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Lesson Number Two (Tenchi)

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Lesson Number Two (Tenchi) Empty Lesson Number Two (Tenchi)

Post by Kenshi Wed May 27, 2009 6:12 pm

Ginko left the campsite early this time, making sure that Tenchi was sound asleep in his bed snoring. He left right before dawn, giving himself enough time to see the sunrise in the morning. Although people preferred the sunsets most of the time, Ginko however preferred the brilliant experience of the sun rise instead. The morning dew that hung on the grassy plains of Konoha was brilliantly being illuminated by the sun, sending a deep prism of color in the site of anyone walking around. Birds sung the tales of early morning beauty, and animals were welcomed with another day as the sun rose up. Walking into Konoha so early, Ginko didn't have to deal with the guards, so he moved straight on to the training field, letting himself in. There was a small bench inside of the training filed and Ginko seated himself and took out the paper that he'd picked up on the way.

Back at the campsite, Ginko left a small note for Tenchi on his forehead, just for the fun of it. It was a small laugh for Ginko and surely Tenchi wouldn't take it seriously and see the humor in the joke. The note was a few instructions scribbled down with a fading pen on a small slip of paper. Ginko knew that it would be hard to read, and he purposefully made the note like that. He was hoping to test Tenchi's analytical skills and his guessing skills in this lesson. Ginko continued reading the paper, waiting for Tenchi to show up.



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Lesson Number Two (Tenchi) Empty Re: Lesson Number Two (Tenchi)

Post by Dean Fri May 29, 2009 5:55 pm

The sun breaks the horizon and light pours onto the ground like gold flowing in a river. Tenchi wakes up just as the sun breaks the horizon and looks stand up in the camp site to see if Ginko-sensei was still here. I wonder where sensei ran off to before dawn? As he gets up a piece of paper landed on the ground floating ever so genitally in the windless air to the ground. He looks at the piece of paper for a second and then reaches down to pick it up. This must be a note from him. He looked at the piece of paper with the faded ink on the paper. He tried to read it, but all he could make from it was that it said 'Me__ me at the ________ gr_____ of __h__a, or I'm leaving. The rest of the note was nearly unreadable.

As Tenchi look worried he thought, Oh crap I need to figure out what this says. He should have really rewritten a better note. He looked at the note again and more closely and rubbed my hands on the back of the letter. He wrote hard enough to leave indents in the paper of the letter. He took out a pen and began to draw along the grooves of the letter. Finally he had the note completed and began to read the letter. He read the letter out loud. "Meet me at the training grounds of Kohona, or I'm leaving." Caca I need to be up at the training ground soon. He began to run his hardest toward the village and enter into the gate.

Tenchi dodged carts in the village street and zigzagged around the buildings. He saw some dogs and they began to chase him as he ran by them. The dogs chased him for no reason because he ran zigzags between buildings and soon the dogs found themselves lost in the village. Finally, after running for a long time he reached the training grounds and there sitting down on the bench sat Ginko awaiting my arrival. He smiled at Ginko. "Hi how are you doing? I hope I didn't make you wait long, though it seems you are enjoying the morning sunrise," he said

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Lesson Number Two (Tenchi) Empty Re: Lesson Number Two (Tenchi)

Post by Kenshi Sat May 30, 2009 9:44 pm

At first Ginko didn't look up from his paper. He'd been sitting there so long reading it, and all the other voices of the citizens around him had blended in his head. After a few minutes of sitting there reading the paper and blocking out everyone else, Ginko couldn't tell if anyone was talking directly to him. Konoha was a loud and busy place, and people got up really early in the morning to set up shop for buyers and sellers. The buyers were the loudest of all, wagering and haggling the salesmen for a cheaper prices on greens. After awkward silence, Ginko looked up from his paper and realized that Tenchi had arrived. The boy was on time, and Ginko knew that he had to put some work into that note he left, but it was a beginners encryption, and they would surely get harder over time. Ginko would test this boys ability for everything, his mind, his soul, and his body would be strong after training.

"Ahh it's you Tenchi! Sorry for not realizing that you were here! I see you figured out my note and everything and got here on time. It's good to see that you figured out the easy note. They will be getting harder over time...But today is Lesson Two. Today we will focus on your ninjutsu instead of taijutsu. Even though you need to learn taijutsu, this lesson will be important."

