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Drac(N/F) Empty Drac(N/F)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:12 pm

Name: Demon Drac

Age: 24

Bloodline: Demon

Rank: kage(Demon King)
Classification: Kage, One-Tailed Jinchuuriki
Village: Demon's Lair, Sand village.
Alignment: Good

Appearance: Drac(N/F) Dragon_Battlemage_by_Kuron_Kim (12 feet tall)

Personality: Drac is know a wise and kind man. He is a lot stronger than he ever was before and helps as much as he can. He still looks up the the Kazekage, Taku, as well as a few other people. He loves how many people looks up to him and he now has the respect he has always wanted. Drac also loves to fly everywhere he goes. He loves the air in his face and it give him great training. Drac has never doubted his father or the Kazekage, Taku and he never will.

Drac has love for both demons and humans. He also, never judges anyone at first glance, he has become surpised what people really are. Drac has a sense of respect towards his higher ups, but that is not many people, seeing as he is a high leveled-nin. Drac also loves children, he will do anything for them, and looks at them as the future of the world. Drac loves women, but he respects them like everyone else. He would not harm one in anyway.

He is a very serious guy, and does not like to joke around often. He is easily fooled by common tricks, but other than that, he knows what to do. Drac is more mature for his age, than most people are. Although, he can be very immature at times, depending on the people he is around. Drac loves the simple things in life. The things that come natural, such as the ability to walk.

Drac has the higest respect for his dead mother and father. Bad mouthing them is about the only thing that will set him off. Which means, Drac is not easy to angry, he is a very calm and gentle guy. He does not speak too much, but he can be rather talkive around people he knows, and trusts. He has changed a lot over the years and uses that for people who are like him, at a young age. He tells people, they will grow up to be something great.

Drac loves a great fight, or anything that does not come easy to him. He still does not use his full strength, unless it is needed. Even if the person starts off stronger than he, he will not use it right away. This shows, he respect the fight, and wishes to keep it going as long as he can.

He is insane about meat. He loves food so much, that he is always carrying some. But his ability to work it off with much easy is way he is so fit. Even if he is eating, he will most likely be training or flying. He also knows all the good places to eat, and is often seen taking a date at the best restaurants.

History: The stars, wrote the history for the demons, long before they were even born, they were always true. It was said, that the Demon Kind Draken, would have the strongest Demon to ever live. This Demon, however would break the most imporant rule that any demon could. To have a child with a human. As the years went on, Draken had his son, Drakon. Draken tried to teach him, how bad humans were, but as Drakon grew up, all his teachings had failed. Years after the teachings, Drakon had his half demon son, Drac. Drakon and his wife, ran away with Drac, always hiding, because the knew, one day, that Drac would have been tried to be killed, as well as the rest of the family. However, the faimly could not always be running, they had stayed in a cabin, deep in the forset. However, the demons found them, and attacked, when they were just about to fall asleep. Drakon was the first to fight them off, while Drac and Drakon's wife fled. Drakon fought and killed two of the four of the demons. Two of them flew off and killed Drakon's wife and what it seemed as Drac. Drakon killed the other demons and held his wife and son. Drac began to cry, and Drakon saw a bit of sand, on Drac. He rememebered back to the day of when the One-Tailed Demon was placed in Drac.

Drakon held his pregent wife. They were about to have a son, but there was a price he had to pay, to keep his life, wife and his to be born son, for a time. The Demons made Drakon place the One-Tailed Demon, into Drac. The Demons obatined, after fighting the Ataksuki for it. They fought, and they had obtained the One-Tailed. A sand ninja placed this in Drac, while Drac was unborn. But Unlike Gaara, the mother was not killed.

Back to holding his son, he was happy that his son got to live, but he was sadden about his wife dying. He fled because he knew that more Demons would come once they found out he was not dead. He flew with his son, for several miles. He knew he would have to train his son the best he could. In the training Drac, did show a lot of skill for his age. This was beacuse of the one tailed demon Drac had. It helped him fight at a young age. The two had to move around a lot, so they could avoid any attacks from several demons.

A few months after Drac had learn how to fight and fly for himself, a group of highly trained demons came and attacked the two. Draken knew that only one would live to see the next day and he wanted his son to be that one. Draken fought the demons while he told Drac to leave. Draken knew Drac would not just levae if he knew that his father was going to die. Draken promised him he would come back. Drac firgued it would be alive, but he had been wrong. However, Draken did fight a long and hard battle bewteen these demons. Sadly, Draken died of many fatal wounds after killing every last demon that had attacked them. Draken did, however return to Drac, but he was in a sword form. Drac knew that his father was within this sword. He was sad, but he did not cry, because he knew his father would see him. He, niether was mad, as his father did keep his proimse.

Drac had to make his journey to the human world, which made him angry because he happened to hate all humans. He looked at humans as the cause of all pain, the cause of his fathers death, and most of all, the cause for Drac to be a half-demon. He flew acrossed a huge amount of water, resting on small islands. He knew not many people could even reach where he was going, or the demon land. He knew that he was lucky to even have wings, let alone half of a demon body. He would soon have to fight for his life, as demons drew near.

As soon as Drac had stopped at one of the larger islands, which did not have anyone on it, he would soon be attacked. He would be caught be surpise and the outcome of him living would be small. He was just about to fall asleep and Drac's uncle had attacked him. Drac was surpised as Dreken, his uncle, was fairly strong. Dreken, unlike most Demons, used an axe. He was strong and could take damage well, but he was slow. Drac was a faster fighter, because of his size. He also could take damage better than most demons, because he held one of the very rare tailed-beast, the one-tails. This gave Drac the power of sand, and much more than just that. The fight started the night of the day Drac hand landly there. He was almost asleep once he heard to sound of wings.

Dreken came at Drac as soon as he saw his eye glow. Drac quickly jumped in the air, because he did not have his weapons ready. Drac knew were his weapon was, but as of now, he would have to fight unarmed, because his weapon was closer to Dreken, than himself. Drac dashed towards him and slashed at his chest, he left one small mark, and then he was hit, leaving a permant scar on his shoulder. Drac flew to the ground and at this point he knew that Taijutsu would never work on his uncle. He would have to restore to Ninjutsu. Drac knew that the one-tails would come in handy about know, but he had been to late in thinking that Dreken had been behind him, ready for an attack as soon as Drac faced him. Drac turned to jump back, but his wing was his and he flew back into a nearby tree.

Drac got back up and sand flew from the spot where he hit the tree, which he had used to lower the impact of the hit. He smirked and and glared at Dreken. Drac then put his thumb up in the air and thrusted it down, and he giggled a little. He soon opened his mouth and spoke. "You are done for!" Drac's hand thrust foward and a wave of sand raced towards Dreken. Dreken had never seen jutsu like this before and did not know how to react. He throw a dew kunai at it and slashed it with his axe, but all the sand did was part and it soon wrapped around him. Drac would now give one of his famous speechs. "I may not be a demon, but nor am I human. Dreken, I am going to let you live, for one reason, and one reason only. To send a message to grandfather, Drakon. Tell him, that Demon Drac is ready to fight, and will be waiting to kill him. I will avenge my father's death and become the king of the demons. The pain you and the humans have caused me, cannot be matched. But I will do this." Drac parted the sand to Dreken's arms and closed his hands forcefully. The sand squeezed both of his arms off, leaving Dreken armless. "Now GO!" Dreken soon left and knew that Draken made a wise chocie stealing the one-tailed and putting into his very own son.

