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Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think)

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Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think) Empty Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:05 pm

Taku walked across the grassy plains. He was heading towards the hidden Grass Village. He had something to obtain there to further his power. He smirked slightly just thinking about it, and then his face returned to the stone structure that had become his normal look as of late. The wind was fair, maybe twenty miles and hour at most, give or take a few notches of speed in either direction. He would have been moving a lot faster, but he had a large scroll across his back that was slowing him down by quite a bit. The thing weighed about half of his own body weight, for he was not a very large individual. This did not mean he was not a fit shinobi, by no means was that what it indicated. He was one of the most fit in existence. He sighed as he trudged along. This whole business was tiring. He was thinking about just ditching the scroll, but that would prove ineffective in the future, he sucked it up and continued on.

Suddenly he stopped. Who was that, he could feel the presence of another, and he opened his Jagan eye for a split second to confirm it was so. Someone of a fair bit of power. He had to be on the other side of the hill. Otherwise, he would have seen the man a long time ago. Taku rushed to the top of the hill and looked down, a sense of dread draining the color from his face. Kaji-Kanto. He did not know much about the man, only that he was perhaps one of the deadliest man around. Crossing him would be bad. Then again, to fulfill his new purpose, was it not his duty to take this man out. He rolled his eyes. He never would shake that sense of honor.

"Chakra Shuriken" He whipped his right arm forward, sending a blast of chakra in the shape of a kunai at Kaji's heart, by no means was it meant to land, but he had a plan already. This was just to initiate the confrontation.


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Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think) Empty Re: Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:32 pm

Kaji stood on the plains in front of Kusagakure. He had wanted to retrieve a scroll that was in kusagakure. However he had to think of a way to enter without being caught on to. Kaji had become very famous as a killer. A killer that was beyond that of normal people. He was a jack of the akatsuki but not just any jack. Kaji was the jack of bloody Hearts, the leader of the four-manned jack team.

He wore his traditional white cloak and with a black trim on it. The cloak itself hovered just about 2 inches above the ground. Kaji's left eye was closed and he seemed to be looking at the plains as wind blew across the tall grass. On the right side of his face were bandages the blocked the the right eye.

Kaji had heard the man coming as he had been somewhat carless with the large scroll on his back letting it move. Kaji heard the very faint phrase due to his increased senses since his constant fighting whithout his eyes. He spun to the right and instantly became a blur of speed coming up the cliff.

Kaji's hand moved into the air letting 2 kunai fly up the hill. Little would Taku know is that these kunai would not come close to hitting him but they were for a different purpose. Kaji after throwing the kunai had brought his hand to his left side his hand grasping the hilt of a blade.

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Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think) Empty Re: Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:09 pm

Takus attack, as expected, had absolutely no effect. Then again that was not necessarily true. Just because the move did not harm Kaji in any way did not mean that it had not been useful. It had stirred Kaji into motion and had set the battle off. That had actually been his plan all along had it not? Yes, that was his style. Kaji had kicked into attack mode, another thing that Taku had hoped for. HE was quite capable of defending himself against many shinobi, though he knew he was facing one of the most advanced opponents he had ever come across. This was sure to be a tricky fight, as they were both ninja known for their genius in battle. He figured the hidden steam technique would be a useless maneuver unless he timed it right and now was certainly not the correct time to deploy it so he ruled that out as a course of action right away.

Kaji had chucked two kunai at him, which would force him to react in someway or another. He noticed that due to the projectile path they were taking, neither was on a correct course which would lead to a hit on Taku, not directly anyway. They could be imbedded with a jutsu of sorts, or possibly a tool such as wire or explosive tag. He predicted it was probably the explosive tags, but he did not count on that as being the only expected outcome. He had to stay light on his feet and here, uncertainty was his best friend, because it would keep him from getting too cocky and making a large error. Such was his key to success.

In the long run, it really made no difference which predictable method Kaji had used, Taku knew that there was always a place not to be in a battle, and the position he stood in at the current moment was definitely the place not to be at the current moment in time. He had to move, and it really wouldn't be so hard. There was a considerable distance between them when Kaji had thrown the kunai, so he had plenty of time to react by proxy. Kaji was closing in on him now, so it also meant that the Kunai could simply be a distraction, or a distraction plus one of the other options he had thought of before. He would treat it as such, because if he was right, he would be saved, and if he was over calculating the attack, he would suffer no ill will because of it.

Taku planted his left leg behind him and bent both of his knees at forty-five degree angles. He pushed off hard which carried him up and back at the same time. He did not flip for then he would lose site of Kaji, which would give the opponent ample time to attack him, and would be a fool hardy method of escape, leaving him all to vulnerable. He had to keep attention and not remain to focused on a single thing. He had to remain alert and aware at all angles. Otherwise, well, it was his funeral.

