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Keiteki's Jutsu (Finished)

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Keiteki's Jutsu (Finished) Empty Keiteki's Jutsu (Finished)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Feb 16, 2009 4:34 pm

Name of jutsu: Katon – Gurenkou Kaika (Gray Flame Manipulation)
Rank E-S: S
Range: All
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Katon - Fire

This jutsu utilizes the powerful Gurenkou Chakra, or Grey Flame, that was created out of his Shiro Enkou, or White Flame. Unlike the Nenshou version of the technique, this jutsu allows Keiteki to have complete control over Gurenkou, able to use it in any manner possible, and is also able to manipulate Katon, along with all of it's forms, including Smoke, and heat itself. This complete mastery over Gurnekou also let Keiteki channel his Katon and Gurenkou chakra through weapons, throwing and otherwise, able to both wound and cut, and burn at the same time. Gurenkou fire is much, much more hot than normal fire, even blue fire, five times hotter than normal fire, which compared to the old White Fire, was only three times hotter.

Though many Suiton technqiues become completely ineffective in the face of Grey Fire, a big enough usage of water, including large Suiton based jutsu, may be able to stop the Gurenkou, provided it is larger than the incoming attack using Gurenkou. In addition, Keiteki can sometimes get dehydrated from use of the technique, and will usually have to drink a large amount of water after battle, or face dehydration in a long battle, prohibiting it's use to an extent.

Name of jutsu: Katon – Sekenenshou (World Combustion)
Rank E-S: S
Range: Mid, Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Katon - Fire

This jutsu is extremely destructive, and can easily doom an opponent, and turn the battlefield into a giant boiling fire pit. Keiteki will amass his Katon Chakra, building it up mostly in his arms and hands, and when he charges it all up, usually in a few seconds after he performs his handseals for the technique, Keiteki will unleash the jutsu. A gigantic tsunami of fire, extending as far as 2/5ths of a mile, the giant fire wave can be made out of either fire, or the far more deadly Gurenkou fire. The fire is strong enough to tear up the ground as well, usually being able to tear through about 2 ½ meters into the ground using the fire. An opponent would be quite easily vaporized by the fire, and even if they dodge it, they will probably be far enough from Keiteki that he could set up with a jutsu, like summonings, and finish off an opponent.

An opponent can hide DEEP underground to dodge the entirety of the move, or avoid it high enough in the air. In addition, Keiteki cannot use Katon jutsu for 3 posts. In addition, if Keiteki uses Gurenkou in this technique, he will be extremely dehydrated by the time of the jutsu's end.

Name of jutsu: Katon – Gurenkou Nenshou (Gray Flame Combustion)
Rank E-S: A
Range: Mid, Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Katon - Fire

A Jutsu known to and used only by Keiteki Drakun. This very powerful jutsu uses a fair amount of chakra, including Katon chakra, and Grey fire in order to use. The user is usually not able to use the jutsu more than twice daily, although it's devastating effects can easily burn down an entire village to the ground. After a grueling string of handseals, Keiteki will release, and hold both of his hands in a pipe, like when ninja use the Fireball jutsu. A titanic stream of Gurenkou, seemingly impervious to all resistance from other offensive jutsu, even Suiton, which is simply reduce to steam when it comes in contact with the fire, will be shot out. It can cover a 90 degree span with the fire itself, hardly, but an opponent does not need to come into contact with the fire to be caught in a combustion. Being near the fire can easily set fire to an opponent, and even being further, an opponent still get inflicted with burns, making the range in which an opponent can be injured upon from the blast 100 degrees.

As demonstrated by Retsu, the jutsu fires on a specific targeting range, and the opponent can dodge it more easy then they think. In additon, Keiteki will usually need quite a bit of water after this jutsu is performed.

Name of jutsu: Katon – Enkou Sogekihei (Flame Sniper)
Rank E-S: A
Range: Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Katon - Fire

A jutsu which utilizes Keiteki's scope he used to try and update his Manako no Enkou. This scope gives Keiteki's Manako no Enkou great accuracy, and allows him to spot foes from more than half a mile away. Using this strength, Keiteki will use his mouth to shoot an extremely concentrated blast of fire, no wider than human hand, but the power it packs in enormous, although the power can be lessened to save chakra. This blast of fire will be shot at a foe, and has enough power to completely penetrate an opponent's head, leaving an open wound and exit wound, making it extremely dangerous in long range combat, which also means that he can snipe away other parts of the body. In addition, upon hitting a solid surface, explodes.

A serious downside to the attack is that, even though it is chakra saving and effective, each time Keiteki wants to use the jutsu a second time, he must complete more handseals, thereby consuming more time and allowing for an opponent to set up. In additon, Keiteki cannot move while he is aiming and shootign the jutsu, like a real sniper.

Name of jutsu: Katon – Kamuriton (Impossible Fire)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Mid, Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Katon - Fire

A Ninjutsu of epic proportions, this technique is known to use lots of chakra, as two jutsus are in fact being simultaneously in order to create an impossibly giant fire storm. Atsugai and Zukokku together create Kamuriton, Impossible Fire. Zukokku is strengthen and it's speed is enhanced when Atsugai is used in conjunction, creating a fire storm from which few enemies can escape.

