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The lesser branch (open)

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The lesser branch (open) Empty The lesser branch (open)

Post by Meshi Fri May 15, 2009 4:11 pm

Akihiko held his headband in his hand. He ran his fingers across the markings of the leaf symbols. Today he was begining to feel a bit down and out about his place in the world. He stoped touching the symbol and slowly touch the curse seal on his forehead. He thought to himself, why do I have this? I never did understand the meanings of this mark. He sat on a near by bench and tied the headband back around his forehead. The mark would give him no shame as long as he had this headband on. He thought it over again and snaped out of it. It was his duty to protect the main branch even from himself, it is a necesary evil.

He stood up and jumped off of a few walls and landed on a roof. Regardless of wether he was happy or not he had a few things to do. One was find a genin team. He was alone out here once again and needed to find a team for at least the chunin exams. He was'nt very sure where to start though. Next on his agenda was meet with the Hokage and give a formal introduction. He had'nt meet the Hokage yet. Regardless of both of these he felt like talking with a hyuuga. He had'nt seen any around latley and was feeling very secluded.

Off in the distance he saw a group of birds. He could'nt make out how many there was but he had an idea. "I guess a little training won't kill me" He said. He closed his eyes and began to focus. He opened them quickly saying "Byakuugan!" as the veins around his eyes buldged. He now was looking directly at the birds and counting them off in his head. "one...two...five...thirteen...twenty four!" he said deactivating his byakuugan. "Alrighty let's check." he said pursuing the birds. He jumped from building to building until finally coming within a good distance to count at the village gate. He counted in his head and shouted "Twenty four!" he smiled.

He turned away and jumped from atop the village gate and landed softly. He looked around at some genin teams seting off for missions and he let out a sigh. "I bet whatever they are doing I could do it better." He said leting out a sigh but then let a large smile cross his face. He began to whistle a toon to himself singing in his head, I got no strings to hold me down. He walked through the streets smiling at the people and thinking which one of his obligations he would do first.


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Join date : 2009-05-13

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