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Kaji's jutsu's

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Kaji's jutsu's Empty Kaji's jutsu's

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:23 pm

Name of jutsu: Chakra no Mesu - Chakra Scalpel
Rank E-S: A
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:

Description:Chakra no Mesu is a special Ninjutsu technique used by medical ninjas. After forming the needed handseals, the ninja will focus chakra to their hands. When their charged hands reach the body of their target, they can extend the chakra internally into the targets body to cut and neatly slice their muscles and blood vessels without harming the surface skin.

Weakness: This technique can be used in battle, but because of its hectic nature, the fine precision required for an instant kill is not feasible. Damage can still be done to the vital organs, but the technique should be used carefully in battle.

Name of jutsu: Poision clensing(passive)
Rank E-S: A
Range: Supplementary
Type of jutsu: Passive
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: N/A
Description:Using his own medical chakra Kaji can create a constant flow in wich he is healed of poision. When the poision enters the body instantly medical chakra will be placed into it and the chakra will begin to nullify it and make it into a harmless substance in the body.

Weakness: While this justsu is passive if kaji is using a different medical jutsu this jutsu is nullified.

Name of jutsu:Chakra no Ito - Chakra Threads
Rank E-S: A
Range: Close-far
Type of jutsu:Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Fuuma
Element Affinity: N/A

Description: Chakra no Ito is a secret Ninjutsu technique of the Fuuma Clan. The ninja will create threads of chakra which will start at their heart's chakra circulatory system and extend outwards. These threads can then be wound around their opponents body and internal organs. This essentially will tie their two hearts together and make them become one.

Weakness: Once fully in sync, the ninja's chakra circulatory system can control their opponents system, so if the ninja dies, their opponent dies as well and vice versa.

Name of jutsu: Mind Enter
Rank E-S: A
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): n/a
Element Affinity: Seishin Ninjutsu

Description: The user can enter the opponents mind literally being able to tamper with memories and such. They can not cause any damage to the brain but they can cause memories and events in the persons life to change.

Weakness: Must be at a close range, can only do this one time per thread and if the opoonent expirences pain while kaji is in there mind it will instantly deactivate.

Name of jutsu: Mind sensing
Rank E-S: C
Range: Medium
Type of jutsu: passive
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Seishin

Description: Kaji has the ability of being semi-mentally intuned. He can sense peoples minds and what they are feeling in a somewhat simple intent. He can also sense users of seishin jutsu's and when someone from far away is trying to use a seishin jutsu to get in contact with someone nearby. He can also determine different wavelengths of minds and can sometiimes distungish who someone is through there mind if its unigue enough.

Weakness: N/A

Last edited by Kaji-Kanto on Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:03 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Kaji's jutsu's Empty Re: Kaji's jutsu's

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:33 pm

Chakra Scalpel isn't C Ranked. It is A Ranked, I believe.
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Kaji's jutsu's Empty Re: Kaji's jutsu's

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:43 pm

yah i was working on a diff jutsu and then decided to just change it forgot to change rank lol.

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Kaji's jutsu's Empty Re: Kaji's jutsu's

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:11 pm

If anyone have any confliction with this just let me know

Kyouken Uchiha
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Kaji's jutsu's Empty Re: Kaji's jutsu's

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:04 pm

bump poision cleansing and mind sensing.

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Kaji's jutsu's Empty Re: Kaji's jutsu's

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:40 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
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Kaji's jutsu's Empty Re: Kaji's jutsu's

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:49 am

Name of jutsu: Sharingan - Copying Wheel Eye (Uchiha Clan)
Rank E-S: --
Range: --
Type of jutsu: Dojutsu
Clan(Optional): Uchiha (or transplant)
Element Affinity: N/A

Description: Sharingan is the blood inheritance limit of the Uchiha Clan. The Uchiha are said to be descendants of the Hyuuga, with the Byakugan changing into the Sharingan over time. This doujutsu (eye skill) gives one the ability to read Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu and then defeat it. As such, the clan member can view a technique being performed and almost instantly memorize the movements required to be able to complete it, including the needed chakra moldings and seals used. However the clan member cannot copy techniques that are unique to another bloodline and the clan member must have a body capable of meeting the chakra and physical requirements to do the jutsu. This rarely stops the clan member though, as such stressful situations often push their limits farther and allow them to harness their full potential.

The Uchiha clan member is not granted the Sharingan at birth; it is only activated later in life, typically during a time of emotional stress in the heat of battle. The Sharingan itself can be transferred to another non-Uchiha by a medical ninja, such as happened with Leaf ninja Uchiha Obito to his teammate Hatake Kakashi. Because his body was not born to carry the Sharingan, the eye is always activated and it burns Kakashi's chakra when used. To lessen the impact of the Sharingan on Kakashi's body, he normally keeps the eye hidden and out of use. Also of note, is the fact Kakashi, a non-Uchiha, was able to advance the Sharingan from two tomoe to three tomoe after gaining the eye.

The Sharingan itself contains three tomoe (comma). A higher mastery of the Sharingan can be seen in the creation of a new tomoe in the eye, with three tomoe being the typical highest form of the eye. The rare Mangekyou form is a unique evolution of the Sharingan beyond the three tomoe form, please see its entry for more information. An eye possessing two tomoe can allow the Uchiha clan member to track the movement of an opponent and do some minor copying of an opponents attack. For avoiding incoming attacks, the Uchiha's speed and agility will greatly control whether they can move to avoid it. However, three tomoe will greatly help in this area.

Two tomoe will also allow the ninja to pierce Genjutsu and see the surrounding reality for what it really is. It can also allow the member to pierce another’s body and see their chakra. While the eye is not refined enough to see the tenketsu and chakra circulatory system like the Byakugan, it can view the movement and flow of chakra. This can help them tell if a person is trapped in a Genjutsu, or if an attacker is a real threat or merely a bunshin.

An eye containing three tomoe will allow the ninja to see the image of an attacker’s next move from the slightest muscle tension in their body. This prevents wasteful movement and allows the Uchiha clan member to conserve much needed chakra in battle. It allows them to synchronize their movement to strike at an area moments before their opponent is even in that spot, essentially allowing them to strike out and hit their opponent before they're even there.

Three tomoe also grants the Uchiha the ability to do Genjutsu and hypnosis after locking eyes with an enemy. This can be used to cause their opponent to do an attack of the Uchiha's choosing. This hypnosis can also be used as a Genjutsu counter, which is the ability to turn a Genjutsu spell back upon the original caster without the requirement of forming any handseals.

Weakness: Kaji only has one sharingan eye and along with the normal weakness's of the sharingan he is unable to copy elemental jutsu's.

Name of jutsu: Magen • Kyouten Chiten - Demonic Illusion • Mirror Heaven and Earth Change
Rank E-S: A
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu / Genjutsu
Clan(Optional): Uchiha
Element Affinity:

Description:Magen • Kyouten Chiten is a Genjutsu technique unique to the Uchiha bloodline Sharingan holders. Using the copy and counter functions of the Sharingan eye, the Uchiha clan member can stop the sensory spell cast on their body and reverse it back on their opponent.

Weakness: It takes the same amount of chakra as the genjutsu it took to cast and a glance through the sharingan for the jutsu to be performed.


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Kaji's jutsu's Empty Re: Kaji's jutsu's

Post by Guest Sun Apr 26, 2009 11:33 am



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