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Ryuuza Mitsukai

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Ryuuza Mitsukai Empty Ryuuza Mitsukai

Post by Darkjagwar Tue Jun 02, 2009 11:49 pm

Name: Ryuuza Mitsukai (real name is Ryuuza Suizu)

Age: 22

Rank: None
Classification: S-Rank
Village: What is now Kusagakure
Alignment: Good

Ryuuza Mitsukai C2ea379
Formerly Looked like this:
Ryuuza Mitsukai E65b410
Personality: Ryuuza is logical, yet emotional as well. He has a clear sense of what is just in the world and only wants to work towards the greater good. He is a determined, strong-willed man, yet also can get very upset or depressed in worst-case scenarios.


The Early Years

Ryuuza was born with the name Ryuuza Suizu what is now Kusagakure 19 years before Rikudou Sennin formed the modern ninja world. He was a healthy boy with fair skin, stright brown hair, and green eyes. He grew up in a small village where a few people were able to manipulate chakra to use Magic, himself and his parents included. His family was one of several around the world to join the Dragon Guild. The Dragon Guild was a group of people that communicated with the Dragons, beings who had the power to control rainfall and other aspects of weather. The Dragon Guild was important in small agricultural villages like Ryuuza's where getting enough rain yearly to support all the farmers' crops so that living did not become difficult.

When Ryuuza came of age, at twelve years old, he was taught Magic by his parents. Since he was to be in the Dragon Guild with his parents, he was required to know at least two types of Magic: Water and Dragon Magic. Water Magic was simple and Ryuuza was able to learn quickly, like many other young Magic-users. He was taught the basics of water control and with a few spells, was able to manipulate water to his liking. Dragon Magic was slightly different. Over the course of a year, Ryuuza had to care for a Dragon egg and make sure it hatched properly. He had to raise it, care for it, and watch it mature into a full-grown adult Dragon. While raising his Dragon, Ryuuza had to learn cooperative spells with the dragon as well as basic Dragon-Human relations.

When the time came, Ryuuza's Dragon companion was fully matured and left for the Valley of Dragons, located north of what is now Kumogakure. Ryuuza's parents assured that he would be able to see his companion again as well as other Dragons using a summoning spell he learned while working with his Dragon companion. Now that his trial was complete, Ryuuza was mpw a member of the Dragon Guild and assumed responsibility for his Guild duties such as helping farmers in need of assistance using his Water-based spells and communicating with Dragon Elites when there were droughts. It was a time of peace and prosperity in which those with power used it for the greater good and shared with everyone the benefits of power.

The Order

A period of war was sensed by the Elder Dragon and the message was delivered to the Leader of the Dragon Guild. The message spread throughout the world until it arrived to Ryuuza's residence. It had only been a year since his induction into the Dragon Guild and he was still a young boy at the age of fourteen. Being raised in an era of peace and prosperity, Ryuuza believed such an assumption to be preposterous. This all changed when a group of Magic-users arrived in the village wanting to speak to all Magic-users residing in the village.

There were only four families of Magic-users in the small village, each with a different area of expertise. There was the Kohika family, who specialized in Fire Magic who contributed to the village by providing heat in the winter as well as being involved with blacksmiths, silversmiths, and other artisans. The Raifuu family who had experience with Wind and Lightning Magic. They were helpful to the Suizu family in manipulating weather to benefit crops as well as using Wind to power the windmills that were set up. Lastly was the Tsudo family who specialized in Earth Magic. They helped the village out by expediting trade. They themselves were merchants and helped by building bridges to help people travel. Additionally, they were also responsible for making homes for the other villagers.

The Magic-users that arrived in the village request that the oldest child of each family come with them to join The Order. The other families all had four children, yet Ryuuza was an only child, but his parents assured him that it was okay to leave. The leader of the Magic-user group also assured Ryuuza he would be able to go home again. So Ryuuza complied with the Magic-users and was off on his way to The Order. During the journey, the group leader began to brief Ryuuza and his friends on the issue at hand.

