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Drizzled and Muddy

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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Munashii Hissori Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:32 pm

Munashii raised an eyebrow slightly as he saw Kurama fly into the air. "Not again", he thought, remembering the last airborn battle he had with Keiteki-sama. Then he saw him form some handseals and the clearing suddenly wasn't a clearing anymore. Huge trees sprouted up out of the ground, covering the steppe with a new woodland. A useful jutsu to get lost in. But Munashii was used to this kind of terrain, having trained in it for years, and was undaunted.

To his relief, Kurama landed in the woodland he had created. At least this wouldn't turn into another air fight. Munashii wondered what to do next.

"I could use stealth to launch a suprise attack. But it's possible that Kurama can not only just grow the trees, but possibly control them, knowing where I would strike. I could use the Arashi Ken's lightning to start a fire and burn down the trees, revealing Kurama. The original terrain of the steppe is all damp and unlikely to catch fire too much. No, wait. There is still a chance I could cause great damage to the surrounding area. Any fire could go out of control and destroy a large part of this place, possibly spreading onto the training grounds proper. I'll use that plan as a last resort. I could always try Hari Chimitsu Ken, but it is still untested and I have not yet mastered it entirely".

All in all, there was a lot of uncertainy as to what to do next.

And there was also Lelia to consider. Kurama seemed to be a very defensive ninja, shying away from their attacks and finding new ways to defend himself. If they attack together and with a proper plan...

Sticking to the edges of the new woodland, he found Lelia and tapped her on the shoulder, grabbing her attention.

"It's me Lelia. We need a plan, and we need one fast", he said, wasting no time. He quickly outlined his thoughts on the matter. "Do you have any ideas? 'Cause that's all I got and it ain't that much", he whispered, chuckling.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:05 pm

Lelia quickly jumped back in surprise from the suden forest growing. Bouncing from branch to branch before getting knocked off or out by a new branch making its way up. She looked around. There was absolutly no way for navigation in this dense forest...

Ideas spun her mind. "Burn them down...the swamp was swampy enough to not catch fire. I'm sure of that after all my lightning attacks on this place for the four years I've been here...But that's leaving not much defense. What about..."
Lelia looked down, her wires were all twisted and tied up. Zizzing through the trees slowly as they were fighting off the 'attack'.

"Dang." she shook her head. "Burn down this place it is. But what to do next?"

Just then, a presence caught her attention. She twisted with her blade at the aim of the throat of the oncoming person. For a moment, she thought it could have been Kurama. But the pressure was all wrong. Maybe a clone? That's when she noticed it was Munashi. Briskly, she sheithed the dangerous weapon.

"Sorry." she mumbled.

Listening to his ideas, "Burning down this place is perfectly fine. The steppe's too swampy to be disturnbed. I've sent out lighting jutsu after lightning jutsu without anything more than a tiny spark." she agreed. "But, I dont' have anything strong enought to burn up all of these trees without using up the little amount of chakra I have left. Do you?"

"Also, then what?" she asked. "If we decided to burn this place down, what's are counter attack? I'm a lighting user and the water here is handy, but what are you capable of? I know your fast already."


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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Munashii Hissori Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:31 pm

Munashii thought on what Lelia had told him. Burning the place down seemed the way to go, but indeed, what next? It would doubtlessly draw Kurama out, but what then? They were genin, and this man obviously was far more powerful. He was a good swordsman, but their opponent seemed to have many powerful ninjutsu. Lelia seemed to be able to call on a varity of ninjutsu, but her chakra levels were low. He had good chakra reserves, but he had few jutsu that could aid them. It was not looking good. If he only had a more powerful technique that could cause fire, but he did not. There was a chance that his Arashi Ken, amplified by the water and the wires spreading throughtout the new woodland, would cause a fire. But would it be enough? It would definatly be enough for this area, but the rest of it?

He had only a few explosive tags on him. It would not be enough to take down a forest of this size.


