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Kyo's Clan Jutsu

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Kyo's Clan Jutsu Empty Kyo's Clan Jutsu

Post by Kyo Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:00 pm

Name of Jutsu: Dimension Shift
Rank: A
Range: Any
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: Mastery of gravity allows you to manipulate dimensions, bringing multiple foes, objects or yourself out of sync with reality. Your foes, the objects, or yourself, becomes completely intangible, and cannot affect or be affected by those in normal space. He could use this to walk through a building.
Weakness(es): Must constently use chakra to keep the effect going.

Name of Jutsu: Gravity Distortion Field
Rank: A
Range: More Chakra - Larger Range
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: Creates a large, intensely misshapen Gravity Distortion Field that encompasses several foes, rendering them unable to move.
Weakness(es): Light

Name of Jutsu: Wormholes
Rank: S
Range: Within View
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: Can create gravitational wormholes where ever he wants. Each one leads to another. One example is that he could stick his hand out in the air and it enters an invisible wormhole that makes ripples in reality; where his hand enters, ripples begin to form behind his opponent and his hand emeges from it. He could do this to attack his enemy from behind them. He could also go all the way through the wormhole or create one infront of an enemy kunai that was thrown and make it come out behind the enemy.
Weakness(es): Light

Name of Jutsu: Gravitational Weight
Rank: C
Range: Any
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: Can make an object/opponent as heavy or light as possible. One example would be to make kunai that were thrown at him realy heavy. Then they would fall to the ground before they reached him.
Weakness(es): Light

Name of Jutsu: Gravitational Field
Rank: A
Range: Any
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: Makes everything with range, have no gravity. The more chakra used, the large the area.
Weakness(es): Light

Name of Jutsu: Gravitational Lensing
Rank: B
Range: Any
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: Can create balls of gravity energy that can pass right through light attacks. The light bends around the attacks.
Weakness(es): Light

Name of Jutsu: Black Hole
Rank: S
Range: Any
Type of Jutsu: Doujutsu
Clan(optional): Fumetsu
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Note(s): Only Itami can use this jutsu. He is the only one who can use anything like a black hole.
Description: Once the Doujutsu is activated, the user will use their gravity powers to make gravity collapse on itself and make a black hole. The black hole then sucks in everything. (A black hole is a theoretical region of space in which the gravitational field is so powerful that nothing, not even electromagnetic radiation (light), can escape its pull after having fallen past its event horizon.) This means that everything is sucked in. The black whole will continue to grow in the desired area.
Once a black hole has formed, it can continue to grow by absorbing additional matter. Any black hole will continually absorb interstellar dust from its direct surroundings and omnipresent cosmic background radiation, but neither of these processes should significantly affect the mass of a stellar black hole. More significant contributions can occur when the black hole formed in a binary star system. After formation the black hole can then leech significant amounts of matter from its companion. While it is growing, the event horizon grows aswell.
Weakness(es): This is very much like the Sharingan Materasu. After using the doujutsu, the user has tamporary blindness. The longer it is used, the longer it takes to gain their sight back. If used for to long, the user will become completly blind. As soon as the doujutsu is stopped, the black hole will then start to slowly shrink.

Name of Jutsu: "Gyoukougon" - (Godsend) "Buraindo Joukei"- (Blind Sight)
Rank: S
Range: Any
Type of Jutsu: Doujutsu
Clan(optional): Fumetsu
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: The pupils of the eyes dialate large enough to where the eye seems to be entirely black. While the eyes are dilated, you are able to see everything within a large gravity field. This includes behind you as well. It is sort of like byakugan, enabling you to see everything around you. While in this state, colors are no longer visible, but, you are also able to see everything in slowmotion. The more energy you put in this ability, the larger the gravity field will be. While making the gravity field, the user can control gravity pressure within the field. They could increase gravity to a pressure that would force someone to the ground, or make no gravity and cause everything to float. While seeing in slow motion is good and all, whether you can keep up is an entirely different story. It also has some abilities that are always in effect. The eyes make it so that no genjutsu can be used on it, the doujutsu cannot be copied, and any jutsu or doujutsu that targets the eyes in any way, is negated.
Weaknesses: Needs constant chakra use while keeping the gravity field. More chakra is needed for a larger field, and even more chakra is needed to effect the gravity.

Name of Jutsu: "Gyoukougon" - (Godsend)
Rank: A
Range: Within View
Type of Jutsu: Souton
Clan(optional): Baichitari
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: These abilities can be used either seperately or all at once.

