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Training Drac

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Training Drac Empty Training Drac

Post by Guest Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:16 am

Taku stood in the middle of the sandy dome that was known as the main training facilities of the Sand village. He sighed, Drac was late. He had some free time to kill and had promised Drac that he would train him as soon as he had the chance. He had sent for Drac roughly an hour ago. He had been expected 15 minutes ago. Taku was annoyed to say the least. That was ok though, it just meant that Drac's training would have to be intensified as punishment. Taku smiled. Teaching discipline was his favorite, not because he liked to torture young shinobi, but because it was the key factor that would turn them into the men they would some day be. Taku liked knowing that he played some role in that. Glad to see himself live on in the younger generations. Though in all actulaity, he was one of the younger generations.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by tradebuzzing2 Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:41 am

After another five minutes had passed, Drac finally showed up. Even though he respected, as much as he did, he was still human. You see, Drac still had his so called Demon Pride. Which was hating all humans. He had learnt this from fellow demons, that left the demon clan. Another big factor, was the death of his father, was indircetly caused by humans. As Drac flew down toward Taku, he took out his sword and spear. A slight aura filled the area around them. Drac glared at Taku and then looked away."What is it now?" He hissed at him. Inside he had a slight smile on, because he finally getting treated like everyone else.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by Guest Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:12 am

Taku winced at Drac's disrespectful attitude. Something had to be done this. He quickly body flckred behind Drac while also performing some handsigns. When he appeared behind Drac, He let loose his jutsu. "Reverse Chakra Armor." Instanty, Chakra began to wrap around Drac's body. When it was complete, Drac would be completely at Taku's mercy. Movement would be impossible. Taku planned to teach this shinobi respect before he would ever train him in jutsu.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by tradebuzzing2 Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:36 am

Drac gnarled his teeth and then roared. The roar was head, around the village. "Let me out of here, you scum!" Drac yelled. He looked at Taku, and then smiled. Drac tried to get sand to come out, and go towards Taku, but he had failed. "What the hell is going on here?!?" Drac sighed and put his head down, and then opened his mouth. "Kazekage-sama, I know this will not work, and I kow what youwant. But I will not apologize. You of all people know, Demons and I the best. So, understand why." Drac waited to be let out of the damned charka armor.

Last edited by Diabloss33 on Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:58 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by Guest Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:00 pm

Taku smirked and sat down in a meditative stance. "I do not expect an apology Drac, what I do expect is some respect." He thought deep for a moment. "You are completely at my mercy right now, and this is one of my simpler technqiues. You need to understand that their are people much more powerful than you in the world. Some of these people will not take your disrespect as kindly as I have, and some of them are much more powerful than even myself." He was doing this for Drac's own good. Either he would begin to accept that other people in the world mattered, or he would never advance past jounin. Of this, taku would make certain.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:13 pm

Drac sighed. "Well, you know I am only a Chunin, and you are the Kazekage, sir." He listened to him, and then looked up. "Thats gonna be hard for me to do so, you know that." He looked at his sword. "Humans casued me so much pain." He looked up in the sky and a tear fell from his eye. Drac's sword began to glow, which was odd. "My father gave his life for me...He would not want me to act this way. Kazekage-sama, I am sorry." He waited till he was aloud out, Drac would slowly change from here on out. "I would be honored if we could start training now."


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by Guest Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:19 pm

Taku released Drac ,but he did not release the jutsu. Insted he simply unwraveled the chakra around Drac and rewrapped himself in it. "Your task for now is simple drac," he said, "remove all the chakra armor from your body. How well you do will determine where we go from there." This was a simple traiing enough, but when it was Taku, it was going to be a little harder for Drac to remove the chakra armor. Unlike most times, he would not heal the armor when he got hit, but he would let Drac destroy it slowly, this was a test of Drac's abbilities, not Taku's.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:34 pm

He smiled and nodded. "Thank you sir." He took out his sword and spear. He put his hand on his chin. "I am guessing your armor is a lot like my sand armor. I think I have this." Drac smiled, because he thought he knew what he could do. "Ninjutsu." He nodded his head, and flew in the air. "WIND SLASHER!" He yelled, as the wind picked up and then the wind slashed at Taku's armor. They were as sharp as kunai, as well as shaped like them and they were speeding, faster than a normal kunai, that was thrown.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by Guest Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:29 am

