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Mist in the Mountains

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Mist in the Mountains Empty Mist in the Mountains

Post by Mirage Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:54 pm

Mirage seemed to glide across the ground as silent as the wind. Her white kimono waved as she moved with grace and dignity. As she neared the village gates, she quickly climbed one of the walls using her chakra and moved along the building tops. Her mirrored mask reflected the glistening sun that towered over the village and surrounding mountains.

Mirage made sure not to be seen by any of the villagers as she quickly made her way through the village. Since Yoshimo's leave, things had been most unkind on the village of Kumo. It all seemed to odd to her that after his disappearance, the organization known as Akatsuki had emerged and various attacks on the world. Mirage was still unsure if she would tell the new Raikage all that she had discovered but would try to keep him informed on things that were needed. She could have been there within five seconds had she wanted to, but needed to travel the land in search of clues. So far, her search had been in vain. However, numerous reports of major battles were taking place and most had been carried out here in Kumo.

As she reached the building of the kage, she leaped from one building and directed her landing into the glass of a window. When her body met with the glass, instead of shattering, she passed right through it. She landed on one knee and slowly rose up to have a look around. Still trying not to be seen, she made her way to the kage's office and opened the door.

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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Munashii Hissori Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:36 am

A lone shadow on top of the Raikage's Office, the tallest building in the Village, observed silently as the graceful figure approched. As it became more and more obvious that the person was aiming for the Office, the transparent shadow reached down on the thread around his neck. On the thread were several strange looking whistles, and he picked out one in paticular. Blowing on it, it made no sound whatsoever, but the ghost-like person seemed satisfied and let the object fall back onto his chest. The shadow continued to watch...


When the Mizukage entered, she found that the Raikage's Office was totally devoid of life. There was nothing in it to suggest that anyone was there, no sound, no smells, even in the time of day it was, shadows permeated every inch of the room. But after a few moments, a man stepped out of the darkness, forming like a spectre as if from nothing.

"Lady Mizukage. I'm glad to see you have made your way here. I'm Henshin Resibei, the Forth Raikage.", the spectre said, a small smile appearing on his face. He made a curious gesture with his hand, as if warding away a fly, his eyes never leaving the woman. Two other men appeared from the shadows and silently left the room, shutting the door behind them.

"I apologise for the shadow play, but recent events have made such precausions necerssery"

He proceeded to sit down on the chair in front of the desk, and offered the Mizukage a seat too.

"Now", Henshin said, his eyes still never leaving hers. "Where do you wish to begin?"
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Mirage Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:00 pm

It seemed that the dark times of the now had everyone on their toes. Mirage always wore her mask to keep her identity a secret, even from her own people, however, it seemed that she was always making sure not to tell to much about herself or her village even to the other kages.

"Let us start with what I know... Kirigakure has been hibernating far to long and I fear that it is partially my fault that these days are filled with fear and darkness. My recent studies have shown me that a group known as the Akatsuki have risen up again. These new Akatsuki's motives are unclear as of the now, but history can tell us that whatever they are planning is not good. I am now hunting them down to end their plans, whatever they may be. I have reason to believe that the two mysterious men who attacked your village may have been from the Akatsuki.

As of right now, there are several things that i require from you. I will need the list of any and ALL missing and deployed shinobi from your village. I know it is unusual to ask a neighboring village to share all of it's secret members with Kiri, but I fear that if something is not done soon, we will not live to regret it. Also, if there is any information that you can share with me that might be relevant.

I have reason to believe that Kumo holds more in the affairs of the Akatsuki than is speculated. My sources tell me that Kumo will or has a large part in this, even if it does not know it."

The reflection of the Raikage peered back through her mirrored mask with his same expression. Mirage was not sharing all of her info with him and did not expect him to share everything with her. However, anything that she could get from him might be of help. She would most definitely not share the identity of her sources and would hold her tongue on mentioning Yoshimo. Mirage feared that the currents Raikage's honor for Yoshimo might get in the way of his logical decisions upon the village.