Drac flew to the ground, because he could not use all this power all at once. He was very lucky to get as far as he did, because he had passed his limits as soon as he hit the tree. He would sleep there for a few hours. Drac did not wake up right away, he had a dream with his father in it. Draken spoke to Drac about how he was glad that he did not kill his brother, but instead sent him back, to try and send fear into the demons hearts. Draken knew that he would not be the strongest demon for very long. Drac woke up after a hour of talking to his father in a dream, with tears in his eyes. He was glad that he could still talk to his father, while he was sleeping. Drac soon left the Island in search of a greater place, where he could train to become even stronger.

Drac had landed on the main land around the area of what is know as the fire country. This land was not much like his home land and the one his father told him to go to. Drac was looking for the sand village, inside the wind country. Drac, however, would have to go to the Leaf village to find where he was looking for. It took him two days to arrive at the leaf village, because of the fact that he had to walk, because his wings were tired out and could not hold Drac for long. This would be a problem Drac would have to fix, but for another time. Drac hated the leaf village, because too many humas were around and they all seemed scared of him. Either they were scared of im, or that flat out hated him, small children would spit on him and call him names. He cried the whole way to he Hokage's office. The Hokage, was not in, so his ninja fill-in would have to do, for the moment. As soon as Drac said the sand village, he was soon thrown out, because the ninja fill-in was not a kind man at all.

Drac would slowly make his journey to the village his father had told him to go. Half of it would be on foot and the rest would be in the air, because Drac's wing could still not hold him. He would have to wait another day and a half to get flying again, but he would wait two days just to make sure. Drac began his walk at dawn of the next day.

The Journey did start off on a good foot, it happened to be a day that was not too hot nor cold, it seemed to be just right. Drac knew this would not be easy and he might have been tracked by demons, because His map was left opened when Dreken attacked him. His map had a big circle on the sand village and Dreken did see it. Drac was not worried, as long as they did not come at him in a group of stronger than Dreken. Drakon knew that Drac had gotten lucky and would not bring anyone stronger than Dreken, Drakon wanted to see what Drac could do know that his own son had trained him. If he was killed, it would be great, if not Drakon might have to do it himself.

Drac was not halfway through the first day of his journey, when he was attacked by a shinboi, of the leaf village. The shinboi was fairly strong for his age, which happened to be a little older than Drac. His name was Sannam and he was headed to the village of where his god-father had live, Naruto. Sannam had beaten Drac, with his speed and he offered a friendship. Drac did decline at the time and pushed Sannam down to the ground and ran. Drac was still in the state of mind that demons would always be better than humans. He also, at the time belived and still does today, that you do not lose until you die. He knew in his mind that he would train to beat Sannam some day, and would try and kill him. This would soon change, as he grew older. Sannam and Drac would become great friends and one day do many great things for their villages. But for now, they were young children trying to get stronger to impress people.

Drac looked back and saw Sannam slowly walking away from the fight area as Drac ran. Drac did look like a coward, but he did not mind as long as he would get to fight Sannam one day. He would get this chance sooner than he thought, and he would also get it later in life, when they were a lot older. Drac would need a break from the fight, because a little damage was done to him, he would take a small nap and wake up soon. He laid back on a tree and closed his eyes. Drac was more tired than he had thought, he woke up almost 6 hours later, he would have slept longer if it was not for the rain that had come in.

This rain was very uncommon for the area Drac had been in. He knew that something was up, but not what that was. He hold his sword tight and sniffed around. He fainly smelt a demon nearby. He yelled out to them and then he heard them laugh. Their were two of them and these two had been childhood friends of Draken. They were nowhere near the strength of Drac's father. Drac knew that he could take them on, but it would not be easy, seeing as it was two verus one. Drac looked at them and then was caught by a sudden chill, another demon had showed up, that was even stronger than those two put together, Drac was done for.

Drac knew that he would not win this battle, because know that it was 3 verus one and Drac could barley take on the two on hims own. He roared out and lucky for him, someone did hear him and that someone had just beat him in a battle. Sannam Namikaze came racing towards him to see why he roared so loudly. Drac had already been fighting when Sannam arrived. Drac looked like he was about to lose, but one of the demons was already out. Sannam was still a fair disatance away, and it would take him a minute or two to get up to Drac. This would be too late, as for the Demon leader of this group was about to take his sword and kill Drac. Sannam did not know of his power until this moment, he had teleported, out of his own will hitting the sword with a kunai. Sannam was shocked, and Drac was even more. Drac roared at Sannam as he did not want the help of a lowly human. Sannam ignored him and took out the rest of the demons. Drac flew off into the sky, before Sannam could say anything. Sannam shurged his shoulders and left.

Drac flew towards the sand village with a disapproving look, because he needed a humans help. He was pissed, but he would need to get stronger and his father had told him this would be the place to go to get the stregnth he needed. Drac has never doubted his father and never will. He made it to the suna gate, two days after he had left the village hidden in the leaves. He would now life the rest of his childhood life here. Drac walked into the sand village and the second he did, he knew that trouble would start. He would go through more trouble.

Last edited by Diabloss33 on Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:30 pm; edited 16 times in total


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Drac(N/F) Empty Re: Drac(N/F)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:43 pm

Like Gaara, people would mis-treat him, but in many different ways. They did not see him as a person with a tailed-beast, but a beast himself. People would say, he was a demon sent from hell to kill them all. He was picked on reguarly and beaten many times. Not only by groups of normal people, but Genin and sometimes even Chunnin. Drac would not fight back, which was very, very odd. But he did know that if he did, he would be beaten worse or even killed, and he wanted to make his father proud and also avenge his death.

It was not until, years later, that Drac met a Jounin named Taku, that he was still picked on. Taku lead him to the ninja acdamey in the sand village. Drac did not think of Taku has just a human, because like Sannam, he was one of the first people to accept him as a being and not just some montser. But unlike Sannam, Drac showed, somewhat of respect to Taku, but not much. It was more than anyone else he had shown to, besides his own father. Taku left Drac at the acdamey, so that he could get his strength on his own.

Drac did not have it easy at the acdamey either, but it was a lot easier than, it was in the sand villag alone. Drac did learn many things there, like how to fight against ninja that were stronger than him. He did pay attetion because Taku told him this would make hims stronger. Also a great friendship would make him stronger, but Drac did not want this, because he would not be a friend with any human. He would get the strength on his own.

In the acdamey, Drac was not the best stundent, because he did not like doing paper work. He flew asleep during test and would never do the homework he was given. He was lazy when it came to these things. The only time Drac showed a different him, was when the trained and learned new jutsu. He would ace these things, but everything else was a big failure. He ignored these things now, but he would be disappointed in himself later on.

The time for the gradution exam came aroudn quicker than most people had thought it would. It did not hit Drac until it was his turn to even take it. He was unprepared and did not think he was going to pass it. However, Drac was the strongest in his year. He was almost a chunnin leveled ninja, at his young age. He preformed the task he had to do and he passed the exam. He was happy, but he had no one to celebrate with. He watched as all the gradutes ran to the their parents and he flew away as fast as he possible could. He went to the house that he had built, right outside of the villages gates. It was a shack that wasn't very good, he stayed there and cried.

Drac, was now a Genin and he was asigned a team, of two unnamed members and a Jounin leader, by the name of Taku. Drac was very happy that Taku was his Jounin leader, and he knew that he would become much stronger now that Taku was there to help him. Taku was a great ninja, and could be the Kazekage, if the current one had become unable to do so. The team would start there training that day. The training was unlike most that any other team would do. The teams would fight each other, one verus one verus one. If they could fight each other and all last five minutes, they would fight Taku three verus one.

