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Jin's "Rings"

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Jin's "Rings" Empty Jin's "Rings"

Post by Jin Chisoku Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:40 pm

Name of Seals: Jouten so Hando (Hands of God)
Location of the Seal: Each seal is located on the bottom of the finger. One hand reads the basic five japanese elements:
Fire, Earth, Water, Wood, Metal (Each symbol repeats over itself)
The other hand reads out the seven forms of chakra (left if you must know).
(each version covers a finger except for the purest form of light (solar plexus) and the purest form of darkness; they are located on the front and back of Jin's hand)
Transformation Process: No physical changes are made, simply put Jin opens up certain forms of chakra that are lying dorment within his body.

Positive Effects on User: Jin can control multiple elements at once, of course he must come into contact with the element. But the element, once it's controled, doesn't hurt Jin, so if Jin is to touch fire, it will not burn him. When it comes to chakra, Jin can now change the flow and "flex" certain types of chakra that come within range (15 meters). Jin can also change chakra in an instant and split it to fit his needs.

Negative Effects on User: It's limited to a short period of time. Even the great John Cromewell doesn't know how long someone can keep the seal active.
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

Posts : 185
Points : 105
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Join date : 2008-11-20

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