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Jun Miyuki Jutsu List

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Jun Miyuki Jutsu List Empty Jun Miyuki Jutsu List

Post by Desert Coyote Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:19 am

(Already approved, pre time skip)

Name of jutsu: Healing Chakra
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: (Katon, Fuuton, Raiton, Suiton and Doton)

Description: The user focuses their chakra into an open wound to seal it and heal the wound at an accelerated rate.


Name of jutsu: Frozen River (4)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Taijutsu
Element Affinity: Suiton

Description: The user hits his opponent’s knees and elbows with ice chakra and freezes them in a solid block of ice.

Weakness: Only hits four joints, it takes several seconds for the ice to harden enough to be a problem for the user’s opponent, fairly easy to dodge

(Needs approval, post time skip)

Name of jutsu: Numbing Touch
Rank E-S: D
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Taijutsu
Element Affinity: None

Description: The user forces their chakra into a nerve cluster and forces it to shut off. This can numb and entire limb, or be used as a local anesthetic only. Talented Taijutsu users may use this technique without using chakra.

Weakness: Doesn’t really hurt or heal, just numbs. Strong opponents can power through and use the limb anyway.

Name of jutsu: Glacial Slash
Rank E-S: D
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Kenjutsu
Element Affinity: Suiton

Description: The user pushes their chakra through a blade and lowers the temperature of the blade so that as it cuts it freezes. This can easily cause hypothermia, or force the amputation of a limb. Note: Having blood and flesh frozen as the blade cuts threw them is extremely painful.


Name of jutsu: Flicker Jab
Rank E-S: C
Range: Short to Mid
Type of jutsu: Taijutsu
Element Affinity: None

Description: A very quick thrust this technique may be done with or without a weapon. Often used to interrupt an attack or as a quick offensive measure this is little more then an extremely quick, hard to dodge punch. Doesn’t use the flicker technique at all, just called flicker punch because of the speed.

Weakness: While the arm is extended the body is left wide open.

Name of jutsu: Shape metal
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Katon

Description: By Channeling large amounts of chakra carefully through a piece of metal the user can form the metal as though it where clay instead. This molding is permanent as though the metal was forged in the same way, though this technique does not allow for fine detailing. Example: A user could make a simple cup, but not an elaborate mug covered in symbols and runes. The user can’t even put a sharp edge on the metal, though she could make a blunt blade or a pointy one.

Weakness: Is only really easy for fire users. Takes time and energy to do properly and is limited by the user’s scope, scale, and imagination.

Name of jutsu: Basic Seal
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Fuinnjutsu
Element Affinity: None

Description: A basic seal meant to hold things which won’t fight very hard to escape.

Weakness: A weak sealing jutsu it isn’t capable of holding a person, only at best small animals or inanimate objects.
Desert Coyote
Desert Coyote

Posts : 36
Points : 16
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Join date : 2009-02-12

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