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Soon to be named anime *Sorry about the no name part*

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Soon to be named anime *Sorry about the no name part* Empty Soon to be named anime *Sorry about the no name part*

Post by Jin Chisoku Sun May 03, 2009 11:46 pm

ooc: Well, here it is, and if you don't know how to read it with the soundtrack, it's simple. I post a link, you read with it until the next link appears, and you click on that one to get the feel of the nest segment.


Even though portions of the Nenshou forest were evenly lighted, the continous eerie feeling of pursuit remained on Kikan's mind. He turned quickly, and waited. Nothing, no sign of anyone following him, but that burdening feeling. He tried to shake it off, and slowly turned back around to face the path leading to the next check point. Yuna was sure to be there, having taken the sea-side route she was bound to beat him there. Kikan's shield bounced off his back from his movements and made a rythmic beat as he walked along the pass. The follage only told him what he already knew, that most people didn't travel through here, and if they managed to, they weren't met with good intentions.

Kikan sighed, and stopped for a moment. Reaching behind his head he found the small amount of water he had aquired during the meeting of the superpowers. He still didn't understand what it all meant, and why section 13 held so many more members. Kikan breifly thought over the seals treaty, and how the head general of the Vice Army couldn't fight in sections of the land not suited for his spiritual pressure.

'Jin... doesn't it mean 'gentle'? He's anything but gentle looking....', Kikan thought to himself as he sipped on the precious liquid, '... I don't wanna know what kind of power he has if he's not allowed to fight simply because his presence will cause the great bindings* to collapse...Even worse, that's him limited*. If Jin and Kuro even had to fight...'

A sound killed all of Kikan's thoughts and regrouped them to focus on finding out the cause of such a noise. He quickly put away his water, and brought his sheild to bear. The metal sheering caused its own echo, nullifying his ablity to hear any other sounds, and giving his pursuer the chance to move it. It was too fast, if it was going after Kikan he would have been wounded for sure, but it didn't. It passed him in a blurr of motion, and continued on down the path. Kikan quickly followed, and soon found himself in an open field. At first the light caused him to lose focus, but it quickly came back to him, and he saw him. Jin, the general of the Vice armies, stood alone, walking down the path to checkpoint no.22. Behind him was a section 13 assassin, clothed only in all black, armed with a single katana, and an assortment of shurkiens and kunai.

Kikan ran at them both, raising his hand, "JIN!!!!!" Even though Kikan didn't know what drove the arimes to fight, he didn't wish to see someone die infront of him by the hands of some lowly assassin.

In that very instant a bubble of force grew from Jin's body, and pushed the very ground from him. It wasn't visable, but the wind, the small clumps of grass floating in the air suddently jerked from this overwelhming force outward. It seemed that the very reality that Jin was in was being pushed back. The assassin quickly took a handful of shurikens and threw them at Jin's lower back, hoping to pierce the spiritual force. Kikan quickly thought to himself about what Papa Midnight had told him, ' "In some cases, someone can use their own spiritual energy to coat a weapon before using it, nullifying someone elses aura, or defenses. IF they're skilled enough they can even stop someone's attacks." '

But that wasn't the case. The shurikens were met with the invisible force, and stopped. Even the small metal item's spin started to slow down, until it was completely motionless. Time ended for the attacker's weaponary. They held their place in mid-air, and suddently broke into thousands of metalic shards. Each group remained together, spining, gaining their motion back, but not in the same direction it was before. The newly broken shurikens were now going the other way. Each swarm of metal flew directly at their sender, causing him to flip, and dodge as best as he could in an attempt to escape his own ironic fate. One group after another continued to fly past the pursuer. Kikan raised his shield, and by pure luck block a mass of fragments that had caught wind and fly at him. Then, everything went quiet. Jin turned around, and stepped out of the small crater he had made with his spiritual force, walking towards the assassin.

" of face me...A lowly black Op from section 13, div.2, to fight me...", Jin's voice echo'd over the field, it's deep and threating tone caused Kikan only to fear him even more. Jin's hair covered most of his face, and the straw hat he wore covered everything that the hair missed, making his presence even more intimidating.

The assassin, landed, and looked at Jin with his hand slowly reaching for his weapon. His hand's trembling at the new sight of power, and force. But nonetheless he lunged forward. Again, with the same speed he used to pass Kikan with, the unknown fighter attacked Jin once again. The sound of metal against metal rang out, and caused Kikan to raise his head from behind the shield. He couldn't believe it. It didn't seem possible.

