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Lesson Number Three

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Lesson Number Three Empty Lesson Number Three

Post by Kenshi Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:58 am

Ginko decided to make the lesson a bit different today. Any place in Konoha wouldn't be big enough for them to train in, so Ginko decided to have Tenchi meet him out side of Konoha. His arm was back in action again, using his jutsu and Inhibitor, he'd healed it over night so Tenchi wouldn't have to worry. Ginko wasn't that far from the camping grounds that he and Tenchi were in but he'd gotten up early and went for a walk. It was still a damp dawn, and Ginko wanted to see it before they started training. Tenchi was a good sleeper, so he probably didn't see it as much as Ginko did.

Today's training would be speed. Ginko had to test how fast the boys muscles could move, and how fast he could become as a human. Usually those with the wind manipulation or the lightning manipulation were somewhat fast to begin with, but most of the time that was extremely rare. Ginko didn't know how fast the boy was, but he would surely find out. Jin's student, Nasamea was already fast, she was training with the fastest person on the ninja world. Even though Jin was Ginko's boss he couldn't have Tenchi feeling inferior, or even being inferior to Nasamea. If they fought....Tenchi would either win, or they would both lose. Ginko couldn't afford for Tenchi to lose...It was something that he couldn't let happen.

Ginko turned around to the camp and shouted.

"It's time to get up Tenchi. We got a few more days left of training. Lets finish this..."


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Lesson Number Three Empty Re: Lesson Number Three

Post by Dean Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:21 am

Tenchi was sleeping easily as the sun rose into the sky. He was having a wonderful dream about becoming one of the best wind ninjutsu users of all time. He then heard Ginko's voice like an echo in his dreams, and soon his eyes shot open welcoming a new day of training. Something bothered him as he got up. He looked out at Ginko to see he had his arm again. His eyes opened so wide he thought they were about to fall out. How did sensei heal his arm?!?!?! He looked made his eyes go back to normal sized and didn't say one thing about his arm. He will tell me sooner or later how he healed his arm so fast. He then looked back at Ginko. Ginko looked like he was ready to do something really "fun" and he looked down at the ground. Looks like we are about to do the funniest training ever.

Tenchi began to walk over to his sensei. "So looks like we are about to have some good training," he said looking at Ginko's arm trying not to be rude, but unable to stop looking at his arm. He just couldn't help looking at his arm because it was weird that he was able to to do that. I need to stop being rude. He then looked back at Ginko's face awaiting whatever he had to throw at him. Then he looked at his own arm's which was hurt from yesterday's training. They seemed to feel fine and normal. The spot where Ginko had cut him looked like it was completely healed and his biceps that felt like they were about cut in two were fully heal. I guess the actual damage was less than I thought, or Ginko had healed me in my sleep just as he regrown or whatever he did to his own arm.

"So I guess it is time to start training. What are we doing today? I'm ready for anything," he said.

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Lesson Number Three Empty Re: Lesson Number Three

Post by Kenshi Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:32 am

Ginko turned back around to look at the large path that was in front of him. The path led deep into the rural areas of Konoha, towards The Hidden Waterfall. Ginko looked down the path and smiled. There was no one coming and it was wide open for them to use. They would be surely having some fun, and Ginko would be pushing the boy to his limits. He wanted to see how good his running was at normal, moderate, and all his full power. His speed would be the key to winning his battles. His taijutsu hand't been trained that much for the start, Ginko had been focusing on his on his cell count, increasing the needed cells by ripping them apart with ninjutsu so they could grow again. Ginko looked at the boy.

"Today we are going to run. I'm going to start off and run as far as I can. It's going to be your job to catch up to me. I'm going to do this increments, and go faster and faster over time. I'm not going to slack up for you or anything like that. You must keep sight of me at all times, and try your best to keep up with me. When you start running I want you to use your raw muscle power. Do not use any chakra to boost your speed. I want to see how fast you are without it. Now, with all that said, lets go"

Ginko's image disappeared and a cloud of dust was left in his previous spot. A small trail of dust could be seen quickly heading off into the distance, faster and faster by the moment. Ginko smiled as he ran, pushing his way through the wind that was barreling down on him. Everything seemed to rush by so fast, it was like the whole world he was seeing was tunneling into some tube that he couldn't get to the end of. He felt Tenchi's presence getting farther and farther away, but he knew he would catch up, after all Ginko was only doing a quick speed stretch.


