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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by Guest Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:19 pm

Lelia Kooketsuechi, a young genin with long golden-brown hair and peircing silverybrown eyes, was casualy walking down the main street of her beloved village. Taking in the sites of the villagers and other shinobo and kunoichi busily at work in the village on this nice, light rainy day. An umbrella in hand and over head, Lelia listened with a happy smile to the slow drizzle upon the roofs and road. Hearing and holding back laughter to a few upset villagers having to work in the pour. Listening to the hum of children singing and dancing around in the mud.

Her crimson red dress was wet at the edges, with darker spots where the rain had dripped as it flowed with her dazily steps that lightly padded the road beneath. Brushing against her legs annoyingly until, up ahead, something caught her attention.

For a moment, she stopped to examine with a tipped head and pursed lips at the site of some random ninja's groccery bag snapping of sog with grocceries running about. An apple rolled to her foot, she picked it up and hastened her step up to the ninja to lend hand. "Need some help?" she offered as she held out the apple with a sweet like honey and milk smile.


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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by L Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:51 pm

Sanmaru was walking down the path of the moutains back to village. His entire attire had a bunch of burn marks on it. His mask was perfectly fine though, the fire had just left a couple of marks on it. He had just finished training to make his fire stronger. It was perfect to train in the mountains since the fire couldn't spread so easily, especially today since it was raining.

He was dragging his feet, just itching to get back to the village. He only had a few more miles to go.

"Almost there, just a few more miles. You know, I just realized something, why am I walking back to the village? I could just as easily teleport there. I think I must have gottin some ash into my head for not thinking about it sooner."

Sanmaru then stopped walking and completly disappeared. He reappeared at the village gate only a second later. He continued to drag his feet past the gates and saw a young kunoichi helping out another ninja. He smirked.

"How soft people have gotten.That's usually how they end up dying. Eh, I guess I'll go talk to her for awhile to see how this generation's ninja are."

He slowly walked up to the young kunoichi and said...

"How kind of you to help out this man in need."

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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by Guest Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:23 pm

Lelia looked up, "Huh? What?" for a moment, she hadn't heard what the person had said. "Oh, yah, no real biggy." she rolled her shoulders in a spunky shrug. Helping picking up the last groccery item into the new bag of the ninja's. "Here you go." she smiled at the personage kindly as she turned back to the other personage. "Looks like you've been training dangerously." she gestured to the burn marks on his attire with a slender, light ivory hand as the rain begun to pour a bit harder.

Silvery hazel eyes glanced up at the suden down pour, she looked back at the person. Noticing he had nothing up for protection under the water drops. She tipped the umbrella his way. "Want some shelter?" she offered.


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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by L Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:49 pm

"Yes, I have. You can't let your gaurd down during these times. You know, with all the recent akatsuki activity.

He had a slight feeling that this girl didn't know who he was, but then again, he didn't know who she was either. He then heard he ask him if he wanted to share an umbrella with her.

"No, no, it's quite fine. The rain actually feels kinda good."

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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:15 am

Lelia nodded, keeping the black lace umbrella to herself. "Yah, can hardly trust anyone." she rolled a shrug once more. "Yet most of us low level ninja go willy nilly, even with that fact on mind." she very slightly joked. A light wind blew her hair in her face, briskly, she brushed it back behind her shoulders. A question perked her mind, "So, wait. Might I ask, what brings you speaking to me, so very randomly?" Politly she wondered as her pools of silvery brown looked up at him from her vertically challanged height.


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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by L Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:31 am

"It's just that I saw you helping that shinobi and decided to talk to you. It's really rare to see someone help another stranger out, out of the blue."

He said so very politly to her. He began to slowly walk around her.

"Well, mind helping me to the Kage's Mansion?"

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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:40 am

Lelia's lips pursed at his answer. She hadn't really paid attention to that part during these days, but now that she thought about it, it's become realy dreary with the akatsuki up and about more lately.

"Well, mind helping me to the Kage's Mansion?" He had said.

Lelia nodded and was by his side quickly. "My pleasure." she had replied with a warm smile that glittered in her eyes.


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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by L Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:44 am

Sanmaru slowly walked to the kages mansion as Lelia helped him walk. Sanmaru didn't really need any help at all, he just liked to "act" or "fool" people into helping him, even if it were small things.

"So, what's your name and how long have you been a genin?"

He asked her as they continued to walk towrds the mansion.