A plan started to form in his mind. He turned to Lelia to confer on his plan.

After a few moments of hushed conversation, he passed her some things from his nin-pouch and set off into the forest to do his part of the plan. Hunting was a challenge in the thick trees, even for Munashii, but with his Keiji he managed to find his target. Getting out his kunai, he threw his weapons at Kurama before launching away to a different position and throwing some more. His kunai gone, Munashii started to make a tactical withdrawl from the newly sprouted forest back to where he came from, sure that his enemy would be hot on his tail and hoping that Lelia was ready to cover him.

"Work, work, work" he thought, knowing that there was little else that he and Lelia could do if this failed.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:19 pm

Lelia took the items and nodded once. Running full course the direction she knew out of the trees. Rushing it briskly so Munashii wouldn't be dealing with Kurama alone.

Quickly, she begun her job. Slapping eplosive tag after eplosive tag on every other tree. Using up most of her own also, keeping three left just in case Munashii and herself needed them later on in their battle. She surrounded the entire area and checked three times every wire and the water density to keep things up and running for their plan. Making sure everything would play out well. Praying mentally that fate wouldnt' decide for a bit of laughter on these genin for this.

Backing up a few paces, holding the sign to be ready exactly when Munashi was out of the way safely, she looked all around. Breathing just a little harder now with the anticipation. ((Ithink that's the right word I'm looking for.))

Just when she was getting woried about her friend, she noticed him exiting from the overgrown forest for just a glimpse. Awaiting till he was safely away for just a second before switching hand signs and the eplosion going off.


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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:06 pm

"Pfft," said Kurama as he watched the two's futile atempt to bring down his forest, "How worthless." All the tags exploded, but it realy had next to no effect. The trees were green and strong, not dead and weak. Also these trees each had some of Kurama's charka running through them, not a lot, but enough for his devices. The explosions, left a little burn residue on the trees, some chunks taken out, but no fire was started, not yet anyway. He knew the Munashi had a plan. THe explosive tags just weren't hot enough on their own, nor did it last long enough to cause any real damage to the forest of Kuramas making. He located her easily by listening to what the trees could tell him. He pointed her exact location and focused his chakra to the trees around her. He had them all twist to the right, forming an upside down cone of trees around her, which would close off at the top, forming a tip of green. Hopefully this would effectively close her off, leaving him to only have to worry about Munashi, making this battle that much simpler for him. All in all the genin were not bad by any means, but this was ultimately childs play for him. However, he knew Munashi had something up his sleeve. As was expected of a Hissori clansmen. He smirked, awaiting for the opponets move.


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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Munashii Hissori Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:11 pm

Munashii cursed as part of the plan went bad. Kurama had not moved close enough to the explosions and the trees had not been anywhere near damaged enough. They seemed to be stronger than normal trees. They probably owed that to the fact that they had been grown by chakra. Which means that the other part of the plan may fail too, given that his chakra levels were nowhere near as high as his opponents.

And now he had a choice in front of him. He could carry out the rest of the plan and hope for the best, leaving Lelia trapped with slim chances of escape. Or he could get Lelia out of the closing tree prison and sevearly reduce the chance of the plan working. Either way, their chances of beating this guy in this forest were next to none. The only way they stood a chance was by getting him out of the chakra forest, but Kurama would not be that stupid. He had the advantage here, and he wouldn't give it up.

The decision in front of him, it took him a split-second to make his choice.

Activating his Keiji, he sped towards Lelia's position in the blink of an eye. Reaching her, he wrapped his arms around her (hoping she would forgive him for the intrusion later) and jumped out of the fast closing tree prison. Landing, he temporarly lost the speed granted by the Keiji, the muscles in his legs spasming in pain. He doubted he had could handle more than one more dose of Keiji speed before permenant damage took place.

