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Zeus! Wyn's Faithful Companion

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Zeus! Wyn's Faithful Companion Empty Zeus! Wyn's Faithful Companion

Post by Wyn Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:00 am


Age:Ageless(explained in Wyn's history)

Rank: Uh...Ninja pet?


Appearance: Zeus! Wyn's Faithful Companion 122e39

Personality:Zeus is rather content at all times. He doesn't fear well and questions being threatened. He Follows his Owner (Wyn) at all times and isn't even sad when Wyn leaves him behind. Mainly cause he doesn't really care and will follow him anyway if he is meant to stay somewhere or not.( Trapped in his cage...Will Turn it to shreds and find Wyn.) He cares for his owner and will protect him if he must. Though most of the time, Wyn is doing the protecting and Zeus only protects him when Wyn is incapacitated. He is a Bitter and will attack if his Owner tells him to.

History: Zeus was a Lone bunny having lost his mother and fellow siblings. He traveled around houses of Konoha rummaging through trash cans and garbage bags looking for food. He was 1 years old and couldn't fend for himself well. He was often chased away by local dogs sent by the people using the trash cans and bags. Although, he was naturally fast and could outrun them with ease. Even When he was trapped in corners he still managed to escape by scaling walls with immense speed. One day when he was about 2 and a half the dogs and some hunters had successfully caught the bunny. The planned to feed the bunny to the dogs that had caught it and tied the bunny's feet up. It was late though and the dogs had already eaten so they decided to wait till the next day to use him.

Later that night, Wyn was walking home from training and one of the sons of the hunters had decided to pick a fight with him.

"Hey You! Hand over your ninja gear and that sword now!" the hunter's son said. "I'll Fight you and take it from you if i have to!"

The fought...but it wasn't really much of a fight. The Boy was morbidly obese and lacked any ninja skill at all. Wyn was a little over the age of twelve now and already was trained well from his father. He immediately applied the jutsu he had learned just that day, Volt Tap.

The fat kid what hit and his body parts shook in different directions.

He Retreated and said," I'm Gonna send my dogs after you!" and released the dogs. The lined up around Wyn and He didn't have much of a chance. He was trained to fight people not animals.

"Now lets have a rematch, but I'll have my vicious dogs and you can have this little weak Bunny." He tossed a cage over to Wyn. There was a bunny inside of it. He opened the cage and the bunny came out onto his arms. He felt a familiar feeling from the Bunny. It was electric energy. Wyn looked at the bunny with amazement. He thought *What am I gonna do with a bunny? He seems to have some special power? Is this fat kid serious? What a loser! He just gave me a Freakishly awesome bunny!* He thought about what his grandfather had taught him about some animals being special and able to be used to help ninjas' in battle. He stumbled on the thought and performed a tap of electricity on the bunny. Zeus squealed then a giant puff of smoke came of. Zeus had turned into a Bunny that was much larger and fiercer looking than before. He had claws and razor sharp teeth that looked like they could kill a dog with just a nibble of them. The dogs were frightened by the new bunny though the biggest stayed looking right at it. Zeus raised his paw at slapped the dog away leaving cuts on the dogs face.

" Oh My KAge!" the fat killed yelled. He ran away and fell halfway home.

The Bunny soon turned back to normal and looked at Wyn. It had an innocent look on it's face. Wyn kept the bunny and still has it as a ninja pet. He calls it Zeus for no real reason, just because it sounds cool and the god Zeus had powers of Lightning as well.

Wyn and Zeus pretty much became a dynamic duo from then on. Always at his side, Zeus' face and fur sort of became the notice that Wyn was in the vicinity. He resides in Takigakure with Wyn now...

Learned jutsus:
Aggressive growth transformation jutsu
Spark hops
Bolt Claw

Weapons/items: He's got fangs...not usually found on a bunny...

Goals:To stay with Wyn and to find him when he's not.

Posts : 24
Points : 0
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2008-12-22
Age : 31

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Zeus! Wyn's Faithful Companion Empty Re: Zeus! Wyn's Faithful Companion

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:04 am

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 33
Location : Akron, Ohio

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