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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:52 am

Lelia carefully and with great gentality ((I think that's a word)) over a ditch in the road. "Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi," she replied slightly with pride wthout that silly 'comon courtesy' junk most usually use. "And about a week, fresh out and headstrong like th rest new ninja." Her smile was bright as she looked up at him with curisous eyes. "What about you," she wondered. "What's your name and ranking of this grand village?"

((OOC: sorry so short, couldn't come up with anything more.))


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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by L Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:19 am

OOC: Me too, I'm not good in formal RPs.

IC: Hmmm, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, so young, but yet... I can feel the strength within her. I'll have to keep an eye on her.

Well, Lelia, my name's a secret, but everyone around the village calls me Zero. As for my rank, it just so happens that I'm the Raikage."

He said with a smile on his face, even though his mask was hiding it.

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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:29 am

For amoment, Lelia didn't know how to react. Most bow and stuff, respect they called it, others just think it casually, but for her, she had no clue. Her expression fell to apologetic confusion. Pursed lips with slightly kinked eyes. "Ohm, forgive me, buuuut, I have absolutly no clue. Should I like bow or something?" after saying that, she caught what it sounded like. "Oh, ohm, not to sound disrespecting or anything..." she stated slightly in matter of fact, humble curiosity, and pure honesty.


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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:50 am

Keiteki had no missions today, thank the dragons. Over the past few days, Keiteki was drenched in different missions, and was pretty tired at the end of it all. It was godo to know other ninja were taking on missions for a change. Today, Keiteki had the whole day to himself, nothing in his way. Keiteki was on his way to pick up some groceries, when he spotted a Kunoichi, and under her umbrella, was Raikage-Kun. Keiteki wondered what the Raikage was doing outside today, and he remembered that he was supposed to be picking up groceries for his mom as well as him. Though he had his own house and was independent of his foster parents, they now relied on him, to an extent. It was exhasuting at the very least. Keiteki decided to greet the Raikage, and decided to stay with him.

"Hello, Raikage, sir. Nice day, isn't it?" Keiteki said to the Raikage.

Keiteki did not really know very much about his Raikage, and knew that he was young for a Kage. Normally Kages are much older and more experienced, though he had nothing against his master, and did not doubt him. Becoming Raikage at such a young age can only mean good things for the village. His Raikage had proven himself plenty of times that he was worthy of being called a "Kage", but Keiteki was still concerned about the growing threat of Akatsuki. "They are strong ninja, and very dangerous. They have the power to defeat entire ninja villages, and they're skills are higher than my own. I could never take on an Akatsuki Member and hope to win." he mumbled under his breath.

"Raikage, sir. We should make haste in returning to your office."
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by L Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:00 am

No, no, please don't. I hate when people bow down in front of me. Just... just treat me like you would treat any other."

He said in an almost annoyed tone. He liked the way he was being treated, maybe it a little friendlyer than others, but he liked it. He didn't know why they treated him like that, I mean, he killed the previes Raikage to get the title and they still treat him like if he was the creater of the world it's self.

He looked up and saw another ninja asking him a question.

"Yes, it is and you don't mind if we take our time. I'm having fun talking to this young konochi."

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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:04 pm

OOC: You killed the last Raikage? There goes some of my thoughts about your character :0

Keiteki listened to the Raikage, and he was obviously not ready to leave yet. Now, he was having a hard time deciding wether to grab his groceries or just stay around him. Still, I mustn't forget, he is the Raikage. He should be capable of handling himself, even if the Akatsuki should strike, still, defeating our, malicious, previous Raikage is quite a feat in itself. Keiteki began walking away towards the stands. The ground was bumpy and hard textured, but his feet were used to it. The Dragons lived their lives in this kind of terrain, so Keiteki simply also adopted this. The goal of the Drakun Clan is to become as close to their Dragon deitys as possible. Keiteki walked over to the wooden stand. It was covered in ads, and a yellow "welcoming" mat was on the stand. The man looked happy and sad at the same time, somehow.

"I'll take that, and some of these, and that..." Keiteki continued on, and the man handed those things to him in paper bags, and Keiteki gave him the amount of Ryou he needed. AS Keiteki was walking away, he heard the keeper of the stand say something.

"Um, sir, you have change. And lots of it." The old man seemed to have quite a bit change on his stand counter. Keiteki looked back at him with his straight face.

