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Kazu's Abilities

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Kazu's Abilities Empty Kazu's Abilities

Post by Kyo Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:55 am

Name of jutsu: Look Ma No Hands
Rank E-S: B
Range: None
Type of jutsu: Ability
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None
Description: Kazu can use jutsu without the need of handsigns. (Making this cause he is in a straight jacket lol)
Weakness: None

Name of jutsu: The Other Voice
Rank E-S: A
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ability
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None
Description: Because Kazu has another voice inside his head, it can attack someone who uses a genjutsu on him. While Kazu is in a genjutsu, the second person inside his head can take control of the genjutsu and counter it. (Cannot use Genjutsu on Kazu)
Weakness: Scitsophrinia

Name of jutsu: Body Sewing
Rank E-S: B
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ability
Clan(Optional): This is an ability that only Kazu can know learn and use.
Element Affinity: None
Description: Kazu can steak the body part of an enemy and use it as his own. He could take an eye, arm, head and so on.
Weakness: None (The reason for none, is that Deidara had his arm cut off, sewn back on, and used it juts fine. That is basicaly what Kazu does but whith dead people's parts.)

Earth Jutsu

Name of jutsu: Earth Grudge Fear (Jiongu)
Rank E-S: A
Range: Contact with tenticles.
Type of jutsu: Supplementary
Clan(Optional): Same one Kakuzu was in.
Element Affinity: None
Description: This technique transforms the user's body to something similar of a rag-doll, held together by hundreds of thick black threads. Kazu is able to manipulate these threads for many purposes. He is capable of detaching his limbs and manipulating them for long range attacks, as well as sewing up any injuries that he may suffer. He can also use these threads to sew up damaged bodies of others. Kazu can use the threads to tear into a victim's body and steal their still functioning organs and integrating them into his own body, extending his life. Kazu usually uses this method to steal hearts from powerful shinobi, able to store up to five hearts at any given time (meaning all five hearts must stop functioning in order for him to die).

These hearts he took from others are stored within his body, granting him vast amounts of chakra and numerous elemental affinities. He can detach these and have them take on a body of their own, composed entirely of threads. These are capable of attacking separately, unleashing devastating blasts of elemental chakra. These threads can also compact together to form a spider-like body around Kazu, allowing him to fuse the attacks together in order to increase his attacking power.
Weakness: Weaknesses of Kakuzu and must RP gaining a heart. (Kazu only has two right now)

Name of jutsu: Earth Release: Earth Spear (Doton: Domu no Jutsu)
Rank E-S: B
Range: None
Type of jutsu: Supplementary
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: Earth
Description: This is a ninjutsu technique utilized by Kazu via his earth-element heart (mother's). This technique makes use of the chakra that naturally flows through the body, using earth elemental manipulation on it to harden the user's skin. The hardened skin is nigh-unbreakable to defend against most attacks and enhance user's strength to strengthen offensive strikes such as breaking down walls or stabbing a person. As this technique is based around earth-chakra, it is vulnerable to lightning techniques.
Weakness: Lightning Jutsu

Water Jutsu

Name of jutsu: Water Making.
Rank E-S: B
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ability
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: Water
Description: Kazu can create water out of nothing.
Weakness: None (Yamato used this and so did the Second Hokage without drawbacks,)

Name of jutsu: Suijinheki - Water Encampment Wall
Rank E-S: B
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: Water
Description: The ninja will blow out a jet of water from their mouth to act as a water barrier from incoming attack.
Weakness: Earth

Name of jutsu: Suiryuuben - Water Dragon Whip
Rank E-S: B
Range: ANy
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: Water
Description: Kazu will use this to generate a whirling sphere of water. This sphere can then emit whips of water, which can seek out and impale his target.
Weakness: Earth

Name of jutsu: Bunshin Bakuha - Shadow Clone Explosion
Rank E-S: A
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: Water
Description: At first glance the clone appears to be a normal Kage Bunshin, but Kazu can detonate the clone at any time to form a very large explosion.
Weakness: Earth

Name of jutsu: Secret Hidden Mist Jutsu
Rank E-S: B
Range: Depends on amount of chakra used.
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: Water
Description: The ninja causes the area surrounding their target to be covered in fog. The low visibility allows the ninja to silently and secretly assassinate their target. However, this mist also can absorbs chakra from his Kazu's foes and can make it so thick, that you can barely see out of it. Kazu can also make the mist extreemly heavy, making it harder for enemies to move.
Weakness: Wind and other Water Jutsu

Name of jutsu: Hidden Mist Jutsu
Rank E-S: C
Range: Depends on amount of chakra used.
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: Water
Description: The ninja causes the area surrounding their target to be covered in fog. The low visibility allows the ninja to silently and secretly assassinate their target. However, Kazu can make it so thick, that you can barely see out of it. Kazu can also make the mist extreemly heavy, making it harder for enemies to move.
Weakness: Wind and other Water Jutsu