Taku responded almost instantly. He drew all of his kunai and threw them perfectly to intercept the wind kunai sent his way by Drac. However, to be successful, they needed a bit of a boost. After completeing a few handsigns, Taku called out, "Chakra Blades," coveiring the thrown kunia, enwrapping them in a layer of Sookato chakra. Taku's kunai met Dracs and the effect was as Taku had planned. The chakra intercepted the wind and destroyed it. However, Taku's kunai continued on, though without the added chakra from Taku's technique. "You need to use more technique instead of trying to go straight forward like that. In this sort of battle, that will get you no where," he advised the chunin.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:40 am

He sighed and took out his spear. "Well, striaght foward, is how I like it." He smiled and then he flew into the air. "But I will take your word, and wait." He looked at Taku. There must be some weakness to this charka. I may need to try a dircet attack, seeing as how he is going to attack as well. He knows a lot about how I fight, but I think I can do this. Drac landed on the ground. He took his spear in his left hand and sword in his right. He quickly jumped over to Taku, and Slashed his right side, with his sword and flipped over him and stabbed the back with his spear. Hopeful he could find a weak point in the charka.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by Guest Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:46 am

Taku sighed. He could allow Drac to hit him, and have him lose his weapons, but Taku knew how special a blad could be to a kinjutsu user. Taku decided to let Drac save his weapons, "Drac let me give you some advice, never use physical means to defeat something that is made of chakra, it will not work.:" He said this as he drew his own sword and in a single spining motion deflected both of Drac's weapons. Keeping the foot that he had used to balance himself planted, he aimed a powerful side snap kick at Dracs middle.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:52 am

Drac allowed Taku to kick him. He began laughing. "Ah, so you see the same goes for you and Taijutsu on me, you'll only hurt yourself." Taku's foot was covered in a bit of sand. Drac then brought out sand, he was holding in a few bags, also some came from the ground. "I thank you for the advice, however." He jumped back, to a get a good distance from Taku. He made a few handsigns and created a Sand clone. The sand clone went to attack Taku, as it reach Taku, its arm swung at him.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by Guest Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:01 am

Taku had expected something of the sort, otherwise he never would have kicked at Drac. Kicking him while the chakra armor was potentialy leathal, unless he connected with the bottom of his foot, which was a stupid way to kick. Taku used the knife edge of his foot to land kicks. When the sand wrapped around his foot it was imedieatly destroyed by the chakra armor. "I told you, things of physical nature are ineffective." He smirked when the sand clone attacked him. The sand clone would last a little longer, since it had some chakra, but due to the physical nature of earth and sand, it would eventulay succumb to his chakra. As the clone threw a punch at him, Taku knelt on a single knee and ran his sword through the center of it. "Chakra Blade, " he called out, erupting the sword like a torch. He swept the blade to the side, rolled left, and popped back to his feet, ready for Drac to attack.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:06 am

Drac saw that the clone did not work. He would have to use something different. As the sand went away, Drac flew in the air. He could not use the Demons most powerful attack, or he woud destory the village. He sighed and thought for a second. As he flew in the air, he then started making many hand signs. He began spinning around at a very fast pace, and it only seemed to increase. Soon after the speed stopped increasing wind formed around him and he then spun right over to Taku, spinning like a drill, right at Taku's chest.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by Guest Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:45 am

Taku smiled, as drac began to spin, he gathered the basic gist of what he was doing. Taku was going to stop him with as little force as possible. He began making handsigns and fiinshed at about the same time Drac started at him. "Once again, your attacks are to direct. This would get you somewhere faster if you tried some more strategy," as he began to channel his chakra and draw moisture from the air. There wasn't much and he almost didn' finish the jutsu in time. "Water Prison Jutsu." A wall of water formed a sphere around Drac just as he got in range, trapping him in a ball of chakra and water. Drac hit the side of the sphere, but it did not break. Taku kept it supported with chakra, "Now what are you going to do?," he asked