"Keep it." Keiteki said, walking away. He could see as he was walking back that the man was happy, to the extreme. Keiteki sniffled, and then began walking back to the Raikage.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by Kenshi Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:58 pm

Out of the shadows, and in a burst of wind and mist, Yoshimo appeared. His some what dramatic entrace would cause heads to turn, but Yoshimo really didn't care for entrances at all. He knew that walking in and smoke and mirrors entrances accomplished the same thing, so choosing the easiest one was the one he would pick. Yoshimo looked around to the crowd that had just formed and the people talking. Yoshimo wondered what they were up to, and the fact that no one said anything as he entered was conformation that they were indeed having a pretty good conversation. Yoshimo stood there and looked, rubbing his shoulder with his right hand, and stretching his neck. He hated for people to stare at him. It felt awkard, and he didn't like to be the center of attraction.

"Raikage-sama, Keiteki-kun, Leila-chan, please don't stop talking just because I've entered the area. You guys know I hate that...", Yoshimo sighed, and walked closer to the group.

Yoshimo waited for some sort of response, it was getting quite awkward.


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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:14 pm

OOC: It's the big cheese omg

Keiteki was simply standing there, his bushy, traditional pants brustled by the wind, until he felt a powerful wind blast over his body, which then subsided, and Keiteki turned around to see a friend of his, Yoshimo. Keiteki and him had been friends for a time now, and he appeared out of nowhere, telling the three not to stop talking because he had arrived. Keiteki turned around, and offered his hand to Yoshimo, smiling gleefully. Keiteki could fell his wings rumbling under his shirt, and felt like stretching them, which he usually did when he returned to his house. Of course, it wouldn't be a good time to do that now. Kiteki had been bored for the whole day, and saw this as an oppurtunity to have some fun.

"Yoshimo-Kun, it has been a while. My day has been quite down, so how about we train together, I'd like to see if you learned or practiced any of your techniques." Keiteki said respectfully. Keiteki always spoke respectfully to others, but it should never be forgotten of the strength of Keiteki.

"My wings need some stretching." Keiteki said after that.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by Kenshi Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:29 pm

Yoshimo sighed and grunted at the sound of work, he hated fighting and sparring unless it was needed. Yoshimo knew that Keiteki probably needed the spar, and he probably did also. It had been a while since he worked his stiff muscles out, and he would have to make sure he was in shape also. Yoshimo usually sat in his apartment and ate chips and watched television, untill he got his next mission in the mail or some summoned him. Yoshimo leaned over and cracked his back. He yawned rudely and then looked Keiteki in the eye.

"Ah, ah, You go first. We can spar right here, I'm sure the Raikage doesn't mind watching." Yoshimo responded.

Yoshimo didn't bother to get into a stance, that was too formal for his taste, and since this was just a spar he didn't need to be serious. Yoshimo just finished doing some plain stretches and grabbed a kunai out of his pocket. That was about as ready as he would get. He waited for Keiteki's first move, and holstered his kunai, signaling that he was indeed ready.


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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:44 pm

Keiteki watched his friend prepare himself for battle with a measly kunai in hand, and after doing some stretches, came up to face Keiteki.

"Don't let your guard down, old friend." Keiteki warned Yoshimo, and Keiteki prepared for the battle next.

Keiteki removed his bushy shirt, and with a slight frustration, tied it around his waist, with both sleeves hanging off, and with a big bushy belt on him, going along with his bushy pants. Keiteki could finally stretch his wings out to full extent. He felt so good, it was like beginning a new life. Keiteki decided that he would win using the air, which his opponent, who did not have that advantage, would find it difficult combating Keiteki's Air Acrobat Jutsu. After extending his large, dragon like wings, and taking a very deep breath, Keiteki held both his hands in front of him, staring at them, and then twitched, as the claws extended on his hands and feet, ready for combat. Keiteki then cracked his knuckles, and began flapping his wings, and finally jumped into the air to get airborne. Keiteki had yet to activate his Jutsu yet. Keiteki then formed his hand signs, and promptly shouted.

"Tei Akurobatto No Jutsu!" Keiteki shouted, he could feel the air being pumped through the almost microscopic tunnels inside his wings. He could feel the full extent of the jutsu taking effect. After wheeling through the sky once, Keiteki looked down at his opponent, and smirked.

