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Training for exams. (Semi-Solo, T6 members only)

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Training for exams. (Semi-Solo, T6 members only) Empty Training for exams. (Semi-Solo, T6 members only)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:09 pm

As the sun rose that morning a slight pant was heard in one of the many training fields of Kumogakure. As it peaked its way over the horizon it cast a light filled beam at a single kid who was breathing heavily facing a animal that was greater sized than anyone would see naturally in this part. It was a dark brown in color with snarling teeth as it looked at sousei who had many gashes in his skin. Through the gashes seeped a red liguid that instantly seemed to disperse into the air.

He sighed as he charged towards the creature his arm dangling usless as he ran. The arm was broken from the beast and it was immobile. Sousei however did not care as he jumped into the air as the beast lunged forwards trying to deliver a slash with one of its giant claws. The beast fell and rolled behind sousei as he glided into the air and flipping in mid air his only usable hand throwing a kunai.

The kunai flied through the air and it caught a glimpse of the sun and reflected it. This was the worst thing that could happen as the beast even though big was graceful as it spun on its foot and had sidestepped the kunai. Sousei landed on the ground with a thud and a crack in his foot. He sighed as he fell to the ground in a immense pain his hands clutching his now fractured foot.

However as the beast walked forward on all four's it stopped a inch before sousei and sat on the ground. Sousei smiled at the animal and petted its head and told it i'll be okay its just a few broken bones." Sousei laughed at that as broken bones would usally be the worst thing a few days before the chunnin exams. This didn't bother sousei however as he fell back relaxing in the grassy ground.

Sousei's visible skin then began to glow a deep red as he began his healing process. There were a few cracks and a few instantanious puffs of fire and smoke from the open gashes as they sealed up. Soon sousei stood up looking good as he did everyday. That wasn't saying much as now his white shirt that he usally wore was now completely ripped to shreds and it revealed his bare chest.

Sousei looked at his spar partner as it rose once again ready for the fight to begin. Sousei shook his head telling him that was enough sparring for today. The beast stood up on all fours and soon became a falcon and flew off to return to the forest it lived in. Sousei's freinds were mythical creatures often taking many different animal shapes along with there main shapes.

Sousei looked at the training area and looked at each landmark crept across the open area. He noted that there was a tree-line not to far off and a rock that was near a size of a small hill that went directly upwards in the center of the training grounds and then a pond directly behind him and a small cross that rose about 8 foot into the air about 80 meters to his left.

He sighed as this was gonna be a long day.

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