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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:49 am

Henshin nodded as he listened to the Mizukage. A lot of what she said confirmed his own suspisions. This group called Akatsuki were bad news. Whatever they were up to, attacking Kumo had made them his enemy, and the enemy of all his ninja. The Mizukage had also made it clear that Atatsuki were Kirigakure's enemies as well, which gave their current alliance a stronger bond, which was obviously a good thing, since Kumo needed all the help it could get right now.

Henshin tapped lightly once on his desk, and one of the hooded shadows from before came in. After a brief exchange of words in a battle tounge known only to a few, the hooded man left. The Raikage stood, walking to a window, mulling over his reply. How much could he tell her? The answer was simple. Only what she needed to know. However, as an ally, he needed to show her that she could be trusted, and she needed to know the true state of things. He started off with what he knew of Akatsuki.

"We do not have much in the way of information on this group. Until your letter, I must admit I was unaware of their existance altogether. We have, however, found evidence that some of the bodies had been... cannablised", he said, spitting the last word out as if it tasted poisonous. The rage was evident in his voice, but it was a cold rage, one that was controlled but no less potent. "The majority of them had died almost at exactly the same time as each other, so Akatsuki must have someone who can kill at least a hundred people at once. There claims of an alliance was obviously an attempt to manipulate us into going to war with each other. That itself might be their purpose, their mission. To cause a break down in our alliances and cause war.". Henshin had to take a breath at this point, and steadied himself before going on.

"I was going to ask Yoshimo Izoto to join us and add his input, but he had a prievious engagment and had to leave", Henshin continued, thinking back to when Yoshimo saved him from the puppet-creature, and his strange reaction to the name Akatsuki. "I must admit, his sudden exit was most suspicious...". As much as Henshin hated to admit it, Yoshimo seemed to be holding information on this orginization. He hoped that his fears in this matter were not true, as it would mean very dark days for Kumo...

The hooded figure Henshin had sent out came back, holding a file. He gave it to the Raikage, and left. Henshin held it for a moment, then passed it to the Mizukage. "This is the information you required", he announced. Letting her leaf through the file. He needed to know that he could trust her, but he himself gave her very little reason to trust him in return. He decided to continue, and earn her trust by telling her the sad truth.

"What I'm about to tell you, you must never repeat to anyone, no matter how much you may trust them", he said, his voice becoming deeply serious.

"Have you ever heard of the Hissori Clan?"
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Mirage Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:03 pm

Mirage leafed through the pages and did not look up even while speaking.

"I have heard the name only once. His name showed up in the chunnin exams, but i unfortunately missed it. But please go on..."

Mirage was truly interested but did not want to show it. Secrets were often a sign of friendship between people and this was definitely one of those times. As she pondered over what he might have to tell her, she also wondered if this had any relation to what they were just speaking of, or if it was another matter. Mirage had also heard the clan mentioned before. They were known as extremely good trackers and one could be of use to her now. unfortunately, she had not seen many around as of recent and only knew of the one that Yoshimo had mentioned once.

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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Munashii Hissori Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:07 am

Henshin nodded, hearing what he expected to. Most people no longer believed that the Hissori clan existed, but he knew that someone like the Mizukage would not have been so easily persuaded.

"Yes, Munashii Hissori. He is a decendant of the eldest son of our founder, Ryoushi Hissori. The first one to take the Chuunin Exams in over a decade. Most clansmen prefare to be tested in private, but he formed... bonds with his fellow teammate and sensei. Most unusual for such a secluded and secretive people, but not unheard of. We are only human, after all."

While he was talking, his voice had begun to change. Instead of a deep, gruff voice, it slowly formed into a soft and melodious sound.

"This is Kumo's secret", he said, as his voiced finished changing. Suddenly, his clothes and armour dissapeared, melding together and changing form. Soon, he was wearing a green cloak, and the straight sword strapped to his back had turned into a long bladed katana. His eye colour changed from black to a very pale grey and his skin lost it's tan. Soon, Henshin Resibei's true form was reveled.

"When Yoshimo Izoto left Kumo behind, he left my clan very little choice. We do not get involved in Village politics. But no-one wanted to take the position of the Forth, and we knew that other Villages would soon begin to prey on ours when it was revealed that we no longer had a strong leader. Thus, Henshin was born, a skin to be worn so that Kumo would appear strong."