The issue spoken of was the Shinobi uprising. Lately, someone or some group was trying to spread a new religion and way of using chakra other than Magic and they the group was threatening to overthrow the current system. Ryuuza and his peers, being raised in a small village where Magic brought peace and prosperity, were horrified to hear about this and immediately agreed to join the order. Within The Order he had met other young Magic-users like himself, and also older, wiser, more powerful ones including Father. Father spoke openly about his feelings and denounced the Shinobi in every way imaginable. However, Ryuuza was uneasy during this speech. He found Father to seem too cruel, almost evil, yet went along with Father's orders as he believed that following Father would bring peace.

Time passed and Ryuuza had become more adept with his Water and Dragon skills. He was now sixteen and close to an expert in his area of expertise. An older Magic-user approached Ryuuza and discussed more powerful spells, saying that even the most powerful spells Ryuuza knew were nowhere near as powerful as his own. To demonstrate, he used one if his commonly used spells against Ryuuza's strongest one and still defeated him in battle. The Magic-user claimed, however, that spells stronger than the one he just used take a toll on the user's body and lifespan to the point where they must use powerful spells and kill just to stay alive.

Ryuuza was shocked, never having heard this dark side of spellcasting before and went on hiatus from The Order and traveled home. On the road, Ryuuza met a young man about his age with strange purple-gray eyes with rings around his pupils. They stopped to talk about simple things like hopes and dreams, peace and love, and the state the world was in at the moment. Before going on, the young man made Ryuuza promise that he would not think any different of him after he told Ryuuza about himself. Ryuuza agreed thinking that this could not have been anything too startling.

The young man then told him that he was the man in charge of the Shinobi Uprising. They called him Rikudou Sennin, the sage of six paths, but Ryuuza could call him "Riku" for short. Though Ryuuza expected to be upset upon hearing this, he was relieved and, in fact, happy. He subconsciously had been thinking maybe The Order's views were wrong and that the Shinobi Uprising would be best for the world in bringing peace and ending corruption. Riku explained that Father had put up a front in order to look righteous to the common man. Father was, in fact, a corrupt, evil tyrant who planned to enslave the world and rule to benefit himself only. He also claimed that use of powerful spells was dangerous to one's life and the danger could only be avoided by making deals with Magic Gods. Father had already made many dark deals and thus was invincible by the standards of Magic.

Riku's plan for the Shinobi was simpler and less dangerous. More people would be able to mold chakra using ninjutsu, thus creating a smaller power gap. The effects of ninjutsu on the body were less serious than with Magic and powerful ninjutsu that rivaled the power of some spells would not cause the user any harm other than minor pain and fatigue. Also, no matter how powerful ninjutsu were, they could never reach the same level of power as the strongest spells, assuring no one would be invincible, yet he would be able to take out Father with abilities only he had because of his Kekkei Genkai, the Rinnegan. Riku refused to tell Ryuuza anything about the Rinnegan since he knew that Ryuuza was in The Order and any information he gave could possibly be heard by Father, and he did not want to lose his advantage. They bid each other farewell and went their separate ways.

When Ryuuza got back to The Order, Father had begun to denounce Riku. Father already knew about Riku's plot and was trying to figure out how to counter it. He then spoke about the evils of ninjutsu and the corruption of the shinobi. Ryuuza had begun to think, Father is in such a high position of power, he has no reason to lie, what he's saying must have some certitude. Ryuuza then change his mind and decided to stay with The Order and help them defend against the Shinobi Uprising.

Ryuuza, following Father's orders, went on a journey through a certain area of the world and go from village to village spreading word of the Shinobi uprising and telling people to protect themselves and rely on Magic to win the war. However, Ryuuza arrived at his own home village, as it was on his route, to say the same thing to his own family and peers. When he got there, he found Riku preaching to everyone in his village at once and heard them all agreeing with him and cheering him on, and he decided to hide in a nearby bush so no one would see him. As he listened, he couldn't help but think Riku was right and that Father was lying and trying to gain absolute power. He came out of his hiding spot and joined with Riku and his family in celebration of the imminent uprising.

