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Necros Clan Jutsu and Techniques

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Necros Clan Jutsu and Techniques Empty Necros Clan Jutsu and Techniques

Post by Shinjin Necros Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:14 pm

Undead Clone Jutsu (skeletons)
*Rank: E-D
*Requirements: Clan member, genin rank.
*Description: Creates clones out of the remains of any near-by corpses/skeletons, human or otherwise. (genin= no genjutsu, chuunin+= genjutsu optional)
*Weakness: Although the bones of the clones are hard and durable, they arent held together very well...^^

Undead Barrier Jutsu (Carrion Wall)
*Rank: E-D
*Requirements: Clan member, genin rank.
*Description: Forms a thick wall out of the remains of any near-by corpses/skeletons, human or otherwise.
*Weakness: Jutsu can not be used for long range attacks, and although tough, moves at only half the speed of garra's sand.

“Soul Extraction” Ritual Jutsu
*Rank: E-D
*Requirements: Clan member, Genin rank, One dead human corpse, peferrably a shinobi.
*Description: Pulls from a human corpse a) any lingering chakra and b) the element used to cause death. The older the corpse, the stronger the chakra. A Soul Pill is produced when jutsu is complete. The only requirement for this jutsu is a dead human corpse.
*Element: Depends on the subject. ^^
*Weakness: Time consuming, reqiures dead bodies, and has no practical use in battle whatsoever

“Soul Printing” Jutsu
*Rank: E-D
*Requirements: Clan member, Genin rank, One Soul Pill.
*Description: This jutsu synchronizes the chakra between the Necros Clan member and their Soul Pills. If not performed, the alien chakra will destroy the Necros shinobi from the inside out, making them suffer the same death as the one they extracted the Soul Pill from.
*Element: Depends on Soul Pill
*Weakness: Time consuming and has no practical use in battle whatsoever.

Cleansing Meditation Jutsu
*Rank: E-D
*Requirements: Clan member, genin rank.
*Description: When in a state of rest, all chakra with-in the body of the Necros Clan member reverts into its natural state: Healing Chakra.
*Weakness: Although the user experiences something close to complete rejuvenation, this jutsu takes an extremely long time (about 3-5 of the users posts) to complete, and is not recommended in battle, yet still available.

Undead Prison Jutsu
*Rank: D-C
*Requirements: Clan member, Chuunin rank.
*Description: Creates a prison made of bones from near-by skeletons, human or otherwise.
*Weakness: Can not be used at a long distance, and requires a stready release of chakra to keep those inside from breaking out.

Undead “Transformer” Jutsu
*Rank: D-C
*Requirements: Clan member, Chuunin rank
*Description: A creation made out of bones of humans and otherwise. Creation can be made into a large melee golem, can be transformed into a comfortable house, and can be completely disassembled for the convenience of battle. Jutsu can be made to summon (optional).
*Weakness: Same as "Undead Clone Jutsu"

Undead Summoning Jutsu
*Rank: D-C
*Requirements: Clan member, Chuunin rank, Scroll(s).
*Description: Allows Necros Clan members to summon their “Transformer” Jutsu and/or any Undead Jutsu. Requires scroll(s).
*Weakness: Before summoning is complete, it is possible, yet unlikely that thier opponent would find a way to destoy the scroll before the summoning is performed.

Soul Mastery Jutsu
*Rank: D-C
*Requirements: Clan member, Chuunin rank, Must be learned from Clan Head.
*Description: Clan member can now extract a Soul Pill from themselves, and extract and print Soul Pills simultaneously.
*Weakness: Takes a long time to perform still, and has no value in battle whatsoever.

Undead Graveyard Jutsu
*Rank: C-B
*Requirements: Clan member, Jounin rank.
*Description: Everything dead with-in 100 meters “comes to life” and attacks the users opponent. (Including fallen comrades)
*Weakness: Spends an enormous amount of chakra, and should only be used if the opponent is sentimental about having to watch thier comrade die twice...this time by thier own hands.