Giving a sad smile, he held out his hands, letting her examine him. "I am Rei Hissori, Elder of the Hissori clan". He gave a soft chuckle as he told her the secret that may devastate his Village. "And I am not strong enough to defend this Village or hold the title of Raikage".

He gave the Mizukage a sideways look. "But we must do what we must, and this was the only way. I do not like being Raikage, but I must keep this position, until someone more suitable is found". Rei pulled a bitter face. "Even if it takes another year and a half, or a hundred".

Turning back to his fellow Kage, he continued. "Maybe this is why the Akatsuki chose Kumogakure. We no longer have the strength to successfully defend ourselves. In the old days, that attack would have never succeeded. But now, even if we Hissori watch night and day...", he let the end of that sentence hang in the air. "There is only so much we few can do"
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Kenshi Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:18 am

After talking to Kyouken, Yoshimo had to do something. He'd kissed his family bye, telling them that he would return as soon as possible. Nami didn't want him to leave, but he had to. He had to complete his job for Kyouken, and not for the Akatsuki. Yoshimo couldn't leak information about the Akatsuki but he would definately keep Kumogakure in peace. He couldn't let anyone from Kumogakure come underfire, and those souls that had been taken by Kaji would be avenged one day. Yoshimo wouldn't let the fallen be forgotten.

Making sure he was in some what decent attire to see Yondaime Raikage, Yoshimo had to make sure that wasn't dressed in shorts and a wife beater. He'd left in a traditional generic nin clothing, wearing a tight fish-net shirt under it, and black loose black pants that wer cut above his ankles. He wore the typical nin-boots, cut at the toe and pitch black. His tools were strapped in two pouches on his back waist, and he help shuriken and kunai in a small pouch on each of his legs and in the pouches of his nin-out fit. Over all of that he wore a dark black cloack with a large hood. It was raining, and it would do no good for him to be soaking wet. Yoshimo titled the sword on his back so he could cover his head as he stepped out to the rainy Kumogakure.

Yoshimo quickly jogged his way through the rain and the shops of Kumogakure. Shops were closing up, and people were bustling about trying to get inside before the downpour started. Yoshimo made his way into Administration building, flashing identification as he walked infront of the door to the Hokages office. Yoshimo shook the rain off of him, thinking about what he was going to say to Rei.

'As much as I have to be faithful to Kyouken, I still have to be faithful to the Raikage. My mission is to not let this village fall no matter what, but at the same time I can't make it hell for Kyouken and his group. I've got to do both of these things at the same time somehow...'

Yoshimo knocked on the door.


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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Mirage Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:20 pm

OOC: I think you should post Munashii. There is not much for me to really post at this point, especially with Yoshimo's interruption. i will post after Yoshimo posts coming in. Then things will get interesting.

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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:26 am

Moments after revealing his true form to the Mizukage, Rei heard a small, faint tapping. The sound was so faint that only someone with the ears of an Hissori would have noticed. Although nothing outwardly changed about the Raikage, someone with the senses of a Kage would notice that Rei had suddenly tensed up, as if preparing for a fight. Looking at his guest, Rei's face became very serious.

"It appears we have a visitor. He had the credtials to get passed the outside guards, but my clansmen spotted him. They couldn't get an I.D on him though, due to a large black cloak concealing most of his features", the Raikage said, watching the door. "I advise that you conceal yourself Lady Mizukage. I would rather make the distinction between friend or foe before whoever it is sees us".

Taking his own council, Rei stepped back into the shadows and dissappeared. He heard a knocking in the door.

"Enter", he said, the deep, gruff voice of Henshin forming as he transformed back into the disguise.

However, when Yoshimo Izoto stepped through the door, all the tension disappeared out of him, and he stepped out of the darkness, forming like a spector once again.

