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Kajuu Akimichi

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Kajuu Akimichi Empty Kajuu Akimichi

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:33 pm

Name: Kajuu Akimichi



Village: Konoha
Alignment: Good

Appearance:He is much like an Akimichi in that is is quite chubby. His hair is long black and spiky (Like Choji's but different color). He wears a blue shirt underneath his chest armor which looks similar to choji's father's armor but with a metal shoulderpad on the right shoulder. He wears wraps around his wrists and ankles. His bants are blue as well. His Head band is sewed to his right arm. He has two blue lines under his left eye (touching his lower eye lid) which go down in the shape of a lightning bolt.

Personality:Kajuu is a very happy guy. It takes alot to get him in a bad mood. He has a tendency to let his emotions run wild in a battle though and will charge in but he is learning to control this flaw. He has a soft spot for food. whenever someone mentions food he gets excited and starts to act goofy. Once you become his friend, he is the most loyal friend you can find. He never betrays a friend even if it may cost his life.

Kajuu was born into the the akimichi clan. He was very fortunate to have a very loving family and a fantastic home life in where he was accepted for who he was. His father was a very accomplished shinobi and his mother was a famed cook in the land of fire. He spent his days either learning to cook with his mother or training his abilities with his father. He was a very competitive child and always wished to beat his father in every way. while he was young the only way he could beat him was in eating.

He entered the academy at a very young age but for some reason was only an average student. He seemed to struggle with other jutsu's that were not specific to his clan. though he lacked in ninjutsu his taijutsu was very good. When it came to ninja tools he was almost an expert. Despite the fact he was only an average student he was an excelent shinobi. He passed all of his survival tests and things of that nature. He was very good with forming plans. Still one thing weighed heavy on his mind. None of the students liked him.

The students all chose to pick on him and call him fat along with other hurtful names. He tried to ignore them but they all just continued to torture him. They would go as far as pushing him around and saying he and his father were both second rate ninja. This is what set him off. No one was aloud to put his father down. He went on a rage and beat up half of his class. from then on they left him alone. With this he realized that they still hate him but now won't pick on him. he thought it was better this way.

Kajuu graduated on time at the age of 12. His mother was very proud and baked him a gigantic cake with a life sized frosting picture of him. He had little time to celebrate because he was soon to be put into a squad. He ended up in squad three. He wasnt all to fond of his sensei or one of his teammates but he did become good friends with a boy named Chijin. He was one of the only students not to pick on him at the academy. Kajuu was just happy to finally find a friend. They both were very close in their friendship but in ability they were miles apart. Chijin was mastering most techniques at a very young age and Kajuu was still working on most of the basics.

They accomplished most missions in record time. The team was considered the best of the rookie squads that year. Their sensai sat them down one day and talked to them all about the upcoming Chunnin exams. Kajuu was already excited and loved the sound of it. Chijin was excited to but thought he should be able to bypass the exams because of his ability. Kajuu started noticing a change in Chijin from that day forward. The two friends became distant as the Chunin exams grew closer.

The day finally came when the chunin exams were to be held. Kajuu entered into the exam with confidence and decided that he would pass with flying colors. He of course decided this before he knew there was a written exam. He was very nervouse and began sweating uncontrolably. luckily Chijin was signaling answers to his team via hand signals and mirrors placed around the room. Kajuu knew he was lucky that he knew all the answers because he would have been completely lost. With the help of Chijin, Kajuu's team passed the first test.

The second exam arrived and Kajuu learned his team must obtain scrolls from other teams. They were given an earth scroll which meant they needed a heaven scroll. The exam begun and they quickly set off to get as close to the tower in the center of the forest as possible. Kajuu had made a plan to set traps for anyone coming with both scrolls and then quickly defeating them. Kajuu's plan worked out well in theory but they still had to fight. After two days of waiting one team had finally arrived. they had both scrolls out and were going at full speed towards them.

Kajuu had set up paper bombs right in the direction that the team was coming from. One of the genin had stoped but the other two continued yelling for him to hurry. Kajuu then sprung his trap, catching both in the explosion. They were blown to near death but were still alive. The third held the scrolls and ran to them to see if they were ok. Kajuu and his team quickly jumped to catch him. they held him down and knocked him out. they had finally recieved the scrolls. From there they entered the tower and opened the scrolls. A chunin appeared and congradulated them.

