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Tsukiko Empty Tsukiko

Post by Tsukiko Fri May 29, 2009 4:18 am




Bloodline:Hyouton creation





Appearance:Tsukiko is 1.45m tall with brown medium hair, brown eyes and fair skin.

Personality:Tsukiko is a child with few words. Tsukiko smiles all the times but easy to cry. She loves eatin', sleepin', doesn't like fightin' much. Always looking glorious yet gloomy. Attempts to make as many friends as possible. Doesn't do well in fight, easily get injured becoz of her carelessness (ish bad at fightin'). Will be serious if necessary. Tryin' to save the people she loves.

Both Tsukiko’s parents possess the ability to manipulate water into ice. Her family, alike other members in the clan, was blamed for the constant wars and strife. The citizens of Water Nation turned against the clan and murdered many of them. Clan members fled into hiding and tried to avoid using their bloodline abilities anymore for fear of being killed. Tsukiko was born in a small hut in far away of Water Nation. Her mother decesed 3 days after giving birth to her due to exhausting. Her father had to bring her up by himself. Loving his daughter and wanting to establish her to a non-ninja life, he didnt teach Tsukiko any jutsus as well as told her nothing about ninjas. As time flew by, Tsukiko started to grow up. Tsukiko had a bad immune system, she might get sick easily. Nevertheless to Tsukiko, life was peaceful and simple when living with father. Everyday, the two people went to the forest to search 4food. Tsukiko was really fond of observing her father go hunting. And at that time, in her innocent mind, a vague thought crossed briefly, that someday she could be like her father. She sometimes dreamt of being alike birds, the dreamt of having ability to fly freely in the high blue sky without worrying about such complicated life as human. Once reached the tender age of 7, she was that of a shy kid and had always hidden behind her father when something startled her or during her bashful times. Tsukiko had a boundless love for father as well as nature. While strolling with father in the forest, she was taught how to use plants as medicine, how to make stuffs from plants. She was also a proficient fisherman. However father didnt allow her to hunt.
One day, while father n child were walking in the forest, they met a stranger. He looked fierce with dark skin and scars scattered out on his face. That guy talked to father by using gestures which Tsukiko couldnt understand. After that, her father pulled her away from that black guy, he told her that she could go somewhere to play instead of disturbing them, and if there were any unexpected things that happen she should zip her lips and flee. As a dutiful child, Tsukiko nodded her head constantly not wanting father to get worried about her. So she wandered in the forest, paying no attention to the 2people. For a few moments, she returned to where the 2people had stood. In front of her lied father, drenched in a puddle of blood. In response to the gory incident, Tsukiko shrieked herself hoarse in shock and started to burst into loud wails. A chill ran up her spine as she realized that the unknown guy’s eyes were squinting on her. Tsukiko was gotten into a state of panic, she wiped her tears away then ran fast away with all her best. She had no mind to notice that the strange guy didnt run after her. She suddenly sprained her ankle and got falling into a cave. Tsukiko’s body n head were smashed against rocks n stones in the cave, filled with bruises and scratches. Turning exhausted, she fainted away.
At night when Tsukiko woke up, she saw herself lying up in a undeep cave filled with layers of falling leaves. She tried to get up to recognize where she was but it was really dark outside and inside. Tsukiko shook like a leaf. She lied down, curling up herself. Tsukiko had half-closed eyes from sleepiness with her body still shivering with fear, cold and hunger. Tsukiko got up early in the next morning. She climbed up the cave easily, feeling just a little pain on her left ankle. She wrapped her ankle with a piece of torn-clothes then quickly went back to her house. Tsukiko burried her father under the house. She took all her clothes n her father’s equipment, not forgetting to set a house on fire. Tsukiko walked away in tears, leaving the fire destroying the house.
It was twilight at that time, on the other hand, Tsukiko hadnt decided where to go yet, so she dragged her feet to the nearest house in the area and asked whether she might stay overnight. Sleeping at a strange place was hard for her. She couldnt sleep a wink all night. She rolled herself back and forth on the bed, keep thinking about her father and moreover, about the revenge. But quick enough, she ignored that thought, she was too timid to revenge her father. The next day, she walked up to the center of Kirigakure after throwing herself out of the terrifying incident. Here Tsukiko was hired to do lots of tasks, she also vied with people’s pet for food just to linger on for days. Not a day passed that her ears werent filled to the brim with vulgar language and stories of power struggles n rivalries. Fortunately, she found a person who had the same last name as her – Hyouton. After long moments deciding, she mustered her all her courage to acknowledged him her sensei and followed him for further training. And that’s the one, apparently with who Tsukiko found herself joys and faiths to move forward, to become a real ninja.

Speciality:Tsukiko has the ability to manipulate water into ice
Elements:Suiton, Fuuton, Hyouton
Weapons/items:kunais, shurikens, senbons, flash bomb, exploding note, and other weapons made of ice
Goals: to live freely as the wind

Last edited by Tsukiko on Sat May 30, 2009 4:49 am; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2009-05-02

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Tsukiko Empty Re: Tsukiko

Post by Guest Fri May 29, 2009 7:20 am

you can not have an unknown rank, you would be a genin


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Tsukiko Empty Re: Tsukiko

Post by Tsukiko Sun May 31, 2009 7:18 pm


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Tsukiko Empty Re: Tsukiko

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sun May 31, 2009 9:56 pm



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Tsukiko Empty Re: Tsukiko

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