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Ryuuza's Spells and Ninjutsu

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Ryuuza's Spells and Ninjutsu Empty Ryuuza's Spells and Ninjutsu

Post by Darkjagwar Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:25 am


Name: Hato
Rank: B
Range: Self
Type: Supplementary
Description: The user of this spell is able to transport from place to place by transforming into a flock of doves by splitting his chakra into several equal parts and flying to the destination, then regrouping. The user can also transform into a group of doves and disperse in order to evade an attack (once per thread only).
Weakness: If the user transforms back without all the doves, he transforms back without a portion of his chakra. While in dove form, the user is weakened to the strength of an actual dove. If a dove is killed, the chakra gets transported to the remaining doves. If all doves are attacked, the user transforms out of the last one alive.

Name: Soyokaze
Rank: C
Range: Short 0-5 m
Type: Offensive
Description: The user can expel his own chakra in the form of a breeze that he can use to manipulate matter and weaker chakra around him to either repel, weaken, or move it.
Weakness: Can not affect people who can easily defend themselves with and from chakra (higher ranked ninja and Magic-users).

Name: Kiu-Kujiku
Rank: C
Range: Mid, 0-10 m
Type: Offensive
Description: Forces target into a state of unconsciousness.
Weakness: Target able to counter. Time of unconsciousness varies.

Name: Seikitai
Rank: A
Range: All
Type: Supplementary
Description: The user separates his chakra from himself, forming an astral projection. The user is left unconscious while his chakra, mind, and spirit are able to roam freely. While in the projected state, the user is undetectable as he is on a different plane of existence. He is able to observe the human plane of existence and is able to affect it as well in ways such as moving objects, donating chakra, and using small spells to attack others. Can be used as a last resort to escape one's own body if it is about to be destroyed.
Weakness: The user's body is defenseless and can be attacked, taken, or simply destroyed. The user has only 20 posts to return to his body before the body begins to decay unless sealed with a Sealing Spell or Ninjutsu. The user has up to 50 posts before his projection dissapates into natural chakra; simply put, after 30 posts in projection without being in a body, the user's spirit dies (from thread to thread).

Name: Kitsuki
Rank: S
Range: All
Type: Supplementary
Description: While in an astral projection, the user has the ability to take refuge in a host body. The user can remain undetected or try to overcome the host, or live symbiotically with the host. If the user takes control of the host, he is limited to the abilities of the host. However, the user can lend abilities to the host.
Weakness: The host can reject and kill the user if they feel it is necessary. The user can not kill the host's spirit to gain control, but must make a deal with or constrict the host's spirit. The user can spend an indefinite amount of time in the host, but can once again only spend 30 posts out of body (from thread to thread).

Water Spells

Name: Kagaku
Rank: B
Range: Short, 0-5 m
Type: Offensive
Description: The user chemically alters a sample of water that surrounds his hand and uses it to chemically burn the opponent on contact. The burn can only be put out by focusing enough chakra to the area to expel the chemical.
Weakness: The user suffers only a very minor burn on his hand.

Name: Shoujin
Rank: C
Range: Self
Type: Supplementary
Description: Using a water source, the user heals himself or another depending on how much water is used. For example: If the user is next to a lake, he can heal himself much more than if he was next to a stream.
Weakness: Can not use if no water is present.

Name: Amekouu
Rank: C
Range: All
Type: Supplementary
Description: The user summons a rain storm.
Weakness: Storm goes away in 10 posts unless countered by another Spell or Ninjutsu.

Name: Tottei
Rank: B
Range: Long, 0-15 m
Type: Offensive
Description: The user controls water in the area and launches it at a target.
Weakness: User must have a water source water to use this.

Name: Nettou
Rank: B
Range: Long, 0-15 m
Type: Offensive
Description: The user brings all the water in range to boil.
Weakness: Target must be covered in water and user must not be.

Name: Suitenkan
Rank: C
Range: Self
Type: Supplementary
Description: The user converts his chakra into water if there is no source.
Weakness: Limited to user's chakra amount. A lot of chakra goes into making a little water. A vast amount is needed for an A-rank worthy water supply.

Dragon Spells

Name: Henshin Ryu
Rank: A
Range: Self
Type: Supplementary
Description: The user temporarily (3 posts) gains Dragon characteristics. The body is covered in grey-blue scales, the eyes turn bloodshot red, claws grow from the fingers, and the muscles increase in size. Speed and strength increase and the user is more fierce in battle.
Weakness: The user is severely exhausted after this.

Name: Meshiryuu
Rank: E-S
Range: Long, 0-15
Type: Offensive
Description: The user summons dragons made of chakra to attack the user. The more sins the target has committed and the number of people the target has killed, the more deadly the attack. If the target is pure of heart and has killed no one, the technique does close to nothing.
Weakness: The user suffers exhaustion depending how many sins they have committed and how many people they have killed.


Ryuugan Doujutsu

Posts : 217
Points : 108
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2008-11-22
Age : 33

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