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Kaji Vs. Shinjin (RP Sample/The Awakening)

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Kaji Vs. Shinjin (RP Sample/The Awakening) Empty Kaji Vs. Shinjin (RP Sample/The Awakening)

Post by Shinjin Necros Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:55 am

"Ughhhh..."Shinjin groaned as he stirred from the his slumber. Deep creases lined his flesh from where he lay, on the cold hard ground of an endless plain of tall grass. Surrounding him was the small and scattered remains of an abandoned crypt. With his eyes still closed he released his first real breath in atleast 10 yrs. He slowly started to come to, as his memories surfaced in a dreamy haze, dancing around in vague shadows of those whose names he knew well, but their faces had already dimmed from the years spent in hibernation. Just as one of the more familiar, beloved faces started to come through, a musty gust of cold soil was inhhaled sharply into his nostrels...

Shinjins eyes shot wide open, which didnt do any good, his eyes hadnt processed real sunlight in over a decade. Shinjin then started gasping for air, taking in sharp, quick gusts of air, until his lungs were stretched out, his nose full of the scent of the cold ground, eventually his breathing became regular. His breathing pumped his lazy bloodstream more regularly, and finally, after listening to his heart pound like a war drum, his eyes recieved thier strength. The darkness faded to crimson, and the crimson lifted to an overwhelming glare, which eased gradually until his vision came into a clear focus.

Still lying on the ground, Shinjin felt the dirt crusted on his cheeks. He was probably filthy. But that didnt matter. He loved the smell of the soil, of its cold embrace...and speaking of embrace...Shinjin was completely nude. Next to his body was an assortment of, remians. Skulls, femurs, ribcages, digits, spines, all sprawled about carelessly. With a wave of his hand , each piece of remains flew at Shinjin, and then, with many snapping, cracking, and popping, each one fit itself over his naked flesh, covering his loins first, then his torso, followed by the upper thighs, and then his fore-arms. Each one snapping, and molding itself to the contours of his skin...this continued on, until a total of five whole skeletons worth of bone had been infused over his flesh

Finally, Shinjin sat up, and in doing so, his spine gave several cracks of its own. Yes... Shinjin thought to himself. This is the old crypt of my ancestors, hidden in the plains of the tall grass, between the 2 great villages... Shinjin arose and stood on his feet This was the hard part. Making the muscles work the way they were supposed to. The first steps were a little wobbly..but eventually, after a few minutes, it was just like remembering how to ride a bike. After a few strides, Shinjin looks down at his undead bone armor...Smiling now, he gently strokes his left fore-arm with a single finger playfully, then straightens his left arm out in front of him, now grinning wider and wider. In an instant, a sharpened bone-blade emerges fluidly from the bone arm-bad with several loud snappings and crackles....And yet, before Shinjin can enjoy himself too much, his faces falls into a scowl.

Turning around at break-neck speed, Shinjin spots a figure standing serenely behind him. By instinct, with severl pops and cracks, a full skeleton, up to the torso, emerges from the armor and silently screams at the stranger...Shinjin cocks and eyebrow, "And you would be?"
Shinjin Necros
Shinjin Necros

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Kaji Vs. Shinjin (RP Sample/The Awakening) Empty Re: Kaji Vs. Shinjin (RP Sample/The Awakening)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:01 pm

Ooc: This... This.. This is just a great begining. However you still do not have your rank just yet... Having a good opening is a good thing but... You must be able to keep up the guality and guanity of your post's in the heat of battle. However i now feel inspired by this and you will be (if you keep it up) the first one i truely try and fight.

Ic: A figure walked through a endless plain of grass. The grass flew apart with a unseen or felt wind. As the wind flew the figure sped forward sensing a spirit of age awaken and heard birds flew above its head. He knew all the legends of this place and knew that something was happening. As he ran faster the terrain changed and the green grass started to become a tint of dark red. The figure's clothes scraped across the grass. and the grass stood flattened.

The figure stopped as he stood before a man. The figure's face revealed itself to be of that as a man. The features of the man somewhat handsome but his eyes completely cold. So cold it sent a chill through any normal being's spine. The mans arms fell to his sides hanging down uncontrolled. The man smirked as he straigtened up and his hand reached into his pocket.

"My name? You want to know my name?" With a voice that would send a banshee into a shirek of cold despair. The mans arms instantly in less than a second pulled out a capsule and threw it to the ground. In that meer second the capsule went off and a giant flash came out followed by waves of kunai. After the wave of kunai had cleared the man had vanished only to be seen in each four corners of the area.

