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Team Kazuki Initiation!!!

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Team Kazuki Initiation!!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team Kazuki Initiation!!!

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Tue May 26, 2009 1:58 am

Okashii Looked at both Rin and Ayano Closing his book. He was ready to follow any idea they had and was more than willing to team up. For some reason he wasn't sure how to tell them though. When he was about to talk to one of them he became shy and just looked away. Okashii stood there waiting for them both to move. He didn't want to go until they did He looked back at Kazuki and sighed as sweat droped from his face. Him being the none people person he is, this won't be easy. He put his book away and waited for Rin and Ayano.
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Team Kazuki Initiation!!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team Kazuki Initiation!!!

Post by Hikari Tue May 26, 2009 4:29 pm

Ayano didn't waste any time. "Okay, let's go Kenta.", she said as the two ran into the forest.
Quickly, Ayano began to make some handseals. "Okay kenta, get ready for this, Man-Beast clone Technique.", she said as a cloud of smoke surrounded them. Now, they were both the same, looking like Ayano. "Okay, now that we look the same, we can split up, with one of us holding the bell.", they both said in Ayano's voice.
They both split up, at the path they found. One went left, and the other went right.

Ayano, the real one, went left. She had been making it seem her and kenta did not split up, by making something that made dog-like prints. She then found a small pond, with a waterfall, full of reeds. "Well, I'll wait here.", she said as she sat down, drinking the water.

Kenta, whom had gone right, was doing the excact same thing Ayano did. The, placed a an exploding puppy, hold the bell. Kenta then layed down beside it, still looking like Ayano.

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Team Kazuki Initiation!!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team Kazuki Initiation!!!

Post by Chitona Tue May 26, 2009 4:45 pm

Rin sighed. "Err, okay, I guess, lets go then.", she said as she entered the forest. As she walked in, she expelled her corn starch all over where she entered. "Now, to find a place to sit down.", she said as she jumped into a tree branch with much shade. She paitently thought out her next move. So, first of all, I need to know who he's attacking first, she thought. Ayano and Kenta, me, or Okashii. "Well, I guess my next move should be defensive, so.", she said as she walked around the Forest, trying to find where Okashii would enter.

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Team Kazuki Initiation!!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team Kazuki Initiation!!!

Post by Darkjagwar Wed May 27, 2009 4:19 pm

Kazuki walked into the forest while stretching his arms and shoulders out. Now that they're all off on their way, let's find them all, he thought. He made several hand signs and ended with the "ram" sign.

"Chakra Radar"

As long as Kazuki maintained his technique, a wave of chakra would be sent out every 30 seconds in order to detect any enemy shinobi around him. This technique was as close as a non-Hyuuga shinobi could get to the tracking abilities of the Byakugan.

"Let's see," he said standing in place waiting to sense his pupils' chakra. "We have five signals here with a group of two very close together. Looks like Ayano's done a cloning technique...I might want to get them out of the way first, but I'll want to keep an eye on the others..." he sighed, "looks like I'll have to make clones as well Ayano-kun."

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu"

Kazuki created 5 clones. One was going to stay back at the field and disperse when the sun began to set, meaning time was up. The other four each targeted a party. One for Rin, one for Okashii, one for one Ayano/Kenta group and one for the other. I'm going to go where I believe Kenta is," Kazuki thought to himself. [i]Animals are generally more fierce fighters so the bell is probably with wherever Kenta is. He followed the clone to a nearby lake mistakenly thinking that Kenta would be there. I'd assume a dog would find a water source because of...something? If not, I still have my radar activated, so if I have to find anyone else, no big deal.


The Kazuki clone that ended up following Okashii hid a considerable distance away after finding him. I don't want to make any sudden moves or trigger a trap or anything, he thought. I'll stay here for now and see what he does.


The clone that followed the group of two hid in a tree. Okay, Ayano and Kenta are here, just as I thought. She's not doing anything? Strange. There must be a trap, so I'll be as noisy and uproarious as possible. She wouldn't epxect that. The clone jumped down from the tree, then shouted, "Prepare yourself, Ayanp!" He then proceeded to use a chakra strings technique. He produced one string per finger and flung them towards Kenta and Kenta's exploding clone in hopes of tangling them up.


Kazuki's clone that followed Ayano was hidden among the bushes with Kazuki several meters back in the treetops. Yeah, this is definitely Kenta, Kazuki and his clone thought to themselves. Kazuki's clone jumped out of the bushes and was about to execute a stomp from the air right in front of Ayano that would simply knock her back.