Drac was the strongest in his team, even without the one-tailed demon. Most the sand ninja had been babied at a young age, but Drac was already near-death before he was even one years of age. He was trained to fight to the death at the age five to age seven. He was truley a young warrior. He would be much stronger, trainining with Taku. At the sound of a ring, the whole team dashed towards each other.

Drac was the first to make a strike from his sword, but it was blocked by two kunai. This surpised Drac, because it was a a one on one on one fight, but it looked like it turned into a two on one fight. Drac's teamates thought it would make it easier if they teamed up and then fought, they may be right, but Drac still had the upper hand. Drac was a half-blooded demon and that was all he needed. He flew into the air and laughed at them, seeing as how there was no way to reach, easily. The would have to jump as high as the could to even think about hitting him. Drac began to flap his wings very fast. As the jumped up they were knocked down by the wind and Drac flew over held his sword at one of their necks. "You lose." Drac picked up his teammate and thew him over to Taku. "He is done!" Drac did not notice the his other teamate had a kunai out and was about to stab him in the back. As soon as he thrusted the kunai down, it broke on Drac's skin. Drac turned around and held his hand and yelled out. "Wind Slasher!" The last teamate flew to the ground passed out. Drac then picked this one up and walked over to Taku. "Easy as Pie" He said with a smile on.

Drac soon left after that, for he had to rest up for the tomorrow, when he would spar against Taku for the first time. He knew that he did not have much of a chance, but he would not give up, not evn for a second. That night he did not sleep much at all, becuase he was too damn worried about the fight. He had to impress Taku, but he knew that he could not win. As soon as it was Dawn, Drac was awake. This was not unlike Drac to wake up early, he did not need as much sleep as humans did. He trained until the time Taku showed up.

Taku had showed up right on time, as he always did and the other teamates were a few minutes late. Taku and Drac started as soon as the two got there. Taku had Drac come at hims first, Drac used his wings to try and blow Taku over, but it did not work. Taku dodged it easily and hit Drac to the ground. Drac quickly jumped up and dashed at him with his sword and Taku stopped that as well. Sending Drac to the ground once again. He did not get up this time, because he knew the way he was fighting would not work. He opend his mouth and made a few hand signs and hot flames came out of Drac's mouth. Surpisingly, Drac was the only Gein to have two elements at one time. Taku, did not seem too surpised, and easily dodged that as well. After another ten minutes of the fight, Drac lost, but he did very well, for his level.

Taku would now know, what the team was ready for. Drac would be ready for almost anything, if it was really needed, but the other two, were not ready for much. However, Taku wanted to put them to the test soon. However, it would be after they were put to a real test. The team would take their very fisrt mission today. This did not seem to put joy in Drac, seeing as how he did not know how it would help him get any stronger. The team had to clean up the streets of Suna, which seemed boring, not helpful and long. The team finished that night as there was a lot of trash and unneeded thing on the ground. The team turned in the mission and seemed disappointed, asking for a harder mission. Taku would soon, give them that.

After a few of the easier E-D ranked missions, they were assigned one that would test their skills. This Mission was a B-Ranked mission, many sand villagers before them, were assigned high ranked missions to test their skills. The mission was to caputre the sound ninja in the area. The ninja was chunnin ranked and they would have to prove their skill by beating him, but not killing him. Drac would have to hold back his demon pride in killing these human. He knew that this would also be one of the harder mission he had been put up to and that he would have to watch for the rest of his team. The team soon left the village after everyone was prepared.

As soon as the team left the village, Drac had found clothing of that ninja and he was not alone. Drac, however, was now able to find out were they have been abd that would lead them to the ninja. Drac's demon abitles came in handy. This mission would still take atleast a day to find the ninja, a few hours to capture them and then if everything goes as planned, a day to get back. The team would have to hurry, incase they planned on calling for back up or running back to the sound village.

The team was soon on their way, following Drac the whole way. Drac would was ready to get to fighting, that he did not even know that he had stubbled into the very same man he meet going to the leaf village, Sannam. Drac soon become pissed and pushed him down again. Sannam had made it to chunnin rank and laughed as Drac pushed him down. Sannam opened his mouth and then pointed at Drac. "You my friend are lucky, I think of you as a friend." He teleported behind him and walked over to Taku. "Hello, friend, nice to meet you." He waved at Taku and this would soon be the start of their friendship. One Day, Taku, Drac and Sannam would be the best of friends and try and help each other in anyway possible. For now, however, Drac still had his demon pride and would not take part in friendship.

A few hours later thre group grew tired and would stay in an inn for a few hours a move on. Drac did not like this idea, so as soon as everyone was asleep, he had left the inn to find the team. Drac could find them much faster, because of the simple fact that he could fly. About an hour after he had left, he found the team, they were talking to each other. Drac laughed once he saw them, thinking it would be an easy fight for him.

Drac was right about one thing, that it would be an easy fight, for the most part. He took down the other two teammates very easy, with almost one blow. However, he was wrong about the chunnin leveled-nin, he was much more skilled. Drac was not easily beaten however. He would fight with all his strength. The fight started out with Drac rushing at the man with his sword. The man took hold of the sword and throw Drac, into a building.

Back at the Inn, Taku had woken up and saw that Drac was not in his bed, and at this point, he knew that he had went on his own to fight those sound ninja. Taku woke the other two up and raced out to help him. Taku did not know if they were to make it, but he would try. Drac was still fighting his hardest, but had yet to use his demon-tails or his bloodline. Drac soon would have to, if he wanted to even think about living.

As soon as Taku and the others had arrived the man they had been without arms or legs and sand was all over the ground. Drac was about to make the final blow, but Taku had stopped him and knocked him out. Drac had done much wrong, but taking on a team by himself was a great thing, Taku knew that Drac was ready for the Chunnin exams, and he could hold his team, but there was still time before the chunnin exams, that time would be used to train.

The team began to walk back to their village, after Drac had woken up. He would have to carry the man back to the village, because he ripped off all his limbs. Drac did not like this idea, because he made the job easier for everyone. He knew that if he did anything wrong he would be punsihed again, so he stayed, with the group. About halfway back to their village, Drac was put under a Genjutsu, from Drakon that he could control this once. Drakon told Drac that he would kill him, in due time. Drac flew to the ground screaming as Drakon had showed him his father's and mother's death. An Hour later Drac had ended up in the sand village on a bed. His mission was done and he and his team would, start training for the chunnin exams, the next two days.

The next two had passed and Drac had fully recovered from the mission and was now ready for insane training with his team. He would have to wait for his team to catch up to his skill, so he would train on his own, working on his Ninjutsu and Kenjutsu. These area's were Drac's most skilled. In the middle of Drac's training, Drac almost striked a women's head off with his sword, lucky for him, she had blocked it. He was confused at first, of who she was but she was one of the most beatiful beings he had ever seen. He could not even tell she was human. "Umm...Hi" He did not know what to say, but in the future these two would one day, become a couple. She walked passed him and Drac followed her. Drac would try and do anything to get to know her better. About an hour later, Drac had been talking to her like she was a friend.

Her name was Maiko, and Drac was only about four years older than she was. She was also blind, so Drac's looks would not matter much to her at all. Lastly, she did not speak much, so they soon departed. Drac went on with his training, which had begun to bore him, because he was not doing anything, but going over old things he had already learned. Taku was not even close to finish with Drac's team, but he would soon need them to fight Drac again, to show him how much they had learned.

A week after the traininn had official started, Drac's teammates were ready for a rematch. Drac and Taku both knew he would still win, but if they lastly, even a little longer than they did before, they could make it better in the chunnin exams. This time, it would be two verus one, and Drac still had the upper hand. Drac would not hold back either, for that is what demons did, and this would be the way that Taku had wanted it to be.

