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Mist in the Mountains

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Mist in the Mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Guest Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:56 pm

A sudden pouring of rage filled Taku. As of late, he had been able to contain his emotions, the deep sorrow, the anger he felt, the seething hatred for quite a few things. All of this came out now. Mirage’s words struck him to the core. It was not that what she had said was true, but that what she had said was so far from the truth, and it was not something he would have expected from her of all people. How could she ever send out such accusations. She was going so far as to even blame him for the death of their son. It was because of that event that had sent him down the path he now walked. And she knew him a hell of a lot better than that, how could she ever…………………..

The muscles in his neck tensed up and his veins began to rise throughout his whole body as his blood pressure rose. Had he not been in such insane physical shape, he would have surely fallen victim to a heart attack. His hands tensed and gripped the cup of tea to the point that it shattered in his hands. He felt the material cut into his skin, blood flowing from the small wounds. He ignored them. He could hear Yoshimo and Mirage saying something to each other over him, which he ignored as well. He was all consumed in the current moment. His grief and hate welling. Always he had been the cool collective ninja. Never before had he blown his composure. History was about to be made.

He stood up with such force that the chair he had been sitting in a moment ago flew across the room and hit the wall, slightly damaging the workings that held the room up. With in an instant he was standing less than a foot in front of mirage. His rage could be felt throughout the room, it filled every nook and cranny. His face was twisted in an expression that spilled emotion. Tears welled from his eyes which told stories of hate loss and agony. He stared deep into her eyes so she would capture all of these and have no choice but to accept everything he was about to say. Through out his life he had adored her, but for this singular moment, he hated her more than the scum who had taken their son.

“What is it that you think I am doing woman? Do not ever think to have guessed my over all intentions unless they were confided in you. You have no knowledge of my doings or what they are meant to lead to. Everything I do right now is to eventually promote peace and stability in the world. This land is as unstable as it will ever be, falling on the brink of chaos. I fully plan on keeping it from falling over that edge. Everything I am doing now is in the name of our son Kengen.”

He bent over slightly grabbing the arms of her chair, his knuckles glowing pearly white from the tension. The tendons in each finger were pushed to the side of the knuckles, away from the usual resting place on top of them. He pushed his face just inches from hers, “Do not speak down upon me as though I were some child to be reprimanded. Especially when you do not know the full story. You speak upon things and pass judgments when they are not yours to make for you do not grasp the full concept. The statement that you just made about Yoshimo just now proves it.”

He stared deep past her eyes, prying into her soul with his words. They were laced with mixed emotion. She would understand his anger and his sorrow. She would become aware of the position he was in and what he was trying to accomplish. His breath heating her face due to the short distance between them. His vision never wavered, keeping in line with her eyes. “How dare you pass judgment on me on what happened to our son, when it was I alone who raised him.” A little bit of spit flew from his mouth by accident and landed on the cheek of her mask. He reached up with a powerful hand and knocked it off of her face, fluttering her hair so he could look at her better. “How can you so cruelly make these accusations when you did not fulfill your own duties?”


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Mist in the Mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Mirage Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:23 pm

As her mask fell to the floor, the glass broke into even more pieces. Just like any mother morning her dead son, she needed someone to blame. Inside she was crying and it was starting to show on the outside. Without her mask, it revealed the marks of dried tear upon her face. Her head hung low allowing her hair to cover her face and hide her sorrow.

Her mind escaped her now. She had never been their for her son. He had even come to visit her once, but she had him turned away at the door. Even so, she had her reasons. As she thought about first laying her eyes upon her son, water formed on the edges of her eyes. The pain was to great for any man to realize even if he had raised their child. She had often spied upon him with her mirror jutsu as to never to be to far away. The pain of loosing something that had grown inside her for nine months was unbearable.

This pain is unneeded... sleep now...