"Yoshimo Izoto! Welcome home. Your timing is, as ever, impecable. I do not think I need to introduce my guest. After all, you have already met. Is that not right Lady Mizukage?" said Henshin-form, gesturing to his ally's position.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Kenshi Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:15 am

The shadowy figure that moved through the door seemed ominous at first, but as a lone hand removed the large hood revealing Yoshimo, there was nothing suspicious about who it was at the door. The Raikage picked up on Yoshimo quickly and Yoshimo knew he would. He walked in the office, pulling up a chair to sit across from the Raikage and next to Mirage. Before he sat down, he bowed to both of the Kages showing respect to them and their countries. Even though Yoshimo could probably fight toe to toe with one of them, he still thought it was in order to show respect to them. He couldn't come in being arrogant and strong headed about himself.

Yoshimo seated himself, not worrying about taking his black cloak off due to the hassle just to get it on.

"Good morning Mizukage-sama and Raikage-sama. I'm sure you all are both wondering about where I've been what I have been doing, and most importantly, who I've been talking with. I have some confessions to make and somethings to tell, but first I'd like to say that I am here to help the both of you and serve my country and my countries allies."

It was an awkward start, but Yoshimo had to make sure that they trusted him in what he was doing. He would have to try his best to explain everything to the Mizukage, since they'd met before while he was Sandaime Raikage. There alliance was still strong, and Yoshimo couldn't ruin it. Of course he would have to give her some information on the whereabouts of the Akatsuki but Yoshimo couldn't lead them to Kyouken, even though Akatsuki was Kyouken's group, Yoshimo would surely give hell to Akatsuki's "leader". But the real question Yoshimo would have to ask to himself is how he would pull this off.


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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Mirage Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:00 am

Mirage's heart grew cold and icy as Yoshimo appeared through the doorway. Even as he walked across the room, a crystal senbon formed within her concealed sleeve. The nerve of him showing up and speaking of their alliance. Had it not been he who had began the Akatsuki and ravaged a plague of misfortune on the rest of the world? It mattered not, for this was her chance to get her answers and information on the Akatsuki. Either way, she could not afford to let him escape.

Her mask concealed her rage from the two males as her blood began to boil. It had been Yoshimo and she who had made the alliance within their two villages and now he had left it and even struck against his own village. But Yoshimo was no fool, surely he would not come to her so easily; it must be a clone. Surely the current Raikage would wonder why she attacked Yoshimo on sight and could lead to conflict but it needed to be done; Mirage would not let him escape.

Her movements were sudden and swift, almost a thing of their own. Her handsigns flowed in a majestic dance of fingers as she centered her chakra. "Shouton, Kesshou no Kakurou" - (Crystal Prison)

Light pink crystals shot out of the ground while the moisture within the air also crystalized. The pillars beside his chair began to form a prison out of the crystals as the other fragments spun around him, threatening to slice him to pieces.

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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:53 pm

There was something wrong the moment that the two ninja sat down, Rei could smell it. You did not need to be a genius to sense the tension in the Office. As he heard what Yoshimo said, Rei's calm face folded into a frown. Confessions? What was this? Rei was about to ask when the Mizukage made her move. He could smell the chakra that radiated off of her, and jumped to his feet as the crystals formed around Yoshimo.

"Lady Mizukage? What is the meaning of this?" he said, his voice confused, but not raised and still cool and calm. He did not reach for his weapon, since he was convinced that the Mizukage was a level woman and would not attack an ally at random without good reason. But still, she was attacking a friend of his, and this would need a good explanition.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Kenshi Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:32 pm

Yoshimo had a feeling that the Mizukage would be hot tempered. He knew that his arrival alone would cause her to be mad, due to the distrust that she thought he'd had for her. Obviously Yoshimo meant to harm in the situation, but that would be very hard for the Mizukage to figure out she didn't know what was going on. Yoshimo had asked her to listen to what she was saying, but her temper got to her before her logic did.

Yoshimo sat in his chair, letting the deadly sharp crystal shards glisten around him. If she made one move Yoshimo would be seriously cut up. She didn't understand what Yoshimo was there for, and hadn't given him time to explain his reasonings. Yoshimo would have to try and convince her that he was trustworthy, but it was up to the Mizukage to accept that.