  • After creating a localized gravitational field around an object, this field allows the user to change the objects point of gravity (which direction gravity is pushing on it). By doing this, Kyo can lift and throw an object without touching. This can even be used to change the direction of a thrown weapon or suspend it by making the point of gravity be in multiple directions. The ability can be used on individuals, by directing the arm toward another person, or around the user.[/

  • After creating a localized gravitational field around an object, this field allows the user to change the gravitational force on the object (amount of pressure that is being applied). By doing this, Kyo can can increase the speed of a falling object. With enough chakra, the field can be strong enough to immobilize the object or foe. This can also be used to crush an object. Or, the user can lessen the force of gravity on an object to make it seem lighter or or even float. The ability can be used on individuals, by directing the arm toward another person, or around the user.[/


  • If constant chakra is not used on the object, then it’s original point of gravity will return and making the point be in multpile places. Even more chakra is needed to be used on multiple objects.

  • If constant chakra is not used on the object, then force of gravity will return to normal and requires more chakra for increased pressure or decreased. Even more chakra is also needed to be used on multiple foes.

Name of Jutsu: "Gyoukougon" - (Godsend)
Rank: S
Range: Any
Type of Jutsu: Souton
Clan(optional): Baichitari
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: The user must first create a large field of gravity around them and the area. These abilities can be used either seperately or all at once.

  • Can change the center point of gravity in an area. There are several ways to using this. One is to throw kunai at an enemy, then make the center point of gravity at the enemies spot. This would increase the speed of the kunai and all objects that are not succured would also fall to that point (including the user). Once at that point, the objects would smash together. The ability can be used on individuals, by directing the arm toward another person, or around the user.[/

  • Can change the force of gravity in an area. This can be used to either increase the amount of force that is applied with whole area or decrease it. Increaseing the pressure can eb used to slow down multiple enemies, make projectile weapons useless and all other weapons seem heavier. By doing the opposite, it can be used to make objects feel lighter and can even make there be zero gravity within the field. The ability can be used on individuals, by directing the arm toward another person, or around the user.[/

  • Can create a point where all objects will circle around by creating a gravitational track. This is mostly used to cause thrown weapons to float around the user. The closer it is to the specified point, the stronger it is. The ability can be used on individuals, by directing the arm toward another person, or around the user.


  • Constant chakra has to be in use to keep the field going. The user would also fall towards the enemy if not succured. Added chakra is needed if using on only specific targets within the field.

  • Constant chakra has to be in use to keep the field going and requires more chakra for increased or decreased pressure. Added chakra is needed if using on only specific targets within the field.

  • Constant chakra has to be in use to keep the field going. Added chakra is needed to keep the track going and to increase it’s pull. The farther away from the point, the weaker it is.

Name of Jutsu: Gravitational Collapse
Rank: S
Range: Within View
Type of Jutsu: Doujutsu
Clan(optional): Baichitari
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Note(s): Only Itami can use this jutsu. He is the only one who can use anything like a black hole.
Description: Once the Doujutsu is activated, the user will use their gravity powers to collapse a small region of space into an infinately small area through immense gravitational pressure and sucks all surrounding objects to that point. This is seen and looks just like how Kakashi used his sharingan on Deidara. That is what it looks like.
Weakness(es): After using the doujutsu, the user has tamporary blindness. The longer it is used, the longer it takes to gain their sight back. If used for to long, the user will become completly blind.

Name of Jutsu: "Buraindo Joukei"- (Blind Sight)
Rank: S
Range: Any
Type of Jutsu: Souton
Clan(optional): Biachitari
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: The user creates a large gravitational field that allows them to sense chakra and chakra levels of every object within it.
Weaknesses: The larger the field, the more chakra is needed. It also takes chakra to keep the field in place.

Name of Jutsu: Souton - Tedai Fuka no Jutsu – (Heavy Burden Skill)
Rank: D
Range: Close
Type of Jutsu: Souton
Clan(optional): Biachitari
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: A technique utilizing the fundamentals of gravity chakra. Performing the necessary handseals the user touches an area near them. Within the given twenty feet radius of that spot it makes everything within it heavier aside from the user.
Weaknesses: Constant use of chakra to keep the effect going.

Name of Jutsu: Souton - Raita Feza no Jutsu – (Light as Feather Skill)
Rank: D
Range: Close
Type of Jutsu: Souton
Clan(optional): Biachitari
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: A technique utilizing the fundamentals of gravity chakra. Performing the necessary handseals, the user can alter the gravity on an object making it as "light as a faster." Making it easier to wield larger weapons proficiently, however lessens the damage done by that particular weapon
Weaknesses: Makes weapon lighter which deduces damage. Constant use of chakra to keep the effect going.