The opponent's katana was swaying from the hilt back at the assassin's face. Jin's spiritual force was holding back the katana, from several meters away. The sheer strain was evident on the section 13's face. Jin slowly raised his right hand, and revealed two silver rings: one on his fore finger, the other on his middle finger. He moved his left hand over his right, and the rings were gone. His left hand ran over the small pouch located in the side of his robe. Then it started. A massive wind started to push outward from Jin. The grass started swaying, and small clumps of earth began flying outward. The assassin's footing began to become loose, and in a panic he tried to use his katana as leverage to maintain his ground, but it was all folly. Then, as if a flood gate had been released, another torrent of wind flowed from Jin, this time causing the ground underneath him to collapse as it did before, and the ground around him to peel back. The assassin pushed the katana towards Jin, and grabbed onto the handle with both hands. The force proved to be too much, as his weapon shattered, and he was sent backwards, flipping in a uncontrolable pattern, his head, and arms slamming into the ground like a rag-doll. Then, he met a tree, and the massive thud of his body against the follage caused Kikan to jerk. Kikan lowered himself, trying to maintain his own footing, but every second he was slowly losing inches.

The assassin slowly started to move after seconds of being limp. Kikan had to give him credit, he didn't give up easily. Jin smirked, and suddently moved his right hand upward, causing it to be parallel with the ground around him. Small rocks were now floating around Jin, and a torrent of leaves, grass, and brush were following a massive orbit around him. The assassin lifted his body to a half stand, and threw a kunai at Jin. The purple aura around it flared, and seemly died as it grew closer to Jin. It came within 3 meters of Jin, and broke into shrapnel just as the shurkiens did.

Jin smirked, and then slowly his lips found a full smile, "That aura, that's Kuro's spiritual energy... I'm afraid that won't work...", with that Jin flicked his pointer and middle finger up in the hand seal of chi, and brought it to his chest, "...I'm the last thing your pathetic eyes are going to see..."

And with that the wind tripled in force, causing the closest trees to uproot slighlty, pushing Kikan towards the inner part of the path. The snapping, and popping of the roots added to the ominous howl of the wind. The assassin's body started to cave inward, his very innards started to flex outword.

His cries caused Kikan to wince as the sound his body breaking could be heard just a bit over the wind, "NO! NO! NO! NO! This can't be.....possible!"

Jin laughed, and instantly disppeared, appearing just infront of the assassin, "You met me just over the border, you caused your own death...."

The finally word of the assassin slowly eep'd its way out of his mouth just as his chest imploded, " No..."

The body then split into two parts, and continued to fly futher into the forest. The tree that had held the assassin in place suddently gave and flew backwards with him, as the neighboring trees followed suit.

Jin continued to look forward as he put his rings back on, talking to what seemed himself, "Insulting, one assassin, even if he was an S-class, he couldn't even bear my spiritual pressure....Don't you think, Kikan?"

Kikan's heart sank, and he quickly spouted out several words before coming up with the coheriant phrase, "How...."

Jin laughed, and replied, "The funny thing is, my spiritual pressure is my weakest point, my strength..."
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Soon to be named anime *Sorry about the no name part* Empty Re: Soon to be named anime *Sorry about the no name part*

Post by Kenshi Mon May 04, 2009 5:44 am

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
This is fucking amazing!
This is gonna be the next book I read.

I know you probably want some real feedback, so I'll wrap it in tags.



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Soon to be named anime *Sorry about the no name part* Empty Re: Soon to be named anime *Sorry about the no name part*

Post by Jin Chisoku Mon May 04, 2009 11:57 am

*Great Bindings- The world known as the 'second afterlife', is held together by massive bindings. Imagine if you will gaint staples holding land segements together. It's assumed by Kikan at this point, Jin fought at full strength against an massive force of Section XIII, and with him his companions, who haven't been revealed just yet. But, again, you're lead to assume a massive battle accured on what was an island next to the boundary segments which caused the 'second afterlife' to collapse into different land forms. This sent the whole area into chaos, whole villages were thown into the massive void and countless lives were lost. In the Great Crusade Treaty, it is labeled as forbidden for any S4-Class warrior to fight on any land mass not suited to with hold their spiritual pressure. "border" is Jin's way of saying he stepped onto a area of land deemed permissable for him to partially open his abilities.

*The Rings- The rings are of course seals, or binders to hinder Jin's spiritual energy and force from being eeping out of him. This display of force with the Section XIII assassin was simply Jin allowing his pressure to naturally flow at 50% of his overall strength. Both Jin, Kuro, and the other S4-Class generals wear a certain amount of binders to prohibit the second collapse.

*Spiritual Coating- A user's weapon is his or her way of allowing an excess of spiritual force to come out of their body. It acts a conducter or amplifier to the user, depending on skill level of course. But spiritual coating is something just founded by Section XIII. The user can now place his aura, and an amount of spiritual energy into a weapon. So, just as it happened here, a user can use a weapon coated with someone who is much stronger's aura, and it will act as their own for a brief amount of time.

*Kikan's Sheild- Unlike many people who find that their spiritually attuned weapon is a sword, or some sort of offensive weapon, Kikan found that he is attept to more of a defensive side. Though he has been granted S-Class status at this point in the story, you will find he is hard pressed to keep up with the other S-class humaniods.

Just some notes.
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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