"I know you seem mad right now, and I know that you are on the verge of killing me. Mizukage-sama, you have to remember that I came here to help you. Why would I go out of my way just to lie to you to your face? I could have sent a bunshin in here to tell you this, but I decided to come in person to show my honor to you and my Raikage. I just wish that you would be able to understand that. How will you better protect your country if you kill me? I'm the only one that has information on Akatsuki and there where abouts. If you kill me then what? Where will that lead you and all the other countries in the world. Surely you wouldn't want to go under fire against other countries for killing the only person that had information on Akatsuki. Right now I should be charging money for me to sit here and tell you this, but I decided not to. Now if you can, lower the crystal and let's speak civilly."

Yoshimo didn't move even though he was on the verge of being hurt. He looked towards the Mizukage, even though she had a mask on she still had a face. Yoshimo knew she had to have some type of "heart" because she cared about the people in her village.

And if she didn't get control over her emotions, the people in her village would surely die.



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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Mirage Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:51 pm

Mirage was willing to let him speak... however, she was not going to let him get away if he wanted to. It was true that he seemed like a good source of information on the Akatsuki, but he was not the only source.

"Speak now Yoshimo Izoto, before I stay your tongue. You created the Akatsuki and with them, have taken countless lives and created chaos across the world. Why now do you choose to turn yourself in?"

Mirage knew that he village and Kumo were entwined with the Akatsuki in some way. Her secret tool had been able to tell her that their existence hung in the balance, unsure of their future.

Mirage let the crystals shatter and fall to the ground. Their sharp surfaces could be used as a weapon at any moment if needed. Mirage kept her guard up even as she waited for his answers.

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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Munashii Hissori Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:28 am

As the Mizukage's crystals shatterred and fell to the ground, a dark expression crossed Rei's usually expressionless face. Yoshimo formed Akatsuki? Could this be? Is the man whom he trusted, the person who trained his own son, a traitor to the Village of Kumogakure? He looked over at the man, unable to keep the shock and slowly growing fury from showing in his eyes.

"You... you formed Akatsuki? Is this true Yoshimo?"

The Raikage's hands gripped the edge of the table so tightly in his anger that the tips of his fingers began to bleed lightly, as he too awaited Yoshimo's reply.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Kenshi Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:04 pm

This would be a long day...

Yoshimo reached into his pocket and withdrew a pack of cigarettes and his lighter from his pocket. He looked at the Raikage and the Mizukage as if to tell them to hold on a second. Yoshimo thumped the cigarette until one slid out of its opening. Yoshimo cupped the cigarette in the corner of his mouth and lit it with the lighter. The tip of the cigarette glowed a bright orange and smoke began to ooze out from the top of it as he breathed a bit of it in.

"You mind if I smoke?" Yoshimo asked, letting some smoke out of his nostrils.

"No? Ok. Thanks."

Yoshimo held his cigarette in his right hand as a few of the ashes fell to the ground. He looked at both the Kage's giving them a calm relaxed face as he crossed his legs as a businessman. He would need to be calm to tell his story and Yoshimo didn't want to have to fight. His nerves needed to be calm for him to hell his story. He wouldn't dive head first into emotions, and after a awkward silence, Yoshimo took a puff of the cigarette and spoke.

"Akatsuki never "started up", it was never "created by me". Akatsuki has always been around. After the attack twenty-five odd years ago Akatsuki's influence was still around, and only few knew of it. I was only gathering everyone up. Telling people that they could join if they needed or wanted to. But during my stay in Kumogakure I began to see the values of being loyal to a country and protecting that country. I never really wanted to leave Kumo. But I did, I had to. Akatsuki's main focus would be to rid the world of idle countries and increase the monetary value of the countries left over. In a nutshell we would focus all the money into a few of the powerful countries, but at the same time give power to those countries that didn't have money. As shinobi you both know that a countries finances are heavily dependent on its amount of conflict. As to why we are shinobi. When there is peace everywhere and no conflict the country becomes weak and its shinobi military force dies. Akatsuki was going to keep a level of conflict going between all countries so that money would be created. The focus wasn't even the tailed beasts, as to why no one really searched for them. We wanted a form of world domination through conflict. If we control how the money is being created we can control the money, and thus we can control the countries with the most money and the countries that don't have any. But that never happened. I promised to leave Kumo and Kiri out of this but I couldn't do that. While Kumo was being attacked I was away from the Akatsuki. The leader didn't tell me any orders or anything as to an upcoming attack. I was completely left out. These were his first very orders, something that I didn't get to hear. I assure you if I was there I would have stopped the attacks of the people killed in Kumogakure. Since the leader, which was a close friend of mine, didn't inform me on that I decided to leave Akatsuki. I am the sole person that brought it together, the sole person that has the most information on Akatsuki, and the only person that knows who the leader is and where to contact him. You all can get mad if you want, but if you kill me then Akatsuki will rule the world."