"The air is the domain only fit for the Dragons, and their followers." Keiteki announced. Keiteki put his hands together in yet another Ninjutsu technique. After forming the hand seals, Keiteki held one of his hands close to his mouth, in order to direct his opening attack. Since it was a sparring match, he dared not use the really dangerous jutsu.

"Goukakyuu No Jutsu!" And out of Keiteki's mouth came a fireball, about 8 times as big as Keiteki was. The fireball was headed in a collision course for his opponent, Yoshimo.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by Kenshi Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:10 pm

Yoshimo sighed as Keiteki got ready. He knew that those wings had to be cooped up inside of that jacket, and the way Keiteki streched those wings out truley showed how long he had gone without flying. The air at his feet began wo waft up and around, and the wind wind produced by his wings threw a great breeze over everyone in the area. Keiteki was indeed a unique individual. Keiteki took the combat even further, his hair began to grow wild, along with his claws on his toes, and the nails on his hands. They extended sharply, making it obvious that he was serious about this battle. Yoshimo sighed and prepped his chakra, flashing some at his hands, and warming his body up. He watched as Keiteki hovered in the air above him, soaring higher and higher untill he reached his battle point.

"This is troublesome...", Yoshimo said as he watched Keiteki release a great fireball at him.

Yoshimo didn't waste time for anything, and he knew he had to dodge quickly. The sounds of Lelia and the Raikage moving out of close proximity of the fireball signaled to Yoshimo that Keiteki was serious. Yoshimo put his hands together, forcing them in to the rat handsign. He prepared his chakra, directing the flow of it to his feet, and Yoshimo sunk into his shadow. The wriggling shadow that had replaced Yoshimo quickly moved up a mountain peak, barely escaping the fireball that smashed into the ground, leaving a tremendous crater in the ground. The debris of the jutsu was burned up instantly, revealing the quick moving shadow, which appeared at a mountain peak, almost right under Keiteki. Yoshimo's shadow began to push black hair out, and with a burst of chakra, it slowly began to reveal Yoshimo.

"I haven't had the pleasure of fighting you in the air for a while, so excuse me while I start of small", Yoshimo shouted up to Keiteki, releasing three kunai at his opponent.


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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:34 pm

Keiteki watched as his opponent narrowly escaped a third degree burn, by hiding inside his own shadow, and reappearing right under Keiteki. Yoshimo seemed to have grown serious about the battle, and he could tell that he dodged the attac, just barely. Keiteki needed not just to be able to aim, but to predict where his opponent would go next. However, Keiteki now had his opponent in a deadlock. His opponent released three kunai in the direction of Keiteki, which Keitekiused his claws on his feet and hands to block the first two, and caught the third kunai in his teeth, and threw it to the ground. Keiteki raised his height above the ground, about 25 feet off the rock, and now, his plan would go into action. Keiteki saw his opponent use shadows in that defensive manuver, so Keiteki simply decided to cut off all shadows to his opponent. Keiteki looked down at his opponent, having full known Goukakyuu would not be close to beating him, but rather a beginning of a series of attacks which would spell victory for Keiteki.

Keiteki rested for an instant, than began forming a series of handsigns while his opponent was emerging from the shadows. Keiteki then finished his long chain of hand seals, and shouted out the name of his chosen jutsu, one which would force his opponent to think very hard about his next move, and any mistake would mean loss.

"Enkou Hashira!" Keiteki shouted, Katon element chakra flowing from his body, pooling to the ground, it ignited, sending pillars of immense, incredibly powerful fire into 10 feet in the air, with a 9 foot diameter inside, which could not harm his foe, unless they were to enter the great fire which threatened his life. However, there was a strategic use to the attack. The light created from the fire was everywhere, and anywhere. There were no shadows anywhere because in any given direction, light giving fire was ablaze. There was an exit at the top, however, but was too high to jump. In addition, Keiteki had already pulled out his own Kunai knives, coupled with the knife-like claws on obth his hands and feet, while he guarded the top, life taking flame guarded the sides.

"Any more clever moves my friend?" Keiteki asked Yoshimo. He was curious at to how his foe would escape.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by Kenshi Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:33 pm

Yoshimo watched as Keiteki's series of attacks began to come together. He knew that Keiteki was up to something, and the way he had started out with Fire ninjutsu made it obvious that he would seek control of the light. What Keiteki had not understood was that Yoshimo was ready for that. He had been ready ever since the fight started, regardless of the way he had appeared. Yoshimo was no push over, and his ol' buddy Keiteki would come to realize that.