That night, while sleeping at his old home with his parents and villagers, he was rudely awakened by his fellow Magic-users in The Order that had also come from his village. The bound and gagged him and took him out of the village in the middle of the night. Using a few handy spells, Ryuuza freed himself and confronted his peers demanding to know why they kidnapped him. They then told him to look back towards the village, as it would be happening any second now. As soon as he looked back, his village had burst into a roar of green-yellow flames that destroyed everything in its path. Ryuuza immediately sprinted back to the burning village with the intent to put the fire out with a water spell, but by the time he had arrived, the fire had gone out and the land was left flat.

Upset, Ryuuza returned to his peers who seemed not to care about the destruction of their home. It was then Ryuuza had realized as a fact: Father was evil and Riku was right in every way. Now Ryuuza's mission was to try to bring down The Order from within if he could maintain everyone's trust. Shortly after returning to The Order, he was detained by the higher-ups and tortured. They had known of his tendencies to lean towards Riku's side in the Shinobi vs. Magic-user tension. Father had planned to make use of Ryuuza's power as he did with each Magic-user's unique power within The Order. In order to gain Ryuuza's loyalty, The Order had first tried to make their views seem just. At that point, they had decided to make staying with them Ryuuza's only option.

The War

The Shinobi Uprising had begun. Riku and his ninja followers had pitted themselves against Father and The Order. Ryuuza had now reached the age of 19 and was an expert Magic-user having nearly unrivaled Water manipulation abilities and Dragon Magic abilities. Not only could he manipulate water in any way, but he could also freeze the water into ice and boil it into steam. He could also pull water out of the moisture in the air if he lacked a water source. As for his Dragon Magic, he was able to summon beasts to battle, and use dragonic abilities such as fire breath, scale armor, and winged flight. Although Ryuuza fought alongside The Order at full strength, he had seen early on that the ninja had an upper hand and would most likely have victory over The Order. To help the ninja, Ryuuza had done an incredibly small amount of sabotaging within The Order that would most likely have a butterfly effect on the war and give the ninja a huge advantage.

In the midst of battle, Ryuuza felt that The Order had realized what he had done to sabotage them and decided to sneak off to the ninja side and surrender himself to Riku. He immediately surrendered himself to the ninja as soon as he found them and requested to be taken to Riku. The ninja at first didn't comply, but then sent a message to Riku himself. The reply told them to bring Ryuuza to him, and so Ryuuza was brought to Riku. Ryuuza told Riku that he was changing sides and would provide extra power and important information in order to ensure the ninja's victory.

As they had this exchange, the other members of The Order from Ryuuza's village arrived, killing many of the ninja. The three of them by now had also become experts with their power but were completely influenced by The Order. The three of them attacked Ryuuza and Riku with powerful spells aiming to kill. The attack was too much for either of them to defend themselves against, so Riku stood in the way of the attacks and took all three of them. Seeing Riku fatally wounded, Ryuuza summoned several dragons that ripped the three of them apart. After the battle, Ryuuza went over to the dying Riku and tried to use a healing spell. Riku told Ryuuza that at that point anything he did wouldn't be able to save him, but it would be okay because Riku's body was actually a puppet controlled by the real Riku by use of his Rinnegan. Before that body of Riku's died it told Ryuuza that at this point, there was an almost 100% chance the Shinobi Uprising would be a success and even though it was obvious that Ryuuza wanted to help, he should go into hiding after the war instead of trying to help the ninja, as Father would most likely kill him for his betrayal.

(Next part of history in other post)

Speciality: Magic, Doujutsu, Element Attuned, Spiritually Attuned
Learned Spells: Water Manipulation, Chakra Armor, Water Phase Change, Dragon's Fury Spell
Elements: Water, Ice, Steam
Weapons/items: Body Armor
Goals: Help Father in order to bring about world peace.

Last edited by Darkjagwar on Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:08 am; edited 5 times in total

Posts : 217
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Join date : 2008-11-22
Age : 33

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Ryuuza Mitsukai Empty Re: Ryuuza Mitsukai

Post by Kenshi Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:28 am

This is up to Taku or GN to approve alright?


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Ryuuza Mitsukai Empty Re: Ryuuza Mitsukai

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:58 pm

Yeah, this will be are department for character approval
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Ryuuza Mitsukai Empty Re: Ryuuza Mitsukai

Post by Guest Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:54 pm

You better be providing me a real damn good rp sample if you want this to be approved, and I mean yoshimo level.