The clone that followed Rin took a similar course of action as two of the other clones and charged into battle. Unfortunately he ended up getting caught in Rin's cornstarch on a branch close to where Rin was resting. "Oi, Rin!" he said playfully. "I seem to be stuck in your trap! Well played, my pupil, but I can still do some long range attacks." He made some hand signs and formed a bubble of compressed air in his hands. He shouted, "Wind Release - Air Bullet" and launched the bubble where Rin was sitting.

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Team Kazuki Initiation!!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team Kazuki Initiation!!!

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Fri May 29, 2009 2:28 pm

Okahii satrted to move deep in the woods. He had a small plan worked out if he were to be alone in his fight. He stoped and looked around. He quickly formed some handseals and made three water clones. He held out the bell in his hand and all the clones huddled around it. Making sure that no one could see, Okashii made three fake bells giving one to each of his clones. They then decided to move around a bit if anyone near by was watching to confuse witch was real. All of a sudden Okashii threw a smoke bomb on the ground causing the near by area to be filled with smoke. While in the cover of smoke Okashii's clone pulled out some ninja wire tieing it to trees near by, setting trip wires high and low to set off paper bombs connected to them.

Okashii and his two other clones began to move away by this time. The last clone slowly followed behind and stoped all of a sudden as the other three split up into different directions. Hopefully, if his plan worked. Kazuki would have to navigate the wires which would slow him, then have to go threw the clones to find which is real to find the bell.
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Team Kazuki Initiation!!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team Kazuki Initiation!!!

Post by Chitona Fri May 29, 2009 7:24 pm

occ - Um, for us to enter the exams, our jounin sensei must tell the hokage we are it's really up to both sensei and students. Back to rp.

Rin jumped out of the way, pulling out three senbons, throwing one at his leg, one at his arm, and one at his ear. "I have no time for a faker like you.", she stated as she jumped away. As she ran, she knew if those senbons hit, it would slowly send poisin throughout the clone's system. "Now, Kazuki-sensei, where are you, fighting Okashii or Ayano, or maybe even Kenta. Making handseals, she made two clones. One clone went to spy on Kenta, and the other on Ayano. "Now, Okashii, where are you?", she asked herself under her breath.
She began searching as she came across a cleverly placed trap. "Yep, gotta be Okashii.", she said as she went around it.

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Team Kazuki Initiation!!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team Kazuki Initiation!!!

Post by Hikari Fri May 29, 2009 7:34 pm

Ayano rolled into the water, becoming went. "You, Kazuki-sensei, your gonna pay if I get sick!", she yelled as she began making handseals. "Shikyaku no Jutsu - Four-Legged!", she yelled as she got down on all-fours. As Kenta also looked like Ayano, he could do anything she could. So you wouldn't be able to tell. Being on all fours, she fled from inside the pool of water, fleeing towards where Kenta went.

As Kenta and his exploding clone were attacked, he jumped out of the way, allowing the clone to be taken. "No, Kenta, I won't let you get away with this.", he said in Ayano's voice, running away. The Kenta clone became bigger and bigger as it got closer to the clone of Kazuki. Untill it went boom.

Ayano eventually met up with Kenta, echanging the bell to each other, not knowing who held it. Kenta created another exploding puppy, and he stayerd in a tree with lots of leaves on it, hiding him. Ayano, ran off, as she knew Kenta had one last resort if the clone failed, the soldier pill.

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Team Kazuki Initiation!!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team Kazuki Initiation!!!

Post by Darkjagwar Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:10 pm

The clone next to Rin allowed itself to be hit by the senbon. "If I'm stuck here anyway I might as well disperse. This knowledge is useful." With that soliloquy, the clone burst into a puff of smoke.


The clone following Okashii had no idea where to find him. "Alright, I can use the chakra radar to a lesser extent to find Okashii." The clone used the Chakra Radar to see all sources of chakra within a 20 meter radius. "Five sources?" he said to himself. 4 of them were close together and one was alone. At that moment, the previously mentioned clone dispersed, thus feeding this information to this clone. "So Rin's on her way, huh? Well, I'll just have to cut her off. Okashii can wait. Besides, he's bound to run out of chakra to keep his clones functioning for an extended amount of time anyway."

As Rin approached where Kazuki's clone was standing, the clone made hand signs. "Charged Body," it said quietly. Electric currents began to emerge from its body. It then jumped at Rin and threw a punch headed directly for her stomach. This will knock the wind out of her and stun her too, so I can get this part over with.


