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The day the beast was born

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The day the beast was born Empty The day the beast was born

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:51 pm

The sound of something was echoing throughout the woods, the sound of something clanging like a kitchen pans when they all clang together. It completely blocked out the sound of light footsteps in the forest, footsteps of the man tugging the piece of metal. It was bitter work, and yet it was only thr beginning of the project. Still, he had a good amount of experience in what he was about to do. He had been doing it for more than fifty years, and he knew that this would probably be one of his greatest achievements in a long time. It was going to be the biggest puppet that he had ever built in his life, and also one of the strongest, at least for a normal puppet. All of this time, Sasori was perfecting his puppet self, spending large amounts of time producing what he needed to produce, and he made good use of it. He had finished himself, and his puppet body was now fully operational and highly lethal, with weapons and abilities strong enough to finish off many ninja using his own body alone. However, he did not want to risk damage to himself, and therefore usually used real puppets before resorting to fully using himself, though he did make use of his palm cannons. His puppet self was probably one of, if not the most effective puppet he ever had, minus some other human puppets he once had.

Sasori had been dragging pieces of raw material to and from, wherever he went in order to construct this piece of art. Finding the necessary parts to create this piece of art itself was a daunting task, finding and getting the perfect parts, and gathering them in his hideout. Needless to say, it was a pain in the ass. However, something like this just needed that kind of time. Sasori had been gathering not only wood pieces, but also a new addition to his puppet types, and those were parts made out of metal. Puppetry was a complicated business, but in the whole history of the ninja world, Sasori had shown himself to be the most skilled at it, being unmatched in the puppet arts, he had created more puppets than anybody had, and they were the best. Even today, ninja from the Sand Village, among others, were using Sasori's creations. They were his legacies, being passed down to the youth of the Sand Village. Sasori was sickened that his art was being used for such purposes. However, with his new life beginning, and all the time in the world, Sasori was ready to create a new army of puppets, and rise to his former status.

Sasori had gotten out of the forest, and was now heading down stairs, having the piece of metal tied to a long rope, he was hauling it to where the rest of the materials were left to use. This was the finishing touch. Sasori, once he was down the stairs, he then tugged the rest of it down the stairs, letting it tumble and flip around down the stairs, clanging and bouncing, it finally hit the floor, and settled. Sasori then began to walk past it slowly, heading up the stairs himself, and looking around. Looking around, there was nobody in sight. The traps he had set weren't finding anything, so he extended his stinger quietly, and it began to wrap around the hatch, and it pulled, and flipped over the latch, slamming the entrance to the hideout closed. The latch had dirt and grass stuck to it using good amounts of glue, hiding the entrance to the hideout. It was hidden in a place where lots of leaves were on the ground, and animals roamed. A person would be unable to tell where Sasori had been, and the hideout left no signs or clues. It was a perfectly hidden adobe, and where Sasori had chosen to stay for the time being. Of course, he couldn't live like this forever, and he would need to get out at some point. But, for now, this was the way it went.

Sasori walked back inside, putting the stinger back into his canteen, he walked down the stairs again, making little noise, Sasori grabbed the rope of the metal piece, and began to pull it even further again, clanging inside of the retreat, he pulled it quietly down through the room, and into the hallway. Candles lit the halls barely, leaving a lot to the imagination, and not much to see, other than hallways and more hallways, leading into rooms. It was once a hideout belonging to Orochimaru. Now that he is dead and gone, He no longer owns the place, and it is now used by Sasori. When he found it, it was filled with the most disgusting things you could imagine. Even Sasori did not like being in the place, and knew it could only be the doing of his former partner. Finally, he entered a large room, opening the door, and entering a rather large room, and when he stepped in, he looked around. There was a good amount of plates and other things scattered across the large room, and not just plates and framework. Weapons, poison, all the things he would need to complete this puppet was in the room. This was all he needed to construct this puppet, and he dragged the plate to the rest of them, and watched it, unmoving, expecting it to move. He knew it wouldn't put itself together.

Sasori started with the metal framework. He had a hard time gathering the necessary framework pieces, but it was going to be worth it, now that he can finally put it to use. He began with the lower part of it, setting up the feet first. He took the metal piece, and used blocks to keep all of them in place, and then placed the wooden part on, using blacksmith methods, he put it together, and then used it as the beginning of the framework process. He needed to set up the puppet's frame before he set up the weapons and such. He began taking the heavy pieces of metal, and began placing them in their designated places, making sure to keep them sturdy, the lower framework took a few hours, and it was tiring. Once he set up the lower frame, he could work up on it, and begin using the next parts. Because of the complexity of this puppet, it would take a good amount of time to actually complete it. It would take about a week and a half for Sasori to complete the puppet. He went to sleep after setting up the lower frame. He slept soundly over night, and when we woke up the next day, he immediately began work again.