Having no idea what to do next, he decided to finish off the plan. He probably only appeared to Lelia for a moment when the Keiji de-activated, because he was gone again the next second. Reaching the right place, he went throught the handseals for the Arashi Ken, and lightning chakra flashed along his blade. Making sure he was out of the water, he plunged his sword into the water, watching as the floor glowed with electricity. Carried further by the wires Lelia used earlier in the battle that were still tangled on the floor, the heat would soon start a fire, catching onto the trees as the lightning infused water arched onto the dry wood. If Munashii was lucky, the chakra used to create the forest would still be connected to Kurama, causing him enough pain from the electrical assualt to distract him for a moment.

Even with his Keiji speed gone for now, that moment would be all Munashii needed.

He hoped.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Kenshi Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:51 pm

Yoshimo was in a hurry. He had been in a race to get to the training grounds to get Leila and Munashii. He didn't have many ninja at his disposal to command, but they would have to do. They were genin, but he would have to regard them as regular ninja. He was throughly pissed at the fact that intruders had made their way into the village and he didn't get a chance to see what was going on. Reading the Raikage's report, nothing much took place, but there was still the fact that the village had been breached and criminals made access to the village. Yoshimo felt as though he wasn't a ninja.

Racing through the village forest and mountains, Yoshimo managed to speed the process up by taking a quick short cut to the village, but the only thing that was needed was his eyes. The smoke that rose from the forest and the sound of a great explosion quickly caught Yoshimo's attention. He pushed his legs off a mountain, letting his body flow through the air and down into the forest.

Now he had to find Munashii. He knew that he had to be tired, so he could be in either of three places. Leaving the training area, resting in the forest hiding, or near the river. Since Munashii was a talented individual Yoshimo could narrow the choices down. He knew that Munashii wouldn't give up so quickly and the sound of the explosion told Yoshimo they were still battling. He could be hiding in the forest but Yoshimo had assessed Munashii, and knew that he could be planning again. The two choices were hard to decide, but Yoshimo quickly spotted a female. It was Lelia. Yoshimo figured he could kill two birds with one stone and withdrew a kunai as he landed next to Leila.

"Shhhh, Leila. I need you to come with me. I don't know who you are fighting but they can wait. I need you and Munashii to come with me. I'm going to cut my arm open, and hope that Munashii tracks me with his nose."

Yoshimo took the kunai and placed it on the backside of his palm. He dug in, applying more and more pressure to the wound. It was a risky move, and it could play off for Yoshimo in a bad way, their opponent could find their hiding place and attack again, but Yoshimo could fight. No one would harm Lelia and Munashii as long as he had breath in his lungs. The blood, warm and wet, slowly leaked out of his arm. Yoshimo watched as the blood pooled over, enough for Munashii to possibly find him. He hoped he wasn't too tired to activate his Keiji. Yoshimo looked towards Lelia.

"This seems a little extreme for a training match. Who were you fighting Lelia?


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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Tue Jan 20, 2009 9:44 pm

Lelia quickly spun on her heel, dashing for escape from the attack of trees, but once again, they were too fast for her. Suddenly, a wind rush caught her. She was confused when she suddenly found herself away from the attack with a pause vision of Munashii from behind. "M-munashii?" she stuttered as he disappeared. He was finishing off the plan for a test. Quickly, she flashed through hand signs of one of her top jutsu. It would bring her down to almost collaption from no chakra, but, she'd been through worse. And this jounin was starting to give off a nuts course. She couldn't let Munashii off alone. SHe'd needed to stop being the damsel in distress.

Just before finishing off, she spun around to see another presence. She held her sign warily as she spotted Yoshimo. She let him speak and once he was slicing himself she looked back at the place where she figured Munashii had disappeared to. Searching with hope he'd get there soon before Kurama decided another attack. Munashii and hereself were running it too close to hold up any longer.

"Need us for what?" she questioned so softly, it was hard to hear. Lelia hadn't even looked up as she awaited her friend and companion.