Ginko folded his paper up and reached behind the small bench he was on. It was a long case, very long, but not very thick. Ginko could probably tell that Tenchi knew what it was just by looking at it. It was about fifty inches long, and the cheap wood that covered it made it look horrible. Ginko undid the shoestring ties around the buckle and removed the top of the case. He sat the lid down to his side and took out two katanas. They were average, not that important, but sharp enough to do the job. Of course they wouldn't hold up in a real battle, but this was only training. The hilt and the scabbard were completely black, with a brass hilt in between. Ginko removed the katana and gave one to Tenchi while taking out his.

"Lesson Number Two. I want you to cut me. Use everything you've got, but remember what we learned in lesson one. Don't use your wind techniques first, see how far you can get without them..."

Ginko suddenly appeared 10 meters away from Tenchi, showing his speed, but more importantly his seriousness about the battle. He withdrew his katana, and held the scabbard in his hand to defend. He motioned Tenchi to do the same thing since he didn't have a rope around his waist to hold the katana in. Ginko waited for the slightest movement....


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Lesson Number Two (Tenchi) Empty Re: Lesson Number Two (Tenchi)

Post by Dean Sat May 30, 2009 10:24 pm

Tenchi took hold of the blade as Ginko-Sensei gave it to him. He took the katana out of the hilt made out of scrap board. He looked at the blade. It wasn't as good as his kami and kaze. He then looked up from the blade and suddenly Ginko-sensei was gone from where he stood. Tenchi looked up a little more to see Ginko-Sensei was 10 meters away. Holy crap that was faster than he was in the forest. He wants me to cut him? How will that be possible with his speed? He thought hard as he looked at Ginko-sensei. He mimiced Ginko-sensei's stance putting the scrap board in his left hand and the katana in his right hand, but crouched a little to get more stability and power in his stance.

Tenchi began to move toward Ginko-sensei in his stance ever so slowly watching Ginko as he moved. He kept moving toward Ginko with the same speed. He began to speak,"So I forgot to ask you how you were doing. How are you Ginko-Sensei?" Still he took steps as he talked not relaxing his stance one bit, but still loose enough to react. As he walked he shined the light from the katana into Ginko-Sensei's eyes as he approached. He felt the sun beating down onto his front. He hadn't realised how hot it was outside until he had began the battle and continued forward to Ginko-Sensei.

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Lesson Number Two (Tenchi) Empty Re: Lesson Number Two (Tenchi)

Post by Kenshi Sun May 31, 2009 12:55 am

Tenchi had finally started using his surroundings to his advantage. That was one of the key points that Ginko was trying to get across to Tenchi. He couldn't afford to force everything to work to his advantage, he had to use it to his advantage. Using the sunlight to flash between his eyes was a genius move, and it would be good in battle to temporarily try to blind your opponent. Tenchi was finally learning that there were simpler ways to go about doing things, and that things didn't have to be so difficult to do. Last time he fought his plan could be read easily, but now, Ginko wasn't too sure what he would do from one moment to the next. It gave Ginko that feeling that he'd gotten along time ago with the "White Haired Assassin".

Ginko jumped back the moment the light crossed between his eyes, quickly moving about 5 meters away from his opponent. He held his hand out for Tenchi to stop, he would have to show him how he wanted this training to be done. He didn't want to spend all day in the hot sun to have Tenchi fail and not pass the lesson because of his own merit on not being specific enough. He told him that he had to cut him, but he had a way he wanted him to do it. Ginko didn't have wind chakra, but he surely could cut with raw chakra, even though he wasn't good at manipulation.

"Alright. Before we get really started I want to make sure you understand. I want out to cut me using the blade and your wind chakra. Now I'm betting that your teachers told you to imagine the wind grinding up against each other to form a sharper blade right? Well I want you to try something different. It works with raw chakra and will work better with your wind chakra. I can't do it well, but if you manage to learn how do it once, you can use this attack. I haven't finished it, it's still in its baby stages. Dai Shikon, or Great Fang. This it how it works..."

Ginko gripped his katana in his right hand hard, his veins were popping up slightly under his pressure. He faced towards a large oak tree about 6 meters wide and 10 meters tall. He put his right hand, along with the sword parallel to the ground, sticking out from his right side. The blade began to slowly grow with chakra, and an eerie screeching was heard. Ginko reared his hand back with all his might and slashed horizontally at the tree, sending a large wave of glowing chakra at the tree. The large cutting attack slammed into the tree, slicing it's way all the way through, sending the rest of the attack crashing into the ground, creating a small pillar of smoke around.