The fight started off with the two teammates getting on Drac's sides. This had been better than before, because atleast one of them might be able to hit him. Drac looked at the one he knew was stronger and thrusted a wind slasher at him. He turned to see the other teammate racing towards him. Drac glared at him and took out his sword. His teammate, now used three kunai in each hand, which was a lot better than one. Four of them were thrown at Drac, but only one hit, and that bounced right off. Drac then dashed towards him and slashed him with his sword. It was blocked by a kunai of the other temmate. Taku smiled because ateast the two of them knew what fighting as a team was.

Drac thrusted his sword up, sending the team member back. This member flipped on his back and dashed towards Drac. He could see that he was fast he looked at him and diecded to come up with a name for him. "Your nickname is Ninnin" As he pointed to the one that had been racing towards him. He then pointed towards the one that had the two kunai. "And you are Kata!" Drac would soon use these names for these two and become closer, than any human he had even been, at this point and time.

Ninnin had made two clones at Drac and Drac easily took them out. Kata raced towards him and gave him a kick to the face, which Drac took and it did nothing but hurt Kata. Ninnin sent out small rocks at him, which was one of his ninjutsu. They hit Drac and made him grunt a little. Ninnin had made the first attack that damaged Drac. The two had passed their test, but the fight was not over. Drac knew that he would have to use his bloodline, to show them just how good he was.

Drac's eye grew a green color and the wind soon picked up. Drac smiled as his wings went away and he began to grow fur. His fangs also grew and as did claws. Ninnin knew this would be a perfect time to attack, he made another clone, just to make his plan even more perfect. He went at Drac first and soon Kata followed on his other side. Nannin took his kunai and stabbed it into Drac, it broke, but it did do a little of damage. Kata kicked Drac'ss back sending him to the ground, which was surpise. Drac quicly jumped up and kicked Ninnin the face and slashed Kata's. The two flew to the ground and Drac had won, because Kata was bleeding, in many places and Ninnin was dizzy and could no longer fight. The final fight time, was fifteen minutes, the two had went to thrity seconds to fifteen minutes in over a few months, all three were ready for the chunnin exams. Even so, there was still a month for training.

Last edited by Diabloss33 on Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:31 pm; edited 14 times in total


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Drac(N/F) Empty Re: Drac(N/F)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:52 pm

As the months went by, the team had my a little progess, but they were not a team. Only Ninnin and Kata could really fight as a team, but Drac was not ready and willing to fight with humans, just yet. The team would have to go to the chunnin exams, unprepared. Ninnin and Kata were not too happy about this, but Drac could fend for himself, and in any case, he would learn during the exam. If he did not, the team might have any chance of winning whatsoever.

The last week of training had began and the team wanted to make them extra hard, and then on the two days, they could rest and be fully ready to take on the exam. The team had done one more mission during this time and they then would train by themsevles. Ocassinally, they sparred, but the outcome was always the same, Drac would always end up beating them, no matter how much they worked together. On the last day of training, the team sparred agasint Taku. Which did not turn out well for them, for they had lost horrbily.

After the days of resting, the chunnin exams were about to get underway. They were in the leaf village, so the sand had to leave a few days early and this was why the team had to end their training early. As soon as they arrived at the village, Drac remembered the day like it had happened yestarday. He remebered the fill-in Hokage and how he was a fool for kicking him out. Although Drac had remembered, none of the shinboi that day did. After this fact, the team had signed up for the exam and were ready and pumped for the exam.

The day after the sign in, the chunnin exam had started with the basic rules, in one of the testing rooms. The rules were simple, the teams would take three tests and that was about it. The test were not simple, and if you failed one, you failed them all. Also, if a team member had failed, then you whole team would fail as well besides the very last exam. This would only be looked over, if the team memeber had failed due to outside affairs, meaning if someone or something had come in, that was not ment to, the rest of the team could move on, if they wished. Drac had no doubt in his mind that he would become chunnin, but he had hoped that he did not have to do any written exam, which is kind of funny, because the very first exam is written. The rules for that test was given and they teams were separted and they whole room was on their way, of the first exam.

The first exam held, nine questions, and the tenth one would be shown to the one who wished to stay, after the ones who did not left. The test was about an hour long and the questions seemed extermly hard. Drac only knew about two or three of them and Ninnin and Kata could only get five. They did not seem hopful, but they knew not to ever give up, under anything. They also tried their hardest, not to get caught cheating, as for a few teams had already been caught and taken out. It was a good thing for Drac, that he had his demon pride and he somewhat scared his team, for if they gave up, he would go all out on them and blame them for the teams failure. Soon, a bell rang and the tenth question was about to be given.

The examier, allowed teams to leave if they wanted to do so. If they did, they could come back next year and try again and if they did not and failed the exam, they could never come back and take the chunnin exam again, they would fail forever. Many Genin, were scared of this and yet there seemed to be a lot that had stayed. The tenth question was the question the examier had just given out, all the ones who had stayed had passed the first exam and where about to take the second exam.

Soon, a man had teleported into the room, and Drac had known this man, his name was Sannam. He had already made it this far in such little time. Drac was impressed on how powerful he was, but at the same time, he wanted nothing more than to spar him and win. However, this would have to wait until after the chunnin exams. Sannam, had lead the teams to the the second part of the exam, which was the forest of death. Teams were giveb one scroll and would have to get another teams scroll and keep it till the end of the exam. The exam would last for three days and they would have to survie countless attacks from other teams, they might even had to face death. Even so, the Genin teams that were there seemed ready.

The scrolls were handed out to the teams and the teams would choose one person to hold it. Drac was chosen of coruse for he had been the strongest and could take on almost anyone would they would meet. As soon as the holder was chosen, teams were moved to different parts of the forset and told to go at one another at the sound of a bang. About ten minutes after everyone was set, they bang was sounded and the teams ran into the middle.

Drac had rushed in first and his team had followed. They would not see another team for an hour or so, so this would give them time to prepare, if Drac had wanted too. Ninnin and Kata would work together, and Drac would work alone, on the same team. The two would stay out of Drac's way, but they would fight, even if they were not needed. A few moment later, a tree branch move, and Kata threw one of his kunai at the tree. A animal screamed and had died. Drac knew that the animal was there, but said nothing, as for he knew now, that they would be met by a team. "Get down!" Drac yelled as two huge weapons came flying towards them. Drac flew up in the air and saw the two men who had thrown their weapons. They looked bigger than most Genin, and their third teammate was no where in sight. Soon, Ninnin jumped in the air and was almost strike by a young women underground. Kata had been standing there, waiting for something to happen.

Drac took his sword from his back and flew at the two with the weapons and met them head on. Their weapons met and the fight had began. Drac had seemed evenly matched at this time, but he would show them different in a few mintues or sooned if he needed. Drac also took out a spear that he had been keeping away, so that he could fight the team a lot easier. While, Drac had been fighting the men, Ninnin and Kata had been fighting the one women. Drac had thought Ninnin and Kata had it easy, but the women was really the leader of the team, which means she was the strongest in some way.

As Drac was fighting the two, the women had realsed a strong Genjutsu on Kata, leaving him unable to fight, until he or the team firgued out how to break it. Ninnin the realsed a ninjutsu on her and he did hit her, but just barely. She had flew back, and Ninnin moved over to Kata, trying to get him out of the Genjutsu, while Drac already had one of the other ninja to his knees, using his sword. Drac had been blocking the other attacks with his spear but it was not good against the gaint weapon of the other ninja. He knew that he would have to restore to using his Dojutsu or either his sand jutsu and he did not wish to do that just yet.

