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Rein Nakatana

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Rein Nakatana Empty Rein Nakatana

Post by aries Sun May 10, 2009 6:38 pm

my character jutsu

Jutsu:Clone Technique
Description:A clone made of the user that can move. This clone is merely an illusionary projection of the user.

Transformation Technique
Description: Henge no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique, which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. Henge allows the ninja to transform themselves into any person or object. This allows the ninja to move with stealth or to trick their opponents.

5 Senses Confusion Disorder
The user throws an explosive kunai at their target and the mist spreads threw the air.This jutsu causes the opponent to be hit by attacks even though they think they dodged it or countered it.

Change of Body Stance Technique
Description: A basic Ninjutsu technique. When in danger the ninja will quickly substitute themselves with another nearby object. This can be a block of wood or even another person. This allows the ninja to quickly flee and hide while the original object takes the brunt of their opponents attack.

Name: Resistant Soul
Rank: D
Skill: Chakra Manipulation
Element: N/A
Description: When this jutsu is activated, Rein’s eyes glow a deep purple color. In this state he is generally more aware of the area around him, and can see further (100 Yards Extra with Detail) and sees things more detailed. In this state he cannot speak, and cannot be taken control of from Any Mind Jutsu’s, and only B ranked and Up Genjutsu will work on him. This lasts 3 posts and cannot be activated more than once in a fight.

Name: Body Flicker Technique
Rank: D
Element: N/A
Description: Shunshin no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. The ninja will appear and disappear in an instant, allowing them to retreat or attack suddenly. To facilitate the movement the ninja will often use nearby elements such as mist, sand or leaves to mask their appearance or disappearance.

Silent Homicide Technique
Rank: C
Element: Kinjutsu
Description:Muon Satsujin Jutsu, the ability to commit a silent homicide, is a technique to dispatch your foe with no warning. Your quick speed and skills will instantly kill them before they can provide a defense.

Chakra Scalpel
Rank C
Type: NinJutsu
Description: A Ninjutsu technique used, primarily, for field surgery. The ninja concentrates a powerful aura of chakra around their hand, creating a blade capable of tearing through muscles and arteries, or breaking bone, without actually breaking the skin of the person they're using it on. When used offensively, in combat, it is difficult to concentrate on the length and power of the scalpel, making it harder to successfully hit an enemy's arteries, ensuring a kill.

Name: Repulsion Shield {Small Scale})
Rank: C
Type: N/A
Element: N/A
Description: By focusing his chakra, Rein can create a ball of chakra around himself and then release the chakra forcing the repulse to deflect any mass coming towards the user.

(Killing Hands Technique)
Rank C
Type: NinJutsu
Description: A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja focuses chakra into the palms of their hands, creating a small ball of killing chakra, which is the complete opposite of the Shosen no Jutsu (Healing Hands Technique). Through concentrating their chakra in a manner opposing the Shosen, instead of rebuilding and restoring another person's cells, this jutsu intends to destroy and unravel another person's cells.

(Fanged Tongue Acid)
Rank C
Type: NinJutsu
Description: A very corrosive acid which is expelled from the mouth. It is capable of being projected far distances, with the strength to even dissolve rocks. However, being as acidic as it is, it must be spat very cautiously from the mouth, making it a very slow attack that will not succeed unless your opponent's speed is hindered.

Dokuton: Dokukumo [Poison Release: Poison Cloud]
Rank: C
Description: The user will use this jutsu mostly against Taijutsu users. He can release a large amount of poison around him in a cloud-like bubble, with the user remaining inside and unaffected by the poison. The poinson will cause all others who enter to feel pain while they are inside, and those who have low resistance to poisons will feel a lot more pain than normal.

Dokuton: Doku Ken Dageki [Poison Release: Poison Blade Strike]
Rank: C
Description: Though this jutsu does not require the use of handseals, the user has charge his weapon with Dokuton chakra initially before performing a swing that emits a beam of purple poisonous chakra. Upon contact, the arched attack causes a line of poison-inflected inflammation and the target is infected by the toxin.

Dokuton: Doku Senbon [Poison Release: Poison Needles]
Rank: C
Description: The user forms handseals and then coats his liquid poison with his chakra. The poison will then take the form of senbon. These senbon can be used and thrown just like normal senbon; causing infection with the poison upon blood contact.

Dokuton: Doku Kiri [Poison Release: Poison Mist]
Rank: B
Description: This ninjutsu technique creates a cloud of poisonous gas that erupts from the user's mouth in a stream. The cloud clears a distance between the user and their enemy, as not to capture the user themselves within its area of effect.

