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Jin Chisoku (The God of Speed) *editing*

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Jin Chisoku (The God of Speed) *editing* Empty Jin Chisoku (The God of Speed) *editing*

Post by Jin Chisoku Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:16 am

Name: Jin Chisoku

Age: 119

Rank: S-Ranked Assassin

Village: Born of the Waterfall (Missing-Nin)

Looks: Jin Chisoku (The God of Speed) *editing* 1151082695_ootherAnbu


Accounts from John Cromewell: "Jin Chisoku, a name that is known amoung only the very few, powerful shinobi left. But rather than speak of his ability I will begin with his upbringing... Jin was placed into one of the best, if not the best, group of legendary assassins known as the Chisoku clan. He was adopted by the last remaining full blood family, and raised as one of their own. He grew up believing he was a true Chisoku, and he trained as one. Within the first weeks of training, Jin was moved to the advanced group, a task never before imagined by any of the previous Chisoku assassins. Of course, such skill, and power was met with confusion, and fear. Jin paid little attention to it as a child, and continued ignorant of the plans of others. He became a full fledged shinobi* at the young age of 12. Hiro, the grandmaster of all the legendary tai-jutsu, took a great interest in the young man. He soon began tutoring him in all forms of martial arts. For 7 years Jin learned all the forms passed down from generations of legendary fighters, and was deemed the second in command for all missions, only behind Hiro. During the winter of that same year, Jin had been assigned to a simple recon mission in which he was to attack a small convoy of supplies. Jin felt like this was a waste of his talent, so he set up a simple booby trap, a small device made of explosive tags, that would go off when the convoy passed. Jin waited, and as he had planned the convoy passed, and the rig went off. He started to turn, when he heard wimpers from the one of the supply wagons. He turned around, and walked slowly to the remaining transport. He kneeled down, and moved some of the debrie, trying to find out what the noise was. He soon discovered that he had murdered a small child, a little girl of a neighboring village that had refused to buy from the Chisoku clan. Enraged, Jin visted the council of elders, including his former master Hiro. He argued that such tactics were not acceptable, and that the power of the clan should be used to in a better manner. The council, fearing an uprising, set forth a team a to kill Jin's family, and his soon to be wife. Jin, of course, soon found out after the fact, and in a complete fenzy, Jin attacked his own village. He murdered hundreds of his own clan members, and in during a final battle he was put into a coma by a last ditch effort by his former master Hiro. Hiro later died due to major wounds suffered during his fight with Jin. Jin was placed, by an unknown force, in the temple of undying hero's, and laid in sleep for 100 years. Now, he's awaken..."

File no.001: <Transformation Process: Day 1>
The human shell has finally been made to specifications, with much strain. DNA strand-120.78 was found to be the only genetic basis that took hold. The shell is at stage 2-B, and has become an approx weight of 4.5kg.
Notes: The spirit I have come in contact with has finally agreed to undergo the transformation to counter what limits have been placed on it. I do wonder what master it answers to though, perhaps I haven't come to the full understanding of what is beyond this plane of exsistance. The shell has finally took hold from one of the perfected strands. No.120.78, one of the rarest cloned strands, after a long and strainous application, it finally worked. But for some reason, I can't shake this feeling, that I've started something I can't stop, that I've done something that is about to put in place a chain of events. Well, it is true of all actions I guess, cause and effect. The next "check up" will be in 48 hours.

File no.003: <Transformation Process: Day 3>
The shell has remained intact, no anomilies have accured. Cell splitting has remained at 100% efficentcy. No steriods have been applied to counter any sign of what could be muscular deterioration. Stage B is near completion.
Sex: Male
Notes: I have come to the relazation that this "spirit" is under the classification of an Angel, and not just any angel, but the one made for the task of enforcing divine law. He answers to what he calls, "The Lord of Lords", and the "Trinity". Three beings in one harmonic stance with one another, so much so they function as one, while remaining to themselves. I don't understand the concept of something like that, but it seems sound in a different way. The Angel doesn't seem to take any different form than what I have seen before. A man, or what seems to be, with long hair, standing at normal height. But what makes me so interested in this Angel, is his eyes. Something in them suggests a deeper meaning than what I have come to understand. Ironically, Angels are to be tools of their masters, but this one believes he is better serving his Master by rebelling. Such a radical stance from someone that seems to be well-founded in the what he thinks.