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Lesson Number Three Empty Re: Lesson Number Three

Post by Dean Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:52 am

Tenchi looked at Ginko's face as he talked waiting for for him to stop talking, but then he suddenly disappeared in a cloud of dust and started to run down the path. Oh, crap I need to get a move on if I don't I could never catch up to him. He then started to run starting out in a small jog then going up into a 2/3 run. He seemed to be moving a little faster than Ginko has his own stream of dust appeared behind him. He was catching up to his sensei little by little, but still Ginko had around a 2.5 second start ahead of him. Finally after a moderate sum of time he was finally able to catch up with his sensei. He then had a smile on his face as he kept his constant pace looking at his sensei while running.

"This isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Come on let's go a little faster!" Soon Tenchi switched to a 3/4 run and started to go even faster going ahead of Ginko sensei. As he ran the sun started to get a little hotter as his muscles kept working as he ran. He never ran as much as he practiced his ninjutsu techniques, but he was still fine. He had ran this much before, though he knew that keeping this pace would be a little hard for an extended amount of time and slowed back down into a 2/3 run. He looked back to see Ginko just behind him. It didn't look like he put much room between him and Ginko.

"Come On sensei let's go! I haven't had a good run like this in a long time! It just feels so good out here!" He then looked back in front of him and then almost tripped on a large rock. He managed to see it in time just to jump over it. I need to pay attention to the road in front on me and concentrate more on running rather than talk to Ginko-sensei. He continued to run at his same speed.

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Lesson Number Three Empty Re: Lesson Number Three

Post by Kenshi Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:06 pm

The boy had some talents, but Ginko was far from enjoying his run. Tenchi had caught up to him and passed him, showing his speed in battle. Testing his overall speed over a long distance was important, but Ginko had to teach him more than that. He had to teach him how to get fast quickly, and stay fast. Tenchi couldn't afford to have just regular speed, or speed that would only be good to him over a long distance. He would have to get his muscles tighter and quicker by the end of this training session. Speed would be important for his wind manipulation, and if he got fast enough, he would be able to take his wind manipulation to another level.

Ginko decided to speed up a bit. He was about 10 meters behind Tenchi already, and he needed to get just a little bit faster. His image behind Tenchi seemed to skip, and he appeared about two meters in front of his original position. His image flashed again, and he began to almost warp right next to Tenchi. Ginko looked at him as they ran along side each other, giving him a thumbs down sign. They were moving too fast to talk now, they would have to keep up until they stopped to talk. Ginko gave him the thumbs down because he felt as if they weren't going fast enough to really get a work out. If Tenchi was fine going at this speed, then he could go a bit faster. They weren't running for the sake of it, they were training.

Ginko began to push his way in front of Tenchi, moving faster and faster. His white long sleeve shirt flapped in the air, and his boots appeared to be black wheels under his body. His hair blurred in front of him, but he still had his vision. Ginko increased his speed once more, pushing his way about 10 meters in front of Tenchi. Ginko turned his head around and moved his hand to beckon Tenchi to pass him again. Turning back ground to focus on the ground in front of him, Ginko kept running, hoping that the boy would have the power to catch up to him.


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Lesson Number Three Empty Re: Lesson Number Three

Post by Dean Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:41 pm

Tenchi heard a couple of quick steps behind him. Then all of a sudden he saw Ginko come right beside him. He then saw Ginko's thumb that was just pointed down. I guess that Ginko was less than disappointed with my running performance. Then all of a sudden Ginko disappeared from beside him and appeared 10m ahead of him. His eyes narrowed as he saw Ginko appear in front of him. Holy crap! I bet that isn't even close to his real speed, but I'm nearing my speed right now! I need to catch up to him fast or else.... He looked back at Ginko with his eyes back to normal size and started to run back at his 3/4 speed.

Tenchi's face began to red as he went even faster to a 8/10 speed run. Then soon he was caught back up to Ginko. He wasn't even willing to waste a breath on talking to Ginko. He was only going to use as much energy and air as he needed to. He need to do that to keep this pace for a long time. He didn't even need to look at Ginko any more because soon he pasted him up inch by mm by mm, cm by cm, dm by dm, and m by m until he was 10 meters ahead of Ginko. Then he decided that he should increase his speed by very small increments. Soon he was at 90% of speed, and he was 20 meters ahead of Ginko. The distance kept increasing slowly, but surely not having any intent of slowing down.

