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Senpai, meet Tobi

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Senpai, meet Tobi Empty Senpai, meet Tobi

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun May 03, 2009 3:33 pm

"In the midst of darkness, there is always a light. But in light there is always darkness. In these path, one shall show you destruction and chaos while the other brings peace and life. What path shall you take Nokutisu......will you take on your role as death or shall you bring upon this world life.....?"

From the memory back to the present, Tobi open his eyes underneath his mask. He was sitting on a tall sand dune in the middle of the desert. It was a cold and cloudless night in the middle of the desert in Wind Country. Night had consumed the day time as it was 11:24 according to the A.T.A uniforms clock. Tobi sat there with his arms folded and his legs crossed indian style. Waiting....contemplating....about everything and anything. He was suppose to wait for the mastermind to show up so he could join in the Akatsuki as it was time for him to show. He had just came from the village hidden in the mist. His crimes were heinous as he was there for espionage, trying to succeed the Mizukage by force when the old mizukage was in place and has tried many assassination attempts in order to get the Akatsuki to drive out of there hiding place so he could come and join. He has heard so much about the Akatsuki and how they are trying to change the world. The single thought of him changing the world made his heart beat faster and his adrenline to pump as this was a great time for him. It has taken him 10 years to grab the attention of the Akatsuki and finally this was his time to do so

As he sat there, he lifts his hands towards his visor. The visor, which covered from ear to ear turned to a dark red color. Tobi looks through the visors, seeing that it was now in night-vision. The suit was equiped with technology only used by the most advance villages can recieve. It was highly equipped with highly futuristic gadgets that no person would be able to explain, even if they had a hold of the gadget it was extremely complex. His appearance in general is something to take note of as his A.T.A uniform could not contain much of muscles that he had. In every general area both upper body and lower body, he seemed like a powerful man. The amount of definition and tone he had made his body look almost god-like. The suit literally formed up on his muscle. As he was scanning the area, looking around he saw nothing. He knew that the person he was suppose to meet would come up from the ground or of some sort cause this man had the ability to travel underground at high speeds.

"He said he would be here at 11:30...DAMMIT, where are you senpai??" Tobi whimpered and moaned as he was impatient of waiting. His voice was that of a young man, that of a little higher pitch than anyone else (somewhat like Tobi). Although he had a built he had such a winey like voice that somewhat annoyed people when he was agiated but his voice was friendly and nice, almost that of a trickster voice. He falls back on the sand and lays there on his back as he groan again. He knew he should had gotten there much later on rather than show up earlier to meet him. What was taking him so long to get him here?
Kyouken Uchiha
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Senpai, meet Tobi Empty Re: Senpai, meet Tobi

Post by Koga Sun May 03, 2009 5:05 pm

Gradually, as the young man stood patiently waiting, a slight rumble began to generate. From underneath him could be felt a shaking sensation, growing to what became a quake, even through the sands that made up the countries terrain. A few meters to the side of the new recruit, the sand burst upward, exploding into the air, as something emerged from below. Roots, spiralling around one another, forming what looked like a drill, grew from the arid depths, though they looked brittle, parched, and yearning for water. As the cloud of sand fell back to the ground, the formation of wood stood still, easily twice the height of Tobi. The tendrils of wood slowly uncoiled and opened up, as if they were the petals of a flower, and a man stood inside them. A sunhat rested on his head, with bells dangling from all along its edges, and a long, black and red robe covered his body, its collar covering his face. Only his stark eyes could be seen, just between the hat and the ridge of the cloak.

Calmly, he stepped out of the flowering wood, and began walking towards the newcomer to the organization. Underneath his arm, he carried another robe, folded, identical to the one he wore. He continued towards Tobi, and tossed the cloak towards him. "I apologize for the wait. These dunes dont exactly agree with my favored form of transportation." He said calmly, pausing his movement. "Though there's little time for excuses. We've wasted enough time, and we have a job to do."