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:53 am

Drac quickly made hand signs, and then his whole body lite up and he began to change. He grew a shell and he turned green. In this form he would be able to stay in the water a bit longer than he could in any other. He began looking at the sphere. "I think I got it." He held his hand at the tip of the sphere, where Taku's hand was. "Wind Release: Great Breakthrough" A large blast of air, came shooting out of Drac's hand. This wind was so powerful it blew Drac back, and it used in a different area, it could destory a great deal of things.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by Guest Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:24 pm

Taku saw Drac gathering chakra and using handsigns, so he began to do the same. As soon as he deployed his jutus, the water sphere stayed in tact, but a prison of a different and stronger kind surrounded it. "Chakra Cage," A cage of chakra formed aroudn the sphere in the same shape minus the floor, also keeping the water sphere intact, untill the wind hit it. The water sphere took the wind and disperesed it throughout, crupling the cage of water as it leaked through the three inch gap between the bottome edge of the chakra cage and the ground. The chakra cage however, remained in tact. What will you try next, Taku thought to himself.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:08 pm

Drac sighed as he looked at the cage. He knew that this cage would be harder to break than the water prison jutsu. He sat down, so he could have a little time to think. "I am gonna guess, as you can control everything with this cage, inculding size and shape, so if you were to make is smaller." He sighed and looked around. "This is gonna be tougher that I thought." He wanted to try something, but he was just gonna see if it worked. He stood up and breathed in. He made a few hand signs and thrusted his hand out. "Demon Torandos!" He yelled as three small torandos flew from his hand, and one began hitting the front of the cage, and the others, the two sides. Drac fed them charka, so they would conutie to spin.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by Guest Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:17 pm

Taku smiled, the way Drac had approached this was to see who had more chakra, for they could both keep up their technqiues by adding more chakra. An unwise move on Drac's part for Taku had large amounts of chakra, even for a kage. However, Taku wanted to keep their training going, so he let the tornadoes rip through the cage as he flipped back and away from Drac, "Chakra Shuriken," shooting a single blast of chakra in his opponets direction.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:26 pm

As the Charka shuriken came towards Drac, He stopped the toradons and raised up his Shield of Sand. He blocked most of the shuriken and the rest hit his sand armor. He sighed and he kne Taku had him beat, or alteast for now. "Taku, goodnight." He smiled and then he covered himself in Sphere of Sand, and then a Third eye appeared.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by Guest Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:07 pm

Taku had a good idea what was going to happen. Shukaku was about to be awoken. This was bad. Drac was endangering the entire village just to prove his worth against Taku. The fact that he already was resorting to that, showed Taku he needed much more training, or he would never be jounin, He hadn't even realy puched the lad yet. He had only tried to see how he would react to different thing as well as if he could remove the armor from his body. Taku started towards drac, preparing to blast apart the sand and wake Drac up before Shukaku came out.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by tradebuzzing2 Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:54 pm

Drac sent out sand to try and block the attack. His thrid eye was keeping watch for him, but he doubted if Taku conutied to attack, he would reach even the half form of his one tails. He sighed and tried to finish as fast as he could. Sand came at Taku, trying to slow him down.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by Guest Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:00 pm

Taku continued to rush towards drac, ignoring the sand. His armor was ripped open in a few places, but he did not care. This had becoem a matter of the villages security. He began circulating chakra to his hand, preparing for a technique that was sure to stop Drac from achieving Shukaku. He was still 20 feet away. Would he get there in time??


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by tradebuzzing2 Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:05 pm

The sand circled Drac and then the dome dropped. Drac was laughing, seeing as he was in half one tailed form. "Hehehe, You're too late." He hit the charka cage, with his sand, that was now on his arm. The cage fell, and slowly more sand was covering Drac. He then made hand signs and the whole demon appeared. "Now, come and get me!"


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

Post by Guest Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:21 pm

Taku leapt into the air adn fired the newly creaeted ball of chakra right at the almost Shukaku. The technique was called chakra bomber. He had fired it at a place that would not harm Drac, but would just send the Sand flying away from him, making finishing the transformation impossible. However, if he had not been quick enough, Shukaku would come out, and Taku knew that Shukaku had a technique that could deflect the one he had just fired.


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Training Drac Empty Re: Training Drac

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