After hearing his other question, "Kurama Koubi, a jounin I believe." she answered. "He was spying on us for a long time until finally presenting and asking for a fight. We thought it was a simple spar, but it turns out something more..." She gestured with a slender hand to the fifty foot forest now taking the place of her sweet steppe.


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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Munashii Hissori Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:03 pm

Munashii was still pouring his chakra into the water to keep the flow of electricity going. He needed to make sure that Kurama was drawn towards him so that he could engage in close combat, something he was actually good at. Suddenly, something started nagging him. Distracted, he opened his senses. There was a slight tangy smell in the air, a coppery taste, kind of like...


He immediately stopped what he was doing and rushed back to where he had left Lelia. Had Kurama ignored him altogether and gone for her? Had he left her to fend for herself while he was so damn preoccupied with winning the match? She was low on chakra and would find it hard to defend herself at the moment. "Hold on my friend, I'll be there in a sec to back you up", he thought to himself.

Rushing out of the trees, he saw a figure next to Lelia and jumped straight towards it, sword ready. Then noticing at the last minute who it really was, Munashii diverted his attack, sending him crashing to the ground hard. Rolling, he regrouped himself quickly.

"Yoshimo-sensei? What's going on?", he asked, confused.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Kenshi Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:23 pm

Yoshimo quickly covered his hand up and was glad that Munashii showed up. He knew that he would have to keep his senses alert, and in doing so he activated his Keiji, something that Yoshimo knew would happen. Now that he had the two genin ready, they could ditch this fight. He knew they were tired, but they would have to learn the way of a shinobi, and kunochi the hard way. A true ninja shows his abilites when he is more that worn out, and out of chakra. Even though they were still young, and not fully developed, they would have to do some chuunin, or jounin leveled work. Traveling on no chakra was hard, but they would have to do it.

"It's important. You two are the only two shinobi I can have access to and I need you two to come with me to Sunagakure. It will take us a while to get to Sunagakure but if we start now we can make it there in time. I'll finish de-briefing you about your mission when we get away from Kurama. He's got to be crazy putting you two through this type of work. I need you guys to follow me. Don't worry about weapons or anything. You're gonna be alright. Just use the last of your strength to keep up with me."

Yoshimo looked at the two, they probably didn't get a word he said, but then again they were some pretty talented genin. Yoshimo was only getting older and older by the moment, and one day they would surpass him.

"Lets go."

Yoshimo crouched down and sprung up into the trees. Hopping from branch to branch with them behind him, Yoshimo began to take a small short-cut that could get them to the border faster. He knew they had to be tired after exhausting chakra, but they would have to put up with it for now.


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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Munashii Hissori Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:35 pm

Munashii looked back at the forest. This Kurama was a worthy adversary, one who he would look forward to battling with again. Even now he was releuctant to leave the fight. But orders were orders. He glanced over at Lelia and shrugged. He knew that she was tired, probably more than he was, and he hoped that she would be able to keep up with Yoshimo-sensei. Hell, he hoped he could keep up. He was still aching from using the Keiji speed and tired from using his Storm Blade the way he had.

Oh well. He'll live.

Sheathing his sword, he followed his sensei without a word. He wondered what the mission was. He kept looking behind and keeping his ear open for any sign that they were being followed and too make sure that he hadn't lost Lelia. Pain flared through his body again.

"I'm gonna hurt tommorrow", he thought to himself, chuckling.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:41 pm

The young kunoichi nodded once in complete understanding of the information provided. Up for, even in her state, the mission. It sounded dangerous. And fun! In a twisted point of view.

Lelia looked back at Munashii with a honey sweet smile before taking off after Yoshimo. Keeping just a foot's distance behind. She was exhausted today, regretting her using her Katana Jutsu so roughly. Her breath was rough, but she covered it up with an actress display. Lightening her hearts rate and bringing more concentration on what she was doing as she whisked herself over the branches and following the upperrank that needed them for an emergency mission. Looking back once to see if Munashii was following or if he decided to be silly and stay behind with Kurama. The second choice she highly doubted, he was more genious than idiot.