Name of Jutsu: Souton - Reido Kakou no Jutsu – ( Zero Fall Skill)
Rank: C
Range: Close
Type of Jutsu: Souton
Clan(optional): Biachitari
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: A technique that utilizing gravity chakra. When in the air, this can be used on either the user of the opponent [have to be touching the opponent] After the jutsu is used the item effected doubles in weight and will fall much faster to the ground. This can be used on items or even earth jutsu to make them stronger
Weaknesses: Constant use of chakra to keep the effect going.

Name of Jutsu: Souton - Reido Shintai no Jutsu – (Zero Movement)
Rank: B
Range: Self
Type of Jutsu: Souton
Clan(optional): Biachitari
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: Subjecting the user to differentiating gravitation fields around the body in an effort to enhance speed and agility. Weaknesses: The concentration on this technique is immense, and no other jutsu can be used while this one is being used.

Name of Jutsu: Souton - Uwa Shinjuu no Jutsu – (Outter Decapitation no Jutsu)
Rank: C
Range: Close
Type of Jutsu: Souton
Clan(optional): Biachitari
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: A technique that is based on a very familiar earth skill. The opponent is subjected to a great deal of gravitation stress, so their entire body sinks down through the ground as if they were being pulled. Leaving them up to their shoulders in the ground and succeptable to attack.
Weaknesses: Must first touch the opponent.

Name of Jutsu: Souten - Sougon no Shouheki – (Gravity Barrier)
Rank: B
Range: Close
Type of Jutsu: Souton
Clan(optional): Biachitari
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: A technique that utilizes Gravity Chakra defensively. Intensifying the gravity around them, making nearly all projectile attacks heading towards them fall directly onto the ground. Even if the opponent enters the field they shall find themselves crashing into the ground
Weaknesses: Constant use of chakra to keep the effect going.

Name of Jutsu: Souton - Mikon Sougon Chitai no Jutsu – (Wild Gravity Zone Skill)
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu: Souton
Clan(optional): Biachitari
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: A technique that alters the entire terrain's gravitational fields. Making areas of not only lighter gravity but even heavier gravity. With such a change in battlefield, it can either hurt or hinder the user. Only the user knows what areas have been changed initially.
Weaknesses: Constant use of chakra to keep the effect going.

Name of Jutsu: Souton - Sougon Kyuusai no Jutsu – (Gravity Orb Skill)
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu: Souton
Clan(optional): Biachitari
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: A technique where the user makes an orb of gravitational force. The ball is then hurtled towards the opponent, designed to hit them. If hitting the opponent it does no damage, but it will instantly cause them to become immobile for the last part of their post. Leaving them open for attack.
Weaknesses: Must first hit the opponent.

Name of Jutsu: Souton - Suingu Dama no Jutsu – (Sling Shot Skill)
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu: Souton
Clan(optional): Biachitari
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: Technique which creates another ball of gravity to be used. Any project sent towards it will at first be drawn to it, but thanks to the odd gravitational forces that it plays. The projectiles will eventually swing around and be shot back to their point of origin even faster then before
Weaknesses: Must hit the enemies projectile. Then the ball is destroyed.

Name of Jutsu: Souton – Following Shot
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu: Souton
Clan(optional): Biachitari
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: Creates a ball of gravity that has the point of gravity within the field, inside of it. Because of this, all unsuccured obejects are attracted to the ball and will fal towards it. The user will thow the ball of gravity at the enemy which will drag the objects along with it. When the ball impacts, it releases it’s energy sending a pulse that will blow everything away from the point of impact.
Weaknesses: Also pulls the user towards the ball.

Last edited by Kyo on Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:03 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Returned jutsu back to rightful owner and yes this has been discussed with Yoshimo)

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Kyo's Clan Jutsu Empty Re: Kyo's Clan Jutsu

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:10 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Kyo's Clan Jutsu Empty Re: Kyo's Clan Jutsu

Post by Kyo Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:42 pm

Name of Jutsu: Shinra Tensei (神羅天征)viz "Almighty Subjugation"
Rank: A
Range: Any
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(optional): Only known to Itami's Clan
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: Shinra Tensei is the ability to manipulate gravity to repulse matter away from the user, with such force that it can easily shatter stone. By using this technique as a defensive measure, most, if not all attacks directed to the user will be deflected, no matter the size or mass. The greatest example of its defensive might came from its ability to effortlessly deflect the Wind Release: Rasenshuriken, a jutsu with power considered beyond S-rank. The ability can be used on individuals by directing the user's arm toward another person, or around the user in form of a perfect wave that repels all incoming attacks. The only downside to this technique is that there is a short period of time where it is unusable after being used, though only for roughly five seconds. The repulsion force of Shinra Tensei, because of its affect through air, can be resisted with enough force and contact to the ground. By focusing chakra at the feet it is possible to partially resist minor repulsion and due to it's raw power, Naruto's six-tailed form was able to resist and repel the effects of Shinra Tensei.