Tenchi watched as the trees went by faster and faster as his speed increase. More boulders appeared on the path as we ran. Move this fast it was a little hard to see them in time to dodge them, but he was still able to dodge. Then he looked at the plants. Instead of it being all forest there, it started to have more open spaces in between the trees as the forest got less dense.

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Lesson Number Three Empty Re: Lesson Number Three

Post by Kenshi Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:22 pm

'It seems as if the boy does have some speed to him. However, this is no where near enough for him to have in battle. He's going to have to be able to reach this speed quicker, well instantly to be exact. It seems like it takes him longer to reach faster speeds, instead of reaching his top speed instantly like a normal genin. Even so, it's pretty good. His speed is still at a genin level, but that will change soon. I'll run beside him, I don't need to lose track. We're getting too far from the camp site, we're almost over 20 miles out. I'll have him touch the ground and run back as quick as he can..'

Instead of using his speed to appear in increments next to Tenchi, Ginko justed his own speed to casually pull of next to the boy. Even though they were going too fast to be talking, he had to say something. The next test in Lesson Three would determine if the boy had the talents enough to endure. Sure speed was great, but if you couldn't run for a long time at a high amount of speed, what would be the point? Ginko needed to increase the boys acceleration, or he'd be useless against the student that Jin had under his wing. Even so, he had him running off of his own legs, his own merit. Adding a bit of speed, Ginko managed to catch up to Tenchi with ease, turning his head towards the boy while quickly dodging the debris in the forest. A rock was coming up to Ginko, something that he couldn't dodge because of his speed. Ginko turned around and appeared right in front of the rock, smashing it with his momentum alone. The rock burst into fragments and Ginko appeared from the cloud of dust, moving at the same speed. He looked to Tenchi and yelled.

"On your count I want you to stop and turn back around! Try not to lose any speed! Turn around as quickly as you can, and head off back to the camp site with the same speed that you are moving at now. If you feel that you should use chakra to make you go faster, don't. Don't use any chakra at all, burn your legs until it feels like your leg muscle will rip in half. Go as fast as you can on your count!"


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Lesson Number Three Empty Re: Lesson Number Three

Post by Dean Wed Jun 03, 2009 4:12 pm

Tenchi ran confidently as he continued to run. At this point he was in a dead sprint down the path. He heard the speeding up steps of Ginko behind him as he ran. In no time Ginko was running right beside him. Tenchi listened to Ginko. His sensei was breathing easily as he talked at my sprinting speed. He then looked around at the area. It was still heavily forested, but it was starting to get less condensed. This is bad I have to go all the way back to camp I'm a little tired already. I think I can last, but it will be a little close. He counted in his head. 1....2......3! He dug his heels into the ground then spun around and began in his dead sprint all the way back to camp.

Tenchi only looked forward and Ginko still at his side running still matching his pace effortlessly. The trees, other plant, animals, and rocks zoomed by as I ran down the path back to the camp. He ran so fast and so concentrated on running that he didn't remember the large rocks scattered all over the ground. He hit one of the rocks and he flipped through the area from the speed that he was running at. Oh, crap I have to get control! He maneuvered well enough in the air to land on his feet and started to sprint full speed again. Then he looked down at the path and concentrated less on running and more on the trail ahead.

Tenchi watched as the forest started to get thicker and thicker. He knew they were starting to get closer to the camp. Then he started to sweat more and more, though he knew he couldn't give up he was around less than 5 miles from camp. He looked back at Ginko who was still not sweating and gliding effortlessly through the path undeterred by anything. Still he looked a little disappointed though he still wasn't the best at reading people. The sun shone in the sky brighter and brighter. At the same time it got hotter and hotter. He felt the waves on heat on his legs and back as he was running.

His legs started to crackle as the camp site came into sight finally. It was just a speck in the distance, but that still meant that he was close. It was around 2 miles away. His legs felt a little dead as he continued to run and the site got bigger and bigger until finally it was 200 meters away. Then he ran with all of his power left and reached the camp site. Finally he reached it and stopped and fell down. He breathed continually hard. He felt so tired like he wanted to go to sleep, but his adrenaline kept him awake from his running. He looked up to see Ginko looking at him. He was so breathless, but he got his breathing back into control.

"So, how was the run Ginko? As you can see I'm ready to run all the way around the world without stopping once," Tenchi said with his breathing under control. He started to laugh and then looked at the ground a little disappointed with his own running.

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