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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Kenshi Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:38 am

Yoshimo knew that Munashii was on thier heels and he would be their soon. Munashii, though a genin was not one to be underestimated. He was a extrodinary ninja, and he was probably tired of people testing his abilites and assessing him. Yoshimo knew that he shouldn't test him anymore and just keep regarding him as a ninja instead of some special person he can test on.

Lelia, just like Munashii was also talented too. Even though she hadn't been tested my Yoshimo, she still had to be a great kunochi, keeping up with Munashii and being able to fight alongside of him. Yoshimo knew that these genin had be trained quickly and efficently, but the though of such hard training shouldn't be pushed on them so quickly. After all, chuunin exams were coming up, and being one of the richest villages, Kumogakure would have to pass some genin.

I wonder what Kyouken is up to...I hope it has nothing to do with "Dawn"...,Yoshimo muttered to himself.


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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:01 am

Kurama was overly annoyed. Yoshimo had just interupted his testing of the young Munashi boy. He hated being interupted. It's not like he was going to cause any real harm to either of the two. He sighed heavily. He had created this vast forest for nothing virtualy. He was fully prepared to go after Izoto and try to set the man straight, however, currently he was at a huge disadvantage, and Izoto would probably have been able to beat him easily. He pondered and decided to go after him anyway. He raced after the three, determined to seek judgement for being interupted, when he felt a tug. It was the slightest tug and at first Kurama ignored it. However, as he conitinued to grow in intensity, and eventualy he could no longer ignore it. Sendo, his master, was calling him, it was time to reveal himself. What a time to call him, this was important. He could not deny Sendo though, "Soon Izoto, We will settle this. I am very much capable of holding a grudge." And with that, he dissappeared, gone to do what ever bidding Sendo needed.

OOC: Ill have to thank you Izoto, I needed this over quickly, which is why I was using the methods I was, Kurama and Sendo have business to attend to.


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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Munashii Hissori Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:29 pm

Munashii, his energy gone, landed on the floor. They had been going for a long time (at least it seemed that way to him) and even he had to admit he needed a few seconds to catch his breath. On one knee, he panted heavily, sucking in the sweet air like a drowning swimmer emerging from water. After a few seconds past, he pulled himself back to his feet.

"I'm good", he said outloud to himself. "I'm good to go. No need to worry, I just needed to catch my bre"-

Suddenly, pain flared through his entire being. To any watching, all that seemed to happen was his body stiffened for a moment, before he started to fall over, face first like a log.

"Damn", he thought, before he fell into unconsciousness. "I may have overdone it a little".
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:55 pm

Lelia was exhausted also, her breaths rough, however, noticing Munashii stop, she twisted around and briskly ran to his aid. Lightly gripping his shoulder when he was on his knees. "Munashii?" she questioned. "Munashii, are you alright?"

"I'm good", he said outloud to himself. "I'm good to go. No need to worry, I just needed to catch my bre"-

She about let go midway through his words, but when he bagan to fall, she took hold again, sterner than last time. Just not hard enough to hurt. IN his fall, she wasn't positioned right to catch him fully, coming from behind, she stepped forward, twisted to her knees and caught him where his torso and head were in her arms and on her lap. She could hear his hard breaths and didn't worry as much as she would have.

Briskly, Lelia gathered him up on to her back like she would her little brother. Stepping just a little slower as she caught up to Yoshimo. Lelia didn't want to waste time, that urgency in their leader's voice convinced her enough they needed to hurry.


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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Kenshi Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:41 am

"Munashii-kun...." Yoshimo whispered.

