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Site Rules (don't care if they are already posted or not I'm going to stress them)

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Site Rules (don't care if they are already posted or not I'm going to stress them) Empty Site Rules (don't care if they are already posted or not I'm going to stress them)

Post by Lucy Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:46 pm

General Rules

- Please be respectful to everyone on the forum. We expect all of you to treat one another like equal peers and not like trash.

- Please don't just join and then never come back. We want this place to be active not some deserted barren of a forum page.

Posting and RP Rules

- No Godmodding here please. We are not all super powerful and strong. If anyone catches you Godmodding then an Admin will be informed about it and you will have to fix your post. If someone thinks you are Godmodding but you don't then it will be taken up with an Admins and the post will be reviewed. If this continues there will be no choice but to ban the person Godmodding.

Controlling Others
- You can't by any means control another person's RPC's (Role Playing Character) movements, actions, or attacks. If this is seen then it will be classified as GMing (Godmodding) and you will be forced to change your post.

Auto Hitting
- No Auto Hitting. This can't be stressed enough. You can't just make it so you always hit your opponent. It is up to the other RPer whether or not the attack goes through or not. If you do this it will be considered Controlling another person's RPC (Role Playing Character) and you will have to fix your post.The only time when it is ok to just hit another persons RPC is when it is a situation like a Jounin vs a genin or something along those lines.

- The counter part to the topic above. You can't just dodge every attack. If it makes sense based on a situation that the attack will hit then yet it hit. Don't just dodge the attack and then keep going.

Substitution - Substitution is another thing we need to bring up. By no means are you to sub everything. You are only allowed to sub at least 2 times per topic.

MetaGaming - Important
- No knowing anything your character could not have known. If there is something about someone's character like a fear or some information that was kept secret then your character can't know it. This goes for attacks, weapons, methods of attack, ect. Please try to keep it like an actual fight.

Post Size
- Please try to keep from posting one liners and such. The more you post the better and more interesting the RP is. So try to be detailed and creative and don't slack on replies.

Approval of Posts

Asking for Approval
- Don't ask for your posts to be approved. This can't stress this enough! We will try our best to get to your posts when we can.If you continue to ask then you are just going to get on our bad sides, which you don't want to do. Your stuff will be looked at in time. After all we all have lives outside of this forum.

Changing your Posts
- If there is something about your posts that an Administrator or Moderator tells you to change then change it. Don't fight them about it just follow what they tell you.

- No random spamming of anything here. We don't want people to just think that they can spam like crazy just to get their post count up. If we see this we will give out warnings. After the first warning, more serious methods to get the point across will be needed. If serious enough you will be ban for spamming.

- Be kind and polite. We don't want people going at each other's throats on here. If there is an argument then either take it to PM's or bring the matter up with an Admin. Also don't take everything seriously on here as well. We do tend to joke and mess around on here but if something really does offend you then just point it out, and like stated before, if it gets out of hand then tell an admin.

- Only bump a topic at most twice a day unless permission is granted to bump again. Bumping a post or topic should only be needed if it has been about a week since you posted. The only other time you can bump a post is that if your post is knocked to another page and nobody sees it. Once again only do this after a day or two and only if other people's stuff that is a head of yours have been taken care of. If your stuff hasn't been approved yet it is because the staff hasn't gotten to it yet.

Administrators and Moderators

- Don't ask to be an Administrator. This is a privilege that we do not and will not just give away. You need to earn it and the head Admin needs to be the one to appoint you unless he has instructed for someone else to do so.

- Same thing as before, don't ask to be made a Moderator. This is a privilege. Also if you do become a Moderator then that doesn't mean you can approve people and such. It can very well just mean that you have moderating powers and duties over that one section.

Posts : 48
Points : 0
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2008-11-21
Age : 33

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