He landed roughly seven feet and three inches from where he had stood a moment before, slightly off centered to his right, Kaji's left, who continued to advance on him. He really didn't know what was going through that mans mind, but he knew the best option would be to wait for it to come and react to it when it happened. He had to remained centered. He had to be calm and collective. If he lost his head in the battle, he would die, there was no doubt about that. For now, he had to retaliate with something that would not leave him open to something devastating, he had to plan out carefully and act in a cool manner. There was only one option. He was tempted to use the dragon, but it would be full hardy to use it already.

He withdrew a kunai from his belt and threw it at an upward angle of seventy five degrees. It came down towards Kaji at an extremely sharp angle. Quickly he created a series of hand-signs, "Shrunken Kage Bushin." Hundreds of kunai, created from only one from his supply, rained down on Kaji from above, hopefully it would give him the small window he needed for his next attack. If not, he had another supplementary move ready for his next maneuver. His combos were legendary.


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Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think) Empty Re: Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:22 pm

Kaji smirked as he neared the top of the hill and his opponenet had jumped backwards. The kunai had landed behind the man before the jump and were now in front of his opponent. The kunai had been attached with chakra threads that were now slowly moving torwards taku at a medium rate due to the momentum they had gotten from the throw.

As Kaji soon got to the top of the hill he did something unexpected. He plunged the blade he had pulled out into the ground and then jumped backwards flying into the air out of the way of the kunai that were being unleashed on him.

Kaji swished in a circle as his hand and conjured 4 kunai. He threw them only to spread them into a sguare around Taku. Kaji soon landed on the ground again kneeling at the bottom of the hill. Kaji then decided to take a astranged approach. He left a clone at the bottom of the hill at this side as the real kaji ran to the right to make his way around the cliff.

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Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think) Empty Re: Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:30 pm

Taku was intrigued by the steps the man took to avoid his attacks and try to get the upper hand, and was even more impressed by how little effort he seemed to be putting into the motions. This was sure to be a long battle, but had to come out on top. He could not run, and he could not lose. Running would disgrace his family name and losing would mean his life. He would have to step up his game above his normal par if he hoped to match Kaji. It would take more than what he usually put into a battle, but it would be well worth it, his life and a little more security for the world.

He took note that the kunai had so far done nothing. This was odd as they had been allotted enough time already to take effect whatever Kaji had planned for him. Of course he could have been leading Taku into a false sense of security. There was only one way to be entirely sure if the coast was clear or not, and if not, what lay in store for him. He hated to resort to this method so soon, but he really didn’t have a choice at this point which scared him because the battle had barely even begun. He could do it for only a minute and be fine, that would work, and that was what he planned to do.

Taku centered his chakra and channeled it to his forehead. He could feel it rushing through him and found satisfaction in the feeling it brought him. It truly was a beautiful thing. He was glad to be have birthed to such a clan that had a connection that was so strong with the thing that gave humans everything they had, including life. It was a very powerful entity, and it was his to control. His Jagan eye, resting in the center of his brow peaked open. It was a black orb resting with in his head yet was not a physical part of him. It had spiritual origins, yet it still felt like an extension of his body.

The eye produced a black aura around it which indicated the gifts it gave him, the ability to read chakra in such a way that not even the sharingan’s skill in this could compete. It would carefully analyze the chakra and read it to him in a manner that would tell him all he needed to know to defeat the oncoming threats. In this case it was carefully implemented strands of Kaji’s chakras that had been attached to the thrown projectiles and were now racing steadily toward him. He was not sure what their purpose was but he did know this. They were comprised of Kaji’s chakra. In the event of Kaji’s chakra coming in contact with him, it would put him at a disadvantage, and knowing the man’s reputation, it would probably spell death. He had to get rid of them, now.

What was created by chakra could be destroyed by chakra, something that one of his clan understood quite well. He ran several calculations through his head. It was interrupted, however, when he was aware that Kaji was taking off around the side of the mound of grass and dirt he stood upon. This did not add up as he could see Kaji plainly in his sights right in front of him. He focused his eye on the Kaji before him for a split second and quickly deduced that it was just a basic clone jutsu based on the fact that it held no substantial chakra amount, barely enough to make it exist. It was a mere illusion at best, and was of no real threat for the moment.