An extremely long string of handseals, as long as 35 handseals. In addition, an opponent should ideally be far away, or as demonstrated once in battle, an enemy hid behind the user and attacked them to negate the attack.

Name of jutsu: Katon – Gouryukka (Great Dragon Fire)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Katon - Fire

This is a powerful Fire based jutsu once used by skilled Uchiha clan members, and something similar to the fireball jutsu. The user will spit out a flurry of very large fireballs, shaped like dragon's head, which pack a huge punch in terms of heat and power, and punch through concrete, making it very dangerous, but because it cannot be aimed, it is usually used in conjunction with another jutsu, or simply used to keep an opponent on their toes.

It can never be aimed, but is rather shot in a flurry.

Name of jutsu: Katon – Enkou Bunshin (Flame Clone)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Close, Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Katon

Enkou Bunshin does not function like a normal bunshin. Rather than resemble the creator of the bunshin, the bunshin only takes the physical shape of the user, and when created, it is easily clear that the bunshin is made out of fire. In addition, the bunshin cannot jutsu, except for Katon jutsu, and in order to perform these jutsu, Keitkei has to imbue the chakra needed to perform the jutsu. However, it has some deadly pros. the bunshin has some resistance to jutsu, unless it is Suiton, in which case, no matter what jutsu it is, even if it is a Genin ranked Water offense, the clone will be dispersed. However, other than that, the clone cannot be defeated without a B ranked or higher jutsu, or a powerful Taijutsu, but Taijutsu would leave the opponent badly burned, and the clone's reactions are often much more coordinated and expert, allowing it to dodge a foe's strikes. In addition, since it is made out of a burning fire, getting touched by the clone, and in many cases, bear hugged, will result in deadly burns, and often completely ignites an opponent.

Most offensive suiton jutsu will defeat it. It cannot perform any jutsu except for Katon, and only if enough chakra is provided to perform the jutsu.

Name of jutsu: Katon – Zukokku (Head Mincing Pain)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Mid, Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Katon - Fire

Zukokku functions in a similar manner to Atsugai, only it is Katon. After a long string of handseals, a huge blast of intense fire will be fired upon an opponent, incinerating them and is very hard to dodge. Once, Keiteki Drakun was able to use the two jutsus at the same time to create.

Unable to move during the blasting of the fire.

Name of jutsu: Katon – Enkou Kabura (Flame Cobra)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Katon - Fire

Enkou Kabura is a Ninjutsu technique known for it's ballistick nature, and dangerous power. By performing the required hand seals, the ninja can wave his chakra out in the same method when using Flame Pillar, but rather, a large cobra made out of fire comes bursting out of the chakra pool, and the user must have the split second reflexes to immediately control the Jutsu, as if it is not properly controlled, it can become extremely dangerous. If used properly, the flaming projectile snake will extend from the chakra pool and onto the designated target area. The fire in Enkou Kabura is specifically molded to smolder when it comes in contact with something, even somethign not flammable, creating a big smokescreen which can choke an opponent if they breathe in too much of the smoke. Enkou Karaba is dangerous to both the opponent and the user.

The attack is ballistic and very hard to control, and may backfire on the user.

Name of jutsu: Katon - Haisekishou (Burning Ash Accumulation)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Katon - Fire

A Jutsu typically used in conjunction with combos with Taijutsu, it involves hand seals. Keiteki can spew out a large cloud of ash, which will continue spewing out until he clicks his teeth, during which time, the ash will ignite, and explode, severely burning or bursting an opponent to pieces in fire. It has an advantage in that only 4 handseals are required to use it.

The opponent has a few seconds to escape the ash cloud before it is ignited and blown up. In additon, if not carefully conducted, the ash can explode in Keiteki's face, or anywhere else.

Name of jutsu: Katon – Enkou Hashira (Flame Pillar)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Katon - Fire

Enkou Hashira is a Ninjutsu Technique used by Katon utilizers. Ninja can perform the needed hand seals, and use the Katon Element to send a wave of Chakra around them, and ignite it, sending pillars of intense, extremely powerful fire up to 20 feet into the air, leaving an opening in the top for escape or entry. Enkou Hashira can be used to deflect an incoming attack, because the heat and power of the bursting fire is so intense, it can actually deflect incoming attacks, and severely burning any Taijutsu move user, or even incinerate them to death. Speaking of which, Enkou Hashira can be used to trap an opponent inside the fire, and the ninja can open a portal in the fire to enter. However, the ninja cannot close the pillars of fire on the opponent for some reason.

Is only used for defense. During Keiteki's time inside, an opponent can set up for a jutsu outside.

Name of jutsu: Katon - Enkou Kuruma (Flame Wheel)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Katon - Fire

Enkou Kuruma is a Ninjutsu technique used by Keiteki Drakun, which requires a weapon in order to use. Keiteki will take a weapon, and use Katon Chakra to create a large wheel of fire around the weapon, and Keiteki will then use the wheel to strike a grounded opponent. It moves very fast, and is hard to dodge if an opponent is tired, or otherwise unable to move fast enough. The weapon can also cut an opponent, in addition to burning them with fire, and can burn the insides of the body, making it a bloody, powerful jutsu.