Dokuton: Nemutte Doku no Jutsu [Poison Release: Sleeping Poison Technique]
Rank: B
Description: This jutsu is usually used against lower ranked opponents such as Academy Students, Genin, and some weak chuunins. The user will make the designated handseals and place their palm in front of the enemy then releasing a poison that will make the target begin to feel drowsy, with a few seconds of exposure causing them to fall asleep.

Dokuton: Supechingu Kopura no Jutsu [Poison Release: Spitting Cobra Technique]
Rank: B
Description: In the same way some taijutsu artists can spit needles, the user of this technique holds a small sack of venom in their mouth from which they can ‘spit’ out the poison at their opponent. This can be used in a manner of ways from simply being a surprise attack to knock the opponent off balance or even to spit poison in the opponent's eyes

Dokuton: Chuusha [Poison Release: Injection]
Rank: B
Description: To cut down on incubation times, the poison (liquid or gaseous in form) seeps directly into the bloodstream at the heart, coursing the poison quickly throughout the entire body. Of course, the user does have to achieve flesh contact with his target for a decent time.

Name: Flash Steps Technique
Rank: B
Type:: N/A
Element: None
This technique allows the user to move all the distance with great speed. Depends on the user's agility, it allows the user to move faster than the eye can followed. This technique used to avoid projectile weapons and approach the enemy without alerting him. This technique doesn't need any hand signs or seals to activate it.

Name: Chakra Blade
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Rein has the ability to create a blade of pure chakra. The blade can be as hard as steel, and as sharp as a dagger. The chakra of the member will begin to flow out from the desired point of the body, and begin to take shape into a blade. The amount of chakra used, depends on thesize of the blade, and can be cast away by a higher-level technique.

Dokuton: Mahi Doku no Jutsu [Poison Release: Paralyzing Poison Technique]
Rank: A
Type: Poison
Description: The user gets in close and releases a large amount of chakra around them. They then use this jutsu to convert the chakra into an airborne poison which can slowly paralyze an opponent for duration of time.

Dokuton: Hiroku Fukyuu Hiru [Poison Release: Wide Spread Leech]
Rank: A
Type: Poison
Description: Plainly put, the user spreads an immense amount of chakra to all directions causing plant life to shrivel and die, water to start polluting and for the animal life to flee away.

Souzousaisei (Genesis Rebirth)
Rank A
Type: NinJutsu
Description: A Ninjutsu technique that only those with the Genesis Seal can perform. By gathering chakra into their seal over a period of time, they can then use that gathered chakra by releasing the seal. The chakra accelerates the production of various enzymes in their body, causing almost instant cellular reformation, healing absolutely any mortal wound, including extensive damage to internal organs. However, the number of times cells can multiply is limited, so using this technique takes away from the total life span of the ninja using it.

Name: Repulsion Technique
Rank: A
Element: N/A
Description: The user summons their chakra and forms the chakra into a ball. The ball of chakra can not be seen but looks almost like a heat wave where the form is invisible but wavy in a concentrated area. Once the ball is concentrated, the clan has the ability the disperse the wave with such for that it causes an explosive 360 degree wave. Based on the skill level of the clan member, the greater the destructive level of the repulse. Rein is so strong, it has the ability to break a large boulder (roughly a ton) into thousands of pieces when he focuses on the power. Thus revealing the power level of this technique at his level. Senging out a wave 360degrees Range Genin-15m Chunin-20m Jonin-25m Anbu-25m Kage-30m Akatsuki-30m

Camouflage Concealment Technique
Rank: A
Element: N/A
Meisai Gakure no Jutsu is an advanced Ninjutsu technique used by Rein. After forming the needed handseals, the ninja can grant themself near invisibility. So far only the Sharingan eye and its revelation abilities has been shown to pierce the veil and see the hidden ninja. It is unknown if the Byakugan can penetrate the jutsu and see the user's chakra circulatory system.

(Return Life)
Rank: S
Type Ninjutsu
Description: User focuses all of the Chakra in their body in order to restore the dead victim. The Victim begins to glow light blue and the User Begins to Glow red, then the dead victim takes his first breath of his 2nd life.
Limit: Can only use once per thread, and is left with absolutely None left besides life Chakra.

Posts : 21
Points : 42
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2009-05-03

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Rein Nakatana Empty Re: Rein Nakatana

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun May 10, 2009 6:45 pm

1. Follow Template

2. The Body Flicker Technique is not use on this forum (reason)
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

Posts : 997
Points : 500
Reputation : 38
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 33
Location : Akron, Ohio

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