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Ippin's Crystal beast's summon

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Ippin's Crystal beast's summon Empty Ippin's Crystal beast's summon

Post by Kaji-Kanto Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:26 pm

Summoned Creature or Item: Crystal dragon Isina

Appearance: Ippin's Crystal beast's summon EPCCRY
The dragon is made of a semi-living crystal that ippin can manipulate. The dragon itself is unable to move its body on its own ippin must manipulate the dragon like a puppet. The dragon since it is huge about the size of gamabunta this can be excrutiating but ippin has placed small chakra receptors into the dragon that absorb natural chakra and then ippin is able to use that chakra to manipulate the dragon alot easier. The receptors are located along the tail in a 10 feet range apart. There is one in the center of each wing. It has one above the eye's of the dragon.

Tail: The dragons tail is somewhat small but holds the ability of being able to make crystal's in each touch. The structures are made from the dragons own chakra and the dragon is able to create structures ranging from a small single gem to what you see in the picture.

Body: The body of the dragon is covered in spikes that can cut flesh easily. This makes taijutsu usless to the dragon as it hurts the attacker more than it hurts the dragon. The dragon also has the ability to manipulate its body into different forms. it can become a fortress that can fly in the air.

Wing's: The wings beside giving the dragon the ability to fly are seethrough and have the ability's to focus the sunlight into it and magnify and create a beam somewhat of a laser where ever it goes and shoot from the wings but causing no damage to them with the destructive propertys of being able to burn through a human skull in a matter of 5 seconds.

Mouth: The dragons mouth has the ability to shoot sword size shards from its mouth that are indestructable and sharp enough to cut through steel in a single hit. It also moves fast enough that in a second of being fired it is already at the target.

Weakness: The dragon takes 3 post's to summon and only is able to stay out on the field for 7 post's. Ippin uses his own chakra to manipulate the dragon like a puppet so it takes a minimal chakra to use the dragon.

Last edited by Kaji-Kanto on Thu Nov 27, 2008 5:51 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Ippin's Crystal beast's summon Empty Re: Ippin's Crystal beast's summon

Post by Guest Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:04 pm

It is approved but if I were you I would add more to it because it seems to me like it is a little loosely put together. However, that is just my Input, take it as you will. APPROVED.


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