The size and power of the wheel depend on what weapon was used for the wheel. In addition, Keiteki does not usually get his weapon back, unless it is used like a boomerang.

Name of jutsu: Katon – Enkou Shuriken (Flame Shuriken)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Katon - Fire

A jutsu similar to Flame Wheel, this jutsu requires the use of a weapon that can be thrown at an opponent and be able to inflict damage, even something not meant for the purpose. Keiteki will ignite this weapon, and throw it at a foe at high speed, because the fire is acting as if it was a rocket, it can easily puncture an opponent, and ignite them too, making it deadly.

Often strays off of designated path.

Last edited by Keiteki Drakun on Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:53 pm; edited 2 times in total
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Keiteki's Jutsu (Finished) Empty Re: Keiteki's Jutsu (Finished)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Feb 16, 2009 4:35 pm

Name of jutsu: Katon – Itaichi (Painful Touch)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Katon - Fire

This is a Katon based Ninjutsu technique utilized by Keiteki Drakun. Keiteki will expel Katon chakra from his fingertips, which allows him to use them like miniscule flamethrowers. Though they cannot do anything in air, if Keiteki is fighting an opponent up close, he can poke his opponent with these flaming fingers, which will burn them, or set them on fire if flammable material, such as clothing, is struck. Either way it is dangerous to any foe who wants to fight Keiteki close range. In additon, he can extend this flaming effect to his metal like nails, which can be extended, as said, and cut through opponents, burning them in the process.

Keiteki will not be able to fight with his hands, as they feel too soft, and need to toughen up, which takes one posts.

Name of jutsu: Katon – Kanetsu (Heat)
Rank E-S: D
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Katon - Fire

This is a technique typically used when Keiteki is facing an opponent with adept close range skills. Using the Katon Element, Keiteki will heat the air around him, making the heat around him and his foe seemingly rise high, and it can even rise more than 50 degrees. The objective of the jutsu is to dehydrate the opponent by forcing them to constantly sweat, in large amounts, which will drain their internal water supplies, and give Keiteki an advantage over his opponent. Keiteki can focus the jutsu on his opponent from up to 10 feet away, making his Kinsudanki useful during this jutsu.

Sadly, even though he does his best effort, the jutsu also effects him a little, and he also feels some of the heat, though not near the intensity his opponent must experience.

Name of jutsu: Katon – Nenshou (Combustion)
Rank E-S: D
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Katon - Fire

This is a relatively simple Katon based jutsu utilized by many Katon users, and is not commonly used in battle. The user will simply build up a small amount of Katon chakra, and burst it all out on their surroundings, creating a fire. If the user has Fuuton, they can spread the fire across the battlefield. It is especially deadly in a grassland or forest environment where the flames will easily spread and engulf it.

Can't move while igniting stuff

Name of jutsu: Katon – Enkou Senbon (Flame Needles)
Rank E-S: D
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Katon - Fire

This is a Katon based jutsu utilized by Keiteki Drakun. Keiteki will gather up some Katon chakra in his hand, creating potential energy, and when he is done building it up, Keiteki will rotate his arm quickly, flinging his hand, and sending out a storm of senbon made out of fire. The senbon are not able to actually puncture a foe, as they are only made out of fire, but they can still give the foe the painful sensation of being stabbed, using the flaming hot form of the needle.

The jutsu takes long time to charge up. In addition, during the time frame in which the jutsu is being released, Keiteki is unable to move until the jutsu has ended

Name of jutsu: Kizuuton – Atozoyochi Ryuusei (End of the World)
Rank E-S: S
Range: Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Kizuuton - Fire

This jutsu is under all circumstances, a last resort, no matter what, if Keitkei cannot kill an opponent on his own, and he cannot win, or otherwise exit with his life, then he should not use this jutsu. Keiteki will form a mass of metal almost as large as a village, shaped like a meteor, and imbue it with extremely high amounts of Katon Chakra. This isn't the end of it, however. Using both Fire and Wind, he will rocket himself into the sky, carrying the meteor with him, and now, in the sky, a giant metal, flaming meteor is existing. Keiteki can take this extremely far, beyond the normal section of the atmosphere, miles above the land below, impossible high indeed. Keiteki will then issue the final judgment by once again sending the giant, flame and wind filled, metal bomb to the earth below, which would reach scales near apocalyptic, which would be nearly impossible to avoid, especially if Keiteki's opponent was also worn out. The meteor will detonate upon impact, sending out huge waves of intense fire, flying pieces of metal, and pure force streaming across miles of land, easily killing anybody, and completely vaporizing anything caught up in the impossibly huge explosion.

This technique, no exceptions, clear cut KILLS the user, nothing can save them, they die immediately after they launch the bomb, and their body would probably get vaporized as it came hurtling to the earth. Unlike an atomic bomb, there is no “after shock”, or atomic sicknesses. Just a clear cut vast bowl of destruction will be left in it's wake.