He returned his focus back onto the threads that continued to advance on him. He would let them come to him first. He withdrew one of the blades from his side and unleashed a new jutsu. “Chakra blade.” The sword began to be enwrapped with a fiery substance that held a glowing blackish blue color. It was the true essence of his clan, the power of the Sookato. He could easily destroy the threads with this when they came to him. He kept his Jagan trained on them while continuing to watch the real Kaji with his physical ones. He allotted a little bit of his focus for the clone, but not much since it was the least threatening of the three components of this attack formation. He waited calmly for Kaji to strike, keeping his breathing calm and his resolve strong.


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Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think) Empty Re: Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri Apr 24, 2009 7:37 pm

Kaji smirked as the man had no idea what the threads held in store for him. They slowly slithered to within distance to the man. They then lashed out instead of 2 threads there was 6. One for each kunai. However the thing the man didn't know was these threads were uncuttable from anything without the fuuma clan tag. The only place with the tag anywhere near this was a place taku would never want to reach. Into kaji's back pocket would his hand have to reach to get the tag right under his cloak. If the man touched the threads with that chakra blade of his it would be over as the threads would attach to his blade and move up it instantaniously.

Kaji still making his way around the moutain laughed in pity as he stopped a guarter of the way around the hill. He smirked as he placed the blade he held into the ground in wich faced the ground. Kaji had set the stage and it was time.

Kaj's clone poofed away as it wasnt needed anymore as 2 kunai were placed into the ground one was halfway between kaji and the man. THe other was halfway between the blade and the two kunai.

Kaji then smirked as he looked among the mans eye and he instantaniously knew who he was fighting. The former Kazekage of suna Taku sookatoo. Kaji knew al about Taku as he was somewhat of a role model for him. THe powerful combinations of his jutsu and here he was being graced with these combinations. Kaji decided before this mans death he would honor him with a talk.

"Well, hello there Taku sookatoo. What a pleasent day isnt it?" Kaji spoke calm and nice as he was in no danger and seriously this man was a god in his book it was as if a battle wasn't even taking place between the two.

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Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think) Empty Re: Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 26, 2009 11:02 am

Taku simply ignored the mans comment. Now was hardly the time for talk. He hated talking in battle except when it was time to initiate a jutsu. This was a battle for his life and he could not afford to extend his focus or his energy on trivial converstation. He needed to focus completely on the task at hand, and that was making sure that those threads used by Kaji did not get a hold of him. He finally realized just exactly what they were. He had seen it before and his Jagan eye was finally able to confirm his suspicions. His chakra blade was essentially useless, for those were threads created from the technique used by the Fuuma clan. This confused him though. Kaji-Kanto? No where in there was the Fuuma name, nor was there any reference to it. It puzzled him how Kaji was able to use this jutsu, but it didn’t really matter how, only that he could, and he had to make sure that it did not take hold on him. He had been careless to stay still. His normal strategies would not work here. He had been a fool to treat this as a normal fight.

What he was about to do would take a considerable amount of his chakra. By no means would it leave him starved of it, but it would put a noticeable dent in his supply. Thank the gods he had an intensely massive chakra amount to begin with. He had to make a decision. Was it to early in the game to implement that as well? He decided that it was and it didn’t matter because he could essentially use that at any time. He smirked to himself. One of his many trump cards, he would have to save it for the right time. Using something of such a high calibur this early in the game would be a fatal error. Granted he was about to unleash something that was of a fair complexity margin. For him it wouldn’t be all that difficult, but it would still take a little bit of work.

He would have to use his chakra armor for one. It was the only defense he realy had against the threads. He could dodge and evade, but he understood this was pointless as there was a ring of the threads around the hill. The meaning of Kaji’s maneuver was now clear. It had been a trap, and he was about to fall into it. A little bit more time of him being ignorant to what Kaji was doing, and he would have been done for already. He had to step his game up. Good lord he had been so careless. This was just not his day. He had not stayed on top like he usually did. What was wrong with him. But there was no use fretting about it now. He had to focus on pushing forward and doing his all to win this battle. It was key.

He had to find a way around the one problem though. He could not cover his feet. If he did, it would eat the ground below him, and that would just lead to serious problems. He could just stand still, but that would put him at even more of a disadvantage and if Kaji attacked him from the ground it would be over right away. He had to use something in conjunction with it to solve this prolem. His chakra armor alone was not enough. He now knew what he had to do, It would bide him some time for sure,

This would take three steps, and he would have to use his new found power given to him by the scroll on his back. It would take time, but with his new ability, time was not an issue. He smiled. There was a good chance that Kaji knew quite a lot about him considering he was the Kazekage, well former kazekage. But there was no possible way that he would no about kimigure or the other skill that went with it. Taku had a lot more power than he had as the Kazekage. He was fueled by more determination, and he had better gifts. It would take more than what Kaji was throwing at him now to take him down. He had the ability to do it, now he just had to execute it.