He began to set up the muscle of the puppet, attaching the metal plates to the giant puppet. The puppet was held together by giant bolts and nails, kept there because they were the spiraling kind, they would stay that way unless Sasori needed to disassemble it for repair or otherwise. He spent part of the morning finishing that up, and after feeding his organic self, he began work on the framework for the mid part, though that part of making the puppet was a bit easier than the lower framework, it was still terribly hard work. Luckily for him, the workshop that he once used to create puppets with Orochimaru in the past still had working tools. Sasori had finally set up the framework of the middle part a few hours after noon, and began work on the plates and wood only to have to go to sleep once again for the day after eating and resting. Sasori was not doing much until he managed to finish the puppet. But for now, he was going to put his heart into this one.

The next day, he continued work on the mid part, making sure to set up the puppet just perfectly and the way his design dictated, he needed to make it as good as possible in order to enhance battle performance. Once he set up the layers of “muscle” and “skin”, he then turned his attention to the framework of the top. This one was finished during the rest of the day, with Sasori working hard to finish up the puppet, he slept, and as usual, woke up to finish the framework, and then finally finish the metal layers and wooden skin. Now that he was done with that, he needed to work on the really complicated parts of making this puppet. He needed to put in the weapon. Like he did befor,e he figured that he would work on the bottom first. Having not even started a lot of the work on the core, Sasori went into the puppet, and attached the parts needed to give the legs the springing ability, and make it a dangerous, killing machine. So far, things were going perfectly, and Sasori was already happy with his work, though he did not show it, despite nobody being present to see if he did.

Once he set up the springs for the legs yesterday, he set up the scorpion parts, the same way he did with Hiruko's tail, tempering the material and making it more resilient, he got it where it needed to be, and attached it, and began putting everything where it needed to be. Next he installed the rotating senbon launcher inside the core, which he was also doing work inside of, finishing and making everything nice and such. He set up his seat, and made sure that when the time came, if the time came, he would be able to more easily repair the puppet if it was damaged in a battle. After he installed everything inside, he began putting in all of the spikes needed to use the spike wheel, and began cutting even more things up and installing more and more things into the puppet, making sure it was all sturdy and perfectly aligned, he eased up on the outside, and began to focus on the inside of the mouth, which he knew that he needed to work on, and also knew it would the most intimidating to a human.

He began to put in the beds of spikes, and the mechanisms that would need to be installed to make the shredder possible, and once he was done with that, he began the complex process of installing the tongues. He needed to drag the pieces into the puppet, making sure not to damage them, and installed them into the puppet, and put it into it's joint, and then put the tongues where they needed to be. Once he was sure that he got all of the weapons he had installed so far right, he began work on the wheel motion of the spikes. However, time was calling him, and forced him to take a rest, and go to sleep for the night, and in the morning, he would be ready to work on the puppet once again. The puppet was turning out perfectly, and his progress was good enough for him, and he feel asleep with something of a grin, drifting off. When he woke up, he loosened himself up, and got ready for the day.

He began working inside of the puppet, installing all of the blades, putting them where they needed to be, and then set up the rolling mechanism. The whole puppet was extremely complex in itself, and only a ninja like Sasori could create something so strong. He tested the wheel, and it succeeded. He knew he was approaching the end of the project, and worked fast to speed things up, as he could not wait until he finally finished. He then put the giant springs around the core, and in the key spots, making sure that it would not backfire, and attempting to enhance it, he finally managed to do it, and then knew it was just about time. He then made the finishing touches, putting poison where poison was dictated to be necessary to go. He put it on the tongues, the spikes, the shredder, the many, many senbon, he had finally finished it. He sighed, and then rolled out a scroll, and then smiled, knowing it was time to see if everything worked.

He performed a few hand signs, and activated the jutsu, and put the puppet inside of the scroll, in a giant puff of smoke, he then rolled up the scroll carefully, and then began walking through the hallowed halls once again, and made his way outside, and began to take a nature walk...


When he arrived in a large clearing where he thought would be perfect to test out the new puppet. He then rolled out the scroll, and when he put a little drop of chakra into the scroll, the puppet then came out in a giant puff of smoke, and Sasori smiled to himself, and then jumped high up into the air, and landed on top of the puppet, using chakra to keep attached to it, he then opened the flap on the top he made to get in and out, and then closed it, and locked it, making sure nobody could get inside. It was dark inside of the core room, but he could still see outside, and light seeped inside from the outside, so Sasori could still operate inside of the puppet. This puppet was so complex and powerful, that he could only use this puppet at one time, as he needed 10 chakra strings to properly control it, and fight with it. He could not properly maintain the puppet without ten strings. He then sent the strings where they needed to go, and then began to move them slowly, and with the little movements, the noises that came from puppets amassed, something similar to an alarm clock, Sasori began to move the puppet, and knew he had succeeded.

He looked around, and everything checked out. He could still see, and looked around. He opened the throat, and then closed the mouth, and tested out the shredder. It worked perfectly. But just to make sure, Sasori threw an apple from his cloak. When it hit the shredder, it was immediately cut apart into pieces, and fell to the bottom. Sasori smiled, and then opened the mouth, and sent out the tongues to slice apart a few trees. They came out instantly, spiraling around, and sliced through a frew trees violently, with pieces of tree being tossed around, Sasori knew that he was going to have a hell of a good time with this puppet. He then called back the tongues, and laid back, knowing he had accomplished his mission. Sasori knew he succeeded.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Join date : 2009-01-03
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