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The Truth

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The Truth Empty The Truth

Post by tradebuzzing2 Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:34 pm

Right after Sannam had left the Genin by themsevles, he had a strange feeling about his whole life. He flashed back to the day that his father left him with Naruto. He held his head, as he did not look much like Naruto. He was not of the same blood as he thought he was. After he came to this conclusion his chest started to heart. He had an invisble seal on his chest. But now it was glowing and burning. He knew that he had to get rid of it. The fact was he had no clue on how to do that. He walked to his home and open his door, and fell to the floor. "Father, why lie to me?" He looked up into the sky, like he was looking through his roof. He closed his eyes and began to fall asleep. He then began to dream, and in that dream his father had shown up.

"Because son, our family, our bloodline has a great power that must not be learned at a young age. I knew would found out some day, but I never thought it would be so early in life." His father walked towards his son. As for the Father was not just a dream, he was there in real life, as for Sannam had asked the question to get the seal removed. Sannam awoke to see his father above him. His father held out a hand for Sannam. "My son, today is the day where you become greater than you ever imagined." Sannam had been at loss for words.

"I..I Thought you were dead.." His father shook his head. "I was merely not capble of caring for you, I had to fight, many battles. I have a price on my head. My son would not die because of my own foolishness." Sannam's father began to tear up and he then put his hand on Sannam's shoulder. "What a fine man, my son has grown up to be." He smiled and his right fingers began to glow. "Sannam, my son are you ready?" Sannam nodded and he did not know what he was getting himself into. Sannam's father aimed his hand for the seal and thrusted towards Sannam's chest. Sannam fell to the ground and gasped for air. The seal was slowly fading away.

Soon a bright light came over Sannam and his father left. Sannam slowly got up and he had been in a different world, or so it seemed. Really, he was in his own mind. Four man had been standing around Sannam, all of the same bloodline. They had been the first four users of the bloodline. They looked down on Sannam and the one to the norht spoke. "I am the first user of Sumiyaka. I will not allow you to know my first name and neither shall anyoe else here. You are here to earn the right of the Sumiyaka speed." The four disappeared, and soon after white montsers had appeared. They were fast, but seeing as Sannam had speed of his own he took the out in no time. Soon after they were gone the, only three of the four had returned. Sannam had passed the first and easiest part of the tests.

The one too the south of his mind moved forward. "That was a test to see if you could take the others. You passed, but others before you passed much easier and had trouble with later tests. We are doubtful of the strength you have to pass. You must try you hardest, for if you lose, you die." The man snapped his fingers and appeared beside Sannam. "All fathers are required to tell their children, that they are of a different bloodline, for if they find out a young age, and the seal is unsealed, the child will surely die. You will now take the second test as soon as you are ready. Are you ready?' Sannam nodded and the three man disappeared. Following that, A man in a black robe appeared. He did not hold a weapon and did not look like anything speical.

Soon, the man took of his hood. Sannam would fight the founder of the bloodline he was told he was in. This man was Minato Namikaze. Sannam knew the power of Minato, but he would have never dreamed of getting the chance to fight him. And if this was only the second exam, he knew that the others would get much harder. He was worried, but he would not give up. Minato pulled out a kunai and as did Sannam.


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