Yoshimo's hidden wires on his kunai melted off due to the immense flames, and he was now all alone inside of the burning pillar of fire that surrounded him. Yoshimo quickly put his hands in the rat handsign and began to do a series of handsigns untill he ended on Snake. Keiteki had forgotten about Yoshimo's chakra preparation, when Yoshimo had prepared chakra at his feet eariler before the fight.

Kage Fuchi Kai!"

From the base of Yoshimo's feet, shadow tendrils began to quickly creep out under his feet and around his body. The light casted from the fire wasn't that great of a move, since light only defines the creation of shadow. Since Yoshimo had begun to create shadow, with the bit of shadow attached at his feet, he had to extend a bit more chakra at his feet to make up for the over coming light. The tendrils began to weave closer and closer together, untill they formed a tight knit base of shadow around Yoshimo. Yoshimo quickly grounded himself, kneeling on one knee. He pushed his arms outward, and the shadows began to dig into the ground and push outward also. Pushing the ground away from him also meant that it would push the fire away, but Yoshimo didn't need much space. He just needed room. Yoshimo reached in the nin-pouch on his back and grabbed a light bomb. He threw it up in the ground as he clapsed his hands together.

In the midst of the fire pillar a great light erupted, and as soon as it came it faded, leaving a hole in the ground. The hole was dark, and the length of it was unknown, but Yoshimo had to take advantage of anything he could get his hands on for now.


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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:47 pm

"Damn!" Keiteki shouted. He wasn't completely sure what had happened at the time, but somehow, he had created shadow, even when light shined in all directions, in an attempt to keep from shadows from forming in any direction. "Still, I must've forgot that he could create his own shadows. Obviously, this technique is no longer of any use to me, and neither is my strategy. Still, he was under the ground, somewhere, anywhere, and he knew just the jutsu to flush him out of the ground. Still, he had hoped to pin him down in that strategy, but he was simply too clever. "That clan, and those abilities, they never fail to amaze me." Keiteki decided to land on the ground, but keep his Air Acrobat Jutsu in effect, in case of an attack. He prepared himself for a sneak attack, and moved forward.

"Kuchiyose No Jutsu." Keiteki sai much more seriously at this time. Keiteki had performed a long string of hand seals, but he had summoned the Wyvern, the combat ready dragon. He had to use this summon in a burst, and this was his strategy, which he hoped would not fail him. He hoped.

"What is the meaning of this, Keiteki? Everything seems fine to me." Wyvern said in a tarty voice. Wyvern pulled out his double hand sword, and looked at Keiteki.

"The foe lies on underground. Let's show him the light." Keiteki said to the Wyvern. He went airborne again, and flew over about 30 feet away, and performed some handseals, and then announced the identity of his jutsu.

"Teikumaru No Jutsu!" Keiteki yelled out, he cupped his hands together again, and he appeared to be unleashing Fireball Jutsu, but was in fact unleashing a different technique.

A greath blast of condensed air shot with great force and fury at the ground of which was around where his opponent had dug below. The condensed air was so strong, and broke apart the rock, and blew away other objects, and leaving a crater in the ground, quite deep, but he hadn't been able to dislodge his elusive foe. He called upon the Wyvern, who used the crater as support to begin cutting up the rock with his giant sword, crushing all the rocks in sight, looking for Yoshimo. Keiteki flew up to the sky, looking downwards, checking for any signs of Yoshimo. He knew to defend himself with his claws, should he be caught in a sneak attack.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by Kenshi Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:18 pm

Yoshimo had to think fast, and stopping wasn't an option. He had to take advantage of the earth and use it to his will. He knew that his opponent would probably follow up with an attack that would crush the ground he was in, and he was fully prepared for that, but it was just that time wasn't to his advantage. The light bomb had helped him push his shadow in to any direction, but with chakra control he had to use the natural effects of light and make the shadow physical so he could bore it down into the ground and make a hole. Once the hole was made, it was a matter of protecting himself from the thunderous noise that was going on.

Since Yoshimo hadn't finished the jutsu, he decided to finish it underground where it would be completed, and would keep him safe from deathly harm in a ball. Yoshimo didn't hear anything at first, but my looseing up the chakra in the shadow dome, he could slowly began to hear and see what was going on. He was rolling around in a massive crater, and a dragon was swinging a sword that was destroying the earth and looking for Yoshimo. Yoshimo was tossed and turned around just as the debris was, and the black ball he was in had camoflauged himself in the debris. It was time for Yoshimo to make a move before the sword from the dragan landed on him. Yoshimo released the jutsu.