Also, Shinra Tensei can be used on a large scale for massive destruction. Pain's five bodies collapse (presumably to channel all available chakra through Deva Path), and a massive gravity well is created above the target, crushing everything beneath in a titanic explosion. However, this technique isn't without consequences; in exchange for its incredible power, it evidently shortens Nagato's lifespan by a significant amount each time he uses it and leaves him too weak to perform its basic level for several minutes. Although this technique is risky, Deva Path has been seen to use this jutsu on many occasions. Albeit powerful, Naruto has been seen to withstand the Shinra Tensei along with 3 of his clones giving the impression that it can be withstood, by using chakra to attach oneself to the ground.
Weakness(es): 5 second waiting period.

Name of Jutsu: Banshō Ten'in (万象天引)
Rank: A
Range: Any
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(optional): Only known to Itami's Clan
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: Banshō Ten'in is a technique similar to Shinra Tensei in that it manipulates gravity at the users will, however instead of pushing objects away, it draws them close. It is unknown if it can be used in a similar scale as Shinra Tensei or if it has the same five second limit.
Weakness(es): 5 second waiting period.

Name of Jutsu: Chibaku Tensei (地爆天星)
Rank: S
Range: Any
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(optional): Only known to Itami's Clan
Elemental Affinity: Gravity
Description: Pain creates a dark black sphere of gravity that is thrown into the sky and pulls surrounding earth into a single point, piling on top of one another until it creates a large sphere. This technique is quite devastating, as it created a massive crater and devastated the forest and mountains around it. Pain notes that the Sage of the Six Paths had mastered this technique to an extent that he created the moon itself, and that his version paled in comparison to it. Despite its admitted inferiority, it was still strong enough to both hold out against Naruto's Six-Tailed Fox Menacing Ball and incapacitate Naruto and trap him in his six-tailed transformation, an impressive feat, although it failed to contain Naruto when he slipped into his eight-tailed transformation. The technique appears to put an large amount of strain on Nagato, Pain's base mind.
Weakness(es): 5 second waiting period.

And yes this is for my Rinnegan user

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Kyo's Clan Jutsu Empty Re: Kyo's Clan Jutsu

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:45 pm

What rank is Itami currently? If he is only at Chuunin, there is no way he knows Chibaku Tensei. Even having both Shinran Tensei and Banshi Tenin is too much.
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Kyo's Clan Jutsu Empty Re: Kyo's Clan Jutsu

Post by Kyo Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:52 pm

He is a Jounin and is allowed to use up to A rank jutsu as said by Yoshimo. Any S rank i have currently posted are not allowed to be used until I get stronger.

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Kyo's Clan Jutsu Empty Re: Kyo's Clan Jutsu

Post by Kyo Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:24 pm


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Kyo's Clan Jutsu Empty Re: Kyo's Clan Jutsu

Post by Kenshi Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:48 pm

Are you S rank yet?


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Kyo's Clan Jutsu Empty Re: Kyo's Clan Jutsu

Post by Kyo Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:09 pm

No not yet. I am a Jounin so I can only use up to my A rank jutsu. The rest I cannot use until I am stronger.

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Kyo's Clan Jutsu Empty Re: Kyo's Clan Jutsu

Post by Kyo Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:34 pm

Bump for Yoshimo

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Kyo's Clan Jutsu Empty Re: Kyo's Clan Jutsu

Post by Kenshi Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:39 am

Shinra Tensei and Bansho tenin are approved

Basho tenin will be debatable


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Kyo's Clan Jutsu Empty Re: Kyo's Clan Jutsu

Post by Kyo Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:39 am

How about I just don't use Basho Tenin to the extent that Pain used it. I already have a jutsu that does the same thing but not as strong and it was approved before Basho Tenin was ever released. It's called gravitational point.

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Kyo's Clan Jutsu Empty Re: Kyo's Clan Jutsu

Post by Kenshi Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:18 pm

Alright then.


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