They were told of the third stage of the exams. Kajuu was exaushted and hungry, he didnt feel he had enough energy for a fight. Kajuu had calmed himself and began to focus on the fight. the opponents were randomly selected to fight so Kajuu might have time to rest. This was quickly thrown out for he was called to fight first. His opponent was an aburame who had control of insects. Kajuu hated bugs but was prepared for the worst. The proctor signaled for the match to begin and Kajuu did not waste time. He quickly expanded into a ball and began to quickly launch himself towards the aburame. As he spun forward he felt himself slowing. The bugs were forming a wall and slowling him down. They began to go underneath him and launched him into the air.

Kajuu had to think quickly. He performed a partial expansion jutsu. He expanded his right arm as long as he could and made his hand as large as possible. He smiledd and laughed then yelled "Ultimate Technique! Fly swatter!" He quickly slamed his hand into the ground killing the majority of the aburame's bugs. In the process he caught his opponents legs, breaking them easily leaving the boy in pain. The proctor quickly signaled for the fight to end. Kajuu was confused as to how he had won so fast. Regardless he smiled and walked away waiting to watch all the next fights.

Kajuu had time to rest before the final exam. The final was a another fight but these were planed. He was up against his friend Chijin. Kajuu was a little upset by this but Chijin was very confident. He told Kajuu just before the match that he would take it easy on him. This enraged Kajuu to where he was not thinking clearly. How could his friend think less of him? As if he were better than him. The proctor ran by the rules between them both and signaled for the fight to begin. Kajuu stood his ground waiting for Chijin to make a move. Chijin quickly threw several kunai at kajuu witch he easily deflected with his kunai. Chijin was already in the air with a foot coming down straight for kajuu's head. Kajuu let him hit him and quickly grabed his ankle. He began to spin as fast as he could and threw him through a tree.

Kajuu charged once again hoping that Chijin was close to being defeated. This was not the case sadly for he was already on the move. he quickly kneed kajuu in the stomach then landed a strong right hook to his chin. Kajuu was suprised and slowly got up from the hit. Chijin was already above him and drove both of his feet into Kajuu's back. "give up, I don't want to hurt you anymore. Your too fat to keep up with me anyway." Kajuu proped himself up and looked at his former friend with blood pouring from his mouth. "win...or day I will show you that I will be the most powerful Akimichi ever. Then you will be the old friend I once knew. you are a shell of what you once were...You think power is everything...well. Your wrong!" He Charged forward with kunai in hand and began to expand his body. He threw the kunai which missed then slamed his fist into Chijin. Chijin was under the gigantic fist trying to breathe. Kajuu removed his hand and quickly shrunk once again collapsing from lack of chakra. The match was over and Kajuu was declared the victor.

A few weeks later Kajuu was declared an official Chunnin. He was very proud of himself. Chijin was also made Chunnin. though the two never spoke they knew that one day they would meet again and once again be the friends they once were. Three years pasted and Kajuu was standing at the gates of konoha. "When I return, I will be a powerful shinobi and become a jounin like my father always hoped I would be." He left the village and sought out new powers and strengths he could master. He had left for eight years only to return at the age of twenty four, strong enough to be called a jounin.

Speciality:Taijutsu Ninjutsu
Learned jutsus:
Multi Size technique
Human bullet tank
E rank jutsu
Goals: To be the most powerful Akimichi ever.
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

Posts : 176
Points : 248
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2009-04-12
Age : 34
Location : Michigander!

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Kajuu Akimichi Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:52 pm

Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Join date : 2009-04-12
Age : 34
Location : Michigander!

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Kajuu Akimichi Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi

Post by Koga Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:58 pm

Very nice, an Akimichi. Cant wait to see this guy get going in the rp world.


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Join date : 2009-02-10

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Kajuu Akimichi Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:59 pm

sweet first akimichi right???
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Join date : 2009-04-12
Age : 34
Location : Michigander!

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