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Rein Nakatana (Tarus and Aries puppet techniques)

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Rein Nakatana (Tarus and Aries puppet techniques) Empty Rein Nakatana (Tarus and Aries puppet techniques)

Post by aries Sun May 10, 2009 6:45 pm


Name: Tetsu Tsuchi no jutsu - Iron Stone Technique
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Earth
Description:Tetsu Tsuchi no jutsu is a ninjutsu technique that allows the user to make the earth as strong and dense as iron. This technique often combined with Tsuchi Bunshin no Jutsu - Earth Clone Technique to make the Earth Bunshins stronger and more dense and durable.

Name: Retsudo Tenshou - Revolving Split Earth Palm
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Earth
Description:Retsudo Tenshou is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. This technique allows the ninja to control nearby stone and rock. When the ninja forms the needed handseals and slams their palm to the ground, surrounding rock will begin to churn and twist up crushing all
those trapped within it.

Name: Tsuchi Bunshin no Jutsu - Earth Clone Technique
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Earth
Description:Tsuchi Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the earth to create a Bunshin clone. Unlike a normal Bunshin, the Tsuchi Bunshin has the ability to interact more with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks
on its target. Due to the Bunshin clone being created from the earth it can take more abuse then that of a normal Bunshin clone. These clones
can be also created by the earth that is underground, allowing for the user to possibly use the clones to sneak up and surprise their opponent.

Name: Earth Armor
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Earth
Description: bring rocks, dusts, or pebbles around them to fit his body and create a thin layered skin but mad it hard as stone therefore creating an armor. He can also hide inside the earth by molding the rock around them as a shell. Specifically made for weponary, taijutsu, and ninjutsu,.This is effective against most jutsu however its weak against lightning. Taijutsu has no effect. Weapons such as shiruken, kunai,and swords has no effect.

Name: Underground Projection
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Earth
Description: Using this jutsu, a person can hide underground until they're ready to attack an opponent. By utilizing earth-chakra, the person can stealthily emerge from the ground without disrupting the ground around him.

Name: Tsuchi Niwakaame - Earth Rain Shower
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Earth
Description:Tsuchi Niwakaame is a ninjutsu technique that utilizes the Earth element. After performing the correct handsigns, Karasu can make any
amount of earth that is falling from the sky turn into needle like pieces of earth and fly down at his opponent(s).

Name: Doryuu Heki - Earth Style Wall
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Earth
Description:Doryuu Heki is a defensive Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. Karasu needed handsigns and then place his hands on the ground which will make a large wall of earth come fourth from the ground. This wall can help protect against attacks as well as be used to block off retreating or incoming shinobi.

Stone Burial Collaptsing Jutsu:
Rank: B
Element: Earth
Description: With a few hand signals the Abumaci can rise two stone walls from within the ground surrounding the opponent attempting to close on them.First the slabs come from benthe ground and surround the enemy. They close upon demand you know this by Karasu closing his hands.They can also use this as a defense to block oncoming attacks

Name:Abumachi's Earth Coffin
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Earth
Description: This is a technique used by Karasu's. This is one of Karasu's Ninjutsu. Utilizing the Earth element Karasu will first make several handseals. After that, he will open up his hand revealing his palm. The ground will begin to rise up around the opponent or opponents. By tightening the grip of his hand, he can tighten the grip of the earth circling the opponent to make sure that they can't get away, and he will bind them in place. Karasu can completely close his first, resulting in the earth squeezing in and crushing his opponent to death. He also can make the size of the rising earth differ depending on the size of the opponent and he doesn't have to kill them, he can just make the grip that he has on them tight so that they are captured and rendered immbolized. Usually if that is the case, While the earth coffin holds them He can go over and knock them out while they can't move, The chakra of this jutsu isnt really consuming. Little to average amount of chakra is needed.

Name: Ishi Bochi no jutsu - Earth Graveyard Technique
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Earth
Description:Ishi Bochi no jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes the Earth element. Karasu will make the needed handsigns and then strick the
ground with his fist or palm into the ground, causing a minor shockwave. Then as his fingers take root in the earth large stone spikes will rise from the ground at a rapid motion. The spikes will travel for a total of 30 meters in all directions from the point of impact and will impale anyone who is caught in the mists of the spikes.

Name: flying life
Rank: S
Element: Earth
Description: a rock shoots out from the ground to block any attack and it completely blows up the other jutsu then I get all the energy from the explosion. Then i can use this as chakra

Name: Doryuu Taiga - Earth Flow River
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Earth
Doton • Doryuu Taiga is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth
Element. The ninja will do the necessary hand seals and transform the
ground upon which the enemy stands into a river of mud. If a larger
amount of chakra is used with a larger surface then the amount of mud
created is increased.