As Ninnin was helping Kata he too was attacked by a Genjutsu, but seeing as how he knew a little about Genjutsu himself. Kata soon awoke and the two would now double team the women. The each took kunais out and dashed towards her. Ninnin made a few clones and Kata tied a few kunai to a few wires. The clones cirlced the girl, while Kata threw the tied Kunai together. She could only dodge them and now all the needed was Drac to finish the job. Ninnin ran over to Drac kicking out one of the men and gave Drac time to use a fire jutsu on the wires, burning the girl and making her drop her scroll. Drac raced over to pick it up and he did so. The team ran away, but they would soon be met by another team, or even the same team. They had both scroll now, it was time to try and lay low.

Drac did not wish to sit and wait for a team to come at him, because he knew that he could get more scrolls if he really wanted to. Ninnin and Kata would have to go with him, seeing as he had the scrolls, but they would talk to him and tell him, they needed to rest. Ninnin and Kata flew asleep within an hour, but Drac did not, because if he had fallen asleep, bad things could happen. Drac walked around the forset, but not far enough to not be able to see Ninnin and Kata. Drac began to sniff and another team was about to come, Drac threw a kunai at the two, and they awoke. "Another team is coming, get ready!" He yelled and pulled his sword out.

These ninja's had leaf head-bands on, and these were not ninja to take lightly. They each came from a different clan from the leaf, one was a Aburame, another was a Inuzuka and the last one was a Hyuuga. They each held great power, but so did Drac's team, this was sure to be a great fight, and a more even one. It was sure to be better than the one Drac's team had over an hour ago.

Drac dashed towards the Inuzuka and slashed his sword at him. The Inuzuka went under ground and came back up, uppercutting Drac in the chin. This attack sent Drac to the air. Ninnin raced towards the Hyuuga and sent a ninjustu, that fired needles out from his mouth, shooting at the Hyuuga. None hit because she used the famous jutsu Hakkeshou Kaiten. Kata took on the Aburame, and he dashed behind a tree and made a summon for a weapon he had been hiding, from the rest of the team. There were two gaint Kunai that appeared in his hands, almost like swords. He came at the Aburame with bot, hitting one of his sides, turning out that this Aburame had been a bug clone.

Drac flew back down towards the Inuzuka and slashed his sword at him once more, this time aiming for a different spot. This time it hit him and it sent him back, so Drac had enough time to help Ninnin and Kata. Drac first needed to get Kata away from the bugs, so he burnt them using a fire jutsu, and then he through Kata towards the Hyuuga, sending him off balance and making him fall. "You guys, we picked the wrong people to fight, you too take the Hyuuga and I got the other two." Drac then dashed towards, where the Aburame was hiding and kicked him into the middle of the fight.

Drac went into the middle of the two and pulled out his spear. He threw the spear at the Inuzuka and dashed towards the Aburame, which happened to still be one the ground. He used his wings to blow him into a nearby tree, that woukd have knocked him out, had he not used his bugs to stop him. Kata and Ninnin were having trouble with the Hyuuga, because he would block everything that they threw at him. However, Kata still had the two huge kunai to himself, and if they were to use it as a team, they would have a better chance.

Drac knew that it would, but he was to busy fighting the two oppoents of his own. The Inuzuka had dodged the spear and know used his dog, to change into a clone that looked like him. The two camed at Drac spinnin, but this gave Drac an idea, he had a similar just that he could use. He put his sword over his head and it looked as if he was about to dance, The two other members of the teams laughed at him, for a short time. Drac began to spin at about the same speed as the Inuzuka, with his sword aimed at him. The two his and both were sent back, but the Inuzuka was knocked out and the team had to run. Yet, another victory for Drac's team.

A day had passed and the team got a few hours of rest since their last fight. This rest was much needed, because the lack of charka and they each had gotten a little damage done to them. The team would have two more fights ahead of them, and one would not be a great thing for them, for the Demons had found Drac once again and they were ready to send a team on him and try to kill him, yet again.

As dawn came, Drac was still awake and watching as Ninnin and Kata slept. He picked them up and flew with them, towards the main building to wait on top of it, this would be a great spot because not many people could reach them there. As soon as noon came the team was there just waiting. Drac knew this was not the end of the fight, he just knew it. While the two did not think of it. Drac had been right, something was coming.

Drac took a big sniff and smelt demon blood in the air. He knew that this demon had been stronger then the ones he had every fought and he was lucky to have his team with him or he would surely not have much of a chance. Drakon, the Demon King had sent out one of his strongert Demons. This was infact the tenth elite of an elite team of Demon assassins. His name was Kitsune. He was also unlike other demons that took the form of a dragon. He took the form of a fox/wolf.

Drac knew that his whole team had a chance no to live, so he would have to use his Dojutsu right away. His eye's soon grew a bright color of green, with a Dragon in them. Then, it just so happen that they began to grow a dark blue color with a small red cirlce in the middle of them. Drac had reached a new level of his Doujutsu, before most Demons who have.

Drac looked back at his team and held his hand at them, telling them not to get in the way of him. He would only use them, if he needed them. Drac cracked his neck and dashed twoards Kitsune. Drac pulled out his sword and held it and one hand, then took out a kunai and held it in the other. He stabbed his sword at Kitsune, but it was blocked by a small katana he used. Kistune was a fast demon, who used speed to give him the upper hand. However, Drac would not give in. He knew that his teams life was on the line and he had to save them, even if he did not like them very much at this point. Drac's hands soon engulfed in flames and he began shooting the fire from his hands, at Kitsune. He dodged most of them, execpt the very last one, that Drac had hit him in the chest, making him hit the ground.

Drac rushed towards Kitsune while he was on the ground, He took his kunai and stabbed him in the side, it did do some damage. Kitsune saw an opening and took it, blasting Drac into the air and making it so he would slam into the ground. Ninnin and Kata raced out to attack Kitsune. Kata tried kicking him in the head, while more needles came out of Ninnin's mouth. Kitsune hit Kata back, but was hit by the needles.

Kitsune ran up towards Kata and used the same jutsu Drac did, but he used it on his face. He then blasted him into Drac, burning his face, to almost nothing. Kata would not live to the end of the chunnin exams. However, Drac covered his face in Sand, giving him more time to life. Drac then raced out to Kitsune, with a sand wave. While this happened Kitsune had been stabbing Ninnin, over and over again, it did not look good for Ninnin, either.

Drac flew in and hit Kitsune into a tree and this would give Ninnin the chance to rest. Drac used the sand to crush Kitsune. He sqeezued it tight and flew to the ground. He knew that fight was over, but this would cost both of his teammates. Drac shed a tear, but he recovered quickly and picked his team members up and flew them back to where they had been staying. They would wait there until the second exam was over. Drac and Ninnin would have to watch Kata suffer.

That night, after a day full of screaming and crying, right before the chunnin exams had ended, Kata had passed away. Drac burnt his body and let the ashes fly into the village. It then began to rain, and people began to feel sadden. Taku knew that one of his stundent's had passed away, but the other two were fine, but he did not know which ones were ok and which one was dead.

The morning of the next day the second exam was finally over and the ninja with two scrolls could meet in the buidling they were assigned to go to. There, they met their sensei's and the other teams who had passed. Drac and Ninnin seemed almost unaffected by the death of Kata, until you looked into their eyes and saw the tear's in them. But either way, the two wanted to keep on fighting, because they knew that is what Kata would have had wanted from them. The thrid and final exam was about to start.