Name of jutsu: Mysterious Hidden Mist Jutsu
Rank E-S: A
Range: Depends on amount of chakra used.
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: Water
Description: The ninja causes the area surrounding their target to be covered in fog. The low visibility allows the ninja to silently and secretly assassinate their target. However, this mist causes anyone within it to be in a genjutsu where Kazu/Keen has complete control over everything. While in the mist, the genjutsu cannot be "released" or stopped. The only way that the prey can stop the genjutsu is to leave the mist. Even countering genjutsu will not work against this.
Weakness: Wind and other Water Jutsu and exiting the mist.

Puppet Jutsu

Name of jutsu: Puppet Technique
Rank E-S: C
Range: Short to mid-range (0-10m)
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None
Description: This jutsu uses strings of chakra from the user's fingers to control puppets like marionettes. This skill is often prepared in coordination with the Body Replacement Technique so the user can quickly switch places with their puppet when necessary. Another useful quality of this skill is the fact that the puppet can take the form of another person, usually its user, allowing the user to trick their enemy into thinking they're fighting a living person.

Any number of chakra strings can be used to control a puppet, but users with more skill using the technique can use fewer strings per puppet. Both Chiyo and Sasori demonstrated the ability to control entire puppets perfectly using just one string. While most puppeteers would normally be able to control ten puppets at most (one per finger), Sasori's self-modification allowed him to control up to one hundred puppets at a time. (Kazu cannot)

Apart from being used to control marionettes, the chakra strings can be attached to other objects, allowing the user to control, or at the very least disrupt, other things. In one instance, Kankuro uses chakra strings to trip Naruto Uzumaki when they first meet. In another, Chiyo uses chakra strings to control Sakura Haruno like a puppet. Many of the puppets used (like Kankuro's) were made by Akatsuki's Sasori of the Red Sand, so he knows many of the inner workings such as hidden weapons.
Weakness: Since the puppeteer uses his or her hands to manipulate the puppets, if the hands are disabled, then the technique could be neutralized. Also, while controlling the doll, the user is wide open if the opponent bypasses the puppet.

Name of jutsu: Human Puppets (人傀儡, Hitokugutsu)
Rank E-S: S
Range: -
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None
Description: By removing the internal organs of a foe and preserving the body to prevent decomposition, as well as adding weapons and defenses, Sasori can make powerful human puppets. These puppets retain their use of chakra and any kekkei genkai that the human host once had.

Name of jutsu: Living Chakra Threads
Rank E-S: B
Range: Depends on amount of chakra used.
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None
Description: The user can control their chakra strings like the tentacles that reside within their bodies. These can be used the same way as their tentacles but are made out of chakra.
Weakness: Chakra absorbing techniques.

Name of jutsu: Chakra Sewing
Rank E-S: A
Range: Depends on amount of chakra used.
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None
Description: This jutsu is only known to Keen/Kazu. After creating his "Living Chakra Threads" jutsu, Keen created this one. While controlling the chakra threads, Keen will weave the threads into one another to create various shapes. Think of it as using thread to sew a sheet of material.
Weakness: Chakra absorbing techniques.

Name of jutsu: Sudden Puppet Transformation
Rank E-S: S
Range: 100 meters (activation)
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None
Description: After creating a few of his own human puppets, Keen found that it would be more "fun" if he could turn a person into a puppet while they were alive. This would allow them to retain their initial facial expression of horror as their body was turned into a puppet. By doing this, it will turn their body into a puppet but keep their inner parts(organs and insides), chakra and soul trapped within the puppet body until Keen opens it up to remove the organs and replace them with weapons.

This can be used in two ways. One is that he draws out the transformation seal on the ground and then must get his prey to enter it. Once done, they will be immobilized while their body begins to change. The second is by pressing his palm against the body of his target after doing the needed hand seals and the seal appears on his hand.

Weakness: This can only be done of the characters of members that have given their consent and CP characters (characters that are created for the soul purpose of an rp).

Name of jutsu: Summon Field Set
Rank E-S: B
Range: Any Distance
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None
Description: Keen created this jutsu himself. After using the needed handseals, Keen will press his hands against and object. A large seal about 15 meters wide will appear on the surface and cannot be removed. Keen can make the seal disappear by making it appear somewhere else.
Weakness: The seal can be destroyed if the object that it is on it destroyed.