"You can do this anyway. You can send it horizontally, upwards, downwards, slanted, whatever your pick. This attack increases in range according to your killer intent and power. To get your wind to be able to cut, you must imagine your in chakra sliding around the edge of your blade. The object is to try to make your chakra as thick as possible in strength, but as thin as possible in size. Imagine a diamond razor trying to cut a katana in half length wise. You need to channel a lot of chakra into your hand, and pretend like you're hitting 3 baseballs at one time with one bat. If you can do both of those, you can pull this technique off. Now you try it."


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Lesson Number Two (Tenchi) Empty Re: Lesson Number Two (Tenchi)

Post by Dean Sun May 31, 2009 5:54 pm

Tenchi looks at Ginko-Sensei as he put his hand on the right side of the sword and the blade began to glow when it was parallel the ground. When Ginko pulled up and sliced through the tree with his raw chakra, Tenchi starred in awe of Ginko. He looked at Ginko listening to his explanation very carefully as to not miss any information. This technique that Ginko was teaching him would help him consintrait his wind chakra into Kami and Kaze so he could create wind techniques out of them. Finally, something that can help me with my blades. He looked back at the blade now that it wasn't glowing wondering how Ginko thought of such a technique. It could not only be a good technique to use, but also a good training exercise.

"Okay I'll try this. It looks like a very brilliant technique to use. Not only is it a good technique, but it would be awesome for chakra molding and chakra concentrating training. It is a great oppertunity to be taught by you because of all of your strength and experience. Though I doubt I'll be able to channel chakra like that now into my blade, later I believe I can probably do the same as you, if that is even possible. This will take a long time to master thought, but I think I will most definitely be worth the time and training."

Tenchi took the sword in his hand just like Ginko had done. He had the blade parallel to the ground, and he put his right hand on the right side of the blade. Tenchi tried to gather up a moderate amount of chakra and concentrated it into his hand. Tenchi was used to doing this because of his wind techniques, but putting it from his hand to his blade was a different story. Soon Tenchi tried to concentrate even more by trying to force the raw chakra in his hand into the sword, but he failed horribly. He only made himself look silly and like he was about to poop himself instead of putting chakra into the sword. Soon he relaxed and tried to think of a way to transfer the chakra into the sword.

How am I supposed to do this? This seems almost impossible to do. Wait what am I saying? I need to use mind over manner. So why can I concentrate chakra to points in my body, but not into my sword? Maybe it is because my arm is just a part of me. I should think of it as an extension of myself. Maybe that will work. So all I need to do is think of the sword as part of myself not just a separate tool from my body, but something I can almost not live without like a leg or my hand. The mind is an amazing thing this may work.

Soon Tenchi looked back at the sword and closed his eyes. He imagined it as part of his being. He thought of it as essential as his arm and as if he was connected to it in some way. Then Tenchi gathered a little more chakra than he had before and gathered the chakra into the blade as Ginko had done before him. Soon a sound appeared through the air from where the blade began to glow. Tenchi opened his eyes to see the glowing sword. It wasn't as bright as Ginko-sensei's was, and it sounded more dull than Ginko's like a scream from a deep voiced man. He then turned to a 7 m. tall tree and sliced upward as fast as he could. It flew up to the tree from the sword in a slice like glow through the air. The chakra was a lot more bulky and smaller than Ginko's. It smashed into the tree making as large cracking sound echoing throughout the training grounds. It did not slice through the tree, but it left a large wide gash going straight up the tree. The mark was around 2 inches think and 4 inches wide.

"I did it, but it still isn't good enough for me. I want to be able to at least cut through the tree. Your chakra seemed much more condensed than mine. I need to work on molding it. I can mold it much, better when it is in my hands and when it isn't raw chakra. The chakra is much harder to control than the chakra I normally work with. It is unpredictable like a huge baby. You can tell the baby to do something, but you can't force it to do exactly what you want. After a while I'll get used to it, but it will take a lot more training."

Tenchi then looked back at the blade ready to try to do the technique again. He looked at the sword channeling his chakra into it by thinking of it as an extension of his body, when pressing his hand on the right side of the blade. The blade is parallel to the ground. It began to glow and soon enough he hear the dull roar like last time. He then concentrated on the chakra in the blade thinking of it begin condensed in a small space on the sharp edge of the blade. Soon enough the dull roar turning into a high pitch screeching and the blade began to glow bright as he channeled even more chakra to the blade. Then is one fast motion he swung the blade up and released the chakra. The chakra was much thinner than last time. It sliced completely through the tree that he used the last one on. The tree fell apart and onto the ground. Tenchi began to breath a little hard from the exertion of chakra he had just made, but he was still okay and regain composure.

After he was done he looked back at Ginko and said, "That was awesome! Do you think I did well Ginko-Sensei? It just sliced all the was through that tree!." Tenchi said looking at his sensei.