This man was known as mizo to all. He was the kage of the small village known as Taki (waterfall). He was beyond most peoples comprehension as he was blank or full of spunk at times that seem innapropriate to either. He was a man of power but of kindness who did everything for his village. This battle was a chance coincidence or maybe faith. Who knows all That mizo knew was that this would be a fun day.

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Kaji Vs. Shinjin (RP Sample/The Awakening) Empty Re: Kaji Vs. Shinjin (RP Sample/The Awakening)

Post by Shinjin Necros Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:45 pm

After a brief moment, Shinjin's entire body relaxed. His mind, calm, yet not consciously collected, began to turn slowly, time stretched out before him...This was my home... Vivid memories of a life long gone, poured in as if they had happened just yesterday. The bazzar was over parents taught me, my home was no more than 40ft. away... Who was this stranger...who was he. Shinjin stared the figure square in the eye, that look...was familiar. His posture, his ease, all made Shinjin feel very, comfortable. There was more than what met the eye, but Shinjin knew what that was...he just couldn't remember...My father and brother took me here often, to honor our ancestors, who helped us fight the wars, and who still help us today... His father's eyes. Those were his fathers eyes. Eyes of those who looked upon Death, and looked upon him often. Yet, this stranger was not a Necros. Odd...death had not stolen his honor or his humanity...very odd...

Shinjin watched the man straighten up and place his hands inside his pockets...thats originaland Shinjin felt around himself, reaching, calling, and at the same time remembering an uncle, my cousin, my friends......constantly searching for more...more memories...more bodies. He could feel the depth of their graves, the rot on thier bones, the strength of their remains...Then the strange man asked a question...and something in his tone set off the bells in Shinjins skull, the time the time to think was over...the man didnt even finish speaking before the dead made thier way to the surface, a thick wall of bone and grave dust emerged a foot in front of Shinjin, arching back into a semi dome...Shinjin didnt even hear the Kunai drop from the barrier back to the ground....

He will pay for that. I dont care who he is or where he hides...and then with a smile, Shinjin roared into the air, Run all you like!!! Your still running on hallowed ground!!!

From the depths below the earth began to move. Bones, arms, legs, skulls, heads, and all manner of carrion emerged from beneath the entire strecth plain as far as the eyes can family, my friends, who still help us today
Shinjin Necros
Shinjin Necros

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Kaji Vs. Shinjin (RP Sample/The Awakening) Empty Re: Kaji Vs. Shinjin (RP Sample/The Awakening)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:42 pm

As the bones began to rise the men at the 4 poles of the area each threw a orb into the air. They then poofed away returning to there base element of water. Each clone's liguids slidded off the bones making them covered in water. Each orb held in the air for just a moment as something else occured.

While that was going on in the air far above lieing on a metallic board had his eyes closed. He focused as each molecule in the air slowly changed into water. The entire sky had become no longer sky it had become a tank of water. Each orb was in the tank of water and they went off. The water froze instantly and the water now became ice.

That gigantic ice tank now quickly began to fall to the ground it gained speed as the hold on it was gone. The man on the board let out a cackle of darkness as his eyes bugged out. Mizo had taken a small dose of his medicine so he was able to feel emotions in small bits. This constant swap made him feel tottally insane.

He spoke after his cackle ass the ice hit the ground "Hollowed ground hah. More like icey ground." The man pushed his foot forward and the board flew towards the ground.

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Kaji Vs. Shinjin (RP Sample/The Awakening) Empty Re: Kaji Vs. Shinjin (RP Sample/The Awakening)

Post by Shinjin Necros Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:03 pm

As the Bones start to rise, Shinjin feels the hairs on the back of his neck raise...the climate was changing and changing fast...a moment later it was unnaturally cold...looking up, he saw the sky turn into a huge tank of water...this is not good.... Instictively the bones nearest to Shinjin snap open and fuse with his bone-armor...other bones snap open and fuse together and form a dome over Shinjin's head...just as the tank of water turns to a solid sheet of ice...this is gonna hurt...guh...staying on the defensive this was not what i had in mind...who is this guy... The previous wall jutsu had dropped back when the graveyard was summoned...Using it again so soon was not what Shinjin had in mind...

Then suddenly, Shinjin changed his mind. If he was going to be on the defensive, so be it, but he was gonna get his punches in whether this bozo liked it or not...the bones reformed, instead of forming a shield, the bones kept on piling on Shinjin, completely encasing him in bone, every creaves covered, and stregnthed by 10 layers of armor. The snapping symphony was music to his ears...nothing was getting through here. All he had to do was weather the storm for now, and let his remaining army do the rest...what was the worst that could happen? Unless this guy could kill the dead...he was fighting a losing battle anyway...

