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Taku (Master of the Black Dragon, the energy ninja)

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Taku (Master of the Black Dragon, the energy ninja) Empty Taku (Master of the Black Dragon, the energy ninja)

Post by Guest Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:20 am



Rank: Kazekage

Village Sunakurge, Village hidden in the sand.

Appearance: Taku (Master of the Black Dragon, the energy ninja) OC__voodoo_ninja_by_Ninjatic

Personality:Taku is a very loyal person, and it is his most outstanding quality. He is also friendly to all until they cross him the wrong way, and then he will be their worst enemy. He despises the akatsuki and the bijuu and has the ultimate goal of their destruction. He enjoys battle and likes to draw them out longer then necessary unless swiftness is required of the situation.

History: The Sookato were one of the seven hidden clans spread out across the world, hidden from the rest of the shinobi nations in 7 separate villages. Each village consisted of one clan. It is said that each of these clans held tell of untold power that was by far unique and it was from these clans that came the others. From the Sookato and the Jagan eye, it is said that the Uchiha and Sharingan evolved and also the Hyuuga and the Byakugan. Whether this is true or not is unknown. It is only speculation and legend.

It is for this reason that Taku grew up from the rest of the world he now knows as his own. He was born to Hiei and Gunrietha Sookato. His father, Hiei, had been named after the founder of the clan whom they had a very close blood relation to. The birth was a long in difficult one, lasting just over a week and ending with the death of Gunrietha. Hiei stood strong throughout the process and instantly began his fatherly duties in raising the young Taku.

Not wasting time in ensuring his son was the best he could be and one day become the leader of their clan, he began the young boys training at the early age of two. It began with learning how to use kunai, a simple enough art that was learned with in a few days. After that Hiei began to teach his son the basics of chakra manipulation. This was all theory and none of it practice. It evolved slowly into the more complex attributes, arming Taku with a powerful weapon, his mind. By the age of four, Taku was able to understand even the most complicated workings of chakra and even had some theorys of his own.

Leading on after this they began to work with a short wooden sword, introducing the basics of kinjutsu. It took only a short while for him to learn the basics and understand them to the full extent he was able to. For the moment, Hiei abandoned expanding on this method of fighting, choosing to save it for later, though he still had the young Sookato practice his techniques for at least an hour each day. From here Hiei began Taku's training in jutsu, the ninja arts. Their main focus was that of ninjutsu, for this is what the Sookato relied most heavily on. With in days of the start of this training, Taku's Jagan eye opened. It usualy did not appear untill the Sookato was 10, but Taku's opened when he was only 6, the mark of a powerful Sookato.

Taku's training continued in this fashion, slowly gaining in intensity and becoming more complex. Hiei believed that by making sure his son spent a lot of time in mastering the basics, the more difficult techniques would be even easier for Taku to learn and master as well. They spent a lot of time on increasing Taku's vast pool of knowledge. So much in fact, that the others of the village began to call him, "The scholar ninja." All of this before he hit the age of ten. Hiei spent a lot of time on Taku, constantly showing him new methods and techniques, teaching him the ways of the Sookato.

Hapiness, it seems, never lasts. Peace is always eventualy broken. And in the land of shinobi, the ones notorious for causing such breaks are the ones known as the akatsuki. It is yet unknown why it happened. Maybe they were seeking to test their strenghth. Or maybe they just wantd to exercize some terror on anything they found. They appeared like lightning without any of the sound of thunder. They came cloaked. Sneaking through the streets, strategicaly placing themselves throughpot the village. It was then, and only then that they struck.

The village never had a chance. The first step in their desctruction was the summoning of 6 bijuu. It was slaughter. The combined power of half a dozen tailed demon beasts and 10 of the most powerful S class criminals in the world. And of course, the Sookato were completely unprepared. Builidngs were quickly leveled, a simple method to get rid of many people at once. Chaos reigned for a good 20 minutes before Hiei left the fight in search of his son, knowing that it was futile for resistance. The only thing that could be done was to get one of their own as far away as possible to safety.

He found Taku exactly where he had been told to stay. A ten year old would never disobey an order of a grand Sookato warrior. Especialy when that warrior was ones own father. Not saying a word, Hiei gentely kissed his son on the forehead and performed an unknown jutsu that transported his son 5 miles north of the village in a secluded part of the mountains, far away from danger. He imediately used his jagan eye to relocate the village and began his return. He knew full well what and why his father had done, but he had to go back. Something in him wouldn't let him stay away. What he found tore his heart apart, a single tear forming in his eye. There was only complete and total wreckage. Everything he had known was gone.