As Kira closed her eyes, her mind sank back beneath layers of depression and guilt. As if another passenger taking the wheel of an out of control car, Rika opened her eyes and looked up at them all. She smiled as the tears on her face crystallized and began to form a new mask on her face. Her eyes were different now, no longer caring and filled with rage; they were now calm and agile like a cat about to strike. The mask reformed on her face and reflected the bodies of those in the room once again.

"Be careful what accusation you yourself make Taku... I have no son."

Turning her attention back to Yoshimo, her changed opinion greatly showed. Mirage kept her gaze on Taku through her mask and smiled demonically. He should not let his emotions get the better of him...

"Now where were we?"

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Mist in the Mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Munashii Hissori Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:01 am

Rei remained sat throughtout the entire ordeal. The sudden appearence of the former Kazekage, the revealing of Yoshimo's new outlook, the emotional tension between the two grieving parents. This entire situation was one that no Hissori was supposed to deal with. It just wasn't something that they knew how to handle. They were soldiers, pure and simple, and they were never taught how to assist in these occasions.

He heard what Yoshimo had to say, and he sighed as he gave his reply.

"Without evil, there can be no good. With light, there is always darkness. This is the way it has been since the dawn of time, and the way it will be until our world comes crashing down. I'm am not an idiot, nor am I a fool. I know how this works", Rei said quietly, looking straight at Yoshimo. "But that philosiphy will never excuse the evil that has been done over the centuries. Not then, not now, not ever. I am glad that you took no part in the deaths of our... my... people. But the deaths of those now and those to come is unacceptable. I will fight evil with evey ounce of my being, until death decides it is my time. There will always be evil. And there will always be those who will stand against it, and cast it down. That is the way it will always be".

His stance was that of a tired man, weary of the lies and truths of the world.

"Your family will always be welcome here Yoshimo. Whatever happens between us, I want you to know that" He looked over at the three people with cold, calm eyes, each one capable of killing him easily.

"So. What happens now? And while we are in this room, there will be no bloodshed". Rei rubbed his head and his eyes became sad. "My village have seen enough of that of late".
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Mist in the Mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Kenshi Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:21 am

Yoshimo didn't want to disrepect anyone in the room, but he had to tell it how it was. There was no use in candy coating things, and making this horrible world seem like it was fun and games. Real shit happened everyday, and Yoshimo knew that it would be impossible to keep up with itall. He had to keep the important things first, and he had to make sure that they understood that. The evil that was done to Kumogakure was indeed inforutnate, but the Raikage would have to see past that and look at the global spectrum on things. Yoshimo's smoke was about halfway done, and the smell of it filled the room. His cigarettes were a bit heavy, so the smoke lingered around his face longer than usual.

"No offense Raikage and Mizukage-sama, but you haven't the slightest clue on how all this really works. This is a global thing. Countries die, countries thrive. Lives will be sacrified for the greater good. People will die, and it's the way the world works. One plan will triumph the other, and one prowess will rise above the other. The Akatsuki thinks that they are right and you think that you are right. These words at an office talbe will do nothing. Me and Taku don't mind taking it to the battlefield, but I'm sure you and the Mizukage would have to have a peace treaty over tea. This is battle! This is war! However, I'm not going to be caught in the middle for anyone. Get out there and kill people for what is right. You're not going to save everyone." Yoshimo blew out a large amount of smoke. "There is going to be a uprising soon. Someone in the ninja world that sends fear down the spine of it's victims. I've been hearing rumors about this person, and as soon as he arises I will inform you.... I'm done here Taku."

Yoshimo stood up from his chair and throwed his finished cigarette in a small bin at the door. He blew out the remainder of his smoke, and sighed at the rest of the people in the room. If they wanted to understand how the world worked, they would have to get out there and kill for that knowledge. Yoshimo thought about Kyouken, and how he was able to understand all of this so easily. Images of "that man" flashed through his head, and goosebumps trickled his skin. Yoshimo opened the door and left. They didn't understand...

Even though it was so important for them to understand...


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Age : 33
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