Name of jutsu: Kizuuton – Koutetsu Seken (Iron World)
Rank E-S: S
Range: Mid, Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Kizuuton - Fire

The ultimate Metal Element technique, a jutsu that is almost guaranteed to kill absolutely any opponent in the jutsu, Koutetsu Seken, or Steel World, is a Ninjutsu technqiue developed, along with his Kizuuton, or Metal Element, as an offensive in which none of Keiteki's other jutsus will kill the foe, or an attack that can be used to launch an attack on a village. Koutetsu Seken first creates a humongous complex of metal and weapons and traps used against an opponent. There is a huge, open area in the middle of the metal complex, where the opponent is usually, if they are caught in the jutsu, which is generally accepted as one of the most deadly in the world. It is a jutsu of epic proportions. Basically, the huge complex is filled with weapons, deployable traps, and steel sharp objects by the dozen, and basically, all this metal weaponry created by Keiteki will be unleashed on an opponent in the middle of the arena. The walls are smooth and covered in simply more traps. The jutsu is thought to be a jutsu that no ninja is capable of surviving. Usually, a single well placed hit on an opponent is enough to doom them. In addition, the jutsu is not restricted to inside the circle. The attack can be directed outside of the huge metal complex, and can even be used to rain hell upon an entire Hidden Village.

Uses 50% of the user's chakra. If they are below that, when the jutsu ends, they usually faint, but not die.

Name of jutsu: Kizuuton Kaika
Rank E-S: S
Range: All
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Kizuuton - Fire

This is the ultimate mastery of the Metal arts. Keiteki has complete mastery over his hybrid element, being able to manipulate it with ease. Whether he simply wants to create weapons for combat, or he wants to create large scale attacks using Kizuuton Kaika, he can do it all using this ability. In addition, he can control just about any type of metal in existence, including some of the extremely rare metals deep in the earth, and others such as that. Also, Keiteki can manipulate existing metal, able to turn an opponent's thrown weapons against them, or null their weaponry. Keiteki can also compress metal using chakra, and can expand it as well, strengthening and weakening the metal respectively.

If Keiteki uses Kizuuton Kaika to do something a hand sign requiring jutsu would do, he loses more chakra. In addition, constant use of metal, for strange reasons, leads to muscle fatigue, and sometimes, if Keiteki is too tired, he can't even perform handsigns.

Name of jutsu: Kizuuton – Aragane (Ore)
Rank E-S: A
Range: Close, Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Kizuuton - Fire

Aragane is just a word for ore, which is the raw form of metal before it is processed. Aragane is a deadly ninjutsu used by Keiteki Drakun, which involves the use of Katon to great extremes. Keiteki can use Katon to melt large amounts of metals to a silvery, liquid like structure, seemingly steaming and burning hot, Keiteki can control this liquid like substance and force it on an opponent for attack. Keiteki can only use this attack for a limited amount of time. In addition, Keiteki can harden the liquid at any time when engulfing part of an opponent, capturing them in metal and making vulnerable to attack. It is dangerous regardless.

The power and fumes created through the jutsu daze Keiteki slightly after the jutsu has ended. Also, it is large and strong, but slow.

Name of jutsu: Kizuuton – Moribara (Forest of Thorns)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Kizuuton - Fire

Moribara allows Keiteki a certain degree of manipulation over Metal, only it is a little different. Moribara can create metal thorns repeatedly and without much effort, able to create huge attacks made out of these metal thorns, and create thick thirns thicker than a human, covered with smaller spines. All these spikes and spines can easily cut trhough an opponent, and create small wounds all over, making it extremely dangerous. There is, however, a flaw with all this. The thorns themselves are extremely brittle. Sharp, but brittles. A simple sword could decpapitate the thorns easily, even the large ones are not meant to take attacks, whcih makes them almost exclusively offense.

The thorns, as described, are extremely weak, and often break after cutting through an opponent. In addition, they are relatively slow, and are not fast in terms of getting close to an opponent.

Name of jutsu: Kizuuton – Mukeneisha (Infinite Sword Projection)
Rank E-S: B
Range: B
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Kizuuton - Metal

Mukenisha is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by Keiteki Drakun, and it is most memorable for it's appearance and the sheer capacity of the jutsu. Keiteki will pool metal chakra at one point, and then use this to his advantage and project extremely long, sharp pillar like pikes that stay on the inside of the metal chakra pool. Keiteki can control these “infinite swords”, which hold true to their name, being able to extend far beyond any sword in existence. Keiteki can project multiple swords at the same time, allowing him to somehow duel sword wielders and fight Taijutsu at a distance. The jutsu is a little confusing, so here is a RP sample of it in action, it is not meant to be long, just show what the jutsu does. Also, in addition to being able to place the projection near him, if Keiteki can fill a weapon with chakra, and throw it at the ground, he can use this to form a sword projection just like a normal one, and is also capable of springing multiple spikes at foes, making this ability very deadly.

“Keiteki began forming handseals, and put his hand on the ground, and a pool of chakra was forming where he stood. Keiteki simply kneeled down, and put his hands together. Suddenly, a giant pillar like pike sprung out at an ANBU agent in the brush, the point of it stabbing him right in the eye, and out the head, dispersing his shadow clone.