Last edited by Diabloss33 on Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:31 pm; edited 9 times in total


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Drac(N/F) Empty Re: Drac(N/F)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sun Feb 15, 2009 6:13 pm

Drac and Ninnin walked into the middle of the areana, waiting for their turn to fight. While this was going on, Ninnin leaned over to Drac, to tell him a sercet. "My real name is..." He was intererumped by the Chunnin protcetor, that had accouned the first two fights. A Kumo ninja verus a mist ninja. Drac and Ninnin move to a safe area by Taku. The said their hello's and watched the fight. The Kumo ninja had ended up winning and now Drac and Ninnin waited hopefully for their names to show up.

About a minute later, Ninnin's name was chosen, to fight the Hyuuga that he once did in the first exam. Ninnin did not think he would win, as for he had been hurt and he also lost to him in the first place. Either way, he would fight him and never give up. Taku soon threw him a Bo staff, that would help him fight. Ninnin jumped out into the areana, and about to face the Hyuuga head on. The Hyuuga glared at him and then opened his mouth, "My name is Hyuuga Rasen." Rasen glared at Ninnin, and soon Ninnin opened his mouth, but he looked over at Drac. "My name is Douteki Konki" Drac was shocked as he had heard the last name Douteki, somewhere, but he could not remember when or where. Drac made a half smiled and nodded his head. This was like cheering from Drac, Konki would give it his best shot.

Konki held the Bo staff like he had used it before, and he had. Taku had a shinboi from the village, train him with the Bo staff. Rasen actviced his Byukugan and dashed at Konki. Konki jumped in the air and hit Rasen in the back of the head, with his Bo staff. Rasen flew to the ground, but quickly jumped up and dashed as Konki, with his hand, using the fighting style, gentle fist. Konki was hit and he was hit hard, because he had flew back into a wall and flew to the ground. He then coughed up a little blood and Drac did not know if he was going to live. He wanted to jump in, but a hand on his shoulder had stopped him. Drac looked back, seeing Taku holding him back.

Konki slowly got up from the ground and he had to use his Bo staff to stand now. About all he could do was throw kunai now. Two kunai flew at Rasen, but they were quickly dodged. Rasen would now go in for the killing blow. He was going to use the Hyuuga's most powerful jutsu, Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms. Drac knew that Konki would not live if he was hit. Konki knew that as well, for he was about out of strength.

Soon Rasen had begun hitting Konki and his life slowly decreased. Eevn if Konki was close to dying he would try to keep on fighting. The attack was over, and Konki was on the ground, but something inside him kept him fighting, somoe kind of power he had, that would not like him go down. Konki slowly got up and an aura grew around him. He looked at Rasen with a smirk. Drac smiled, as for he knew that Konki had a bloodline, and it was quite a powerful one.

Konki threw a kunai at Rasen, and of course he blocked it, but the kunai expoled and made Rasen flew back. He also seemed a lot faster and now he could fight for a lot longer. Drac knew that name, because his father had told him about a clan of people who could expole things on touch. It looked as if Konki would win this fight. Rasen did not wish to give up though, for he had his bloodline too, and was already using it.

Konki dashed towards Rasen with his Bo staff and he was even faster this time. And as Rasen attacked Konki, he dodged all of his attacks. Konki touched Rasen's headband and it blew up, thus knocking Rasen out. Konki had been the winner. Konki walked back to were Drac and Taku were and smiled at them. As he was ready for the next and finally fight, but he would have to wait until everyone else took their first ones.

Drac now waited for his turn, as several other shinboi had went before him. He waited and watched and it did get quite boring. One after another his name was not called. He even had time to take a short nap. Until, one of the very last fight his name was called and he was against, a girl named Kikan. She looked small and weak, and Drac thought he would have no problem at all. Drac jumped down into the middle of the arean and drew his sword and pointed at Kikan's neck. He then laughed and waited for the match to began.

The protecter had moved his hands down, meaning that match had began. Drac raced towards the girl, but the girl had already made her move. Many ice sebon was aimed at Drac and thrown towards him. Most of them either broke of bounced off him, but a few did happen to hit him, making small holes in his skin. Drac grunted, but still he raced towards the girl. He slashed at her, but his sword was blocked by ice. He was shocked at how quickly she blocked the attack, or that she even could. The girl, had then set her trap and many mirrors appeared around Drac. Drac's eyes grew big and he knew what was happening. "Haku..." Drac knew about many ninja in his past, because his father would always tell him stories. Drac did not know how to beat this jutsu, but he would not give up.

Drac flew into the air, still inside the mirrors and looked around. He was caught off guard at that point and more ice sebon flew at him, and this time more had hit him. He then fell to the ground and knew that he would have to use his Doujutsu. His eyes lite up and he dashed towards one of the mirrors and all the Kikan's dashed too another mirror, striking Drac with kunai, while the did so. Drac then knew he would have to use his sand armor to even think about winning, and soon from a pouch Drac carried with him, came out sand that covered his skin. Drac was now ready to fight.

Drac flew into the air and looked around for the real Kikan. "I know a lot about your bloodline, but I have little idea, of how to beat it." Drac smiled as for he knew that ice was weak agaisnnt fire, but he also knew this would not work well, because he could not get his attacks hot enough to melt the ice. He knew that one of his wind attacks would work very well. He made the propery hand signs, but Kikan came out and again slashed him with Kunai. Drac flew to the floor, and he landed in a puddle of his own blood.

Drac slowly got up and Kikan threw the kunai he had slashed him with, Drac caught the kunai that was thrown and he now knew which Mirror he was in. Drac again made handsigns and aimed a fire attack the the mirror. Kikan moved out of the mirror and Drac sent a strong wind jutsu at him and it broke the mirrors and sent Kikan into a wall. Drac walked over to Kikan and he took the sand that was around his skin and wrapped him in it. Drac stopped the fight there. "You lose and you are lucky I don't kill you." Drac would have one more fight after this, but he would have a week or so to train for it.

Drac, Taku and Konki walked out the buidling, all three with high hopes of the next fight, but they would have a lot to train on. The Chunnin exams would be different from here on out. Konki and Drac would fight as a team against all the other team memebers that remained. Drac and Konki would have to work on their new found skills and firgue out how to work as a team. All and All Drac still had his demon pride and would not let that die, atleast not at this point. Although he began to turn a new leaf and his demon pride would soon, be gone.

Soon, a feeling of joy, came upon Drac and Konki. Kata did not really die! He had just fainted and his bloodline, that he knew nothing about, faked his death, so that no one would really kill him. Kata's face was mess up and he wore a black mask over his face. Although he really did pass the exams, he was not aloud to take the last test with his teammates, instead he would just cheer them on and help them train. Kata's real name was not known yet, guessing that he liked the name Kata more, he did never really tell anyone his real name.

About the week after the training was over, the finally exam was starting and the fight had already been chosen. Drac was fighting an Uchiha that had about as much skill that he did. This would sure be a sight to see, because two Doujutsu fighters, would be something to see. Konki was going to fight a boy named Zonbi. Zonbi looked pale and weak and Konki thought it was going to be an easy fight, but he knew that looking down on people would be the wrong thing. Drac would fight right after Konki and Konki would be the third person to fight, this gave them a chance to see how well other fighters were and make up time to plan their attacks.

Drac and Konki stood infront of the coward, waiting for the battle to start. They first heard the rules and saw who they were going to fight again. The two looked up to see Kata and Taku, but the two were not there. The must have been training until their fights. Soon the battles began and Drac and Konki waited until they were appointed to fight. The wait would be a long, boring wait and Taku and Kata were still not back.

The two sat in their seats, just waiting for their names to be called, and also for Taku and Kata to take part in their fights. They two looked disappointed as the fights and hours passed and there was still no sign of the two. Konki was about to fight and the two had just arrived in time to see his opponent. Konki glared into Zonbi's eyes, as Zonbi laughed. Zonbi was a Kumo Genin that looked very pale and had many scars on his skin. This seemed unreal for a kid to be so torn up and only be a Genin.