He sheathed his sword, suspending the chakra in the air infront of him from his chakra blade technique, he would not need it for the time being, and executed the first of his techniques in this combo. Usually his combos would be long and drawn out, but this one would have to be don very quickly, but he could handle it. Thankfully he could recycle and reuse the chakra he had used in that last technique, but it had to be for a Sookato technique, a move that he fully planned on using. “Chakra armor,” he called out the jutsu and immediately the chakra in the air began to form around his body. That alone would not be enough though. He fueled more chakra from within his body and added it to the layer that was forming around him. It would not be able to destroy the threads if they made contact but it would keep them at bay.

Next was one of his new found abilities. Thank god for those monks. If it hadn’t been for this move, the proceeding one would have been impossible for it would have left him very vulnerable, and Kaji would certainly take advantage of that. He delved deep into his mind. He noted that the threads were getting alarmingly close. This would be a very close call either way. He focused hard, ignoring all else, drawing on his mental powers as fast as he could. At last he achieved the state he needed to activate his skill, cosmo elation. It was not a jutsu, but would take chakra. Everything around him stopped. He had used it to an extent that everything not affected by his chakra would be suspended in time for approximately ten seconds. It would be barely enough, but it should suffice.

The threads stopped in their tracks, as did Kaji. He had ten seconds to move or use some kind of jutsu, and he would have to act fast. He had ten seconds to move or use some kind of jutsu, and he would have to act fast. The top of the hill was fairly level, and so he would be able to do what he needed to do. His words were barely audible as water instantly erupted from his mouth and splashed across the top of the hill, forming a body of water somewhere between the size of a pond and a small lake. The water softened the earth, and the force of it expelling from his mouth formed a crater about ten feet down in the hill. It filled with water fairly quickly, and Taku stayed atop it, using the simple water walking method. He had roughly 4 seconds left. The threads had been pushed back over the side of the hill by the water, which gave him a little bit more space and time. All in all the lake was about 50 feet across, and he stood in the center of it, giving him 25 feet on each side that any attack would have to travel before it got to him. 2 seconds. The chakra armor was complete. It covered his feet as well, the water would not be destroyed, as it was not of such a physical nature as earth was. Normal water was not affected by his technique.

There was one final step to this combo, but he would have to wait for the right time to use it. It would rely on timing. He had to be careful, and watch his step. He now had more tools at his disposal, thanks to the water he now stood upon. He waited calmly for Kaji to make his move, and he was fairly sure what it would be.His cosmo elation ended, and time resumed. Kaji was once again free to have his way with him, and he would not be able to use it again for quite some time. He really needed to further his mental capacity in kimigure. It would prove to be very useful, as it already had.


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Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think) Empty Re: Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Apr 26, 2009 11:48 am

Kaji watched as the man supplied no banter in return. It made kaji sad that one of his idols would not grace him with a word before his death. Kaji however threw it off as he saw the chakra blade disperse and then he saw the armor begin to form. It made him chuckle as he knew the chink in most armors made of chakra was the feet.

Kaji made the strings slither downwards towards the mans feet when he felt the sudden burt of mental connection. He couldnt do anything it was to sudden way to sudden no way for him to contain its effects. Kaji was frozen for 10 seconds.

After the 10 seconds kaji saw what the man had done. He now stood among a thing of water his chakra armor covering him. It made him chuckle slightly. All this to keep his threads at bay. He smirked as his threads had been pushed away. They slowly moved towards the man again soon to envelope the man.

Kaji ran toward the water the blade that was in the ground was gone. Instead of attacking the man kaji jumped into the water and dover under it. He had to work fast. He swam to each edge throwing a kunai into the ground at each point. He then sat at the bottom he was losing oxygen so he had to hurry.

He tucked the blade into the ground at the very bottom and smirked as he opened his mouth to say a phrase that was lost in bubbles. Instantly the blade shot a thing of white chakra into the now soft ground tearing it out of the way.

He removed the blade and the water began to drain into the hole. Instantiously as the water broke the layer of the kunai threads shot forward to envelop the man and wrap around him and suspend him in the air.

Kaji sat at the bottom his body drenched coughing up water and breathing heavy. It was a lot to do that but it was worth it. He layed on his back staring up at the man. His left eye open revealing a blue eye that was very tranguil and serene.