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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Mirage Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:10 am

Mirage took in what Yoshimo had to say. It seemed that he never wanted anything to happen to Kumo or Kiri at all. However, he did not seem to care about the lives of other village members.

"Yoshimo, though your intentions seem to be good, your way of achieving them were wrong. War and conflict is not needed to survive. As humans, were are prone to adapt to our surrounding just as I believe we will when the world no longer needs shinobi."

Taking another moment to gather her thoughts Mirage never left her sights on Yoshimo.

"So now that you have left the Akatsuki, what are your plans? Will you give up what you know about them and fight to save us all?"

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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Kenshi Mon Apr 27, 2009 12:38 pm

Yoshimo continued to smoke listening to the Mizukage babble on. She realyl didn't understand how important war was to a country, and that was the plain reason why her country was failing as it is. She had devil right up under her nose and she couldn't smell its stench. Yoshimo looked at her, sizing her up. He could take her if needed, but he didn't want to start a fight. Yoshimo blew out smoke towards Mirage's face and chuckled a bit.

"Will I help you? I don't know. Will you help me? What am I to get out of this? You should know that business is the reason that our countries run. Shinobi wil always be needed and it is delusional for you to think otherwise. I'm not trying to insult you but, damnit woman. Open your eyes."

Without waiting Yoshimo stood up from his chair and bowed to them both. This time, his respect for them was sarcasm, and he didn't really mean it. If they wanted Yoshimo dead they would kill him, but his heard was still pumping every second of the day.

"Is that all?"


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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Mirage Mon Apr 27, 2009 1:14 pm

"Do not forget that it is you that have come to us. What reason do you have to come to us and tell us that you have all this information? You either want to help us, or want something in return."

Yoshimo was acting as if both the Mizukage and Kumokage had summoned him which was certainly not the case. So far, the only thing he had done was explain that he had not meant for the Akatsuki to attack Kumo. Was this meeting just a plea to save his own skin from persecution? He obviously was not thinking of the well-being of Kumo if he was not willing to share what he knew.

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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Guest Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:24 pm

Taku stood waiting just outside of the Raikage’s building. He had been walking around it for about fifteen minutes, learning through Yoshimo and their mental connection how things were going in that meeting. He had kept to a very distinct route so that he would seem to be only a tourist flaunting around. No one around him would be able to tell that he was a shinobi, let alone a shinobi of his calibur. He would not seem to pose any kind of threat what so ever. Truth be told he was not a threat to Kumo but what he and Yoshimo were doing could quite easily be perceived as a threat by the shinobi that guarded the Kage of cloud. They had to be very, very careful.

Yoshimo was better at stealth, so he had gone in first. Taku was pretty good himself, but Yoshimo kicked his ass in this aspect for sure. Taku had to wait for the right time before he would go in. He eneterd some of the shops, browsing them quickly and continuing to move so it would be even harder for the ninja in the village to be alerted of his presence. Even though he was very skilled at suppressing his chakra to almost zero, a small slip up would surely tip them off, for his chakra was alarmingly easy to pinpoint if he did not keep it in check. Such was the negative side to having such potent chakra and high levels of it. He often forgot that what seemed like a fraction of an amount to him, would seem like a lot more to most others.

