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Master vs Apprentice

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Master vs Apprentice Empty Master vs Apprentice

Post by Zen Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:12 pm

It was a dark night for soe if was a time of sleep or going out to the bar for a drink but not for a certian ninja that came walking through the gate. It was Sora he was back and now he was going to kill his former master"he should be around here somewhere..."Sora thought as he then moved through the streets looking for him. As he moved dark clouds rolled overhead getting bigger each time as it then started to rain which most of the people now cleared the streets to get out of it but not Sora. He turned a corner but then stopped as he then tried to think of a place where he could be he couldn't really think of any specific place and he was just about to continue before hearing a rather fimilar voice,it was him so Sora ran towards the voice.

Zen meanwhile was just leaving the bar,him dressed in his anbu uniform and his katana strapped onto his back,he sighed abit"great its raining...maybe I should go back inside"Zen thought as he turned around to go back into the bar. He stopped through looking forward with a wide right eye seeing Sora with his katan drawn"Sora where have you been?"Zen asked staring at him. Sora didn't say anything keeping a tight grip on his sword"you betrayed me...and for that you will die for it!"Sora shouted as he then ran forward slashing down upon the wolf ninja.

Zen barely dogded the swing of the blade as he was abit shocked that Sora would go against him,he stared and grabbed his headband lifting it up and closing both of his eyes before opening them to reveal golden ones. "Sora what has gotton into you?"Zen asked him,Sora just stared"you know what this is about Zen! I don't need you or your training anymore I have a new master and his name is Kaji!"Sora shouted at him as thunder now came from the sky. Zen's eyes widened before regaining his composure"Sora you can't be serious! he is lying to you! I would never betray you"Zen replied back.

Sora just gave a glare and lifted up his sword"enough talk...draw your sword so we can fight"Sora demanded,Zen shook his head"no im not going to fight you Sora"Zen said. Sora just stared at Zen" will die!"Sora yelled as he then ran forward and started slashing at his former master,Zen had no choice he drew his own katana and blocked the blows made by his former apprentice. As the fighting continued Zen blocked blow for blow made by Sora but it wouldn't hold for long,he felt something different about his former apperentice and in more ways then one a different fighting style.

Zen then kicked Sora in the jaw and black flipped a few feet away from him his golden eyes flashing as he raised his sword for another onslaught of blows. He then notice Sora get in Gatotsu Ishiki stance before he ran forward with it,Zen's eyes widened as he then moved slightly the blade peircing his arm as he growled loudly in pain but pushed Sora off of him. Sora looked at his former master and smirked"so how does it feel to be hit by your own attack?"Sora asked as he smirked,Zen just stared at Sora lazly"you may have learned some moves from me....but you have yet to master them"Zen explained looking at him.

Sora changed expressions again now pissed that he would say that"I have mastered them and I will prove it to you,im more powerful then you and any other ninja!"Sora said as he then ran forward but this time he switched to form IV stance. Zen noticed this and blocked the first blow and then jumping back dogding a stab strike,the wolf ninja then this time went on the offensive. He charged at Sora doing a high slash dowards but as he blocked it Zen pushed back his sword making him lose balence and then slashing across his chest making a wound,not lethal but pretty painful for him.

Sora cried out in pain hitting the ground and holding onto his chest as blood came out from the wound,Zen stared at his former apprentice with his golden eyes as they flashed. "Sora...stop this I don't want to fight you anymore"Zen said calmly,Sora growled and clutched his sword"no no! I will defeat you!"Sora shouted as he then once again started to attack him again.
Anbu Captain
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Master vs Apprentice Empty Re: Master vs Apprentice

Post by Zen Fri May 01, 2009 5:23 pm

As the fight resumed the rain went down on the two ninja fighting even harder,thunder now rolled through the sky as the two moved throughout the whole village. Though eventually they had somehow left the village and was now in the forest,Sora kept switching up his stances while Zen just stayed in Form 3 stance blocking the blows.

He then kicked back Sora into a tree and slashed across to finish him off but he ducked and the tree was cut in two as the wolf ninja was then kicked back to a tree. Zen's eyes then widened as he grabbed the blade part just as it was about to stab him in the head and made it stab into the tree,before rolling out of the way and getting back in stance with his katana.

"I still don't understand why you are doing this Sora"Zen stated as he glanced back into the hateful eyes of his fallen apprentice. Sora ripped out his katana from the tree breaking it as he gave a hateful glare"you will never understand!"Sora replied back before running at the wolf ninja making a series of blows,though Sora pushed back the blade making his former master lose balence.

But just as Sora was about to make the blow the blade was grabbed by Zen's paw then twisted as he quickly grabbed his hands,using his foot and hooking around Sora's right foot and turning him around before pushing him back as he fell to the ground. The storm was now growing feircer as the two continued to fight,Sora groaned abit and got back up to his feet but before he could land another strike Zen sped off.

Sora now in a state of slight confusion but mostly hatred filled his body now followed his former master to whever he was leading him.
Anbu Captain
Anbu Captain

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Join date : 2008-11-23

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