Konki took out the Bo Staff he was given and Zonbi had a huge cleaver on his back that he pulled out. The two looked like they were going to kill each other, but before that would ever happen, it would be stopped and no one would be killed. The match begun and the two dashed towards each other, both of their weapons clashing. Soon, Zonbi got the upper hand, because of his skin. This was thought to be a bloodline and in the future this was proven true. Konki was wrapped in the skin from the start, which had came off of Zonbi’s back, but the skin began to squeeze him. Zonbi began to laugh, because he thought the battle had already been over and he had won. However, Konki had hold of one of his cards and that card was used to get out of this hold. Konki made the card explode and the skin crawled back to Zonbi.

This, pissed Zonbi off and he dashed towards Konki, at top speed. This caught Konki off guard and he flew to the ground. Zonbi made a few hand signs and a small mass of water came from his mouth. This water was just enough to create two water clones that went to attack Konki. Konki knew that he could only take two out at once, but he would wish to hit Zonbi. Konki aimed two cards at Zonbi and one clone. This would be his down fall, as for hit made one clone disappeared, and knocked Zonbi over. However, the other clone was able to take hold of Konki and put him in a water prison. This looked like the end for Konki.

In his seat Drac was worried about the outcome of this fight. He wanted Konki to win, but he also wanted to see what else Zonbi was capable of. Because he knew that he would one day have to fight him, or at least he really wanted too. He thought that Konki would lose this battle, but Konki still had a trick up his sleeve. Konki knew that this attack could only be used if the clone was able to hold it. If he were to cause something to knock the clone over, he could get out. However, this was a risky plan, seeing as it might harm him.

Konki did not have much time, seeing as he could not breath under water. He knew that if he did not get out, the match would be stopped very soon. Konki would take the risk and use his bloodline to get out of the prison. He took a card and held it up to the end of middle of the ball. Soon, the card light and exploded, allowing Konki to get out. Although he had been out, Konki flew back and hit a wall, and hit it hard.

Back with Drac, Kata had sat down next to him and was worried about Konki, even more that Drac was. This was not a surprise, because Kata and Konki had been closer. Even if the two were worried, Konki was not out of the fight just yet. Even if the two were worried, Konki was not out of the fight just yet. He slowly got up and by this time, Zonbi had been fairly close to Konki. Konki swung his staff at Zonbi, hitting him in the face. Zonbi’s skin held onto the staff, but Konki was not out yet, because he knew that if he gave up his staff, he would win, and he could always get a better staff. The staff began to glow and soon it blew up, sending Zonbi back into a wall, passed out. Konki won his match.

Drac would be up next, against an Uchiha. Drac was not the least bit scared, because he knew that he would do well, if Konki had done well. Drac jumped down onto the arena and pulled his sword out. He had a big smile on his face as he looked around at the coward. He then roared loudly, shaking the whole area. Soon after, the Uchiha came down from the coward and pulled out a sword of his own. He smiled and met Drac with the sword. All this was before the match had even started. The two were separated, and told the rules. Drac smiled, because he knew this fight would be great, each of them had much pride for their clan, and would not lose so easily.

As soon as the two shook hands, the battle begun. They were both good with using their kenjutsu, that about every time they matched each other’s strikes. Soon, the Uchiha used his Sharingan, to the fullest level he could, which was only two tomoe. This was about the same levels as Drac’s eyes. However, Drac, with more pride to his name than this Uchiha, he would not use his eyes, unless he needed to do so. The two would continue fighting for quite a while at this level.

Soon, the Uchiha had begun getting the upper hand. Drac would have to use something else to keep up with this guy or he would surely lose. Drac still did not wish to use his eyes instead he used his sand. This made the coward a little uneasy; as for they had seen this happen before, in the Gaara and Sasuke fight. Hopefully, Drac would know better than to use the attack Gaara had used. The Sand rushed as the Uchiha and this caught him off guard. It took hold of him and held him for a few seconds. And this was all Drac needed to win the match. Thinking fast, Drac took the opening and slashed the Uchiha in the chest a few times, making him bled quite a bit, but he would not give up yet.

After getting out of the sand, the Uchiha’s eyes quickly changed from two tomoes to three. Thus, making him even more powerful, but he would still be weak from the wound that he had received only a few moments ago. He rushed towards Drac will full force blowing all the fire out of his mouth that he could at him. His speed had doubled. This caught Drac off guard and sent him flying back into a wall. He knew now, that he would have to use his eyes. Knowing this, his eyes turned the bright color green. Doing this he raced towards the Uchiha and hit him into the air and quickly flew up after him. Drac soon hit the Uchiha into the ground leaving a huge hole where the Uchiha’s body had landed. Still, the fight had not been over.

The Uchiha slowly got up and wiped the dust from his clothes and looked very angry with Drac. The Uchiha would have to use one of his clans most power attacks. He began to make the proper hand signs and Drac begun to laugh. The justu he was making had been a fire one, and Drac knew just what to do at this moment. He began to make hand signs as well, and the two attacks clashed making one huge attack in the middle. A fire jutsu and a wind jutsu were created into one.

Last edited by Diabloss33 on Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:32 pm; edited 16 times in total


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Drac(N/F) Empty Re: Drac(N/F)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:44 pm

Thus, this attack sent them both to the ground. The winner would be the first person that had stood up, both fighting to stand. It had looked if the Uchiha had been the one, who was about to win, but Drac had more charka left in him, so he used the bit of sand he had left and knocked down the Uchiha. Drac stood up all the way, and thus became the victor. Both, Konki and Drac had become Chunnins after both of their fights. But this was not over for them, they would have to train Kata to become a Chunnin and then themselves train more to become Jounin.

The team soon, walked back to the sand village, after a few days they had stayed in the leaf. The time that were given, time to rest up for the long walk ahead of them. This also allowed them to see what Taku and Kata had been doing. The two had been training with Kata’s new bloodline. It was amazing how far the team had gotten since the time the Chunnin exams where going on. The team was happy and three days after leaving the leaf village, the arrived at the sand village and rested for a few days.

After the few days of rest they were given, the team got right back into to training. The each were know more speical than when they were when they had strated. They were going to be a great power for their village one day, and work well together. They training was normal sparring with each other, and it still ended up Drac winning everytime. For the simple fact that as the two got stronger, so did Drac. However, it was disappointing that Drac did not use his demon eye agasint them. Which ment he had been holding back on them. Although, it was doubted they really wanted to see his full power at the point.

A few weeks back into the sand village, Taku offered Drac a spar. Drac accepted the offer and within a two day period the two would spar all out. This made Drac quite happy, knowing that he would be able to spar his sensei, full out this time. Even though Drac got his hopes up, the fight was pushed back, on the account of Taku becoming the Kazekage of the village. This cheered Drac up even more so. He was glad he had a powerful enough sensei to become Kazekage. He also had been disappointed because he thought that his training was over for the time being, but Taku did not let this leadership get in the way of Drac’s training, because it was needed.

After about a week of letting things die down, Taku and Drac would get to spar. This was sure to be a great battle, even if Drac was only a Chunnin, he was much stronger than the rank he had been given. The two meet and shook hands and right off, got to the battle. Taku would let Drac attack him first, but Taku used charka armor. Drac would have to try and get the armor off, anyway possible. The funny thing was, Taku would not let Drac attack him, unless earned it. Earning required making the hit and Taku not being able to dodge it. Drac started off with his typical fighting style, with using his sword and no demon eyes.