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Ryuuza Mitsukai Empty Re: Ryuuza Mitsukai

Post by Darkjagwar Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:11 pm

Before I finish writing the history, tell me now if something must change about either The Order, or anything pertaining to the world becoming ninja-based before I finish writing, then editing the history because I'm making a lot of possibly incorrect assumptions by NN's standards.

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Ryuuza Mitsukai Empty Re: Ryuuza Mitsukai

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:26 pm

Its fine, dont worry about it
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Ryuuza Mitsukai Empty Re: Ryuuza Mitsukai

Post by Darkjagwar Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:06 pm

Time Travel

Ryuuza had arrived at the Dragon Valley north of what is now Kumogakure in order to consult with the Elder Dragon. He did not know if the war was still going on or who had the advantage. All he could do was trust Riku to defeat The Order. When Ryuuza got the chance to speak with the Elder Dragon, the Elder Dragon reassured him that everything would play out in his favor. He was able to see into the future and he saw that the Shinobi Uprising would be a success and The Order would be overthrown, bringing about the Shinobi Era. However, the Elder Dragon also saw that Father would not be killed and instead he would live for many years and on a few occasions try to revive The Order and fail. However, the Elder Dragon saw that there would be one time when Father successfully revived The Order as a super powerful legion of Magic-users, but the Elder Dragon could not see the outcome, meaning that unless something was done, Father would regain control of the world.

Ryuuza asked how long it was until The Order resurfaced so he would know how long he had to train for it. The Elder Dragon said that it would not be for a very long time and that this even was way too far into the future. Any normal man from that time would not have lived to see the day Father returned. However, the Elder Dragon said that he could open a portal for Ryuuza to step outside of time and re-enter in the future three years before the reawakening of The Order. However, the Elder Dragon warned Ryuuza that the portal is only one-way and that he would not be able to come back to his own time unless someone sent him back in time. Also, the Elder Dragon had also seen that the dragon race would die out because of the destruction of the Dragon Guild because of the war.

After a minute of thought, Ryuuza agreed to be permanently sent into the future. The Elder Dragon gave Ryuuza the details of the spell. Ryuuza would be transported to the future, but would not be able to use spells for three years. Therefore, the Elder Dragon would place Ryuuza three years before Father's return so he would have his powers when needed and so that he could get accustomed to that time period. Also, the Elder Dragon decided to give Ryuuza a gift to help in his quest: The Dragon's Eye or Ryuugan. The Ryuugan was the Elder Dragon's first step into ninjutsu and gave whoever wielded it certain abilities and use of spells techniques. The Elder Dragon also changed Ryuuza's physical appearance; his straight brown hair turned white, his skin darkened, and his eyes changed to a ruby color. He was given a small amount of body armor as an accessory and could summon a whole suit with a certain spell. His traditional clothing was replaced with the clothing of a leader of the Dragon Guild. With the new abilities and appearance, Ryuuza was ready to venture into the future as Ryuuza Mitsukai, the Dragon Angel, one from the past that could help defend against a horrible future.

The Elder Dragon opened the portal and Ryuuza stepped through into the future. He had been sent to the middle of the Great Naruto Bridge and walked to the Wave Country, a peaceful country that had little conflict but infrequent ninja visitors. This way, he could learn about modern culture as well as what the ninja situation was in modern time so that when he regained his powers, he would be immediately ready to go into battle and face The Order. For the next three years, until he was 22 years old, he worked on a small plot of farmland for an old couple, something he knew how to do that he could do without Magic, and so that he could ask the couple what the recent world had been like so he can get a better understanding for the modern culture so he would not be an outcast in the modern ninja world. After three years, his powers returned to him and he was able to use Magic and the Ryuugan. He was up to date on information about the modern world, and was ready to put an end to The Order once and for all.

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Ryuuza Mitsukai Empty Re: Ryuuza Mitsukai

Post by Darkjagwar Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:28 pm


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Ryuuza Mitsukai Empty Re: Ryuuza Mitsukai

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Jun 07, 2009 6:50 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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