Name: Tsuchi Rou no jutsu - Earth Prison Technique
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Earth
Tsuchi Rou no jutsu is a ninjutsu technique that utilizes the Earth
Element. With the correct series of handsigns the user can make earth
rise up and clutch onto an opponent keeping them immobilized. This
technique can be combined with Tetsu Tsuchi no jutsu - Iron Stone
Technique to make the prison almost impossible to break out of.

Name: Earth Shackles
Rank: C
Jutsu Type: ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Earth
Description: First the user forms 3 simple handsigns. Then eight small plates (Four per group) of earth rise up around the target, which is usually feet. These plates keep the users feet firmly planted to the ground. The technique requires aiming, so it is hard to use against a moving opponent. This jutsu could mainly be seen as a detaining jutsu, but it can also be used in more unorthodox ways such as in the 'earth skates' technique.

Name:Earth Style Earth Bind
Descripition:Thi jutsu requires my ninja to attach a thin layer of earth below his opponents feet. About an half inch think but it seems as if it wieght up to 20 pounds With two handsigns he controls the ground the opponent is standing on and force the earth upon the opponents feet bottoms. This jutsu is so silent it seems as if he didnt do anything. Therefore the opponent dont knoe he/she has been caught. With his great chakra control it allows him to keep these slabs on their feet for three post.It slow the opponent speed down 25%. Making it easier to attack the opponent.

Doton - Dorou Doumu (Earth Dome Prison)
Skill: Ninjutsu
Rank: A Rank
Description: This is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. After striking the ground with their hands, the user is able to overturn the earth and cause it to rise up around their opponents. Placing their hands against the dome they are able to suck out the Chakra from the people trapped inside and brings it into their own body. At the same time the user will use their own Chakra to spread throughout the dome; this allows them to repair any damage their opponents manage to inflict on the inside. The Chakra is not evenly spread out though, as the Chakra flows away from the user, it becomes more and more weak, allowing the dome to be broken on the far side if hit by a hard enough force. Can be broken through if the Person has a Tai or Nin Fifteen higher then the user's Nin
Limits: Elemental Affinity to Doton; must have a dirt source; can only be used ONCE per battle.

Name: Aries


Requirements: Patagonian Rosewood (Fourth Hardest Wood)

Puppet's Rank: Jounin (B-Rank)

Special Skill: Mid ranged, attack. Flight.

Weapons: Aries has a select few weapons, being that he is mainly for transportation. But none the less he has some weapons and skills. Within his beak lay twenty kunai. All which are shot at a command by a powerfull kunai launcher. Each Kunai is tipped with Rein's own posion making them extremely deadly. The second weapon he has orignates on all of his four wings. Three eye sized holes line each of the winds of Aries. In each of these holes are a thick purple liquid. And at a command, a plank will slide back and the liquid will hit the air (please not the liquid remains in liquid state because the chamber that holds it is air tight) Once the posion hits the air, it will become into a gaseous substance. If all four are released at one time it will cause a huge cloud of posion gas around the puppet. At least ten meters in disameter

Name: Noxious gas
Rank: B
Description: Using Rein's chakra she can conjure a cloud of poisonous gas which that irritates a persons nervous system once infected. The target will begin to feel immense pain and a burning sensation.

Name: Sleep gas
Rank: B
Description: Opening her mouth Aries can release a gas that puts people to sleep in a matter of seconds if inhaled.

Name: Purple hair rain
Rank: B
Description: Aries feathers can let out a constant fume that makes people hallucinate if taken in long enough. This makes the target dizzy for a couple of minutes leaving them open. (2 free post)

Name: Poison absorption
Rank: B
Description: Using the vacuum in her mouth Aries and suck up any poison and recreat it into her own body. She can then release the poison from her pours, back at the enemy. Rein uses this Technion to capture enemy poisons and make antidotes with them also.

Name: Fragrant Whirlwind
Rank: B
Description: Using her wings she is able to make small funnels of poisonous gas which is highly flammable. If inhaled the poison will take hours to take affect but in conjunction with Cronus flame thrower they are able to make fire twisters. The funnels are 20ft high and only take up 6ft radius of space. They move at Rein's will and until his chakra runs out or concentration breaks he can keep the flames active.

Name: Dai Kamaitachi - Great Cutting Whirlwind
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Wind
Description: Dai Kamaitachi is a Ninjutsu technique developed by ninja. Named after a mythical creature, Rein uses his pupprt to blow a concussive wind that is imbued with his chakra. This technique is a bigger version of the normal Kamaitachi no Jutsu, having the ability to cause a great amount of cutting damage to the nearby area.

Name: Kamaitachi - Cutting Whirlwind
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Wind
Description: Kamaitachi is a Ninjutsu technique developed by the Sand ninja. Named after a mythical creature, Rein uses his Puppet to blow a concussive wind that is imbued with his chakra. When his opponent is caught in the wind, a tornado will raise them into the air and hold them with the chakra. The wind will then begin to cut the target with the sickling winds.

