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Tora Aisu RP Sample

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Tora Aisu RP Sample Empty Tora Aisu RP Sample

Post by WhiteBoy Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:49 pm

RP Sample

Hmmmm what a wonder day out.[/i] Tora thought to himself as the icy cool wind blew on this face as he walked through the town. In the corner of Tora's eye he seen something move and heard a cry out of pain from an ally. He slowly walked over to see what was going on. The melted water on the ground splashed as his feet hit the water with slow light steps. As he got the closer the cry got louder. Tora pulled his sword out and got into an attack position as he stepped slowly forward. Finnaly he seen a small little kid on the ground and 4 guys about Chuunin rank beating him up.

"Hey! What do you think your doing? Beating up on some insistent kid like that!" yelled Tora in a fierce voice. "Just leave now and you won't get hurt." hissed one of the 4 guys." The little boy looked up at Tora waiting to see what he'll say. "FINE! Lets settle this with are fists!" said Tora as he ran in for an attack. Tora always thought things through before he ran into battle. He was going to take out the nearest by enemy and then so on. Tora swung his sword at the opponent. The guy ducked down and dodged it, but then Tora kneed him in the face and he fell to the ground. Then the other 3 guys all ran in to attack. And in a insistent with one swing from his sword they all fell.

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