The clone that had stomped where Ayano was standing dispersed after Ayano began to run away. But he's headed for Ayano and the clone? Kazuki thought to himself. He followed Ayano to where Kenta and Kenta's clone were and stayed concealed in the trees.

Kenta's clone exploded while tangled up in Kazuki's clone's chakra strings. "An A-ranked technique? Impressive," the clone said smugly. The explosion had kicked up lots of dust and smoke, and when it cleared, only a likeness of Kenta remained. "You're not going to ever fool me twice with the same trick, Ayano!" it exclaimed as it began to make handseals. "Wind release - Air bullet!" The clone shot a bubble of compressed air at Kenta's clone at the speed at which even if it did manage to dodge, when the bubble exploded, the clone would not have been far enough away to avoid any damage.

After firing the air bullet, the clone jumped back into the tree Kenta was in. "I can see which way you escaped because of the smoke! Now eat fist!" the clone said as it threw a punch at Kenta's face.

After seeing these events occur, Kazuki, with his radar still active, followed Ayano. I know that they have the common sense to trade bells and such, but I can't sense where the real bell is. Bells do not emit chakra! Kazuki thought as he followed Ayano.

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Team Kazuki Initiation!!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team Kazuki Initiation!!!

Post by Hikari Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:09 pm

Kenta had been hit, becoming a dog again. As he rolled, he used his Dynamic Marking, and tried to pee on Kazuki. After doing a barrel roll, he swallowed the pill, as a last resort move. He began to grow different color fur. His grew fur became black, and the wite fur went brown. He charged at the clone, turning into Ayano again. "Tsuuga - Piercing Fang.", He said in Ayano's voice, as he began to spin wildly out of control, destroying everything in it's path, including Kazuki's clone.

Ayano, who still had the 4-legged technique still up, bran as far away as possible, running into what she thought was the real Okashii. "Hey, you, are you a real or just a clone?", she asked him as she stood up.
She opened her left hand, revealing she now had the bell.

Last edited by Hikari on Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:35 am; edited 1 time in total

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Team Kazuki Initiation!!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team Kazuki Initiation!!!

Post by Darkjagwar Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:07 pm

OOC: I would just like to point out one small thing. Hikari and Bachi, you have to choose now who has the bells and who has the fake bells. This is to prevent discontinuity and switching possession on a whim, which is, in fact, godmodding. But more importantly, confusing and annoying, so distinguish who has what now.

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Team Kazuki Initiation!!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team Kazuki Initiation!!!

Post by Hikari Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:08 pm

Occ- Okay, What ever happened to bachi, I mean, I wouldn't want to be mean, but did he curl up into a ball, in a dark corner or something. I hopoe the wrost never happened. Crying or Very sad Well, I guess if he doesn't come back, well the team falls apart.......

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Team Kazuki Initiation!!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team Kazuki Initiation!!!

Post by Darkjagwar Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:35 pm

OOC: *sigh* I guess you make a point. We can wait for him and just continue the session for a few more posts, then cut it off before anyone can do anything important because of the CHUUNIN EXAMS!!!!

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Team Kazuki Initiation!!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team Kazuki Initiation!!!

Post by Hikari Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:48 pm

While, we could just keep our team up until the next Chunnin exams
We would have more time to prepare, and plus we'd be more knowledgable. So, but it's ultimately up to us all, and I know Chitona will agree, as he is here with me now as I type.

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Team Kazuki Initiation!!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team Kazuki Initiation!!!

Post by Darkjagwar Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:07 pm

OOC: So apparently this thread here's basically what probably would have happened:

• Fighting keeps going on for a short while
• All the genin eventually meet up and defend themselves for almost the rest of the time.
• Kazuki takes it up a notch and gets all the bells at the last possible second.
• The genin are congratulated on their hard work and missions will begin soon.

Good enough summary?

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Team Kazuki Initiation!!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team Kazuki Initiation!!!

Post by Hikari Tue Jun 16, 2009 9:18 pm

Not really
I think Chitona would've gotten away using clones.
And then use that stickey sunstance.

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Team Kazuki Initiation!!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team Kazuki Initiation!!!

Post by Darkjagwar Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:06 pm

you're forgetting you're dealing with a Jounin, who hasn't even gone close to full force against Genin-leveled Genin

And I even checked all the character profiles just now...all Genin-leveled. There has to be some degree of facing the fact that no matter how much you want your character to be the best ever, you have to let the realistic happen. I'm not even going to go through the whole "be realistic" speech again because it's been said already. If you believe that an average Genin could outdo an elite Jounin, let's then continue the RP to see if you can (and I swear if you mention Naruto vs. Ebisu...).

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