He knew that Munashii had been training hard, but to driving himself to this level of fatigue showed that the boy had true talent. He not only aspired to be better, he also aspired to push himself to his limits. As a Sensei, Yoshimo couldn't help but feel proud that such a genin was his student.

Yoshimo stopped as soon as sensed Munashii's chakra levels dropping. He was lucky to have Lelia and her sharp senses to save him. He stopped on his branch, using chakra at his feet to keep his traction on the branch and effortlessly allow himself to turn around on the dime. Yoshimo looked back at Lelia, as her feminine body flowed quickly down to Munashii, catching him in her arms. She even had the strength to bring him in her arms back up to Yoshimo. Yoshimo landed on the ground along with Lelia, and he began to prep himself to heal the young genin.

Taking Munashii from her arms, Yoshimo laid the boy on the ground. He first surveyed his area to see where he was. There were no threats in the distance, and looking at the land, Yoshimo could tell that they had traveled some what far, away from the training area, and only had a few more miles before they could get the border of Kumogakure.

Yoshimo rubbed his hands together and activated medical chakra at his hands. He began to place them over the boy's body, healing the minor cuts and bruises. That wouldn't do much for his fatigue, but it certainly would bring the boy to full health quicker. Yoshimo watched as the chakra creeped over the boy's body, and the constant *whoosh* sounds and cuts growing smaller and smaller ensured that Munashii would be healed. His fatigue was heavy, and his chest was still heaving up and down. Yoshimo applied pressure to his chest, forcing it to take more air in slower, and slow his breathing pace down so Munashii wouldn't being to hyperventilate.

"Now something for this fatigue..."

Yoshimo reached in his pocket and pulled out a small bag, full of bright red balls. They seemed like candy, and they actually did taste some what sweet. Yoshimo's wasn't trying to revive Munashii with a sugar rush, but rather to introduce him to his home-made solider pills. Yoshimo pulled out two and tossed to Lelia to eat also, and to boost her energy. Taking Munashii's body, Yoshimo propped him up against a tree, letting him lean on something rather than have his body on the ground.

Taking about three pills out, Yoshimo placed the pack back in his pocket and placed the pills in Munashii's mouth. He didn't need to be conscious to take these pills, they'd dissolve with saliva in his mouth, and the chakra and concentrated vitamins in them would be enough to snap Munashii back to reality.

Yoshimo backed up and squatted, looking at Munashii and waiting for him to wake back up.


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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:10 am

While the others were stopping to assist him, Munashii was in the oblivion again. Complete and utter darkness surrounded him, and nothing he could do could break it. He saw nothing. He heard nothing. He could do nothing.

But in the darkness, a voice began to echo. A deep voice, full of wrath and age and wisdom. At first Munashii couldn't hear what it was saying, it was just muffled noise. Soon enough though, the noise began to form into words.

Pitiful brat...

Munashii flinched invisiblely at the voice, knowing who it was even though he had never seen the man who the voice belonged to.

Pathetic, cowardly creature...

Munashii began to moan in fear and tremble, unheard and unseen in the oblivion.

All things perish. ACCEPT YOUR PURPOSE!

With a scream of terror and fury, Munashii jumped from his fatigue-induced sleep, instinctively drawing his sword to defend himself and tear into his invisable enemies. Panting, he looked around and saw Yoshimo-sensei and Lelia looking at him in suprise. His last scream must have been real. The rest had just been a dream. Just a dream.

"Yoshimo-sensei? Lelia? Are you alright?" he asked, wondering why they had stopped. Then it all came back to him. He had collapsed. His energy had all been consumed by the Keiji speed he had used in his and Lelia's match with Kurama. He had stopped for breath and then lost consiousness.

Hanging his head in shame, he said "I apologise my friends. I must have nodded off for a moment there. But I feel beter now. I'm ready to go". Indeed, he felt refreshed and ready to resume the journey to Sunagakure.