Suddenly, Keiteki found the real one right behind him, but as the first pike was retracting, a second spike sprung from the ground, stabbing this one through the heart, and a second sword went through his head.”

Keiteki cannot move during this jutsu. In addition, these spikes are completely straight, and do not curve, making them an easy dodge for a quick ninja, but if involved in something else at the moment, like handseals or fighting a bunshin, or other jutsu, this jutsu gains the element of surprise.

Name of jutsu: Kizuuton – Ainenarashi (Iron Flake Storm)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Kizuuton - Metal

This jutsu is a cooperative jutsu between Metal and Fuuton. Keiteki will use Metal to create a large amount of sharp, metal flakes, which are smaller than a penny. However, many of them are created, large enough to use agaisnt opponents. Next up is where Fuuton comes in. Using Fuuton, Keiteki will pick up these iron flakes using his abilities, and send all of them at the foe like a powerful sandstorm. The iron flakes, because of their sharpness, will leave painful cuts all over the opponent, and will stimulate blood loss because of all the cuts. The flakes can also often get stuck inside of the skin, or the blood vessels, and cause extreme pain because of their sharpness, as well as the properties Keitkei gives them, he purposely keeps the flakes in dirt so that when they puncture the foe, anything, including dirt, parasites, and germs, can get lodged in opponents

It is not known why, but whenever Keiteki uses this jutsu, he is usually out of breath at the end, and coughing. In addition, if he is not careful, the spikes could get lodged in Keiteki, too.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Keiteki's Jutsu (Finished) Empty Re: Keiteki's Jutsu (Finished)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:31 pm

Name of jutsu: Kizuuton - Kinrotto (Rust)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Close, Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Kizuuton

This is a highly effective jutsu used by Keiteki Drakun, which he can use to fight metal used by other ninja, or cause destruction in a village. Keiteki will spread his chakra lightly through the air, and into an opponent's metal based attacks, tools, etc, and will cause intense rust in it, and it spreads quickly, afflicting an entire piece of metal will a flaking, weak rust, making the piece of metal simply too fragile and weak to use anymore, especially when it comes to swords and kunai, shuriken, etc. This powerful rusting ability can also be used against other metal, such as the framework of buildings. In addition, although the jutsu has a weakness, the jutsu can be activated by touch, and if activated in this way, it becomes without a weakness.

Keiteki cannot utilize Metal for one post, and he cannot use it to defend against an attack during 2 posts.

Name of jutsu: Kizuuton – Kizuuton Bunshin (Metal Clone)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Close, Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Kizuuton - Metal

This is a powerful Ninjutsu technique that functions somewhat similar to Enkou Bunshin in nature, being that both function differnetly than a normal elemental clone, although this clone is arguably more versatile. Keiteki will create a Bunshin made out metal, which then takes Keiteki's form, and as expected, Taijutsu, unless extremely powerful, fails to defeat the Kizuuton Nunshin, unless an opponent can muster a steel shattering force. Secondly, the Bunshin can be created armed iwth various weapons, such as blades, flamethrowers (Katon needs to be imbued beforehand), and throwing weapons like senbon launchers. The Bunshin, because of it's nature, excels in close and mid range combat, but there is a flaw to it.

A good Lightning or powerful enough Katon jutsu will defeat the clone. Normally, the clone is almost impervious to Taijutsu. However, there is a weak spot between the clone's legs in which, if struck, will probably shatter the clone, or otherwise cause huge damage and disable it.

Name of jutsu: Kizuuton – Subeta Hitoame (Sword Shower)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Kizuuton - Metal

Subeta Hitoame is a Ninjutsu technique used by Keiteki Drakun. Sword Shower creates a large, metal dragon head, as tall as Keiteki himself, but this isn't the scary part about it. Immediately, the huge dragon head begins gushing out a huge shower of blasted out swords, gunned out, and traveling at insane speeds, with a sharp razor edge, it could cut or stab through any foe, and break through many defenses, and is generally used to kill off a vulnerable opponent. In addition, the dragon head can rise out of the ground, with a thick dragon neck, and continue firing it's swords, changing direction to kill a foe.

The line of swords is determined, and it will continue to fire in only that direction. Therefore, aiming and getting the precise hit is difficult. In additon, Keiteki must continue forming swords for ammunition, and as the attack continues, Keiteki's chakra lowers.

Name of jutsu: Kizuuton – Bamehitoya (Hopeless Prison)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Kizuuton

This jutsu is not really for combat, but rather a way of restraining an opponent for later, and can later be used to finish off a foe, making it, although not very combat worthy, very useful as a supplementary technique. Keiteki will extend his chakra through the ground, and create metal tentacles with pointed ends, and he will attempt to strangle his foe with the tentacles, and attempt to completely wrap around his foe, and when it does so, it will completely disable an opponent, holding them in a position in which they will find it difficult to move at all. Once restrained, more pointed tentacles will emerge form the ground, aimed at stabbing the foe, but they stop very close to the opponent, all aiming at various points on the body, which, if punctured all together at the same time, would mean instant death. However, this isn't the end of it. If the opponent dares to attempt and utilize ANY chakra at all, even a little bit, the spikes will activate and stab the captured foe, and can also be deployed at will. If Keiteki needs to transport the prisoner, they will be wrapped in a metal coat, again making it very hard to escape from.