Taking another whiff of the now frigid air, Shinjin used his chakra to move the armor forward...he could see his opponent flying down at bone blade emerged from his right fore-arm...he could feel the bones twisting inside, waiting to emerge and attack...dont worry, you'll all get your turn...
Shinjin Necros
Shinjin Necros

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Kaji Vs. Shinjin (RP Sample/The Awakening) Empty Re: Kaji Vs. Shinjin (RP Sample/The Awakening)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Jan 24, 2009 5:44 pm

The Ice tank hit the ground shattering. Mizo came down like a comet aiming for a open piece of ground. The shattered Ice crystals scattered and arose. They went flying at the now pile of corpses. The ice impacted on the bones growing smaller and those molecules squeezed through tiny cracks in the bones getting ready to be used.

Mizo just stood facing away from the pile his back open. He could have ended this a while ago now he was just cackling away a face of evil that was of a child. Thats all he was at the moment, a child playing with a toy that was not his. He was having fun showing weakness that was not there usually. He waited for the man to slip up and then his end would be swift and full of pain.

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Kaji Vs. Shinjin (RP Sample/The Awakening) Empty Re: Kaji Vs. Shinjin (RP Sample/The Awakening)

Post by Shinjin Necros Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:43 pm

As the figure continued his speedy descent, Shinjin closed his eyes, concentrated and ready, Hehe...take this... and when he snapped his eyes wide open, out of his armor shot forth a blindingly thick curtain of sharpened bone kunai, directly at the figure coming right at him...Half of his armor, all shot out at once, it was a risk, but it seemed to be worth it for now...on Shinjin's waist was a small leather pouch and pack of scrolls...which pack of scrolls he hoped he'd never have to use...

Maybe he wouldnt have to use them, maybe he could get away, Necros were always prided in survival...besides, none of that mattered, by the time who ever this was got around to looking for him, all he would see is 6 skeletons ready for him...6 flimsy, easy-to-deal-with was insane, but this might work...

But just incase it didnt, Shinjin took out those scrolls...he was probably gonna need them...
Shinjin Necros
Shinjin Necros

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Kaji Vs. Shinjin (RP Sample/The Awakening) Empty Re: Kaji Vs. Shinjin (RP Sample/The Awakening)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:37 pm

The man smiled as the bones shot at him he ducked his head and the bones hit his clothes and just hit off. This was because his clothes were infused with metal threads that made it impenatrable. This fight was over since the begining. The man grasped his sheith and spun releasing his sword and shooting off a wave of dark aura at the man. The man laughed his eyes wide and bloodshot. The aura demolished the skeletons easily and changed course to persue Shinjin.

While Shinjin was focusing on running from Mizo a wall of water appeared infront of him and to the sides. He also was screwed as the water particles from the ice had now made its way to the inside of the armor it relased from the armor blocking the only other exit. It then began to manipulate itself as it was to late it condensed into thousands of bubbles and each of them exploded into thousands of water needles hitting everything in that small room unless something was done.

All that could be heard was a laugh of a madman and 2 words "ITS OVER!!!!"

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Kaji Vs. Shinjin (RP Sample/The Awakening) Empty Re: Kaji Vs. Shinjin (RP Sample/The Awakening)

Post by Shinjin Necros Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:08 pm

OOC: Um...Kaji...Did you miss something? "And all he would see was 6 skeletons..." you DIDNT see me run away, actually I was one of the skeletons...Im not in the background at all...nope nada. The bone armor was made out of 10 layers of skeletons, if 5 were flung out at you, and 6 are on the ground, thats 1 skeleton too many!!! Math!!!! Its called MATH!

Shinjin watches as the 5 skeletons were demolished and saw the balck aura flying towards him. No time, no time...quickly, with a flip and snap that was faster than a lizard walking on water, Shinjin had time to pull out one red scroll, which unfurled out like a thin banner, and then slammin the scroll tot he floor, its beast was released Undead Elemental Dragon Jutsu: KATON!!!

From the scroll emerged one of Shinjin's favorite minions...a Dragon forged out of Undead, with razor sharp teeth made from shinobi from the kaguya clan, and great claws, rock-hard skin, with large leathery wings...and a lung full of hot flames...
Shinjin Necros
Shinjin Necros

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