"You haven't got me yet Keiteki!!"

Yoshimo appeared out of the ball that slowly began to disperse back into his shadow. He was on the edge of the crater, and he used the debris of boulders to his advantage to climb out of the predicament. He knew he had to take advantage of his position which was close and under Keiteki, but he also had to watch out for the dragon that was on the field. Yoshimo had to think and he had to think quickly. Yoshimo reached in his pocket and grabbed a knuckle knife, and coated it in chakra, throwing it under Keiteki, waiting for contact. Yoshimo had called out the jutsu, but the sounds were drowned out as the dragon made a slash and crushed the earth once again.


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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:40 pm

Keiteki was pleased with the ways things were going now. He had success in finding the location of his foe, and saw that he was encased in a black ball, and was erupted out of it becasue of Wyvern's sword attacks. Keiteki had hoped to engange his foe using summonings, and other long range jutsu, as getting caught in the Jutsu would only mean trouble for Keiteki. His opponent's next move was to grab a knuckle knife from his ninja tool bag, one used by close combat fighters, and tossed it upwards, right under Keiteki, who saw it coming. Keiteki knew from a previous sparring match that he had to avoid any possible linking of shadows, and also prevent any of his opponent's projectiles from touching him, for he could be hiding a shadow under the knife. Immediately, Keiteki flew out of the way, and successfully protected himself from his enemie's attack, however, he knew this wasn't the end of it. Wyvern also looked at his opponent with contempt.

"Shall I crush him?" Wyvern asked with a evil look. Wyvern grasped his sword, hard.

"No. This is simply a sparring match." Keiteki told him gravely. Wyvern gestured yes, and Keiteki looked at his opponent, and was convinced that it was time to unleash Enkou Kabura.

Keiteki began a large string of handseals, and activated the jutsu, which acted in a similar way to Enkou Hashira, but still much more dangerous, and powerful. "Enkou Kabura!" Keiteki yelled out loud, and more chakra flowed and pooled on the ground underneath him. But rather than give way to a Flame Pillar, instead, a cobra made out of fire, going at such a speed that one wrong move could end either of them like that. Keiteki told himself this was the farthest he'd go with Katon Techniques, and he needed to find a way to end his abilities over shadows. The huge, flaming cobra came crashing down, straight at Yoshimo. On the other hand, Wyvern, the dragon he had summoned, had readied his sword, and was flying up in the air now, ready to strike his foe in case the attack missed. The explosion was followed by a giant poisonous smokescreen. Keiteki had confidence his opponent would be able to escape before anything bad could happen. He seemed to be forgetting that it was a sparring match.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Random Friendship (Openz To Allz) Empty Re: Random Friendship (Openz To Allz)

Post by Kenshi Sun Jan 04, 2009 11:09 pm

In the time that Yoshimo was rolling around in the ball, he had took advantage of his position to create a shadow clone, out of the already existing shadows he was in. When he escaped the ball, he quickly hid himself in the debris of boulders that were near the Dragon. Yoshimo had to wait and hope that the dragon wouldn't swing the sword his way and ruin his plans, but to his satisfaction, Yoshimo's clone and drawn the attention of the dragon and Keiteki. The Kage Bunshin was immediately destroyed by the jutsu, and Yoshimo could feel his chakra drain away, leaving him a bit fatigued. Yoshimo had to escape the shockwave of the jutsu, so by applying chakra to his feet, he began to quickly run away from the blast, letting the chakra give him superb traction everytime he stepped. Yoshimo was away from the shockwave, and safe from the attack. He wiped the sweat from his head and squatted.

"I'm done Keiteki, I'm done, I'---m, I'm done, You win, Kei---Kei----teki, Keiteki wins, I'----m tired", Yoshimo puffed, trying to keep control of his breath.

Even though Yoshimo had managed to dodge the attacks relatively easy, he still had to worry about chakra exhaustion, something that he hadn't been trained for in a while. Kumogakure had been silent, and the allies from Kirigakure hadn't been to Kumogakure for anything. Yoshimo took advantage of that time to be lazy, but at the same time he had gotten out of shape.


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