Even though the prisoner wouldn't be able to do anything, an outside chakra can safely bypass the trap, and disable it, but it is still touch activated. In additon, if the prisoner has the strength, they can break out of it physically.

Name of jutsu: Kizuuton – Kurogeizou (Iron Reflection)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Kizuuton

Kurogeizou is a special jutsu used by Kizuuton users, namely Keiteki, who inherited Mikoto's bloodline. Using his metal abilities, Keiteki can extend parts of his body, make body modifications, and implant weapons on himself using this jutsu. Keiteki can extend his claws, and repair wounds and other damaged parts of his body, among other things that he can do.

If exposed to enemy heat, like Katon, it can burn Keiteki's metal extensions unexpectedly. In additon, the metal used will add extra weight to the affected body parts.

Name of jutsu: Kizuuton - Otoshiana
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Kizuuton - Metal

This is a kind of Kizuuton based jutsu that was invented and is utilized by Keiteki Drakun, and is often used during Akatsuki meetings. Keiteki will be able to use his Metal abilities to create large amounts of metal under ground, and form it into Senbon needles. Keitkei will then use the metal to create places on the ground where the trap can be activated, and immediately after stepping onto the trap, the opponent will be caught in a shower of senbon set underground, which will puncture them all over their bodies, and probably leave them filled with pain, and possibly even dead, if the needles punctured a vital point.

It cannot be used in battle. In edition, the trap can be bypassed if there is enough skilled members in the infiltrating team.

Name of jutsu: Kizuuton – Kanemetsu (Iron Wall)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Kizuuton - Metal

Kanemetsu is a kind of defensive jutsu utilized by Keiteki Drakun. Keiteki will form metal to create a large metal wall, held up by support on the ground, which can usually take the beatdown of a B Rank jutsu, and then it will be weakened enough to collapse. It can withstand three C Rank jutsu, and an infinite amount of D and E Rank jutsu. Kanemetsu is about fifteen feet in height, and twenty feet in width. IN ADDITION, if an opponent is in front of the wall, the wall can be toppled forward to attempt to crush the foe.

Keiteki needs time to set up the wall, and cannot used in a split second.

Name of jutsu: Kizuuton – Ibaromu (Thorn Bomb)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Kizuuton - Metal

This is a Ninjutsu that alllows Keiteki to create a certain type of weaponry mid battle relatively quickly. Keiteki will condense and seal a large bush of metal thorns, and seal it all into a small little marble sized “bomb”. Keiteki will first unseal the bomb, and then after five seconds, the bomb will explode, and the huge brush of metal thorns will spring out, similar to the ice bombs from the first Naruto movie. Keiteki can me make them en masse, but it does have it's flaws.

It takes five seconds after leaving Keiteki's hand to explode into the metal thorns. In addition, if a foe is fast enough, they can throw the bomb back at Keiteki.

Name of jutsu: Kizuuton – Siazomru (Size Bomb)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Kizuuton - Metal

This is the second of three different projectiles that Keiteki can construct from using Kizuuton. Keiteki will condense Kiizuton chakra once again, and form into a small, bite size metal object, a minimized version of what the bomb will become. When activated, once five seconds have passed, the bomb will immediately loosen, and increase in size by a huge amount, and can be used in various ways, like making a rectangular one, throwing it into the air, and then it will come down onto an opponent, much larger in size.

It takes five seconds foe the bomb to explode. In addition, the size bombs themselves are known for being less strong than other metals, and are therefore easier to dodge or counter.

Name of jutsu: Chianarian (Mini Needle Blaster)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Kizuuton - Metal

Chinarians are the last of the bomb series that Keiteki can create mid battle. Keiteki will once again condense the bombs, but when expanded, they are not as large, but when expanded, they begin shooting out stored senbon at foes, and when finished, they crumble. They can only fire senbon in a single direction.

They can only shoot out senbon in a single direction. Also, they have limited ammo supplies, and usually end after three seconds.

Name of jutsu: Fuuton – Ategufuu (End Hurricane)
Rank E-S: S
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Fuuton - Wind

A jutsu of seismic proportions, it is Keiteki's ultimate wind based technique, and one of the many amazing techniques that wrought about destruction across the land. Using powerful winds that Keiteki will create, along with using heat from Keiteki, he can charge up a huge hurricane like wind force, and bring it down upon an opponent. The extremely powerful wind has enough power to crush a foe under it's intense power, raining down chakra charged wind upon foes, while wind is blown inside the destruction, effectively trapping an opponent and ending them, and the force and pull of the wind can draw objects in that are very far away, while Keitkei can remain immune, his opponent will be crushed along with huge amounts of dirt, rocks, and debris, and usually, the aftermath of the jutsu is a giant, cone shaped depression in the ground, with an opponent's body susually bureid under tons of debris, crushed to shreds.

In additon to sapping about 40% of Keiteki's chakra, it will also leave Keiteki sort of dizzy, and confused for about 2 posts.