Name: Kazekiri - Wind Cutter
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Wind
Description: Fuuton • Kazekiri no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. To utilize this technique, Hanzo will form the needed hand seal. A large slicing wind will then be created which can cut through his opponent. This can be used to immobilize large summons.

Name: Black Mist
Rank: C
Description: Aries releases a thick black fume from her beak that serves as a smoking bomb. The black mist is 22ft in area and is used as a distraction

Name:Kaze Ya no Jutsu (Wind Arrow Technique)
Rank: D Rank
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Wind
Description: The user molds chakra and breathes in. He or she then blows out and an arrow made of wind is shot from the user’s mouth. The arrow cannot be blocked but it can be dodged. Since it is made out of wind the arrow is hard to see. One arrow shot at a time.

Name: Flying Bomer
Description: Aries flies over the opposing opponent and through his you know what he drops small cherry bombs. These bombs blow in a two foot radius. not vey powerful only ten can be released at the sam time.

Name: Sunabokori - Dust Cloud
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Wind
Description: Fuuton • Sunabokori is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. After generating Wind within his lungs, Hanzo will use the additional power of natural energy to emit a large cloud of blinding dust

Name: Hikui Tenkuu Assaku no Jutsu (Low Air Pressure Technique)
Rank: B Rank
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Wind
Description: This technique makes the air pressure in a room drop dramatically, causing anyone inside to fall asleep. It can only work in an enclosed area like a building or room.

Name: Wind Blend
jutsu allows the user to creat a massive amount of wind to push
opponent off balence. After their off balence it seems as if Karasu
disappears into thin air but he doesn't. He moves in suck a high speed
that he can be seen by the naked eye. He assassinate his target killing
them where they stand

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Join date : 2009-05-03

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Rein Nakatana (Tarus and Aries puppet techniques) Empty Re: Rein Nakatana (Tarus and Aries puppet techniques)

Post by Koga Mon May 11, 2009 2:58 pm

Please keep in mind, Aries, you are only allowed a single human puppet per character. It is stated so in the rules of the character section, I believe. If not, Id be glad to hunt down where it says that for you.

If this messes up your, honestly, somewhat cool, idea to have a puppet for every zodiac character, I suggest simply doing the same thing, just with regular puppets, and posting them in the Weapons/Item section, and have one of them be a human puppet. Perhaps have that one be your strongest, or maybe the zodiac of your character. Maybe have the twelve zodiac characters, and then a thirteenth of some other constellation, perhaps Hydra or Chamaeleon.

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Rein Nakatana (Tarus and Aries puppet techniques) Empty Re: Rein Nakatana (Tarus and Aries puppet techniques)

Post by Sheiken Hyuga Mon May 25, 2009 4:39 pm

The jutsu are cool, but there's really just too much...
Sheiken Hyuga
Sheiken Hyuga

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Rein Nakatana (Tarus and Aries puppet techniques) Empty Re: Rein Nakatana (Tarus and Aries puppet techniques)

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon May 25, 2009 4:50 pm

Sheiken Hyuga wrote:The jutsu are cool, but there's really just too much...

Theres no such thing as too many jutsu. Kakashi has atleast 1000, now doesnt he?
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Rein Nakatana (Tarus and Aries puppet techniques) Empty Re: Rein Nakatana (Tarus and Aries puppet techniques)

Post by Sheiken Hyuga Mon May 25, 2009 5:05 pm

Shin Uchiha wrote:
Sheiken Hyuga wrote:The jutsu are cool, but there's really just too much...

Theres no such thing as too many jutsu. Kakashi has atleast 1000, now doesnt he?

true, but then again, Kakashi only had that much because he had the copying jutsu thing, remember?
Sheiken Hyuga
Sheiken Hyuga

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Rein Nakatana (Tarus and Aries puppet techniques) Empty Re: Rein Nakatana (Tarus and Aries puppet techniques)

Post by aries Mon May 25, 2009 5:51 pm

well these were human puppets

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Rein Nakatana (Tarus and Aries puppet techniques) Empty Re: Rein Nakatana (Tarus and Aries puppet techniques)

Post by Ushiro Hyuuga Mon May 25, 2009 10:21 pm

Sheiken Hyuga wrote:
Shin Uchiha wrote:
Sheiken Hyuga wrote:The jutsu are cool, but there's really just too much...

Theres no such thing as too many jutsu. Kakashi has atleast 1000, now doesnt he?

true, but then again, Kakashi only had that much because he had the copying jutsu thing, remember?
orochimaru have lots of jutsu too
Ushiro Hyuuga
Ushiro Hyuuga

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