And for some reason he tasted something sweet.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Kenshi Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:50 pm

Yoshimo have Munashii a smiling face even though things weren't going perfectly for the small team of the three. Munashii must have been dreaming during his sleep, his dream must have been very serious, the way his body reacted in reality and his scream was very real that something was happening in his mind. Yoshimo looked at the boy has he stood up out of his squat, taking a stretch back and yawning. Munashii's scream was nothing out of the normal, he'd heard and seen worse in the medical field.

"It's alright Munashii, don't worry. I've seen worse than that. I've even had my own embarrassing moments. If I only had time to tell you the stories...", Yoshimo replied, thinking back on his past.

Yoshimo looked at Lelia and Munashii as they stood next to each other. He withdrew a kunai from his pocket and twirled it around in his hand and quickly tightened his wrist, stopping the kunai. He pointed at the ground and drew some lines, making a rough map.

"As long as we are taking a quick break, I might as well finish telling you two about your mission." Yoshimo pointed to the kanji of lightning that he had etched into the ground.

"This is where we are now. Almost at the border of the Lightning Country. We will travel all the way to a country called Sunagakure, I'm sure you've heard of it, our ninja academy here teaches you about all this stuff. I don't know if you guys know or have read the report, but Kumogakure was infiltrated while you guys were training. Our mission is to find out where this person is going and intercept him for questioning. We have intel that he is heading to Sunagakure, and we aren't allies with Sunagakure. This makes this an A rank mission. I know you guys are supposed to start out with D and C Ranks, but we are short on ninja. Were going to sneak in to Sunagakure, find the target and question him. Engaging into battle will be at my discretion. I don't want to fight but we might have to. Any questions?"

Yoshimo looed at the two genin as his finished de-breifing them on their missions. He knew this was a mission that only jounin would regularly do, but Yoshimo felt as though he could trust them and their abilities.


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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:40 pm

Munashii listened to the report Yoshimo-sensei had given. It seemed simple enough. Someone had infiltrated Kumogakure. They escaped and needed questioning. They are to find and stop him from heading into Sunagakure. This mission fitted his skills perfectly. Tracking missons were the Hissori clans' specialty. This was what the purpose of his clan was, to hunt down and (if required) eliminate potential threats to the village.

Munashii has only one question.

"Do we know anything about this person? Name, skill rank?"
Munashii Hissori
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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Kenshi Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:48 pm

Yoshimo listened to Munashii as he spoke up and asked a question. He was glad that he was smart and able to ask questions and interpret mission information well. He had more than just a bloodline, he was smart.

"His name is rumored to be Kyouken Uchiha. So that right there tells us that he has the legendary Sharingan. We'll have to attack from behind if we fight because of the Sharingan's advantage in battle. He is presumed to be an S-Rank wanderer, and that is why we are choosing to try and avoid battle."

Yoshimo knew that Munashii would aid in this mission, his Kekkei Genkai would help in hunting down the opponent, finding him, and silently tracking him. Munashii held a lot of power in that blood of his, and he would get to show it in the upcoming mission.


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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:30 am

Lelia caught the red pill quickly, for a moment wondering what it was until a few were placed in Munashii's mouth, she did the same briskly. Watching quietly as Munashii came back to reality in a frightful start. She jumped slightly towards him, however, when he through out his blade, she centered back.

Listening to the mission, Munashii spoke first. Just the question on her mind he spoke. She looked back and forth between whom spoke. Waiting for a spot to politly place, "Would we be needing a natural tracker, for back up?" she wondered as her silvery-brown eyes looked back to see how far they had come. Her arms reaching behind and twining fingers in a natural position as she looked back to the two. "Also, what's the main style or element this Kyouken Uchiha uses?" she knew well what jutsus were able to take down what jutsu in the cross circle. "Besides Uchiha styles, of course. If you know..." Knowing the fact of what elements are at up the sleeve, it would make it a little easier if they were to be pulled into battle.