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Lesson Number Two (Tenchi) Empty Re: Lesson Number Two (Tenchi)

Post by Kenshi Sun May 31, 2009 6:33 pm

Even though Ginko wanted to praise the boy for his efforts on getting the hang of the jutsu, he had to remain serious. He wanted stretch his lips and give him a big smiley face, but he couldn't. He couldn't butter the boy up and make him softer, he had to be serious about the training, and how important it was. It was important to Tenchi's success in battle, and it was important to Ginko as a sensei after all. No one smiled in battle for their opponent's success, and Ginko surely couldn't smile for this boy. Seriousness would sharpen his blade all the more quickly instead of a smiling face.

Ginko looked at the boy and flicked his sword back up, splitting his face in an almost invisible line. His brow tightened up a long with his lips and his whole face. Ginko's head tilted down as he began to go into a silent meditative state. What he was about to do was extremely dangerous, and he really didn't want to do it. It alone could cause the boy fear enough to wet his pants and run off. Even though his next move was extremely debatable, Ginko decided to do it anyways. After this training Tenchi would surely be different from his former self. He would be powerful.

Ginko looked up at Dean and pointed his katana in between his eyes and spoke.

"From the Heavens above, I pray to God, give me the strength beyond all measures, Releasing Inhibitor 5"

A heavy energy swept across the field, forcing it's massive weight on top of Tenchi. Grass and debris from the destroyed trees were floating in the air, all shaking under the massive energy that Ginko was releasing from his body. The pressure increased even more, and Ginko's weight was being driven into the ground. The ground cracked on impact of the massive energy, leaving Ginko in a small ditch that his own force had created. Winds began to emit from Ginko on all sides, sending the floating debris tumbling through the air. Trees shook back and forth, and the sand that was on the ground began to rumble, as it slid across the battlefield. Ginko's sword glowed brightly in a yellow-ish chakra, showing that Ginko wasn't playing around. The winds from Ginko shook the battlefield and Ginko spoke some words that couldn't be heard. He released his hand on the sword, and all the pressure snapped, and everything returned back to normal. Ginko's body dimmed with a blue yellow tinge for a second, as it subsided into his body.

Ginko held his right arm out, with his sword parallel to the ground. The sword began to shake in his hands, and Ginko's tightening arm muscles were proof of that. Ginko slashed his sword towards the left, sending a giant cutting force of pure chakra towards Tenchi. The attack flashed all over the battlefield, sending the near by buildings under a giant shadow. The attack had to be 10 meters in length, and every single bit of it was aimed to cut Tenchi in half. If he didn't act soon, he would die.


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Lesson Number Two (Tenchi) Empty Re: Lesson Number Two (Tenchi)

Post by Dean Sun May 31, 2009 7:32 pm

Tenchi was awaiting Ginko's praise, but had received no praise at all. Tenchi frowned and then looked at Ginko still waiting for him to say something, still no praise. Soon he noticed that Ginko had made a funny look on his face and tilted his head. He was confused why Ginko had done this. What is wrong with him? Did I do something wrong? Was it not good enough? He watched as Ginko held up the kantana between Ginko's eye's and soon he heard him mutter something.

Soon Tenchi's knees buckled and almost fell straight to the ground from the weight of the pressure that had just been released over the area. He fell to his knees wondering what this force that had been released upon him was. Is this all coming from Ginko? Oh my goodness this is so heavy it feels like a ton of weight had been placed on my body He still felt the weight not noticing what Ginko was doing at all. Soon his weight had made a crater in the ground, just had Ginko's had done. Finally, he felt the release of pressure from Ginko and was able to stand and look up at Ginko.

Tenchi then saw what Ginko was doing. Ginko's blade had began to glow, but not the color of his first chakra on his sword, but black and it screeched even higher pitched than his last one too. If there was glass around it would shatter into many pieces. Then he saw had his sensei released the black chakra that looked like a wave of shadows at him soring vertically though the air. What is he doing?! I can't possibly block that I must try to dodge it! He then moved to the right as fast as he could, alas it hit him on his triceps on his left arm. It made a large gash on his arm there and began to burn and bleed.

I have to get away from him now, or else I may not see this world again through my body. He looked down at his katana and then quickly channeled his chakra into the katana and it began to glow brightly and screeched through the air. He swung his katana as fast as he could and then released a 8m long wave that was very thin and condensed. Then he turned to the trees and ran to them and hid within the forest, knowing that he was leaving a trail of blood.