Taku began searching for the body of his father. There was no doubt that it was here somewhere. There was no doubt that he was dead. At least he had died in the most honorable way possible. Taku searched for 4 hours before he finaly found the body of his father, buried beneathe the ruble of the Sookato leaders mansion. It took him another hour just to get him out from underneath it all. Along with his father was something that had not been there before, a small bulging satchel. Taku opened it and was gifted witht he sight of two scrolls. He opened the first and was instantly branded with the mark of the black dragon, a beast that remained attatched and bound to the strongest living Sookato. It was the final proof that he was the last Sookato. When he opened the other scroll, he found detailed instruction on how to get to the village hidden in Sand.

It was obvious that his father had expected him to return and it was obvious what he was now intended to do. Reliving the body of his dead father of the two black obsidian blades reinforced with diamond, their family heirloom, Taku set out to find the Sand village and begin his life as a shinobi and avenge the wrong that had befallen him. It took him over a week to find the Sand village. He was greeted with open arms by the Kazekage, not so much by the elders. It was only a matter of small discussion with his new guardian before it was decided that he would not be enrolling in the academy after all. he was to be trained by the Kazekage himself and a few of the best jounin in Suna.

11 years passed and Taku's training grew every day. As such did his power. He turned into a man of honor and all of the village respected him not only for his promise of power, but also because he was one of those genuinely pure people. He was consumed with focus and this gave him the tools he needed to eventualy achive his goal. It was all perfect, that is untill the second tragedy of his life occured. The kazekage grew fataly ill and died.

The funeral was grand and all of the village attended. The late kazekage had been the most loved leader throughout the land. The loyalty his villagers showed him rivaled that of the Fourth Hokage. It was a heavy heart that Taku accepted the role of his adoptive father and began to rule the sand village. He forgot his personal goals and continued his fathers vision of peace. It was not meant to be however. For happiness never lasts, and peace is always broken.

It began with the arrival of the new Hokage, Sanam and his offer to Taku to be in a group that directly opposed the Akatsuki. It was an offer he could not refuse. For now, he would have powerful allys in achieving his thoughts of vengance. It was an accepted agreement at the instant. Taku however, began to doubt his decision, fearing it would put his village in jeporady should the Akatsuki strike anywhere, and not just the sand. With the allied forces also came sacrfice on his villages part. It was the first of many things to come in the unwraveling of Taku's sense of what was best for his village.

Learned jutsus: Chakra Armor, Suiton Needle Thread Trap, Hidden Steam Technique, Shadow Shuriken, Chakra Blade, Suicide bombing technique, Summon: Black Dragon, Reverse Chakra armor.

Weapons/items:Two obsidian blades coated with a layer of diamond for extra reinforcement.

Goals: Bring back his clan from the ashes, seeing as he is the sole survivor.

Last edited by Taku on Sat Dec 13, 2008 3:49 am; edited 1 time in total


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Taku (Master of the Black Dragon, the energy ninja) Empty Re: Taku (Master of the Black Dragon, the energy ninja)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:26 am



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Taku (Master of the Black Dragon, the energy ninja) Empty Re: Taku (Master of the Black Dragon, the energy ninja)

Post by Shini Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:33 pm


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Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 31
Location : Seabrook, New Hampshire

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Taku (Master of the Black Dragon, the energy ninja) Empty Re: Taku (Master of the Black Dragon, the energy ninja)

Post by Guest Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:04 pm

Time Skip History: Taku has continued to lead Sunakurge through some troubled times as the tension among the villages grows. He has managed to keep his village neutral and unaggressive thus far, but a continuously growing fear that the peoples emotions will over ride his judgements is burning in the back of his head. Taku has been silently preparing for war, gathering a select group of ninja who would assist them in a time of great need. He can not pin point what it is but he senses ever growing danger lurking just behind the shadows. His thoughts trail back to the time when he fought that man. The offer that was made. He feels it will have something to do with that.


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Taku (Master of the Black Dragon, the energy ninja) Empty Re: Taku (Master of the Black Dragon, the energy ninja)

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:37 pm

Sunakurge? Try spelling it Sunagakure next time :] I'd fix that.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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