He had raced towards Taku and Drac struck at him, but to Drac’s surprise, Taku blocked the attack. Drac would not give up, but he did wait for his next attack, seeing as Taku had tried to tell him something. After about a minute, Drac came at Taku with a demon clan attack, the demon drill. The Demon drill was new jutsu Drac had learned after becoming a Chunnin. Even in the small amount of time in the village, Drac learned a few more jutsu, which he had known while a Genin. This spar would surely test these new jutsu and would show how affect they really are.

Drac raced towards Taku, spinning around drill like. He did make contact with Taku, but the charka armor was much too strong. Soon, Taku made his attack and trapped Drac into a water prison jutsu. Which was like a ball of water surrounding Drac. This did not look good for Drac, but it was a good thing he had learned more jutsu, or he could have been killed. After a few minutes of thinking, Drac busted out with a powerful wind jutsu, and smiled at Taku. “So, you thought you had me?” He laughed and Taku just shook his head.

Soon, Drac knew that the fighting style he had been using would not work. He would have to try something he had never done before. Drac got a good distance away from Taku and began to wrap himself in sand. Taku was not sure what Drac was trying to do, but within ten minutes or so, he came up covered halfway in sand, laughing. Drac began to send waves of sand at Taku, but seeing as Taku was who he was, he easily dodged them. This made Drac very mad. He wanted to at least get a good hit on Taku, unlike last time. Drac, after midway through the fight, began to become more covered in sand, until the whole Shakuku was made. This disappointed Taku, but Drac had not fallen asleep just yet. Taku had to reach Drac before he did.

Even as Taku began to close in on Drac, he was merely at the foot of the giant one tailed demon. This was when Drac had put himself to sleep, not thinking about his village, which he still did not do a lot, seeing as he still had a lot of his demon pride in him. This was a big thing slowly Drac down, he would need to get over that fact and start thinking about his village for here on out. Even, so the fight would go on, and this was more of a mission to save the village, that a spar between a sensei and a student.

Shakuku laughed and then kicked Taku back, soon sending a blast of wind at him. The wind was much more powerful than anything Drac could use, seeing as he was a demon, and had much more power than Drac. Taku took out the attacks and with this, it gave Shakuku and idea, which he would send a few blasts everywhere. One was aimed at Taku and two were aimed at the village. This was quite troublesome for Taku, but without a seconds thought, he took out all of the blasts. It was not easy, but he did it.

Soon, Kata and Konki arrived at the battle to see what happen be going on. They not dared get involved as for they knew they did not have a chance to survive. They would have to watch and see who won, hoping it would be Taku. Within an hour or so, the fight had slowly come to an end as Taku, had won, but he was tired out himself. All the sand Drac had used went away and Drac was still asleep, he would be punished another day.

After a few more weeks, Drac had left the sand village on his own, to train himself. He would not be gone long, but he wold not be gone for longer than a month. He travled to the place of where he first arrived in the country of the wind. He saw the waters around the egde of the lands and flew towards a island close to the one where he had fought his unlce. He would have to travel this alone, seeing as this was no mission that any shinboi could do. This was for a Demon worthy of such a task, and that Demon was Drac. He arrived at a huge mountain, were at the bottom was a opening. Drac would enter here and obtain a powerful demon item.

Drac entered the cave, very slow like, and with much caution. He knew that the demon clan had set up traps and such for the arrival of any demon. This would have to test their power and skills. This were not the most powerful weapons of the demon, and there were several around. But either way it this mission was a test of strength for the demons.

Drac looked around in the cave, making sure he was not going to fail as soon as he got in. He took out his only weapon, which was his sword. He knew that he would have to use it, seeing as this was no easy task. He began to walk, and as soon as he took about his sixth step, the floor fell apart. He did not know if it was a trap or if it was just from old age. Nonetheless, he flew above the floor, and looked down. He saw that there was not bottom, or a bottom that he could see, so he did not wish to use the route.

He soon landed a few feet away from the egde of the hole. He looked back and saw that the entarnce had been closed, there was not turning back now. Drac sighed abd began to walk up a path that was slanted, menaing that he was walking up to the top of the mountain, this would atleast take all day. He gripped his sword tight and now was ready for the mission ahead of him. Although this would be one of the hardest things Drac has ever done, atleast at this point in his life.

As he walked up, he was ambushed by many of things. Icluding arrows, spears and logs. He easily got through these obstacles, but these were the easier ones, and the ones ahead would be much harder. Drac knew this himself, which is way he never let his guard down. He sighed and began to swing his sword around, and he hit something, making a wall move up. He knew this was a way to the place he wanted to go, but what he did not know, was it was a harder way to take, although it was shorter.

Drac, not thinking of all that could possible happen to him, took the route he had opened. He thought it was luck, but he still did not keep his gurad down. As soon as Drac was about ten steps in the pat, the door closed on him and appeared a dragon like fighter. He was not of the demon clan, Drac was for sure of that, but he did seem as strong as a normal demon member, if not stronger. This dragon used his hands, instead of a sword, and he did not have eyes of a demon. Either way, he was trying to stop Drac, and there would be a fight.

The dragon flew at Drac, while Drac blocked his attack with his sword. They two make contact to each other, pushing each other back. Athough the dragon was pused back futher, he had the upper hand. The dragon was smaller and could move around in the path Drac was in. Either way, Drac would not give up, for he wanted what the demons had in store for him.

The dragon raced towards Drac and the dragon wrapped himsefl, around Drac. Drac struggled to get out, but for now it was no use. He tired with all his might, but he knew that he was to big to even think about getting out of the hold. He would have to do something, he ha dnever done before. This was to change his appearnce, by using a demon form.

Drac wished to use his wolf form, but as he was changing, a huge light overwhelmed the room. Drac had become even smaller that the wolf, and much less demon like. Drac had earned the human form of the demon. He was a bit disappointed, but he easily escaped the grip of the dragon.

As Drac was in the human form, many things changed. He was much smaller than the dragon, had no wings and his sword was lighter. He now had the upper hand. Even with all the advantages, he still had more going for him. He used a wind jutsu, the Wind Slasher, and it seemed a bit more powerful, as well as a bit easier to use. He knew now that he would win.

Even though Drac loved to win, he hated to do it, in such a un-demon like form. He tried to change back, but it was no use, for this form was not controlled. Drac sucked it up and began to slash his sword at the dragon; this would end up, beating the dragon. It did not kill him, it merely knocked him out, and Drac had won the battle. Shortly after, he reverted back to his Dragon form. He soon, followed the path out of the small room he was in, and began to look around. He was very close to the items he had been after.

He slowly walked up a flight of stairs, making sure he walked as lightly as possible. He made it to the top, and could know see the items he was after. There were to weapons, which looked like huge rings, with spikes around them. He walked up towards them and looked around, to make sure that there was no traps set up for him. He sighed and took them and looked up to the ceiling. He dashed towards the top and broke a hole in the wall. He was at the top of them mountain. He looked at his new weapons and smiled. They seemed fire based, but now was not a good time for testing; he would use them in a real battle from the start.

Two lesser demons came to Drac as soon as he exited the mountain. Drac looked at the two new weapons he had obtained, and looked at them with a grin. He also looked at them, and saw they did not have the weapons, and mostly likely just wanted to steal them from him. Drac threw them both at each one, and the soon busted into flames, sending them back. These weapons were sure powerful, compared to the ones Drac had used. They flew back to him, and with a smile, Drac began to fly back to the sand village.

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Drac(N/F) Empty Re: Drac(N/F)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:25 pm


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Drac(N/F) Empty Re: Drac(N/F)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:40 pm



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