Name of jutsu: Fuuton – Chikakujo (Underground Destruction)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Kizuuton - Metal

Though this jutsu appears to be a Doton technique, it is actually Fuuton. Using the Fuuton Element, Keiteki will channel extremely powerful blasts of wind underground, and they will continue to channel underground, out of the opponent's sight, with the wind branching off, and completely crippling the ground near and around the opponent, and it can also push earth out of the rest of the rocks, shooting giant rocks. Because the jutsu actually comes out of the ground, unless they can sense the jutsu coming before it is too late, but otherwise, avoiding the jutsu is considered very difficult. Even if the opponent dodges the strikes, they can easily fall into the fissure created by the jutsu.

If it is sensed a good time before the jutsu is unleashed, the opponent can dodge the attack without worry. In additon, the wind, depending on how far the jutsu is pushed, will consume more chakra based on the how far it is launched.

Name of jutsu: Fuuton – Doragon Tasumaki (Dragon Tornado)
Rank E-S: A
Range: Mid, Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Fuuton - Wind

Doragon Tatsumaki is often grouped alongside White Flame Combustion as two powerful, earth shaking techniques utilizing the elements of the dragon. While airborne, Keiteki will spin in the air, while swirling chakra around him, gathering wind and air around him, and whipping up a huge amount of it, creating an artificial tornado, which he will send towards an opponent, which will drag them into the air, and can throw them high up, as well as using the dust and pebbles collected in the inside of the tornado cut a opponent all over, and also allowing for Keiteki to intercept an opponent in mid air.

Takes relatively long to whip up. In addition, it cannot be aimed well, and once released, it is on it's own. It can also draw up Keitkei himself if he is not careful.

Name of jutsu: Fuuton – Kazourai (Wind Funeral)
Rank E-S: A
Range: Close, Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Fuuton - Wind

Kazourai is often an effective way to dispose of enemies, as if the enemy does not detect the attack coming soon enough, they will most likely die. First, the user will imbue the wind around them with chakra, and begin circling it around the foe, giving Keiteki's Fuuton Chakra a target. Then, the wind will begin forming a barrier around the foe, as effective as a physical one, which will cage in the opponent, and the wind begins compressing and getting faster and stronger. Than Keiteki will bring down the hammer, crushing the foe with the wind cage, compressing their body into a pebble sized remain, making it extremely hazardous.

If it is detected early enough, especially by a Doujutsu, the foe can move away, which will automatically null the jutsu. In additon, it needs a burst of power and chakra, and leaves Keitkei feeling a little tired afterwards.
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Keiteki's Jutsu (Finished) Empty Re: Keiteki's Jutsu (Finished)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:33 pm

Name of jutsu: Fuuton – Mouesteki (Silent Death)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Fuuton

Mouesteki is an extremely dangerous Ninjutsu technique, but it is only effective during close combat, and that is explained. Mouesteki uses Fuuton to completely extract the enemy's air from their lungs, but because of the precise chakra control needed, thej utsu cannot be performed coorectly unless Keiteki is within six feet of an opponent. In addition to taking their breath away, literally, it uses Fuuton to block the airway, which effectively takes away the air and keeps it from coming back in, which will choke the opponent to death. Often, Taijutsu based fighters will not find the jutsu coming for them until it izs too late, and they are too tired to get away, and Keiteki can restrain them, which will keep them close enough to choke them effectively, an easy way to kill an opponent silently.

The opponent must be within 5 feet of range or the jutsu will cancel. In addtion, Keiteki cannot make rapid moves, as it requires high focus. The closer to Keiteki the opponent is, the easier it is for the jutsu to take place.

Name of jutsu: Fuuton – Atsugai (Pressure Damage)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Fuuton - Wind

Atsugai is a very powerful Futton based Ninjutsu Technique that Keiteki uses. It involves the gathering and usage of a large amount of wind. Keitkei can blast this huge, cutting wind storm at an opponent, and the force of the wind, the cutting of the debris inside the wind, and power of the chakra used to release this blast make it a deadly move, able to obliterate foes in a single attack, and it spans a large area, making it very destructive and powerful, forcing foes to either think of a way to avoid the move, or be torn up in the blast.

Can't move during jutsu's deployment.

Name of jutsu: Fuuton – Teikumaru (Air Ball)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Fuuton - Wind

Teikumara is a Ninjutsu technique similar to the Goukakyuu, being that is a large sphere of the selected element of chakra, but given, this is different. Teikumaru, rather than blastying fire, shot a huge ball of powerful, rolled up winds, tied in a ball, and can hit an opponent with massive force, launching them rather far away. In addition, the attack can be used to literally blow apart the ground, and is very strong, which suits Keiteki's style greatly.

Slow at first, but speeds up as it moves farther away

Name of jutsu: Fuuton – Suteressu (Stealth Gale)
Rank E-S: C
Range: C
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Kizuuton - Metal

Suteressu is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by the Wind Element. After performing the correct hand seals, Fuuton chakra will gather at one of the user's feet, and when it is done charging, one stomp onto the ground will let forth a 360 degree blast of wind, just barely skimming the surface of the ground. Like other Fuuton based techniques, it has a cutting nature, and will therefore cut through most anything. Suteressu has a fifty foot long range, allowing him to cut things or foes farther away from him.