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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Kenshi Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:54 am

"A tracker? We already have one. Munashii will be in front, leading us with his senses. You're going to help if we battle Lelia. I can make some use of your Raiton ninjutsu, and do a couple of combination supplementary attacks that will save us all chakra. That's one thing you two need to learn to use. Ninja tools should never be underestimated. As for his ninjutsu, Fire Style isn't the only thing he knows. He has a "Alchemic Katon" which makes his regular attacks much more powerful. He also has a recessive Fuuton element, so we can expect his Katon attacks to be a lot stronger. I don't want to scare you guys, but this ninja was the brother of Madara Uchiha..."

Yoshimo tried to smile and keep a good look on his face. This mission should be labeled S Rank, but most S Rank missions can't have genin in them. So by choosing to avoid battle as much as possible, it's lowered to a high A Rank, but still dangerous. Yoshimo looked at the two genin and their expressions. He didn't want to lose them, and as their sensei, he promised that he would not let them get hurt. Yoshimo smiled and stretched back again.

"Don't worry guys, as long as I'm here I'll never let you two die. Even if I have to die. Now lets stop sitting around. Let's go."

Yoshimo crouched down again and bursted into the large trees and receding mountains of Kumogakure. The forest began to grow more and more, signaling that they were getting away from the village and into other village territory. Yoshimo slowed up a bit so the genin would be able to keep up with him. It would be a few days before they reached Sunagakure, but Yoshimo had a way to cut down the time.


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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:00 am

Munashii led the way, his senses balloned outward to the maximum. This mission sounded too advanced for two genin, even chuunin. But that did not faze him. This was a great oppertunity for both of them to grow stronger.

Or die, whichever.

Turning back to his sensei, he asked "Do you have something of his, some clothing or something he might have touched recently? If I have a fresh scent, I could pinpoint his location a lot more accurately".

Just as he had finished talking, he caught something. He breathed it in and nearly choked on it. What is this?!? He had never smelled anything like this before. It was like the scent ninja gave off when in battle, only without the tint of sweat. He realised that it must be chakra. He already knew that this Kyouken Uchiha was a powerful shinobi. But for someone of Munashii's low level to be able to smell his chakra...

Only the more advance ninja of his clan were able to track using the scent of chakra, and he was nowhere near that good. His Keiji was simply not developed enough. He now knew that this guy was well out his league. Logically, he had already accepted this, but to witness his power with his own senses really brought the fact home.

"Never mind, I've got his scent", he said, keeping his thoughts to himself, as always.

No matter how powerful this Uchiha was, as long as he and Lelia stuck close to Yoshimo-sensei, they had a better chance of escaping this alive than if they were escourted by ten of his fellow clansmen.
Munashii Hissori
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Drizzled and Muddy - Page 2 Empty (To those that are watching, I know we got to Suna fast, so just deal with it) lol

Post by Kenshi Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:19 am

Even though Lelia, Munashii and Yoshimo were out of Kumogakure category, it was amazing that Munashii had sensed his chakra already. They weren't that far now, they were making good time and would be their shortly. Knowing Kyouken's chakra levels Yoshimo knew that he'd be able to pick up on it fast. That's one thing that came to fault with ninja like Kyouken. He had multiple chakras, and they all would be picked up by Munashii's senses. Having him as a scout was great.

"Well just watch out for those eyes of his, were about to get closer to Sunagakure, and their are no trees, so we will ahve to tread through sand. He'll spot us if we aren't careful. We need to maintain a level of stealth."

In the distance, the trees and forest began to recede, making the grassy plain lighter and lighter. Off in the distance there was a tall sand dune, signaling that they were getting closer to Sunagakure. The heat of the sun, and the dry winds that differed from the temperature of Kumogakure was pure evidence that they were almost there.

"Get ready, we are getting closer. Remember, maintain stealth."

OOC: We speeded up our travel, so once GN posts in here, we will start posting in that topic also. The link to the topic is here.


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