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OOC: Tenchi and Taku

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OOC: Tenchi and Taku Empty OOC: Tenchi and Taku

Post by Dean Sun May 17, 2009 9:26 pm

Tenchi walks into a huge Coniferous forest with pine trees and other coniferous trees. There is snow on the ground and flakes of snow falling in the air. Tenchi looks undesturbed by the cold eventhough he has his regular ninja gear on. Large furry mammals run across the ground and he hears large steps from them. He seems to enjoy the snow as he continues to walk through the forest. The sun only barely peirces the forest.

Now there is silence in the forest. Nothing is moving through the forest now and sends a sense of warning into Tenchi's mind I wonder why it just became silent here..... Tenchi's muscles tighten up but Tenchi continues to walk through the snow ,but Tenchi walks at a faster pace now hoping not to get caught up in anything. His mind and heart starts to race as he hears no silence and starts into a light jog wanting to avoid danger. The sun is in the middle of the sky as he enters a clearing in the middle of the forest.

Last edited by Dean on Mon May 18, 2009 6:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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OOC: Tenchi and Taku Empty Re: OOC: Tenchi and Taku

Post by Guest Mon May 18, 2009 2:43 pm

OOC: For this post, I shall describe the setting, using the information you provided, possibly adding some minor details, but instead using my style to implement a slightly more creative work. You should be able to pick out the differences between each post quite easily even though they contain, roughly speaking, the same information.

Taku wandered in through the forest of large trees. He had been here for quite some time now. The trees were all almost the same, those of needle instead of leaf, voiding it of much noticeable difference among the species. He hated boredom, and the forest was getting quite boring. He was hoping to be reaching the edge soon, and starting to regret taking this “short cut” to his next destination. It did not help matters much that he was getting increasingly cold. He was a man of warmth, both spiritually and literally. He hated the cold and the symbolism it presented in his own mind. Heat gave him what he needed to survive, while the cold only looked to take it away. He tried to counteract the cold by quickening his pace slightly, increasing his blood flow, but it did not help much, only increasing the intervals at which he heard the annoying noise of snow crunching beneath his feet. He took note of the mix of sunlight and snow falling from the sky above. Quite peculiar as snow came from clouds and clouds were notorious for concealing the sun, but this occurrence was far from unheard of. Taku just saw Irony in the whole thing, as he did in most things, and so would others, if they would only open their minds.

By now he could tell he was nearing the edge as the sunlight was getting stronger as the trees started to slowly yet noticeably thin out, and the number of animals he could sense were beginning to lessen. Most animals tended to stay closer to the center and farther away from civilization, as most of the land had been abundant of forest before humans came along. Normally no forest meant Human, and much forest meant a safeguard. A train of thought he could most certainly respect, even though it was his own species which was the bad factor in the equation. Again with the irony. I am begging to tire of the quiet, I need Human interaction. Ironic again that a moment after he thought this he sensed a nearby ninja, for it was much to large to be a mere animal, and to abundant with chakra to be a normal villager, though small enough that he approximated it was a genin or an equal to the rank of genin.

Curious as always, Taku redirected his course, gathering from the increase in the clarity by which he could sense the individual he was coming towards Taku, having entered the forest more recently than him. He could see the boy out of the corner of his eye, but continued in his semicircle maneuver, taking him behind the boy at the distance of 100 feet. He approached from behind. He remained quiet and held his spiritual aura, aka chakra level, at near 0, virtually undetectable, especially for a genin. As he neared he felt a faint fluttering in his heart as he remembered his son, Kengen, so tragic was it to lose a child. He laid a hand on the shoulder of the lad and spoke to him these words, “Such a young boy should not be traveling alone, into a forest unkown, with no guidance to give, he risks his right to live.” He spoke in a rhyme sort of way, the reason for which he did not understand himself, it just came out that way. He knew the boy would catch his meaning, but if he did not, it would only further the point he was trying to make.


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OOC: Tenchi and Taku Empty Re: OOC: Tenchi and Taku

Post by Dean Mon May 18, 2009 6:14 pm

Tenchi looks up at the strange and mysterious man as he rhymed, but Tenchi tried not to offend him. There was something about him whether it be the way he looked or something else. Something in Tenchi's head was telling him not to get this person mad. Something about this person is a little off He kept his eyes wondering as not to stare because starring is a little offencive thing to do. Maybe it was the cold or the mysterious person Tenchi's body started to get goose bumps all over it. My body must be sensing it to even greater than me. Who is this man? Tenchi looked right at this person. "Who are you? I have never seen you before nor someone as mysterious." he asked.

Tenchi tried not to look tense, but he couldn't help it. He didn't want to be awkward because it may offend this person who had just talked to him. Still the forest was silent as the wind blew picking up some snow and sparkled in the air. A little shrub by a stump looked ravaged by the wind that had only gently blown the the snow from the snow bed. The power of the natural force of wind. Tenchi had gotten distracted by the snow and the wind that he hurried and looked back for a response from this powerful stranger. I wonder if this silence is foreshadowing something to come or am I just a little bit to tense? Tenchi still looking at the man awaiting his response.

OOC: Sorry I didn't write as much as you Sad I just don't want to ramble on

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Join date : 2008-11-23

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