sand storm. Then he could feel it start to slow down. Then somehow it stopped in mid air and began to spin in the opposite direction even faster. Behind him there was a drip, drip, drip of something that was liquid. Though it didn't sound like liquid it sounded just the same as blood coming out you Ginko. He turned in time to hear the whistling of something in the air and then he fell to the ground. Ah crap what is that. He then did some military crawls on the ground to avoid anything else being thrown in the air.

Tenchi got up off of the ground and then he began to run away from Ginko. His sensei had gone nuts. If he didn't hear the dripping of blood he would have died right then and there because he couldn't hear or see Ginko right behind him. Hopefully, this can end soon. I don't think I can dodge this crap forever. This time he was moving at 50% of his speed and had his hand in front of him to prevent him from running into anything unwanted. He almost ran into a tree, but as soon as he touched it he jumped out of the way onto a rock he didn't know that was there. He was lucky enough not to it the rock and trip over it and fall to the ground attracting his sensei, Ginko.

He stopped right where he was because he didn't want to hit anything else to attract any unwanted visitors. I know Ginko-sensei will find me one way or another, but this way I will not attract his attention as soon. I wonder when sensei is going to break out of this craziness, and start to act normal, or at least as close to normal as he acts. He started to listen even more to the noises trying to pick out any quick footsteps. or anything that could be threatening zooming through the air trying to kill him.

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