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The Moving Mist

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The Moving Mist Empty The Moving Mist

Post by Mirage Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:08 pm

(OOC: Ok, so i am done with my senior project!!! And I passed with flying colors!!! So I can come back to NN now that I do not have that huge weight on my shoulders anymore. I have had Kyo trying to keep me up to date with everything that has happened and i see it is alot. We went through a time skip and I see that Kirigakure is still alive. I was thinking that because I would be gone for such a long time, I would have to give up my position or it would be deleted but I see that that is not the case. So i guess I will continue being the Mizukage if that is ok with everyone.)

Mirage looked out over her village that sparkled not only because of the mirrored buildings, but also due to the morning mist that covered it's peaks. Kirigakure had stayed dormant for the last year while the world continued to move. Mirage now knew how the previous Mizukage felt while he kept them isolated from the world. However, Mirage also knew that that was their downfall. Kiri-spies had informed her that the Akatsuki were on the move again and were now made up of extremely strong shinobi and even some that she had once thought as an ally.

To much time had been wasted dealing with their civil wars within Kirigakure and now was the time that Kiri would arise to stop this maniacal Akatsuki. Mirage had it all planned out... she wondered is past treaties would still be in effect even though she sat in hiding while the Akatsuki rampaged over the rest of the world. Either way, she would leave a set of directions for one of her advisers while she left the village for the time being. She herself would confront the Akatsuki and deliver the final blow.

Mirage placed her mirrored mask upon her face and closed the door behind her. Now ready to leave, she checked her belongings and set the alarms. Along this would help her protect the village even while she was miles away. As she made her way to the village gates, she turned once more and bowed to the village. "I will return shortly..."

Mirage made her way through the endless mist that so many had been lost to, and headed into the unknown.

(OOC: Incase you do not get what is going on, I am coming for you Akatsuki..."

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Join date : 2008-11-21

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