Tenchi looked from the trees at Ginko as he tore off a peice of cloth from his shirt and tied it around his arm tightly as to stop the bleeding. I need to be ready for anything me may throw at me. Also I have to think clearly and calm mindedly

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Lesson Number Two (Tenchi) Empty Re: Lesson Number Two (Tenchi)

Post by Kenshi Sun May 31, 2009 9:02 pm

Ginko decided that releasing Inhibitor 5 was too much for a young genin. He didn't want to kill him or have him being injured. He only wanted Tenchi to cut him. He couldn't scare him away with attacks that could kill him, or they would get no where in training if they bled everywhere. Ginko bent his head down like he was praying and he began to meditate. Ginko closed his eyes and shut out his thoughts. Thinking about the power from the inhibitor, Ginko wanted to fined a way for him to use it without so much power being released.. There was no way for him to do it, so he would have to shut the in inhibitor down. Ginko would re open it soon, when it was time.

Ginko looked around for the boy and he couldn't find him at all. Shutting off his Inhibitor, Ginko began to smile at the attempt made to block the attack. He'd done a good enough job and was progressing in his strength. Instead of just dodging, Tenchi was smart and threw an attack back, which was Ginko's whole purpose of the lesson.

"I know you hear me so listen up. You're getting there, you're actually getting the hang of this. Instead of running you decided to throw an attack back at me. Do you realized that you just used the technique at least twice as better than just five minutes ago? Upon my threat on your life you released a new power Tenchi, without even knowing it. Now, for the last part of the lesson. Cutting me. You won't cut me unless you come out and fight me. Make your sword beg for blood, make your soul long to see your opponent dead! Put away all your fear, put away everything that hinders your sword from cutting me."

Ginko waited int he mid open battlefield, with destroyed trees all around him. There were logs, leaves, and tree trunks scattered around the area due to the massive destruction that had occurred in the training session. Ginko looked over to see some genin, probably from Tenchi's class on the other side of the fence. Jealousy and surprise were spread across their faces. Ginko moved quickly, about five meters away from the fence, scaring them off down the road. He needed no interruptions. Returning quickly back to his original spot, Ginko waited for Tenchi's attack.


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Lesson Number Two (Tenchi) Empty Re: Lesson Number Two (Tenchi)

Post by Dean Sun May 31, 2009 9:50 pm

OOC: Just pointing out you didn't dodge nor did you block my attack. Smile

Tenchi watched his sensei as he made a weird look on his face and looked as if he was meditating. He looked a little confused because of the actions that Ginko had just taken. He then saw that Ginko was getting a little bit more relaxed. He listened to everything that came out of Ginko's mouth and then knew what he had to do. He had to attack his sensei in cold blood so he could actually continue with his training. Most genin don't kill though and they don't exactly teach a "How to Kill 101" class in the academy. He had to be ready in a battle at any time to kill no matter who it was.

Tenchi didn't pay attention to Ginko scaring off his classmates Chu, Fuji, and Hashimi because he had to just stay focused on Ginko's movements. He looked for an opening and thought about what to do. He had came up with an idea. He watched the area carefully as he could as not to walk into a trap though.... He still knew that if Ginko really wanted to he could probably just tear down the whole forest. He knew that Ginko wouldn't wait forever and then it would be game over, too. Finally he put his plan into action.

Tenchi whispered from the forest "bushin no jutsu." Out of 5 points in the forest figures that might be Tenchi appeared on the forest floor. They just only stared at Ginko waiting for him to move. It would be suicide to try to attack him directly. Let me see if I can get him to come to me rather than me having to come to him. All 5 of them spoke in unison, "Come and get us sensei."

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Lesson Number Two (Tenchi) Empty Re: Lesson Number Two (Tenchi)

Post by Kenshi Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:33 pm


'He is progressing mentally quicker than I thought he would. Is my training really paying off that much for this boy? He's already started to take advantage of the destroyed battlefield. He's beginning to learn that incorporating jutsu with small plans takes less time and is more effective in battle. These ideas for the clones, they are genius, to say at least. He's smart though, and already was before training. He's trying to lure me into an attack. He's bettering his changes at succeeding in hitting me.'

"Yare yare, Tensai...tensai...Tenchi"

Ginko began to move slowly towards the area of the clones wondering where the original was. He didn't know if the boy had any earth elements, and he didn't think so either. So the chances of him launching a ground to air attack were slim to none. Hiding among the clones would be a possibility, but his own chakra levels would give that off. The best bet for the boy would be an aerial attack from the trees. The debris from the trees could blind Ginko, and possibly could cut him. If was according to the attack size. If he could throw out a 15 meter long attack, Ginko knew he would be hit. It was a matter of the boy using his wind chakra though. He'd already mastered plain chakra...but now it was the time to add his element to it, for an even greater attack.


