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Aikou (moved from old site with a little editing)

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Aikou (moved from old site with a little editing) Empty Aikou (moved from old site with a little editing)

Post by Chimera Tue Dec 02, 2008 1:28 am

Name: Aikou

Age: 14


Village: Sunagakure

Appearance: Aikou (moved from old site with a little editing) ThAnimegoth

Ages 1 -3

Aikou was born in the Hidden village of sound, in a small village, with little people, and all that where there were laborors. Her parents had left her at the door of someone, in another village. She was taken in by an old couple, the man was named Naru Yuti and the women was named Shizu Yuti. When she was one, she called them gran and granna. Gran was Shizu. and Granna was Naru. Growing up with the two, was a fun for the one year old, many toys, and sharp knitting needles to play with.

When Aikou was about one and a half, both her Gran and Granna had died on the same night. Aikou was left in her crib for two weeks befoe ayone found her, at this time she could barely walk. SHe had stood up, usding the bars as support and flipped over the bars. She fell onto the ground and didn't awake for two days, when she did she had a very bad headache, and started to crawl towards the door, she had no Idea what was happening at such a young age. They old people had a cat door large enough for her to crawl through.

She was sold to a sweat shop, from some random rich man who found her on the streets. He was the richest in the Village and owned most of the land. Hefound an opprotunity, to sell a little girl, to a sweat shop for millions. He made an advertisment saying "Though this little girl is young, she will grow up to be strong, and will surely do everything you ask for!". sweet shop, full of men had bought her, she was to make clothing and carpets. before she could do this, she had to grow, so they locked her in a room, and she got fed once a day.

Once she was three she was put to work, they taught her how to do it, and left her to it. They weren't allowed to talk they only had half an hour break once a week, thats when they could run around outside. If they didn't come back when the alarm rang, they where punished. The punishment worsened the more they broke the rules. For a while they would just give you a whip, but after a while they would starting ripping off a finger nail.

She was a very bad four year old child and got three finger nails removed. The only reason she had started at the age of three, was becasue she was like a five year old. She was smart enough and strong enough to do the work. she had one little window in her cell, so she could see her future work, so she observed. In total she had amde 670 shirts, 354 pairs of jeans, and 295 carpets. At this time she was five, and that was her total of accomplishments while she was their.

Her Bloodline Revealed!

When she was five she was being whipped and had a finger nail removed. It somehow broke a fuse in her mind and she went crazy. She sent a large blast of sound across the room, setting her free and crushing the men who were giving her the punishment. She stood up and bursted through the building cursing, yelling and screamin, destroying everyone in her path, sending tunnels of sound at them, sending them into the wall,and then removing whatever part of the body she hit, by making it stronger.

After she was finished there where many dead bodies, even children. Once she came back to reality, she had noticed what she had done. She was covered with blood, and so where the walls. She fell to the ground crying, she had killed all her friends. Althoguh they werent allowed to talk during the working period, she had amde friends during the play period of the weekend. She had made a very good friend, her name was Kikio Numagature, they were bestfriends. She had killed her, when Aikou found the body, it was missing a stomache area.

A team from Sunagakure was sent to see what had happened. When they had arrived there was blood, dead bodies, body parts, insides, every where. All that lived was a little girl sitting in a corner liek a crazy, tramatized child which is what she was. She was lucky that none of the people in the sweet shop were ninja's or she would have been dead, in a few seconds. When the shinobi approached her she screamed sending a blast of sound their way sending them back. they had to approache with caution.

'We are her to help you little girl" A sweet female voice sad. SHe looked up, and saw her with her hand out smiling. Aikou reached out and grabed the girls hand. The girl ahd picked her up and they zoomed out of the area. they ran all the way back to Suna which was a long trip and took four - five days. SHe had no idea how long it was when she was in there, she didn't know how old she was, but they determined she was 5.

6 - 10

When she turned six, which was a few days after she had arrived in Suna like a week or five. She was adopted by a 27 year-old Widow. She was one of the shinobi who saved her, her names was Tora Nukima. Aikou called her mom, but only went by Aikou she didnt want a last anme so she didnt use it. She started to play with the other children her age. She would run around in the sand building sand sculptures. She would use her blood line to carve the piles of sand, but they just blew away in the wind.

At seven in age her mom asked her if she wanted to be in the ninja academy. Her answer was an obvious yes. She would sometimes watch the shinobi train. Her mom said she would enroll her so she would defeintly getin when she turned the age of nine. Her mom started train with her, she too used sound for an element, she taught her some very good sound jutsu and taught her how to us them.

When she was eight it was her birthday, and in a few months she would start in the acedemy. At her birthday party she invited all of her friends. It was an important event. They played normal games children did, like tag, and Hide n' go Ninja. She always had the best hiding spots, she would hide in small spaces, or high ones. After the party she said good bye and went to bed.

It was the first day of the acedemy and many thoughts went th

Personality: She is very cruel and thinks that she is the best and has the biggest ego every. She has a vision of her own rhealm when she has joined the Akatsuki, a beautiful place with her gothicness. Aikou doesnt care what you ahve to say unless she likes you. She is hard on the outside and soft inside like a oyster, and with the peral inside. To put it in one one word she is pretty much a be-yatch, unless she likes you. Her favorite activity is torturing people, and seeing peopel suffer, perfect for the Akatsuki. But then again, her name means love which is exactly what she does, she is easly overcome by love. When she loves someone she forgets what shes doing, and just thinks about them. She is the sweetest thing since sugar. She has somewhat of a split personality, when she hits her head she goes into this stragne bubbly stage.

Learned Justus: SOund Manipulation, and the jutsu I will post

Weapons/Items: The normal Ninja kit and a few mini katana things.

Goals (Optional):To help the Akatsuki with their quest.

Theme Song:


Last edited by Rtusubo on Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:50 pm; edited 5 times in total

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Aikou (moved from old site with a little editing) Empty Re: Aikou (moved from old site with a little editing)

Post by Mirage Tue Dec 02, 2008 1:50 am


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