Keiteki suffers a sort of recoil, being shaken for a few seconds, and unable to perform correctly until the shock is out of him, giving an opponent an opportunity.

Name of jutsu: Fuuton – Kaze Kitori (Wind Cutting)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Fuuton - Wind

Kaze Kitori is a C Rank Fuuton technique utilized by Keiteki Drakun. Using his prowess in Elemental techniques, Keiteki will form crescent moon shaped wind projectiles, which he will accumulate, and then fire at the foe. These wind cutters, as they are known, cut through foes, and it is therefore important for an enemy to dodge them, or else be cut pieces.

The projectiles are known for straying off course.

Name of jutsu: Fuuton – Doshakaze (Wind Downpour)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close, Mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Fuuton - Wind

Doshakaze is a Fuuton technique utilized by Keiteki Drakun. Using the Fuuton Element, Keiteki will cause a large amount of powerful wind to “downpour” on a foe, with the wind smashing down. Though the wind itself will not actually inflict damage to a foe, if anymore than making it harder to act, it will usually blow away many attacks sent towards Keiteki, and can also restrict their movement, which would allow Keiteki to come into the downpour and attack a foe

The jutsu eats up chakra the longer it is being performed.

Name of jutsu: Roku Tama Seiryoku (Six Sphere Force)
Rank E-S: A
Range: All
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: N/A

Roku Tama Seiryoku is an extremely powerful and unique jutsu developed by Keiteki Drakun. The jutsu itself is said to be very difficult to master, but the result of the jutsu is worth the training that is incorporated with the jutsu's creation. By using very high chakra control, Keiteki is able to focus a very large amount of chakra, and condense it into a sphere with a diamater no larger than 4 feet. This kind of condensing process makes the spheres extremely fast, strong, and powerful. Though it is only condensed chakra, it has a nature similar to steel. The jutsu's speed and force can allow it to shatter an opponent's skeletal system in a single, well placed hit, and destroy their opponent, making the jutsu extremely dangerous to the user's enemies. In addition, six of them are created at a time, which means should a ninja face this jutsu alone, they will find it near impossible to dodge all of the strikes of the spheres. In addition, the ninja has complete and total control over where the sphere moves and goes, and levitates. In addition, it can be used to block and counterattack moves, making this jutsu Keiteki's most versatile, undoubtedly.

Though it is difficult, a single, well placed, piercing strike, like say, a Chidori, should go through the sphere, the sphere can be penetrated, and because so much chakra control is required to keep the sphere together in battle, and stand up against lower leveled attacks, a single, deep enouhg pierce will completely destroy the sphere. In addition, hitting the user with an attack, any at all, will end the jutsu.

Name of jutsu: Muteki Tama (Invincible Sphere)
Rank E-S: S
Range: All
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: N/A

Muteki Tama is a variation of the Roku Tama Seiryoku, or Six Sphere Force. Unlike Six Sphere Force, Muteki Tama creates a single, 17 foot diameter sphere, which is entirely black, and appears to contain a black mist, but this is simply an appearance. In addition, it has bat like wings, making it all the more intimidating. Muteki Tama functions in a similar manner to the other technique, but rather than create 6, it only creates either one or two of them, and they function differently. The force and speed these spheres are capable of is too fast to see for a normal human, and it has the force to knock down an entire mountain in a single, well placed blow. However, Muteki Tama shares a common weakness with Six Sphere Force in that a hard enough drilling or otherwise powerful impact can shatter the sphere, but in this case, it becomes much, much more difficult to destroy the jutsu. The spheres are so deadly that a single blow, even to a far extremity, the shock wave made by the sphere can dislocate every bone in the opponent's body, and sometimes even shatter them into nothingness.

Like Six Sphere Force, a hard enough impact (drilling impact is more effective) can shatter the powerful sphere. However, a much more possible weakness exists. The sphere must be moving at all times. If it is held down or otherwise disabled, it will build up in itself, implode, and then explode.

Last edited by Keiteki Drakun on Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:32 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Keiteki's Jutsu (Finished) Empty Re: Keiteki's Jutsu (Finished)

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:44 pm

Keiteki has a bloodline where he can make metal, ne?
Shin Uchiha
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Keiteki's Jutsu (Finished) Empty Re: Keiteki's Jutsu (Finished)

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Feb 16, 2009 9:29 pm

Sa, Mitomeru desu yo!
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Keiteki's Jutsu (Finished) Empty Re: Keiteki's Jutsu (Finished)

Post by L Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:27 pm

"Sa, Mitomeru desu yo"

What does that mean?

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Keiteki's Jutsu (Finished) Empty Re: Keiteki's Jutsu (Finished)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:31 pm

"To approve"

At least, according to him.
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Keiteki's Jutsu (Finished) Empty Re: Keiteki's Jutsu (Finished)

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:05 am

"Alright then, Approved!"

Yo = exclimation
Ka = question
Ne = Regular
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