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Senpai, meet Tobi Empty Re: Senpai, meet Tobi

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun May 03, 2009 5:24 pm

Tobi felt the rumbling underneath him. The sand began to vibrate and his body began to shake. He stands up quickly as this was a turn of events that he was not ready for, not in the least bit. He stands up and sees were roots that sprout from the ground like a flower gently coming out but the roots were seemingly dehydrated of water. The withered roots that stood twice as tall as Tobi made Tobi somewhat in amaze as to whether this an enemy foe or an ally. Tobi took notice of the roots as it opened and coming out of it was a man who was wearing the black and red cloak with clouds on it. Tobi was now in joyous amuzement as this was what he was waiting for. All this time, he has been waiting to join and now he gets to be associated with the Akatsuki.

He looks at the man, he was unable to see his face or appearanc. Rather it was extremely difficult to sense if this person was either human or not, his visor did not allow him to go through to see his identification. Tobi stands straight up as he was now attentive and was ready for anything. He hears the man begin to speak, a calm tone making him give out a calm atmosphere which made it more settling. This also made Tobi more exicted as this was the tone of the Akatsuki. The serious nature, the business like look, the mysterious cloaks. Everything about the Akatsuki was something that he dreams of. He looks at the cloak at which he was carrying. He knew that that cloak whom which the man was carrying was his. When the man threw it to him, he catches it stumbling with his hands as though it was a piece of hot metal. When he finally had it in his hands, he looks at it with awe and glee. He takes a whif of it and begins to unfold it so he can wear it. Tobi, trying to walk and put on his cloak at the same time, was now twisted and locked up in his cloak. He falls over onto the sand and gives a yelping sound. But nevertheless, he put on his cloak and stands up extremely fast

Tobi looks at his cloak, it was true amazement now that he was wearing it and now he gets to travel with his leader, the mastermind of the Akatsuki. He stands in attention "So, I guess im in eh? Sweet....I think it is an honor to join this organization as to being one of the few to change the world.....This is totally AWESOME!!!" he sounded somewhat like a excited schoolgirl. His hands were in a fist and he was shaking them in front of his face. It was awkward but nothing out of the ordinary for someone like this "So uhhhhhhhh....I never got your name....Well Senpai, whats are first mission?"
Kyouken Uchiha
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Senpai, meet Tobi Empty Re: Senpai, meet Tobi

Post by Koga Sun May 03, 2009 11:05 pm

As the man turned and began walking away, the flower of wood slowly receded into the sand, vanishing, as if it had never been there. He was heading towards the Village Hidden in the Sand, the nearest civilization to where the two had met, and there was good reason as to why that was the closest. "I am Koga, and I suggest you pick up the pace. Otherwise, we'll never get to what we've come here for." Dictated the robed figure, his sandals leaving small indents in the sand that made up the country for as far as the eye could see.

"I understand that you are a newcomer, but you have gone through our trials. Taken our tests. Endured our training. You know how serious our organization is, and that we have goals in mind. Goals that we won't see realized by twiddling our thumbs." Started Koga, as he explained what the two were to be doing in the Land of Wind. "I have summoned you here for your official initiation, as well as a mission that is essential to the group as a whole." He went on, pulling a small peice of paper from his sleeve, which he flung towards Tobi. "Read, dont speak. We cannot allow our plans to be spoken out loud, outside of our sanctuaries. Wouldnt want anyone overhearing these classified types of things, now would we?" Sternly dictated the cloaked shinobi.

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Senpai, meet Tobi Empty Re: Senpai, meet Tobi

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon May 04, 2009 4:46 pm

Tobi nodded eagerly "Of course Koga-senpai, I do not want this information to leak out. You never know what might happen if someone were to find out that we were going on a secret mission" as he takes his thumb and digs in at the edges of the envolope to open it. As he slowly open it, he takes out the letter and begins to read it. It was definetely a letter stating that they are going after a someone. Their orders were to capture and retrieve, leave nothing behind and if anyone were to get in there way, destroy them at all cost. Tobi takes the later and folds it back up, placing it into his cloak pocket. As he follows Koga, Tobi wanted to say how grateful he was but he does not think it would be the right time for him to say anything. From looking at Koga, seeing that he was a serious and stern man. Business and business from the looks in his eyes and anything that Tobi could possibly say would put them in a disarray. He rather be silent until the meet the focus target.