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Lesson Number Two (Tenchi) Empty Re: Lesson Number Two (Tenchi)

Post by Dean Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:14 pm

Tenchi watched from the tree tops seeing that Ginko was distracted thinking about something. He saw as Ginko was running over to the trees and knew it was his only choice at them moment. Humm this is weird i thought I might as well try to get him to come over here knowing it wouldn't work probably and it did. He began to smile as Ginko got closer only because he was oblivious to the fact that Ginko had already known what he was planning to do. As soon as Ginko got within 10 meters of the trees he concentrated even more chakra into his blade and then had a good thought. If raw chakra does this much damage what if I concentrated my wind chakra into the blade? Soon enough he gathered wind chakra into the blade having it held angled down toward the next spot Ginko was going to be. He moved and ajusted it as he gather up the chakra.

Soon the sword began to glow brightly. It was even brighter than before and wind swirled around the blade. The screeching got louder and more high pitched until normal human ears couldn't hear the noise anymore. He knew the Ginko would have heard the sound. He swung the blade at the next spot where Ginko was going to step. A 15m wave of chakra moved the quickest I have ever seen it move before. It was as constrained and as thin as an obsidian blade. It seemed to cut the air before it as it soared to Ginko. He began to breath a little form the chakra and then regain composure.

He then began to run through the trees at a quick pace jumping onto the ground when reaching the edge of the woods. Then he ran to the place where Ginko was to start with. The clones taunted Ginko by saying, "Come on hurry up and catch me if you can." Tenchi stood and a crouching stance where Ginko stood awaiting his next move watching him. He put his right and on the sword ready to charge what maybe the last, but most powerful wave of chakra yet.

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Lesson Number Two (Tenchi) Empty Re: Lesson Number Two (Tenchi)

Post by Kenshi Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:04 pm

The blast was even bigger than before, and there was something different about it. At first, Ginko thought that the boy had an innate chakra color, but that wasn't the case. He was finally adding his element to it, and even though the attack appeared to be just a glowing white ling of chakra, it had more cutting ability that it's normal raw chakra power. The attack was pure white on the front with edges and traces of howling winds in the back. Ginko watched the attack come towards him as it sliced through trees, leaving dust in it's wake. The debris behind the blast were caught up in the draft of the attack, only to be tumble and cut again. Ginko would narrowly escape this.

Ginko quickly reared back, doing several back flips away from the technique as it drew closer to him. He flipped into a tree, perching on one of the branches, however he still was close to the attack. Waiting for impact Ginko eyed the technique, studying it and how it worked when it was altered by wind manipulation. The attack smashed into the tree with Ginko in it, causing Ginko spring into the air, above the tree into the sky. Using his leg muscles for a great amount of power, Ginko launched himself at least 18 meters into the air. He looked down at the technique, which was still crashing into trees. The 15 meter technique kept cutting down trees, and the wake behind it was nothing but upturned grass and wood chips. It was disastrous and dangerous. Ginko landed as the technique faded, smashing into one last tree, exploding itself on contact, sending a barreling wind towards them. Ginko's hair flurried under the wind of the technique, and he was slightly pushed forward by it. Ginko unshielded his eyes as the technique faded and looked at the boy in front of him.

"Damn it boy! I narrowly escaped that!! What the fuck were you trying to do!? Kill me?!..." Ginko's serious expression died..."That was good, good. I say thats about an A ranked technique there...With some serious draw backs. Your sword...It's cracked, and the blade is almost too dull to cut. You're almost out of chakra...I can tell. I think you got enough to spare to keep you alive, but you won't be bursting out anymore of those anytime soon." Ginko turned his head around to the path of destruction from Tenchi's technique. "When you added the wind to it, it was a completely different story. The technique seems to be thinner, but is actually more longer. My technique was about 10 meters across and 1 foot in length, it isn't that good. However, yours was 15 meters across and 5 meters in length, meaning that technique had 5 meters of destruction behind it. It can slice through near anything, you cut trees like soft butter, and the wake of it at a 15 meter burst is strong enough to pull up grass from the ground. It's near impossible to dodge because if its speed. A chuunin would have been killed. You can't run side to side, you can't go down either, or the wake will grind your head off. If you can try for a twenty meter burst, then you will defeat all the genin in the chuunin exams, but at the same time I don't want you to use this technique, unless your opponent is truly worthy of it. I know it sounds stupid to give you a technique that you cant use, but trust me. I'm gonna stand right here...and I want you to launch a twenty meter blast at me...use all your chakra if you have to...I want you to think that I'm the enemy, that I must die. I want you to think you can cut me in half. I want you to try and kill me like as if I just killed your mother and father all over again"