Undead Elemental Jutsu
*Rank: C-B
*Requirements: Clan member, Jounin rank, Soul Pill, scroll (optional).
*Description: If using a Soul Pill, user can use their blood to summon any Necros Jutsu with the element infused in the Soul Pill. (ex: Fire Element Soul Pill + Undead Clone Jutsu = Undead Fire Clone Jutsu) These can also be made to summon for later use, (scroll still necessary).
NOTE: Using Undead Elemental Jutsu uses ALL of the chakra and element from the Soul Pill.
*Weakness: Whatever weakness is inherent in the element, is inherent to the Jutsu. For example, an Undead Fire Clone would be toast if confronted with Dragon Water Missile Jutsu. Water beats Fire. End of story.

Undead Dragon Jutsu
*Rank: B
*Requirements: Clan member, Special Jounin rank.
*Description: Creates a dragon out of the remains of any near-by corpses/skeletons, human or otherwise.
*Weakness: They dont breathe fire on their own...

Direct Elemental Summoning
*Rank: B
*Requirements: Clan member, Special Jounin rank, Soul Pill, Must be learned from Clan Head.
*Description: Allows user to summon Undead Elemental Jutsu without having to consume a Soul Pill, although the Soul Pill is still a necessary for the Undead Elemental Summoning Jutsu.
*Element: Depends on Soul Pill
*Weakness: Such easy access to elemental jutsu might cause to user to be lax in the area of strategy, not to mention it requires an immense concentration of chakra to peform, unless used from a scroll.

Fifth Dimensional Shinigami Possession Ritual Jutsu
*Rank: A
*Requirements: Clan member, Sannin rank, Must be learned from Clan Head,

Ritual Requirements:
-1 Undead Fire Dragon Scroll
-1 Undead Water Dragon Scroll
-1 Undead Earth Dragon Scroll
-1 Undead Wind Dragon Scroll
-1 Undead Lightning Dragon Scroll
-All of the users remaining chakra

User lays out all of the scrolls around them in the shape of a pentagon, and uses all of their chakra to simultaneously open all five scrolls. The Five elemental dragons open the portal in the sky, through which the reincarnation of Shinigami is sent down through to the user.
*Description: Opens the dimension of Shinigami’s belly in the sky and sends a chakra reincarnation of Shinigami upon the user. Grants the user all of Shinigami’s powers for a limited time.
*Weakness: The reincarnation is fed through the combined chakra contained in the elemental dragons, which hold the portal open and as the chakra is spent, the portal slowly closes. Although the user is given immense power, if they do not offer up a soul to Shinigami’s belly other than their own or release the jutsu before the portal closes, then they will be sent the Shinigami permanently instead.


Necros Decomposition Genjutsu
*Rank: D-C
*Requirements: Clan member
*Description: Uses chakra to create a stench coming from one or more of your Undead jutsu, and once the scent is caught by your opponents, they begin to think it coming from them and they slowly start to feel and 'see' that they are decaying. Sends the victim into hysterics as they watch thier fingernails peel off, and fingers drop to the floor.
*Weakness: All the victim has to do is plug thier nose for any length of time and the justu and it effects will fade away, leaving the victim unharmed, yet shaken.

Necros Penance Stare Genjutsu
*Rank: C-B
*Requirements: Necros Decomposition Gejutsu, Clan member, must have created atleast 10* Soul Pills
*Description: Necros user focuses all of their chakra into their minds, finding the place where they locked up the memories found when they performed the Soul Extraction Jutsu, and sends the chakra to the outer layer of their eyes. That chakra with those memories and images, (which are the memories and images of those who experienced death), are sent directly into the mind of anyone who looks directly into the eyes of the User. Jutsu is evident by a deep purple haze found in the whites of the eyes. Jutsu has long-term effects on the victim after 10 consequtive minutes.
*Weakness: Constant use of this jutsu will inevitably lead to the insanity of the user. Secondly, no other jutsu can be used in conjuction with this genjutsu, it requires the Users complete concentration. All Undead jutsu you had been using before will fall apart, and you will have to start up again once the victim has looked away. Thirdly, jutsu only lasts as long as eye contact is maintained. Fourth, it takes 2 posts to complete.