File no.667: <Processing the last mental data into shell>
The shell must be fitted with an extremely deep and complex psyche, if not the spirit can not dwell properly with this host of sorts. I set within the frontal lobe a layered style system, in which I can hide previous thoughts as to sheild this being from harsh transistions. Also, within the body are a set of very spiritual seals, a system which I alone have created, not so much that I can shield the being from the this world but sheild the world from this being.
Hair: -
Eye: -
Sex: -
Notes: During my studies of the spiritual presence of what many like to call "Angels" I found that they can take on human form, for what they cosider a brief period of time. This whole project is an artifical attempt at that very topic. If I can make this work, the world will have a terror never seen before walking around as if it was a normal human being. The very idea frightens me so much, but what good it could do is enough counter weight for me to take that risk.

ANBU Files<Bio Section>:
[Eyes Only] Restricted to Top Officals Only <File no.2100098> Chisoku, Jin -Flee from Target on Site-:
Weight- est.179
Eyes-*multiple colors: Red, Grey, Blue, White
Blood Line: Chisoku [Research limited, last known origins Waterfall Village, perhaps last known member of]
Mission Status- Completed Status of: 2 D-rank mission(s), 17 C-rank mission(s), 21 B-rank mission(s), 127 A-rank mission(s), 18 S-rank mission(s)
Limited use of ANBU capt. under the terms of the Hokage. Deemed to harsh on other members in squad, and too dangerous on rescue missions(exp: Mission no. 173).
Rank(s):ANBU Capt. squad no.7; ANBU leader for short amount of time, disappeared; whereabouts unkown. Offically declared a missing-nin.
Techniques: Marked as leader in Taijutsu amoung the ranks, rare ability to move at high rate of speed without unlocking any known chakra level(s)/gate(s), mastered the ablility to create clones in different posistions and areas, kenjutsu specialist, a lower doujutsu [thought to slow the user's perception], and able to control his chakra flow and usage.
*Doujutsu [deemed only on speculation]

ANBU File no.00122
Code Named: "Last Stand"
Top Secret:<Topic for Eyes Only> clearance no.900-876-001
Mission File on squadron no.7: (S-rank Mission listed as '78')
Jin Chisoku, the newly named 'sage', scrambled all willing and able ANBU troops to counter a massive threat in the village sqaure. With his aid many lives were spared from what seemed to be an attempt to re-establish the organization known as the "Akatsuki", but because of limited strength, and aid Jin left with the agressors, not to be seen again, until the following year. He had gained massive power, more over his speed more than tripled, if possible. He communicated with the new head of the ANBU Ops, and left. A full search of the ANBU HQ was done to confirm that nothing had be stolen. But, regretably, all of Jin's mission file's were gone. Now, most units only have limited information to mark this now considered "dangerous" missing-nin's rank.

Personality: Extremely complex, as if he's tormented by something he hasn't changed, or had the chance to, but didn't. He's very aggressive when he approaches something, as if he doesn't find mercy as an option. But that leads to the question, was it never given to him? Or has he never known it? He's very arrogant as well. But no one can argue, when he delcares something about himself, it's true. He's also very determined, set to a plan in any situation, like he's been in it before. He's very founded in the beliefs of bushido, and he personally holds the virtue of honor in very high reguard. He is disgusted in anyone that doesn't show the same values that he does. Of course, that leads one to assume that he is very closed minded, which he is at times, and other's he isn't. He's very open about fighting, but very closed about emotions. All in all, he's a warrior, some one that can easily lay aside his emotions for a good brawl.

Learned Jutsu: (Just a Few)Shunshi no Jutsu, Mugen Saisei Justsu (infinite regeneration jutsu), Tenshi Uyoku no Jutsu (angel wing jutsu), Raikou Tansen (lightning edge), Hari-Jikoku (Chisoku clan's doujutsu), Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu (grand fireball jutsu), Kuro Doragon Honoo (black dragon flame), Control Art Restrictions, Torikki-Kitsune (kenjutsu), Ikatsui Karite Kamae (grim reaper style, taijutsu), Kage Bunshin Tai no Bakuhatsu (exploding clone technique), Heru Ryouken Genkaku (hell hound illusion).

Weapons/Items: A custom version of the ANBU Black Ops. Armor, a large katana *48" blade length* made of diamond, Hiro's blade, shunshin no jutsu kunai, posionious gas, and a large amount of explosive tags.

Goals: To find himself, and to find peace.
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

Posts : 185
Points : 105
Reputation : 7
Join date : 2008-11-20

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