After a few minutes of travelling in silence, Tobi became bored....easily bored. He could not stand the amount of silence they were going through. It was like sleeping without him being comfortable. For awhile, Tobi was trying to figure out something to say to Koga. He had many questions like as to why he was told to keep this information incogneito and as to why the Akatsuki is after the Bijuu again. He wanted to say so much but it was not the time. Instead, he takes a deep breath and yawns out dramatically. He stretches his arms and cracks his head. He puts his hands together and places them behind the back of his head as he was marching right behind Koga.

"Koga-senpai...." Tobi asked "There is something that I might ask.....I mean, I know it isnt my place to say at this point but I want to know.....are you....the mastermind of the Akatsuki? I mean, you seem so calm, so stern, so powerful.....that you make a indeed worthy presence"

Tobi waves his hands back and forth signalling how he did not want to get himself killed or rather hurt by the sheer fact of Koga being such a presence. "I mean, its not my place to say" he said nervously as he was walking behind him. He scratches the top of his head, which was covered by the mask that covered his whole entire head "but im just are you?"
Kyouken Uchiha
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Senpai, meet Tobi Empty Re: Senpai, meet Tobi

Post by Koga Mon May 04, 2009 10:31 pm

"Lets put it this way, no one is higher." Said Koga, turning his head slightly to the side to see Tobi, the bells along the edge of his sunhat jingling in the scorching winds of the vast deserts that they were traversing. There was not a cloud in the vast, blue skies above them, but the color was still distorted from the constant presence of billowing sands in the wind. From over the horizon, after the seeming hours of unceased marching, a large mountain began coming into view. Two, that seemed to form what looked almost like a wall. However, Koga knew better. Between these two massive slabs of stone, a mile high, and a mile long, there was a small fissure. A pass between them, where they would have to travel through in order to reach the Village Hidden in the Sand. As well guarded as nature wished it to be, it did not phase the cloaked shinobi. Getting to the village was not the hardest part of this mission, not by a long shot, and he knew the time for this assignment to become very interesting, very quickly.

"See those mountains? Our target resides just beyond them, and by the time we get there, theres a good chance that much more trouble will be knocking on our door than what we've come for. I suggest you mentally prepare yourself. This mission is to the death. Tooth and nail. We return successful, or not at all." Spoke Koga, hoping to imprint the seriousness of the task at hand into him. Perhaps if he did, then Tobi would achieve heightened focus, and realize the need to cool his mind to the core. There would be no room for error on this mission.

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Senpai, meet Tobi Empty Re: Senpai, meet Tobi

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon May 04, 2009 11:10 pm

Tobi looks up at the large mountains. From what he could tell and from the information beforehand and right now, this was the entrance towards Sunagakure no sato, one of the five largest and the second powerful villages in the world. Its resilent might and its powerful shinobi made it a fearsome military might. Tobi got more exictied, he began to dance around and perform simple over the top martial kicks and punches while Koga was talking. When he was done Tobi then said to Koga

"But Koga-Senpai, wasnt it only two akatsuki members that came in to cause mass destruction causing much damage on the village? I would think that there defenses would be somewhat low now that they are pretty weak at the moment. To think we should be more aware of the situation, meh I like to think that we could sneak in and come lead the person out of Sunagakure and into the desert. Or bout this Koga-senpai. We take something of value of the guy, ya know? A kid, a shinobi....or maybe the Kazekage. I think that would be more of a ransom than anything you know" Tobi chuckled at the end of his saying and begins to spin around once more as though he was a child ready to play

This was certainly not odd behavior, according to past Akatsuki members. This was typical. But in a sense this was all a rouse to make it appear as though he was just a child at heart. Inside, Tobi was plotting. Plotting more and more as he began to walk towards Sunagakure..
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Senpai, meet Tobi Empty Re: Senpai, meet Tobi

