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Another day, a new beggining

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Another day, a new beggining - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:57 pm

Yoshimaru kept traveling, as he came to a complete stop. He quickly began to dig upwards, directly under her now. He brang his hands up and touched the surface of the ground. "Tree Restraints."He said in his head as roots popped out of the ground and began to curl around Akuma's legs, ready to pull to keep her in place as they grew and grew.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Another day, a new beggining - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:01 pm

Akuma wasn't quick enough, as she jumped the tree roots pulled her back down and she became imobalised by them, after several attempts to scratch and bite the roots she became limp, the poison from earlier had taken even more effect on her tired body. Her tail, which was still free to move, feebly hacked at the plant but did not do much damage. Her cat-like ears drooped to the side of her head and she looked down in defeat. "You win..." Was the last thing she said before passing out.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Another day, a new beggining - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:08 pm

Yoshimaru took down the roots as he heared her say she was done. He then came up and brushed himself off. "You put up a good fight."He told her as she was passed out. 'Looks like the poison did more damage than I expected...'He thought as he then picked up her body, looking down at her, 'examining the small holes in her body he made from the needles. "Might as well treat the wounds while im at it.. I cant leave her here like this.."He said softly, walking over to a nearby lake as he carried her in his arms.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Another day, a new beggining - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:15 pm

Slipping in and out of concousness Akuma kept her eyes half open, looking were she was being carried off to, seeing the lake approach she dug her claws into her carrier. Her heart rate quickened as she could see the water comeing closer. Her tail wrapped around Yoshi's arm and she started to struggle and writhe, trying to get loose from his arms and away from the water. Since she was a child Akuma had feared any body of deep water, she had been pushed into that very lake by her father at a young age and almost drowned. She couldn't remember who had pulled her out though and hoped she would once again find whoever it was. She flailed her arms around and kicked out her legs, growling as they neared the water's edge.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Another day, a new beggining - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:19 pm

Yoshimaru felt her dig her claws into his arm, as he winced alittle, knowing the Koudogan protected his skin as his skin hardened earler with earth. "Calm down, im going to get the poison out of you, not drown you."He told her, as he continued walking towards the lake, "You could die any second if the poison spreads to your brain or heart, you know.."He added with a serious tone, sitting down next to the lake. "You have to trust me."He told her and looked into her eyes, his eyes going back to normal, light blue. His smile was gentle as he still carried her body in his arms even sitting down. "Yatta?"
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Another day, a new beggining - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:25 pm

Akuma stopped struggling and looked back up at Yoshi, her green eyes wide and displaying the fear she felt at being so close to water. She still kept her claws in his jacket though and her tail tightened on his arm a little. She did not answer him as she was overcome by her basic animal instincts and remained silent. She was still breathing rather rapidly and returned her gaze to the water, the rippled blue surface that almost claimed her life looked so peacfull, which is what scared her the most.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Another day, a new beggining - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:38 pm

"Dont worry,"He told her again, with a softer tone. "Its going to be quick, so there isnt anything to worry about."He added, as he let go of her body, setting her down on his lap with his crossed legs. He then ripped a piece of cloth from his sleeve, and leaned in, dipping it into the lake, taking it back out and wrapping it around her leg, where the needles struck her.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Another day, a new beggining - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:48 pm

Akuma shivered at the cold water and gripped tighter onto Yoshi's jacket. She hid her face in his shoulder, not wanting to look at the water any more, it brought so many painfull memories and she could not bear to look at it anymore. Her tail lossened it's grip and lay still, dangeling over his leg lifelessly. The muscles in her leg twitched as he wrapped the wet cloth around it. A sharp little squeek escaped her mouth as the cold water trickled down her shin over her knee. The tip of her tail flicked upwards then settled back down again.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Another day, a new beggining - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:51 pm

Yoshimaru chuckled a bit and put his arms around her body, holding her close, to show he was no threat to her anymore. "That wasnt so bad, now was it?"He asked her softly, knowing the cloth around her leg would suck out the poison, because his clothing had a bit of chakra held inside of it. He smiled at her, turning his head to his shoulder, his smile was soft as his body was relaxed.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Another day, a new beggining - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:54 pm

Akuma felt his arms wrap around her and paniced, she pushed him away with as much force as she could muster, her hands comeing into contact with his chest, she kicked her legs into the ground in an attempt to scramble away and har tail lashed about like an angry snake. '[i]no I can't get too close, what are you thinking girl? get away from him NOW!' She closed her eyes and tried to back away from him.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Another day, a new beggining - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:08 pm

Yoshimaru stood up and held her by her shoulders firmly, trying not to hold on too tight. He wanted to help her, and become friends, not wanting her to feel scared and threatened by him. He looked down at her, his eyes gentle and his smile soft. "Look, I helped you out, didnt I? Shouldnt I deserve a 'thank you', ne?"He asked with a chuckle, "And you shouldnt run away, your heart will begin to pound harder and cause the poison to spread further.. We dont want that to happen."
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Another day, a new beggining - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:14 pm

Akuma tried not to look back at Yoshi, she averted her eyes and kept her head to the side, avoiding eye contact at all costs. She still struggled against him but felt guilty, he did help her out but she didn't want to get to close to anyone. It hurt too much to see someone taken away from her and she wasn't about to let it happen anymore. She mouthed silently "sorry" and she ducked under his grip and started to run back to the forrest were she came from. Away from him and away from hurt, alot more than she was feeling now.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Another day, a new beggining - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:26 pm

Yoshimaru sighed and let her go, watching as she trailed off into the forest. He felt good helping someone in need, even if she wasnt apart of the village exactly, for what he thought. He began to follow her, but he went a different way, walking through the forest, not running, he knew where she was going, he could feel her chakra.
Shin Uchiha
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Another day, a new beggining - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:37 pm

Akuma could feel the poison spreading and felt her muscles ache painfully, she changed direction quickly and headed back to the village. She bounded through the trees and over falen logs with a little more difficulty than usual. She could feel Yoshimaru following her and picked up the pace. She could feel the poison getting close to her heart now, it was in her chest, she could see the Hokage's office not too far away now. She slowed down in attempt to slow the poison, she stumbled through the streets and ignored all the looks people gave her as she swayed side to side, as if she was drunk.
There were the front door, just a few more feet away...Akuma pushed open the doors and got to the stairs, a strange and painful feeling swelled up in her chest and she coughed. As she drew her hand away from her mouth she could see flecks of blood on her fingers and palm. She stared at it for what seemed like forever, her vision became blurry and then. Black.
She lay at the foot of the stairs, her body unmoving and barely breathing, her expression, even though unconcious, bore a look of great pain. Everything was limp and lifeless, if it wasn't for the almost unnoticable riseing and falling of her chest someone might think she was dead.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Another day, a new beggining - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day, a new beggining

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:50 pm

Yoshimaru kept following the feeling of her chakra, as he headed towards the village, wondering why she was going that way. He passed the villagers as he entered the gates, watching from behind her, as she swayed from side to side. He sighed as he got closer to her. He watched as she began coughing, from what looked like blood to him, as he followed her to the Hokage's tower, shocked how far she had gotten. "Akuma?"He said outloud, coming closer, watching as she fell. "Akuma!"He shouted and ran to her, kneeling down next to her body once he got to her finally. He checked her pulse.. Just barely something..

Yoshimaru picked up her almost dead body, as he leaped out the tower, and began to leap from rooftop to rooftop, heading back to his house, carrying her in his arms.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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