Then he got the hint. Things were not going quite so well in their. And to top it off, Mirage was in there. He had not known that she would be in here. His face remained stone and his heart could not decide to swell with joy or drown in sorrow. Seeing her had always brought him joy. There was something about her that just seemed very Sookato like. However, she had also been the bearer of their now dead son, and he was not sure that she had even heard that news yet. Either way confronting her now was unavoidable, and that was all the better actually. He had been considering seeking her out anyway, and Yoshimo had unknowingly set up a perfect stage for him. He would have to work at it, but his goals may have just gotten furthered slightly this day.

He sighed softly, and began to make his way toward the mansion it self. He would have to time everything right, or he would surely wind up getting caught. He and Yoshimo could not afford that. It was true that their combined powers would be able to bring the village down but that was not their purpose. It was not an avenue that Taku had any desire to pursue. None at all. He mad his way through the villagers, trying his utmost to blend in as one of the crowd. Kumogakurge was alarmingly busy and blustering with life. Truth be told he was quite impressed with the way they had bounced back after the Akatsuki attack. It was a shame though. For they could impress him to their fullest, and it would change nothing in the future.

He passed by the gates and activated his cosmic elation. Everything around him simply stopped. All the people in the village had been stopped in time for the next ten seconds. It would wind up taking a lot out of him, but it was necessary. He body flickered to the door and opened it just barely enough to slip in and found himself at the base of some stairs that led to a landing up above. He glanced up its length deciding. Taking the stairs wouldn’t be a bad thing, but he was hard pressed for time. Already he was down to six seconds before the world came back to real time. He decided not to waste any more time and once again used the body flicker, bringing him dead even with the door to the Raikage’s mansion. He counted down the seconds, keeping an eye on a nearby torch that shined brightly. Fire seemed so much different when it wasn’t moving at all. 4.….3.…..2.……1. The flame began to dance once again, sending a series of shadows along the floor, walls and ceiling around it. He took a deep breath in and waltzed in, opening the door and making his presence finally known. He made no more attempt to hide himself, for it no longer mattered. He gave Mirage and Yoshimo each a quick look before advancing on the Raikage himself, or more so, his desk.

He raised his hand swiftly, hopeful that the man behind the desk would not see it as a threat, and grabbed the kettle sitting their, and poured its contents into one of the china cups sitting upon the mahogany. The liquid steamed as it hit the cold ceramic, the fragrance filling the room, giving it a serene atmosphere. Still he said nothing. He took three steps back and sat in the last remaining chair in the room, centered between Yoshimo and Mirage. He took a sip and then lowered the cup, cradling it in his hands and against his stomach.

“Yoshimo is more trustworthy than you could possibly fathom. He has more reason probably more so than any of us sitting here, to oppose our enemies, and we all share the same enemy at the current moment.” He looked directly into Mirage’s eyes as he said it, careful to guard himself against any Genjutsu she might throw at him. He didn’t figure she would, but like him, she was a wild card. It was part of her fatal attraction. He took another sip of tea, and waited for his appearance to finally set in on them, waiting for the reaction.


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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Munashii Hissori Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:11 am

OOC: Sorry I haven't replied in a while, I've been having some computer problems. I'll try and post soon, tommorrow at most. Sorry again.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Kenshi Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:17 am

Upon Taku's entrance, Yoshimo smiled and sat back down in the chair continuing his smoke. Taku's timing was none other than perfect and now if the Mizukage wanted to try anything she would be quickly outmached. Taku was blunt, raw force in a fight and he had a great head on him. Yoshimo took the time to recollect the memories of their fight on the Kage summit and began to think about how close Taku had actually put him to death. It was good that they were parnters now, working together would make them nearly unstoppable.

He knew that Mirage and Taku had some type of previous connection, which would make the whole area even that more intense. Mirage would have a hard time fighting someone that she'd had connections with before and was sure to make a mistake. Taku would take advantage of that if a battle broke out, but Yoshimo would have to try and keep Taku calm, because if he wanted to he could cause destruction to the whole village. Having another bloody village on his hands would push him closer to being the start of a World War, and it would also make it more challenging for him to keep his identity hidden. Yoshimo knew that Taku wouldn't destroy everything for no reason at all, even though he had the reasons too.

