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Stormrage bloodline

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Stormrage bloodline Empty Stormrage bloodline

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:16 pm

Name of the Kekkei Genkai:Stormrage bloodline

Type of Kekkei Genkai: Manipulation/dojutsu

Rank: A


The stormrage tribe of demon hunters are powerful in all aspects of combat but they excel in these few aspects..

There first ability is of there ability to change there elemental affinity at will. As they change there affinity there skin usally will change colors.

Weakness: Only one element may be used at a time

The next effect is of there ability of there eyes. They do not carry normal vision they carry a vision to see a person's spirit or chakra network or normal chakra.

The next ability is that there hide is special and somewhat more demonic. It will absorb Elemental chakra into it and recycle that chakra into there chakra network when needed as they change there attribute.


There Hide even though it has a special ability it is as strong as normal skin they still take damage from the jutsu also, and the elemental change takes two post's to take hold.. The eyes are always on therefor taking chakra and they do not have a normal eyesight. Also they can only use 1 type of the eye either soul or chakra.

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Age : 32

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