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Lesson Number Two (Tenchi) Empty Re: Lesson Number Two (Tenchi)

Post by Dean Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:53 pm

Tenchi was running away and trying to get around Ginko so he didn't have confont him not knowing that his sensei had barely dodged his attack and caused so much damage he looked back at Ginko to see the destruction in his wake. Then when he stopped running and reached his target place where Ginko had stood before he had tried to attack him. He saw all the trees, debris, and grass that was scattered on the ground, and was suprised by the destruction he had caused by using his technique. He opened his mouth a little as if he was going to say something, but he decided not to say anything at all. I really did all of that? I can't beleive it caused that much damage. I'm just a genin, too, this training must be paying off I had a good feeling about my sensei and it turns out I was right.

Tenchi smiled a little at Ginko after he heard him talking to him, but it was pay back for cutting part of his triceps. His grin widened and because to look like he was a little crazy. He wanted pay back for the pain he had been caused by Ginko. Due to the adrinline coursing though his vains he didn't feel much of the pain of the wound, but he could still feel the burn of the wound. He started to laugh a little thinking about Ginko's want for a killer intent from him, but decided to calm down as not to look like a fool seemingly laughing for no reason at all. If this is what he wants I'll give it to him.

Tenchi looked at the crack in his blade knowing ohh so well that the blade was most likely going to brack with the next attack. He put his hand on the right side of his sword. He gathered up his remaining chakra except the essiental chakra that his body needed to function. He then concentraited the chakra into the blade. Winds developed around the sword, and the sword shined, and a screech came from the sword so ear slitting Tenchi could hardly stand the sound of it. He would certainly get used to this sound over time because he would most likely use this technique a lot more over time, and most likely he would be able to use this technique faster and more easily as he got stronger probable eleminating the beginning ear splitting sound of gathering up the chakra. He held the sword horizontally and swung it through the air.

The chakra was then released from the sword and flew through the air cutting the air as it went by. Dust, tree limbs, and other loose debris were picked up by the after wind. The wave of chakra was 20 meters long and 7 meters wide. It was as thin as a sheet of paper and pure whiteas it soared to his sensei even faster than it did last time. After the attack was released the blade broke where the crack was and flew far away. As soon as the wave was released he feel to the ground being K.O. by the chakra exostion. Damn.... He blacked out and was unable to see how the technique played out against his sensei.

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Lesson Number Two (Tenchi) Empty Re: Lesson Number Two (Tenchi)

Post by Kenshi Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:31 pm

Ginko smiled at the attack that was coming for him. There was no way that he was dodging that, and if he didn't move to lessen the impact, Ginko would be caught off guard and killed. The attack rushed at him quickly, and Ginko mannaged to get a back flip in, ducking behind trees. He'd thought that the impact of the technique would be slowed down if it came in contact with some trees, but it was another story. The technique didn't stop for anything, and the ground behind the massive boomerang like technique was pure and fresh upturned soil. The attack ripped towards Ginko, cutting tree stubs down mere piles of wood chips. The technique seemed to howl, after it's name, the "Great Fang". Ginko sighed and thought for the few moments he had left.

As the technique came closer towards him Ginko jumped, flipping his body in a barreling roll in mid air. His body was parallel to the ground, but 5 meters in the air. As he spun, Ginko shouted out his Steel Skin jutsu, and his body was instantly coated in a thin layer of invisible chakra. Ginko put his right arm out to guard against the technique as his body rolled upright in mid air. Contact was made, and a blinding light began to overcome the area as Ginko struggled against the technique. As soon as the flash came it faded, and Ginko was left on the ground, as the technique continued to slice across the battlefield. It kept going, eating trees and the ground below it. It was pure white, and the massive technique began to finally dip his head towards the ground, crashing into the earth. The explosion was like none other. The technique hit, and it was like the earth was coughing. A pillar of dust rose up, about 30 meters in the sky, blotting out the sun. There was a small recoil to the technique, and the winds swirled around the technique, sending a wave of wind right back around to the fallen Ginko and Tenchi.