Name of jutsu: Continuous Summon Field
Rank E-S: B
Range: Any Distance
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None
Description: Keen created this jutsu himself. After applying the first part of the jutsu (Summon Field Set) and the needed hand seals are used, a large seal will appear on the ground about 15 meters wide will appear on the surface. After KEEN activates it, and as long as his hands are kept on the seal, whatever is on the "set" seal will continuously be summoned onto this one. One example is if he does this, then someone walks on the first seal, they will summoned in front of Keen. Keen keeps his hands on the seal and a tree falls over onto the seal two minutes later and because his hands are on the seal, it is summoned in the same place on the seal in front of Keen, regardless of the distance. This can be used to save a large amount of people from one location and safely transport them to Keen's location.
Weakness: The first seal must be set and rp'd out. Keen must also keep a constant flow of chakra onto the seal in order for it to work. Also, if the "set" seal is destroyed, Keen cannot activate it. The summoning can be interrupted if the "set" seal is destroyed. While sucking in everything at the "set" location, it will also transport enemy attacks through to Keen's location. This is not a two-way summon which means that Keen cannot summon himself to the "set" location for safety.

Name of jutsu: Replacement Summon
Rank E-S: B
Range: Any Distance
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None
Description: Keen created this jutsu himself. After using the needed hand seals, this acts as a replacement jutsu but switches the two objects that have the two certain seals on it. One example is to place the seal on his large sword and on a kunai. After leaving the sword at home, Keen will go out and travel the world. He then gets into a battle and brings his kunai over his head to stab an enemy. he then activates the seal on the kunai with a hand seal, thus switching the kunai for his sword even though it is a long distance away. he then brings down the sword with all his might and the enemy is baffled for a moment and still blocking with his kunai, is no longer prepared to block the heavy sword.
Weakness: The seals can only be activated once. This is kinda like how Naruto summoned a clone from the frog mountain place.

Name of jutsu:
Rank E-S:
Range: Any
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None
Weakness: None

Last edited by Kyo on Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:53 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Kazu's Abilities Empty Re: Kazu's Abilities

Post by Shini Wed Dec 17, 2008 8:34 am


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Kazu's Abilities Empty Re: Kazu's Abilities

Post by Kyo Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:25 pm

Name of jutsu: Puppet Technique
Rank E-S: C
Range: Short to mid-range (0-10m)
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None
Description: This jutsu uses strings of chakra from the user's fingers to control puppets like marionettes. This skill is often prepared in coordination with the Body Replacement Technique so the user can quickly switch places with their puppet when necessary. Another useful quality of this skill is the fact that the puppet can take the form of another person, usually its user, allowing the user to trick their enemy into thinking they're fighting a living person.

Any number of chakra strings can be used to control a puppet, but users with more skill using the technique can use fewer strings per puppet. Both Chiyo and Sasori demonstrated the ability to control entire puppets perfectly using just one string. While most puppeteers would normally be able to control ten puppets at most (one per finger), Sasori's self-modification allowed him to control up to one hundred puppets at a time. (Kazu cannot)

Apart from being used to control marionettes, the chakra strings can be attached to other objects, allowing the user to control, or at the very least disrupt, other things. In one instance, Kankuro uses chakra strings to trip Naruto Uzumaki when they first meet. In another, Chiyo uses chakra strings to control Sakura Haruno like a puppet. Many of the puppets used (like Kankuro's) were made by Akatsuki's Sasori of the Red Sand, so he knows many of the inner workings such as hidden weapons.
Weakness: Since the puppeteer uses his or her hands to manipulate the puppets, if the hands are disabled, then the technique could be neutralized. Also, while controlling the doll, the user is wide open if the opponent bypasses the puppet.

Name of jutsu: Human Puppets (人傀儡, Hitokugutsu)
Rank E-S: S
Range: -
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None
Description: By removing the internal organs of a foe and preserving the body to prevent decomposition, as well as adding weapons and defenses, Sasori can make powerful human puppets. These puppets retain their use of chakra and any kekkei genkai that the human host once had.


Last edited by Kyo on Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:49 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Got codes to transfer)

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Kazu's Abilities Empty Re: Kazu's Abilities

Post by tradebuzzing2 Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:29 pm



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Kazu's Abilities Empty Re: Kazu's Abilities

Post by Kyo Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:02 pm

Name of jutsu: Mysterious Hidden Mist Jutsu
Rank E-S: A
Range: Depends on amount of chakra used.
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: Water
Description: The ninja causes the area surrounding their target to be covered in fog. The low visibility allows the ninja to silently and secretly assassinate their target. However, this mist causes anyone within it to be in a genjutsu where Kazu/Keen has complete control over everything. While in the mist, the genjutsu cannot be "released" or stopped. The only way that the prey can stop the genjutsu is to leave the mist. Even countering genjutsu will not work against this.
Weakness: Wind and other Water Jutsu and exiting the mist.