"Taku is right. And it's sad that you all haven't figured it out yet. You don't realize the position I'm in either way I go about this, and I'm not about to die just because of you, or the Akatsuki. My life is more important to me than giving you a piece to the general puzzle of things. You all should be trying to help me and Taku work for you with good reason. I told you that a country is run by business and I have yet to hear a good trade from you guys. I'm not going to put my life on the middle of a line if you guys aren't about to make a serious commitment to this. I'll be damned if I die for the two of you peace-freaks..."

Yoshimo didn't mean that in disrespect to his own Kage, but it was true. Peace was important, but war was something that was needed on a gradual basis. The shinobi nations were named after the great five elements, something that naturally conflicted on an average basis. War was not going to be stopped by two kages with the same "happy-go-lucky" feelings. Yoshimo hoped that they understood that, or they would surely be killed off by Akatsuki, along with the rest of their villagers.



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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Mirage Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:27 am

Mirage could finally see what was going on. In the room sat two current kages and two previous kages who had given up on the route to peace.

"Whether or not peace can be achieved in not the point. The citizens look towards peace as a ray of hope. many believe that there will be a time when war and suffering will not be among us. Without this hope, many would not survive."

Mirage was a bit shocked to see Taku. He was someone she had expected to continue to fight for peace. "I did not expect you to turn cold so easily. Perhaps if you had made more of an effort to promote peace, then maybe those close to you would still be there."

Her last sentence towards him was referring to two instances. She had learned of the death of their son and partially blamed Taku for not protecting him while another part blamed herself for not being there. "We are in a time of war, but should I give up my caring and hoping side, I would become no better than the war driven Akatsuki that has been poisoned by these thoughts."

Now looking sternly at Taku, a different tone took her voice. "Would you not save the world that your son loved so dearly? Here you stand siding with a man that favors money over the well being of those around him."

Now facing back to Yoshimo, "It is people like you, always wanting something in return for saving the lives of others, that destroy this world little by little." Mirage would not be offering Yoshimo anything but his life in exchange for what he knew. But as much as she wanted to beat him to death, Mirage waited for what the Raikage had to say.

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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Kenshi Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:38 pm

Yoshimo had to interrupt Taku for a second, even though it was time for him to respond to the Mizukage. She just really wasn't getting it, and it was a shame that she thought she was. They thought Yoshimo was after the money and the glory, he wasn't. His drive for tihs was more than a dollar, and no amount of money could ever let the plan him and Taku shard commense. Yoshimo chuckled a bit, puffing out small amounts of smoke as he laughed. He really couldn't believe that someone of her caliber would even think like that.

"You obviously don't get it little Mizukage. It's not about the money. It's about something greater than that. I can't let you go around destroying the Akatsuki members, because the influence is needed for the world to turn around. This is all like Yin and Yang. We need a perfect balance of both to have a pure world. If you get rid of the Yang or Evil of this world you will offset balance, and the next time evil arises, you'll only make the world that more useless. Of course there are people in Akatsuki that needed to be killed, people that I would like to see bathe in blood, but I can't go around doing that. Akatsuki needs to be crippled, not destroyed. We need them like Yin needs Yang. Do you understand that?"

Yoshimo hoped that the Mizukage and no doubt that everyone in the office would come to understand that. If Akatsuki were to fall the world would be turned around in complete peace, only for Akatsuki to rise again and shit on those dreams. If Akatsuki was stopped that would help them both get what they needed, and keep balance. This wasn't a monetary thing, this was past that. These four people in the office had the power to change the ninja world if they wanted to.

This is global.


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Mist in the Mountains Empty Re: Mist in the Mountains

Post by Mirage Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:32 pm

Deep down inside, Mirage knew what Yoshimo had said was true. This was not the first time that she had heard these words. It was in fact the one that had told her of Yoshimo's involvement had been the one that had repeated Yoshimo's words to her. So far, everything was playing out just as he had said. But even though Mirage saw sense in what he was saying, her grieving had built up into hate that she needed to let out and it only seemed to right to let out her anger on her enemies.

"Well then what is it that you purpose?"

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