Post by Koga Tue May 05, 2009 3:06 pm

Though Koga was, in all honesty to himself, unsure of how they were going to get the attention of their target long enough to lure him from the village, and the protection of its other shinobi, and as such, he allowed Tobi's idea to rattle around in his head for a moment, giving it fair trial. However, doing something as risky as that may end up simply leading to more complications. Complications that the two of them wouldnt be able to afford, considering the village had been attacked so recently, it would make sense to think that their defenses would be down, but the Sand are not lone wolves. They have allies somewhere in the word, no doubt. They would not be unexpectant of a second attack so soon, and may be better prepared now than they were before, as none of their more powerful shinobi were lost in the initial raid. "Tobi, if you feel that plan would work, then I will allow you to go on your own into the village and find yourself a 'ransom'. However, bear in mind, if we take this course of action, whoever we capture would also become involved in the oncoming fight, as well as anyone who sees you liberate them from the village, and anyone else who cares for them. Taking the Kazekage would be quite unwise, as he would not willingly come with you, and even if he did, we would then have two considerably strong adversaries as opposed to our single, original target." Cautioned the concealed ninja, his body still nearly entirely covered by his organization wardrobe.

"Regardless, I do see the benefit to what you say. Taking a hostage may, in fact, prove much simpler than tracking him down and forcing him from the village. Make sure the target finds out of the kidnapping. It will do us no good if we cause this conflict, and he does not become involved. If you believe your plan to be the best decision we can make, then I will wait for you to return here, just beyond the gorge that serves as the village's only entrance and exit. This is where we will do battle with the target." Explained Koga as the two finally grew close to the pair of massive, cliff-like mountains. His pace stopped, and he turned to Tobi, awaiting his response. The time was at hand for the mission to begin. A choice had to be made.

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Senpai, meet Tobi Empty Re: Senpai, meet Tobi

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue May 05, 2009 9:43 pm

Tobi stand attentive and salutes Koga "Hai!! Koga-Senpai....I will not fail into trying to retrieve a hostage so you and I can take care of business" Tobi begins to run in place and had his hands in fist tht was over his head out of pure exictement "OOooooooooo this is going to be so awesome....." he said quietly. He knew if he would yell, that would certainly displease. He begins to run towards the mountain and towards Sunagakure, ready to do what his senpai told him to do.

A small laughter comes from the ground before a voice says "My oh my, what are we recruiting these days? I swear, the most craziest are the more child-like, wouldnt you think Koga..?". Ten meters in front of Koga, the sand began to have a rippling effect on the ground, and coming out of that ripple-like sand was a man with the obvious colors of purple, orange and white comes from ground. The man, standing over at 6'3, looks at Koga. He was wearing a different version of the Akatsuki uniform, instead of red clouds, it was blue with red that bled downward from the clouds. Behind him was a giant metal ground, which looked heavy. The man was wearing orange sunglasses, which was odd since it was night time but nevertheless it did not matter to this man

"Koga....tell me, where we suppose to higher some guy like...."he looks over at Tobi, who was clearly gone but he could imagine what he was looking like at this moment " that?"
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Senpai, meet Tobi Empty Re: Senpai, meet Tobi

Post by Koga Tue May 05, 2009 11:23 pm

"As childish as he seems, Jouten, he's capable. There was little other choice we had, but to promote a subordinate to member status. The organization was in a low point, and we required the man power. Besides, if he is unable to do as the group requires of him, then he wont survive much longer to cause any problems." He told his comrade, trying to reassure him of the newcomer's abilities.

He rotated his sandals through the hot sands to look directly to Jouten, wondering as to why he had come this far out of the way from where the group normally got together. He was unsure of how wise it was to have three members crowded in such an open and exposed area, and worried that, if they had been tracked recently, they could easily be attacked en masse. If a large enough, or strong enough, force was to encounter the three of them now, they would surely have to try to escape with their lives, or entirely change their plans. "So, tell me. What are you doing here? Shouldnt you be preparing the statue? Or keeping tab on the hideout, and our other targets?"

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