Last edited by Kyo on Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:29 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Got codes to transfer)

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Kazu's Abilities Empty Re: Kazu's Abilities

Post by Kyo Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:01 pm

Name of jutsu: Living Chakra Threads
Rank E-S: B
Range: Depends on amount of chakra used.
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None
Description: The user can control their chakra strings like the tentacles that reside within their bodies. These can be used the same way as their tentacles but are made out of chakra.
Weakness: Chakra absorbing techniques.

Name of jutsu: Chakra Sewing
Rank E-S: A
Range: Depends on amount of chakra used.
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None
Description: This jutsu is only known to Keen/Kazu. After creating his "Living Chakra Threads" jutsu, Keen created this one. While controlling the chakra threads, Keen will weave the threads into one another to create various shapes. Think of it as using thread to sew a sheet of material.
Weakness: Chakra absorbing techniques.

Last edited by Kyo on Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:51 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Got codes to transfer)

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Kazu's Abilities Empty Re: Kazu's Abilities

Post by Kyo Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:32 pm


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Kazu's Abilities Empty Re: Kazu's Abilities

Post by Mirage Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:13 am


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Kazu's Abilities Empty Re: Kazu's Abilities

Post by Kyo Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:28 am

This jutsu i am creating for a specific self rp and was told it was ok as long as i never use it on any characters of NN members unless given permission. (Sudden Puppet Transformation)

Name of jutsu: Sudden Puppet Transformation
Rank E-S: S
Range: 100 meters (activation)
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None
Description: After creating a few of his own human puppets, Keen found that it would be more "fun" if he could turn a person into a puppet while they were alive. This would allow them to retain their initial facial expression of horror as their body was turned into a puppet. By doing this, it will turn their body into a puppet but keep their inner parts(organs and insides), chakra and soul trapped within the puppet body until Keen opens it up to remove the organs and replace them with weapons.

This can be used in two ways. One is that he draws out the transformation seal on the ground and then must get his prey to enter it. Once done, they will be immobilized while their body begins to change. The second is by pressing his palm against the body of his target after doing the needed hand seals and the seal appears on his hand.

Weakness: This can only be done of the characters of members that have given their consent and CP characters (characters that are created for the soul purpose of an rp).

Name of jutsu: Summon Field Set
Rank E-S: B
Range: Any Distance
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None
Description: Keen created this jutsu himself. After using the needed handseals, Keen will press his hands against and object. A large seal about 15 meters wide will appear on the surface and cannot be removed. Keen can make the seal disappear by making it appear somewhere else.
Weakness: The seal can be destroyed if the object that it is on it destroyed.

Name of jutsu: Continuous Summon Field
Rank E-S: B
Range: Any Distance
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None
Description: Keen created this jutsu himself. After applying the first part of the jutsu (Summon Field Set) and the needed hand seals are used, a large seal will appear on the ground about 15 meters wide will appear on the surface. After KEEN activates it, and as long as his hands are kept on the seal, whatever is on the "set" seal will continuously be summoned onto this one. One example is if he does this, then someone walks on the first seal, they will summoned in front of Keen. Keen keeps his hands on the seal and a tree falls over onto the seal two minutes later and because his hands are on the seal, it is summoned in the same place on the seal in front of Keen, regardless of the distance. This can be used to save a large amount of people from one location and safely transport them to Keen's location.
Weakness: The first seal must be set and rp'd out. Keen must also keep a constant flow of chakra onto the seal in order for it to work. Also, if the "set" seal is destroyed, Keen cannot activate it. The summoning can be interrupted if the "set" seal is destroyed. While sucking in everything at the "set" location, it will also transport enemy attacks through to Keen's location. This is not a two-way summon which means that Keen cannot summon himself to the "set" location for safety.

Name of jutsu: Replacement Summon
Rank E-S: B
Range: Any Distance
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): None
Element Affinity: None
Description: Keen created this jutsu himself. After using the needed hand seals, this acts as a replacement jutsu but switches the two objects that have the two certain seals on it. One example is to place the seal on his large sword and on a kunai. After leaving the sword at home, Keen will go out and travel the world. He then gets into a battle and brings his kunai over his head to stab an enemy. he then activates the seal on the kunai with a hand seal, thus switching the kunai for his sword even though it is a long distance away. he then brings down the sword with all his might and the enemy is baffled for a moment and still blocking with his kunai, is no longer prepared to block the heavy sword.
Weakness: The seals can only be activated once. This is kinda like how Naruto summoned a clone from the frog mountain place.

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Kazu's Abilities Empty Re: Kazu's Abilities

Post by Mirage Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:55 am

I said the first one was ok if he got permission first.


Also, if anyone else needs anything approved feel free to pm me, ONLY if it has not been approved. And please provide the link. It makes it easier on me than searching for it.

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