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Zeus Jutsu list

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Zeus Jutsu list Empty Zeus Jutsu list

Post by Wyn Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:20 am

Name: Aggressive Growth Transformation Jutsu
Rank: D
Range: Close Combat
Type: Ninjutsu
Clan: None
Elemental Affinity: None
Rank: Genin
The Bunny changes in form from a little bunny to a fierce and muscular Bunny. It grows in about the size of a tiger. The bunny is then given claws 3 inches in length and razor sharp teeth the size of saber tooth tiger. The jutsu is done by the genin using a tap of electrical energy on the bunny. As the bunny grows it is able to use the jutsu on it's own. (My bunny has that ability now). The jutsu increases speed and strength of the bunny. It has the strength of a Tiger at this state and can move at ridiculous speeds making it a blur to any human. This jutsu is needed to perform any other jutsu the bunny does. This jutsu Last for 2 hours at the bunny's Current level.

Name: Spark Hops
Rank: C
Range: medium
Type: Ninjutsu
Clan: None
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Rank: Genin
The Bunny has Extreme speed given to them by this jutsu. It allows for Quick movement making it almost invisible.( Close but not quite). The bunny will need to rest if used to much at one moment. This jutsu can only be used with Aggressive Growth Transformation Jutsu being used at the same time.

Name: Bolt Claws
Rank: B
Range: Close Combat
Type: Ninjutsu & Kenjutsu
Clan: None
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
The bunny sends electric energy to their claws. The Claws are then filled with chakra able to break the strongest of Solids. It can also break shields that consist of Chakra as well. The Claws will cause Paralysis with a touch of them lasting for 30 minutes.

Name: Electric Bunny Technique
Rank: B
Range: Medium-short
Type: Ninjutsu
Clan: None
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Rank: Chuunin
The Bunny digs itself into the ground. It Smells and listens for the opponents while underground using it's natural heightened sense of smell and hearing. It remains absolutely quiet being undetected by anyone of the same level and digs towards him. It stays quiet until it pops out of the ground with it's Fangs wide open. It bites the opponent and sends an electrical charge to them causing slight paralysis lasting for 30 minutes. This jutsu can only be used when Aggressive Growth Transformation Jutsu is activated. The sky rocketing effect leaves him open to attack while the technique is being performed.

Name: Thunderous Fur
Rank: C
Range: Close combat
Type: ninjutsu
Clan: None
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Rank: Genin
The bunny has a static electricity like charge all over it's fur. A brush will cause Large amounts of pain and paralyze the person for a few minutes. A simple Brush will cause this effect. Anyone who does not use electrical energy will be damaged. For those who do, they will not be effected. This jutsu cannot be performed without Aggressive Growth Transformation Jutsu being performed first.

Name: Bolt Spear
Rank: C-A
Range: Short-Medium
Type: Ninjutsu
Clan: None
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Rank: Chuunin
The Bunny has it's electric energy sent to it's ears. It raises them causing charges of electricity to be seen between them. The bunny focuses it's energy and releases it in any direction at will. This is all done in about a second but if the bunny keeps the electricity there it is very easy to see the electrical charges between the ears. However, it does not do that much in damage. If hit it cause the opponent to feel shocked for about 10-60 seconds and some discomfort afterwards.

Name: Roar of the Beast
Rank: B
Range: Medium-Long
Type: Ninjutsu
The Bunny focus' it's chakra to it's head then to it's vocal cords. It Roars into are loud Beastly way. The jutsu sounds like a Mix of Thunder and an Animal Cry. This will cause Deafness to anyone who isn't an Experienced Sound ninja or doesn't know it's gonna happen. Wyn would close his ears right before Zeus did this. It causes unbearable Pain and the Sound can be heard from miles away. The Bunny must use Ultimate Beast Growth Transformation Jutsu to do this jutsu.

Name:Ultimate Beast Growth Transformation jutsu
Rank: A
Range: Supplementary
Type: Ninjutsu
Clan: none
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
The Bunny transforms into an enormous beast. The length of the Beast is greater than gammabunta but height and Width are about the same. The Fur of the Beast is now White and it's Eyes are Sapphire Blue. It's claws are size of a bus and it still retains it's Saber toothed feature as it did in it's first transformation. It can perform it's Jutsu that raises it's Speed. Offensive jutsu may be done as well, but greaten in both strength and Size (4x). The Jutsu Will last for about 30 minutes at the Bunny's Current level. The jutsu may last longer but the Bunny's chakra will be extremely Drained.

Name: Strike Of the Beast
Rank: B
Range: Medium-Long
Type: Ninjutsu
Clan: None
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
This is just a more powerful Form of Bolt Spear. It can Only be Done While Ultimate Beast Growth Transformation jutsu is performed. It again focuses chakra into it's ears and Releases it firing the lightning bolt at the Enemy. Now, The lightning bolt is much larger and is about 7 feet in diameter. The jutsu is extremely Fast and is very difficult to dodge. It would be very hard to block as well because of the amount of energy in the jutsu. The only way to block this jutsu is with a Defensive jutsu of the Same Level and Size or more.

Name:White Electrical Field
Range: Close Combat
Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
RUA: Jounin
This happens Automatically when the Ultimate Beast growth Transformation Jutsu is on. It's the same thing as Thunderous fur but Just more defensive than normal. It's got more lightning packed into it leaving a stronger Paralysis. Anyone who doesn't know Lightning Based Chakra Well would be affected. The Paralysis last for 5 minutes and is very strong against A rank Earth Jutsu. C ranked Wind based, and B rank others wouldn't effect him with this on.

Name: Final Beast Transformation
Range: Supplementary
Type: Ninjutsu
RUA: Jounin
The final state of Zeus. He transforms once again but back to his original Bunny size. The only difference is that he's got white Fur and Piercing Blue eyes. All around him is an Static Current that when touched causes 30 Minute Paralysis, even for Wyn. That same Static field protects him from All Kinds of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. In this state, Zeus' movements are dense in Electric Energy and his current can be heard in a diameter of 200 feet. At Zeus' Current level, he can do this for 1 minute before he looses all his chakra. He also faces Paralysis that last for 40 minutes.

Name: Swift Spark
Range:30 feet
Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
RUA: Jounin
This would be Zeus' Only Jutsu at the Final Beast Transformation State. He has made a extremely advanced form of Spark Hop. He literally hops in mere Milliseconds and is nearly impossible to keep track of if the opponent is of Chuunin rank and lower. He can tackle the Opponent with this doing a combination of the Static current in the previous Jutsu. Every time he performs this Jutsu, he adds to the Minutes that he is paralyzed afterwards, Five Minutes each. Don't expect to dodge this if you can dodge something that moves thrice the speed you blink.

Last edited by Wyn on Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Zeus Jutsu list Empty Re: Zeus Jutsu list

Post by Kenshi Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:46 am

If you don't want to post weaknessess, at least go though and highlight the weaknessess so I can read them.


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Zeus Jutsu list Empty Re: Zeus Jutsu list

Post by Wyn Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:06 pm

Okay then, I didn't add anything to it cause I felt that chakra depletion is common enough to the set back for some of the jutsu like the ones that simply send lightning energy at their opponent.

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Zeus Jutsu list Empty Re: Zeus Jutsu list

Post by Wyn Thu Dec 25, 2008 10:03 pm


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Zeus Jutsu list Empty Re: Zeus Jutsu list

Post by Kaji-Kanto Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:50 pm


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