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Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think) Empty Re: Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 29, 2009 2:01 pm

Taku was about to initiate another step in his defenses. That was his current plan, to go all out defensive and force Kaji to attack him and fail each time. It was amazing that he knew that his chakra armor would not be enough. In all actuality, his chakra armor had only been beaten once or twice before, it was a very deep and well thought out defense, something very difficult to beat, even though the overall thought process behind it was extremely simple. True his armor could protect against the threads for quite a while, but he did not want to have to rely on it. He would use it as a backup plan only.

Taku paused for a moment as he could sense Kaji running up the side of the hill at an extremely fast pace. He still planned on adding another layer to his defense. Kaji would be a difficult man to beat, but it was possible. However, it would take almost everything he had to do it and victory was not certain.

Then all of a sudden his plans changed. He had expected Kaji to come tearing across the waters surface in an attempt to attack him, this was not the case. He watched with curiosity as Kaji went below the surface, and even all the way down to the bottom of the lake. He was not overly worried, for he was protected at all sides for now. Then again, he was confused, because he had no clue what Kaji was up to, and not having any idea what the opponent was doin is a very bad position to be in.

It quickly became clear. Taku sensed a sudden release of intense chakra proportions at the bottom, and shooting through the side of the hill. It hit him instantly. Kaji had gathered from his last move that Taku was a primary water type. Now Kaji was making moves to get rid of his water sources. At current they were located in a savannah, and no other water sources in sight. Also the air was extremely dry, so it would be near impossible to draw moisture from the air. He sighed heavily, knowing that Kaji was being tactful as ever. He had effectively controlled this fight from the time it had begun. Taku was ashamed of himself.

His suspicions were almost instantly confirmed as the water level quickly began to diminish, Taku sinking along with it. He could not allow this to happen. Granted he could do well with out the water, but the water would give him more options in his attack and defense patterns, and he was a ninja that was all about being flexible and being able to adapt to almost any situation. Luckily, he had a jutsu which would save his precious water, for the time being at any rate.

Taku launched into another complex series of hand signs, drawing on his chakra, which had a natural affinity for water. He took note at this time how his element greatly reflected his battle style. He smiled, everything was connected and balance in some way. He loved it. It was the only thing that gave him a sense of purpose anymore. The water continued to spill from the hole Kaji had created. It was near the bottom before Taku was able to use his jutsu.

“Destructive Swell”

Instantly the water began taking a reverse path, rising up in a massive tidal wave rather than sinking lower and lower. Once again Kaji was completely submerged in water, and it was rising quickly, with Taku riding on top of it, protected once again by his armor. He was lifted up quickly to a height of about twenty five feet above the rim of the banks around the lake. Utilizing his chakra he leapt from the top of the massive swell of water and landed just outside the ring of threads, intertwining his hands rapidly, creating the hand seals needed for one of his own created jutsu. As he finished he unleshed the jutsu. The water raided into the air, creating a dome around the whole lake, leaving a massive air pocket around Kaji. He was fine, for now.

“Suiton: Water Threads”

The water erupted into several strands of water which lashed out towards Kaji from all angles except below. They would pierce him and wrap around him, trying to tie him down, and due to the massive amount of threads present, they would surely kill him by puncturing many vital organs etc, and extreme blood loss. Taku was hopeful, but not to hopeful. This was Kaji-Kanto after all. Nothing would be certain.


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Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think) Empty Re: Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri May 01, 2009 10:47 pm

Kaji lauughed as he felt the water swell upward. He let go of the blade he carried and let if flow with the water into the air. Kaji waited for a few moments watching is oppenents moves. When he saw the water threads it had become almost to easy. Instantly the sides of the small area exploded as the tags went off that were placed on the sides.

Rocks began to slide down and kaji ducked down and shot forward yelling off a phrase that would seal this battle. "RELEASE YOUR ONE MILLION BLADES OF LIGHT SHINSO!" Insantly inside the water threads blade formed from the one that floated in it. The blades were white and they filled every inch of the water. They thenshot out of the water threads breaking them open and hopefully dispersing them and shot through the water towards taku to impale the chakra armor from every angle.

The threads wich had been heading towards taku to begin with were climbing up the water towards him hopeing to attach to him. Kaji however had ran through the explosions the ground torn up creating small holes in the groun in wich he sgueezed through to get out of the dome and out of center stage.

He stood looking at taku his left eye opened and it now a dark red as he was now not holding back. He was going to kill one of his idols this day and it would happen now.

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Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think) Empty Re: Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think)

Post by Guest Thu May 07, 2009 8:48 am

Sorry kaji but i got other shiz i gotta do, i concede defeat and you win.


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Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think) Empty Re: Taku and Kaji, the most equal match ever, ( i think)

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