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Good-Bye Rain, Im sure atleast one of us will miss you. [Self RP]

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Good-Bye Rain, Im sure atleast one of us will miss you. [Self RP] Empty Good-Bye Rain, Im sure atleast one of us will miss you. [Self RP]

Post by Rain Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:37 pm

She finished her training with Koko, it was time for her to leave, thats waht she thought. She had left a note on the refridgerator, I love you and I'll miss you, I will never forget you mom, Bye Koko ♥️. She had left the village about half an hour ago. She had made it pretty far in the sand, she could hear screaming from about 30 feet away, she could make out the faint image of Koko. Rain stopped and was prepared to fight knowing Koko, she would do anything to stop her from leaving.

"Rain don't do this please!" Koko ran up to her and fell. Rain put away her equipment, and sat down beside her. She was crying. "Koko, I have to, Its what I want, I know if im happy you will be happy". get "What if you get hurt Rain, tell me that", "Im old enough take care of myself, if you haven't noticed you are never home, I pay for everything now, I think im capable of taking care of myself". Koko sat up, stilling crying and raped her arms around Rain.

"If its what you want, just promise you will stop what your doing to make money, do something, else I don't want to have to be sent to kill you like i am right now" . Rain jumped back surprised. "So what, I can take care of myself, Im leaving good-bye, there is nothing you can do about, I'll send you letters time from time, I know you will be happy, good-bye". Rain started to run in the only direction she knew, Konohagakure was her next stop, its the only other village she has been to and has memorized the route they took for the Chuunin exams.

Now that probaly every country that had a treaty with Suna, was warned about her, and that they wanted her sent back alive. She was going to go by Chickigo, Rain. It was still really hot, even with her whte clothing reflecting the hat of the sun. She wasn't that prepared, she brought alot of water, and something to sleep with. She knew what to do.

It was getting, dark, really dark. It was getting freezing. She hated the desert, its the hottest thing one minute then the next freezing. She decided to stop and sleep. She dug a hole in the sand big enough for her to enter, but to small to be noticed from a certaint distance. There was only enough room for her to sleep curled in a ball, and she did so.

OOC: This was part one hope you liked it, I mreally bored since I didn't go to school today, and the white coloured text is Koko, and the pink is Rain. Theres is probaly going to be atleast three parts, Im hoping for five.

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Join date : 2009-02-11
Location : Somewhere next to no where.

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Good-Bye Rain, Im sure atleast one of us will miss you. [Self RP] Empty Re: Good-Bye Rain, Im sure atleast one of us will miss you. [Self RP]

Post by Rain Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:52 pm

Rain had been awakened by a lonely lizard, digging for food in the sand. She jumped up startled by the lizard. After she realized it was a lizard, she packed everything. She found a hole in the bag she was carrying. A necklace had fell out of the bag. Koko gave her the necklace when she gradauted from the academy. It had several daimonds sorounding, a large deep pink daimond. A lone tear fell from her eyes. More and more startedto come until she was on the ground. On the back it said, We will be together forever, I promise.

After about an hour of crying she wiped the tears away and kept on walking. After about half an hour of walking, she saw a figure, like a person on the ground. She ran up to it. She checked if he was still alive by kicking him. He didn't budge, so she buried him in the sand. She kept walkin, and walking, and walking, and ofcourse walking. She was finally able to see a tree, she started running, and running, until she could see more, and more. She had reached the grass, lovely green grass.

It was around eight in the after noon, she decided to take a rest, a long one at that. She found a nice quiet place sorrounded in grass and tree, almost invisible to any living person. she slept for along time, like a really long time. It was almost afternoon when she awoke from her slumber. She realized she was almost there packed, and booked it. She ran as fast as she possibly could, so she would make there at midnight. She didn't stop, not until she reached her destination. she could see the outiline of the village, it was late, and she was tired so once again she layed in a deep slumber.

She knew She couldn't go back to that place, Konoha was the only place she knew how to get, and was the safest for her. She HAD to go, the only place of safety for her.

OOC: i know its very boring, but you know I have to rp moving place ot place, so im going to finish this in the gates of Konoha.

Posts : 145
Points : 30
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Join date : 2009-02-11
Location : Somewhere next to no where.

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