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Shosuke Shikatano

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Shosuke Shikatano Empty Shosuke Shikatano

Post by Darkjagwar Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:11 am

Name: Shosuke Shikatano

Age: 15

Bloodline: Shadow Element

Rank: None
Classification: Chuunin
Village: Kirigakure
Alignment: Rogue

Shosuke Shikatano Nar-char21

Personality: Shosuke is indifferent, lathargic, and cruel at times.


Shosuke is the son of his late parents, Hiroto and Bachi. The Shikatano used to be a clan but died out too rapidly, leaving this family the only survivors. At a young age, his parents sealed the demon Shimaru Sangan in his body, sacrificing their own lives in the process. Due to this emotional trauma, Shosuke became very depressed and indifferent at the age of 7. His only comfort was in the demon inside him that acted as a father figure to him. Shimaru told him what to do, Shosuke obeyed, and soon the two of them were happier with their condition.

Unfortunately, since the two of them communicated telepathically, or sometimes Shosuke would talk out loud, he was thought to be weird or insane because he would stay by himself and talk with Shimaru. At 12, Shimaru's existence was very beneficial to Shosuke because he helped with battle by giving Shosuke strategical plans or even lending some power. When Shosuke was promoted to Genin, he declined being part of the system and asked that he not be assigned a rank or team, and that he would be available when needed.

Shosuke had worked with Shimaru in private to learn how to draw out Shimaru's strength and even use Shimaru's power in battle. This extra power boost had increased his skill level to that of a Chuunin and after proving this to the higher-ups of the village, Shosuke was treated as a Chuunin.

One day, Shosuke began thinking about life. Was it really worth living? All I have is myself and a spirit inside me. Is there really anything I can do with my life? Shimaru heard Shosuke's thoughts and suggested a little bit of traveling around the village and even the world. Taking a hiatus from fighting, Shosuke went around Taki and successfully made a couple of friends who saw him not as a schizophrenic, but as a troubled boy that only seeks friendship.

When he was 13, Shosuke set out to see the world, meet new people, and truly learn the meaning of life. While there were many good times had in his travels, there were many in which he was met by rogue ninja that threatened to kill him. Many of these instances called for drastic measures in which he had to use Shimaru's power in order to stay alive and continue his journey. He had briefly been to most of the major countries and villages as a friendly visitor in order to prevent conflict. After two years of traveling, Shosuke returned to Taki to resume his life where he had left off. Only the few he had befriended had remembered that he even existed and those few welcomed him back.

While Shosuke was enjoying his life with living friends, Shimaru was becoming increasingly jealous. He became more selfish and began to develop malevolent intentions aimed at keeping Shosuke to himself. After all, Shosuke was all that Shimaru had in the world. He decided that he should try to have a greater influence over Shosuke by actively trying to persuade Shosuke subconsciously. When this didn't work, Shosuke shunned Shimaru's thoughts, enraging him even more.

Unknown to Shosuke, Shimaru plans to take over Shosuke's body one day to live life as an immortal demon, but he is too weak at the moment to overcome Shosuke altogether while he tries to figure out a way. In the meantime, Shimaru still serves as a helpful conscience to Shosuke and he also serves as an extra power source. Shosuke had suspected Shimaru was upset so he resolved to keep to himself for now until Shimaru is willing to accept that he can have real friends.

Speciality: Shadow Element
Learned jutsus
Elements: Shadow (Bloodline)
Goals: Learn the importance of living life. Keep Shimaru happy.

Last edited by Darkjagwar on Mon Apr 13, 2009 12:28 am; edited 8 times in total

Posts : 217
Points : 108
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Join date : 2008-11-22
Age : 33

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Shosuke Shikatano Empty Re: Shosuke Shikatano

Post by Mirage Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:54 pm

Aproved. Now go to the bottom of the main page and click on the color that says genin. Apply so that we know that you are a genin.

Posts : 543
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Join date : 2008-11-21

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