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Rules (Under review)

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Rules (Under review) Empty Rules (Under review)

Post by Jin Chisoku Sun Nov 23, 2008 1:22 am

Hello, for those who don't know me, and/or new to this site, I'm a very straight forward person, and at times I can be harsh. But, I believed I have countered that is someways, enough to make sure I'm making good enough rules for you to rp with, and enjoy it. Because when it all comes down to it, isn't that why we do this?

Ok, yes, these are the rules from the old site, simply just c/p'd, but they're going to be edited, so no worries.

Yoshimo-"You all will follow the rules Lucy made if you wish to continue to RP here. I am not your approving just don't tell me to go approve or when to approve. I'll do it when I'm ready. You can wait atleast a day for your stuff to get approved, it won't be instant.

If you have a problem, post it in chat and chat only. If you are mad that your at someone, post it in chat. Don't fill up some other place with problems or OOC's and what not. We are not going to be like the old NN where we never got anything done. I want this place to grow like old NN before it was sold....

1.) DON'T ASK TO HAVE YOU STUFF APPROVED! The Administrators will get to your Characters, Jutsu, ect... when they can. If it sits there for a while(and I don't mean for just one day) then you can inform an Admin about it.

2.) FOLLOW WHAT THE ADMINISTRATORS SAY! If an Administrator tells you something they expect you to listen.

3.) DON'T ASK TO BECOME AN ADMINISTRATOR OR MODERATOR! Administrators get very angry when somebody keeps bugging them about having more power on the forums. If The Lead Admin Yoshimo thinks you have what it takes then he will make you one.

4.) NOT EVERYONE HAS TO BE A REALLY HIGH RANK!. A point of making your character and rping on a forum is so you can rise through the ranks and become stronger.

5.) BALANCE BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL! Ok this seems to become a real problem on all forums. Everyone seems to want to be evil. Well you don't need to. Just because all the evil people in Naruto are kick a$$ doesn't mean you do to. After all there will be nobody to fight if everyone is just one thing.

6.) JUTSU! Don't make yourself have like fifty bagillion jutsus. Be reasonable with how many jutsu you have and what ranks they are. Ranks as for ninja itself also are included in this. If you are a genin you shouldn't have like 30 jutsu. After all everyone starts small. (ranks as for ninja look at rule NINJA RANKS # 9).

7.) KEEKEI GENKAI'S FROM THE SERIES! Ok yes there are plenty of them and yes everyone likes the Sharingan but that doesn't mean we should have or even need like 50 thousand people with Sharingan. THE SITE DOES TAKE PLACE 50 YEARS AFTER THE ORIGINAL NARUTO STORY LINE AFTER ALL!

8.) RPING! Now we all know that not everyone is great at rping or is as good as some of the other members of the forum but that shouldn't stop people from working a little bit with their posts. Make sure you read the other person's posts carefully and make sure you put a reasonable and logical reply. Also don't try to rush a rp action. Take your time and play it out. After all we like making rps last a good time so we can take the full experience from them. Also try to do more then just one or two lines for a post. There is nothing interesting in reading a two lined post.

8.) (continuation) GOD MODDING AND AUTO HITTING! Try not to do this. I mean yes if one person sets it up like they can or can't dodge you may do what is needed based on the post within reason. Also everyone should post with the consideration of what each person can do. That way we all can have fun and challenging rps.

9.) NINJA RANKS! Now yes everyone likes to be strong but seriously do we all need to be kages, I think not. Just because you wan to be a kage doesn't mean you are going to get the job. If there is a open position or kage spot then you should first make sure you aks and consult the Lead Administrator Yoshimo Izoto first. if he says it is ok then you may have the position. As for AKATSUKI. There are a limited number of people we can have in the Akatsuki. That number is 10. Also just because you join the Akatsuki doesn't mean you are instantly strong. Once again you must work to gain power and earn it in a reasonable and logical manner.

10.) YOUR CHARACTERS KNOWLEDGE BASED ON WHAT YOU READ ON THE FORUM! Ok this is something not a lot of people seem to get. Just because you read something about someone's character or jutsu or whatever doesn't mean your character knows it. Things should be figured out in RPs and through discussion and such. So do try to work on this. After all the information of people isn't just out there to been seen by everyone. You must learn about people not just know because you read it!

11. If someone tries to back out of a battle which is a battle to the death then they automatically forfeit and gain a death sentence.. something along those lines.

12. If someone doesn't reply back to a battle to the death within a certain amount of time then they should be automatically killed unless they have a perfectly good reason why they cannot reply or get online.

13. If someone doesn't reply back to an ordinary battle within a certain time then they automatically lose the battle unless they have a good reason."

These rules are up for review and editing, but until then, you must follow them. And if you don't agree with them, bring to me a good and quality complant... I read anything that's some where along the lines of, "It's NOT FAIR!", and that being the only reason, I'll kill you.

Last edited by Jin Chisoku on Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:48 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : -I needed to get rid of the elements thing and the Empire rule-Yoshimo)
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Join date : 2008-11-20

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Rules (Under review) Empty Re: Rules (Under review)

Post by Jin Chisoku Thu Nov 27, 2008 6:36 pm

This is a simple addition that I've been thinking about, and it can be edited as such, but replacement techniques, and clones... As you've guessed, it would be foolish to place a number limit on such techniques, but I am going to have to establish limits on how many times it can be used in ratio to how many posts/battles/actions are going on.

As for replacement techniques, one MUST first hint at the possiblity that a technique like that maybe being set up. You can go about this as you see fit, but if it is not hinted at, (example: "Haku" simply stood her ground, not moving.), it will not be allowed, and will be counted as an illegal move, or jutsu.

Clones, this is much tricker. Clones will be left up the user, but it must be done by rank. (You're just telling us what we already know...) No, I wanna establish this much, if I see a Genin creating 10 clones, or using them as a counter measure more than twice through out a battle, I will have to come down on you. And I don't believe you would like that...unless you're a woman, if so call me, but anyways...Please, use this technique realistically according to your character's ability.
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

Posts : 185
Points : 105
Reputation : 7
Join date : 2008-11-20

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