Ginko's right arm was completely gone. The arm, the blood, and everything. There was nothing left but a simple stub of bone poking out of where his arm used to be. His muscles were ripped clean off of his arm, taking the bone with it. The destruction that was on his arm would be permanent, untill Ginko decided to do something about it. He laid on the ground, with his hair in a frizzy, and his clothes torn, along with the rest of his body in steam. He smiled, and turned his head towards Tenchi who was knocked out. Ginko smiled and took a deep breath as kicked his legs up into the air, bringing himself back on to his feet. He looked at his destroyed arm and smiled. The boy had done it. His arm however has suffered a great amount of damage also. Ginko turned and looked at the destruction again.

"There was a recoil to that technique...Is this boy really that powerful? If I wouldn't have used my Steel Skin technique, I would have surely been next to dying. That's too dangerous upclose...His arm suffered a small amount of the damage also. It's like the wind pulled on his bicep as he launched the attack...I shouldn't push for more...It's literally pulling his arm off...If he doesn't recover from that...any larger will cause him to lose his arm in one swing...It's A Ranked still, because of it's linear attack pattern, but the recoil on came back. Almost like a boomerang...What this child? How was he able to do that? His wind completely changed the jutsu..."

Taking off his shirt with his only hand, Ginko used his medical skills and his quick speed to wrap his stub up. His chest and his long body were steaming, the Steel Skin jutsu was still in affect though. The massive friction of the technique against his jutsu was great, and no ordinary ninja could stand up to that. It seemed as if a 20 meter blast was his limit. This boy had the potential though, to be the best wind manipulator of his time. For him to still be alive after such intense chakra training, it was simply amazing. Ginko bent down near the boy and put his hand over his chest. 'I'll do my arm later...I'll let him see the damage of his technique for his reward'. Ginko slammed his hand down on his chakra, filling the boys chest up with the chakra from his Steel Skin jutsu. The chakra was instantly pushed through his ribs and lungs, directed right towards his heart and the surrounding vessels. The heart began to direct the flow of the chakra, sending much needed chakra to the boys cells. Ginko could hear him coming to, as he coughed, feeling the shock of the chakra. His eyes opened slowly to a smiling teacher.

"You cut my arm little prick"


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Lesson Number Two (Tenchi) Empty Re: Lesson Number Two (Tenchi)

Post by Dean Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:20 pm

Tenchi could feel himself coming back into consciousness. Soon he could feel a burn sensation in his chest and it started to spread throughout his body. He began to open his eyes has he heard Ginko muttering something like "You cut my arm little prick." After hearing that his eyes shot open and it was bright. He looked at Ginko and saw in horror what he had done. Tenchi yelled in surprise, "Sensei I didn't mean to cut off one of your arms!! I wanted to get you back for making a large gash on my left arm, but I didn't think I would get you that good! I'm sorry!" He then attempted to get up, but as he tried to get up he felt a huge pain in his right arm where is biceps were. It wasn't unbearable like his arm was broken, but it felt as if something had almost ripped his muscle in two. What is this pain? He began to wince from the pain, and stood on his feet. Well this isn't was bad as what happened to sensei. I need to be an adult about it.

When Tenchi got up he saw the area behind Ginko. The area was completely destroyed. It looked as if a bomb had gone off and there was still a thin pillar of dust in the air from the explosion of the technique. His eyes opened so wide that it looked as if they were about to fall out of their sockets. The grass from the area was gone, trees were completely destroyed and whipped out laying all over the ground in chips, and in other small chunks, small shrubs were scattered in pieces, and a mist of dust and dirt was all over the training grounds. Last but not least there was a crater above the small pillar of dust reaching in the sky. There were no animals in sight, probably being chased off by the destruction of the technique that he had released from this old now broken katana.

Tenchi looked back to Ginko. "Wow I did all of this? Above all I was able to cut off your arm. I almost can't believe that I have created this destruction and all of this came from a genin. Just in the short amount of time I have been with you I have improved so much. I can't wait to see what I can do after being your apprentice longer. I think I can improve a lot more if we keep training like this before the chuunin exams. I think that I might be able to become Chuunin the first time around, too. This technique though has it's drawbacks though. Also I don't think it would be good if I used it against someone if I really didn't need to because if I did this to a ninja as strong as you.....I think it would kill almost any genin I would be facing in the exams."

He looked back at Ginko's stump of an arm and began to frown a little, but remembered that this is what he needed to do. He needed to attack anyone with killer intent no matter what or else that could give them a killer advantage over him. I need to attack anyone with the same intent I did to my sensei. I cannot discriminate. Everyone needs to be the same for me, except those who I am protecting or fighting on a team with. Tenchi asked Ginko, "So are you going to be okay?" He pointed to Ginko's stump of an arm.

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