Necros Howl From Beyond Genjutsu
*Rank: B-A
*Requirements: Necros Penance Stare Genjutsu, Clan member, Soul Pill, Jounin+.
*Description: Immediately after swallowing a Soul Pill, the User unlocks the memories of the pains and sufferings of that one particular soul, and releases those exact sensations through a roaring howl, that if heard by anyone in close proximity, they will experience the same 'death'. Fatal to anyone Chuunin and below.
*Weakness: You will also experience 'death', but since you made the Soul Pill, you were a tad bit more prepared for the experience. Any Undead jutsu you had been using are gone, all of the Soul-Pill's chakra goes out the window, thankfully, this jutsu does NOT lead to insanity, but it does take 3 posts to complete. And lastly, pray your opponent didnt bring ear-plugs.

Abilities that require chakra, but are not jutsu

Name of jutsu: Necros Style #1: Reformation
Rank E-S: C
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Necros
Element Affinity: none
Description: This technique allows Undead Jutsu to reassemble themselves almost immediately after being broken and/or torn apart

Weakness: none

Name of jutsu: Necros Style #2: Fragmentation
Rank E-S: C
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Necros
Element Affinity: none
Description: This technique breaks down Undead Jutsu into smaller components, which can be used independently for a variety of techniques
Weakness: none

Name of jutsu: Necros Style #3: Fusion
Rank E-S: C
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Necros
Element Affinity: none
Description: This technique allows the user to fuse 2 skeletons together into 1 skeleton, which becomes stronger and has an increased density.
Weakness: More density=more weight, means the Necros will move more slowly...

Name of jutsu: Necros Style #4: Bone Shrapnel
Rank E-S: C
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Necros
Element Affinity: none
Description: This technique uses the sharpened edges of broken bones and sends them flying at the opponent.
Weakness: A rather shot-gun approached attack...and it uses a rather fair chunk of your chakra...

Last edited by Shinjin Necros on Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:25 pm; edited 4 times in total
Shinjin Necros
Shinjin Necros

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Necros Clan Jutsu and Techniques Empty Re: Necros Clan Jutsu and Techniques

Post by Zen Tue Jan 20, 2009 9:00 am

Need to follow template it doesn't matter if they are abilities and they need to have weakness.
Anbu Captain
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Necros Clan Jutsu and Techniques Empty Re: Necros Clan Jutsu and Techniques

Post by Shinjin Necros Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:09 pm

is that better?
Shinjin Necros
Shinjin Necros

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Necros Clan Jutsu and Techniques Empty Re: Necros Clan Jutsu and Techniques

Post by Shinjin Necros Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:33 pm

Shinjin Necros
Shinjin Necros

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Necros Clan Jutsu and Techniques Empty Re: Necros Clan Jutsu and Techniques

Post by Kenshi Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:31 pm

Name of jutsu:
Rank E-S: ( D-E for Genin, C-D Genin and Chuunin, B-C Jounin and Chuunin, A-B Jounin and Kage, S Forbidden)
Range: (Close, Mid Range, or Far)
Type of jutsu: (Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Doujutsu, Senjutsu, Kenjutsu, Fuuinjutsu)
Element Affinity: (Katon, Fuuton, Raiton, Suiton and Doton)


Weakness: (This depends on what kind of technique you created, somethings dont require weaknesses)

Even though it's not this template, its just like it and weaknessess are what I was looking for.

I'd like you to try and use our template from now on, but these jutsu's are approved.


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Necros Clan Jutsu and Techniques Empty Re: Necros Clan Jutsu and Techniques

Post by Shinjin Necros Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:40 pm

sorry, Yosh, once again, copy-paste, BUT, they did have most of the required info anyway...when I create more justu, they will be in your format. I promise.
Shinjin Necros
Shinjin Necros

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Necros Clan Jutsu and Techniques Empty Re: Necros Clan Jutsu and Techniques

Post by Kenshi Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:41 pm

Alright. Thanks


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