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Enhanced Ranmaru Eyes

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Enhanced Ranmaru Eyes Empty Enhanced Ranmaru Eyes

Post by Kyo Sun Dec 14, 2008 5:20 am

Name of the Kekkei Genkai: Enhanced Ranmaru Eyes

Type of Kekkei Genkai: Doujutsu

Rank: A

Description: What happened to the clan is unclear, but it is possible they were killed when the populace turned against the bloodlines. The traits include penetrating vision and a unique chakra particle extension. This ability can actually counter the Hyuuga trait. Ranmaru vision grants a greater ability to see ones' life force, even beyond the Hyuuga's internal chakra perception. This bloodline can also extend the chakra out in red dust-like particles to create phantoms and can even hide the user’s own chakra presence. The spectral images could be granted life-like chakra flows to confuse both normal ninja and Byakugan. These eyes also have a unique ability that the Regular Ranmaru Eyes did not. They allow the user five views of vission, not including their own. Example: While standing outside of a village, they can project their field of vision into one house and project another field of vision into another, allowing him to see in both houses as if he was there. This enhanced version was only gained by Anari and for unknown reasons.

Weakness: The farther the distance that they are projecting their vision, the more chakra that is needed.

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Enhanced Ranmaru Eyes Empty Re: Enhanced Ranmaru Eyes

Post by Zen Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:16 pm

Ok the weakness isn't really a weakness <<
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Enhanced Ranmaru Eyes Empty Re: Enhanced Ranmaru Eyes

Post by Kyo Sun Dec 14, 2008 4:09 pm

How is that not a weakness? If it didi not say that, then it would mean that he can project his vision anywhere in the world fo rthe same amount of chakra. Would you rather me say that he has to have good concentration and be outside for it to work and let him be able to look in on anyone anywhere? I think that this weakness is good.

With this weakness, if he wanted to project his vision from one country to another, it would use up almost all of his chakra. But if this is not a weakness, then you would not mind me deleting it, which would allow him to view into the ANBU base for the same amount of chakra that it takes to view two feet away.

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Enhanced Ranmaru Eyes Empty Re: Enhanced Ranmaru Eyes

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Dec 14, 2008 4:12 pm

Well seeing somewhat this is cannon and adding weakness's to something cannon is just somewhat stupid the weakness that he has suffices and works I belive unless someone like Gn or Jinkai dont like it then this "Approval" stands.

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Enhanced Ranmaru Eyes Empty Re: Enhanced Ranmaru Eyes

Post by Zen Sun Dec 14, 2008 4:59 pm

NO Kyo the weakness isn't a weakness because its just chakra would lose charka when you activate it...but fine w/e since its cannon.
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Enhanced Ranmaru Eyes Empty Re: Enhanced Ranmaru Eyes

Post by Mirage Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:24 pm

OK, I am backing my brother on this one. It seems like a reasonable weakness and the post that you just made Zen, about how it is just chakra loss and that is not a weakness, will not work towards your side. Chakra loss has been posted as a weakness for many things and by many people including yourself.

Weakness used by you:

Weakness:Must use up alot of chakra,and have good chakra contorl aswell as the abilltiy to use it right.

Kyo's Weakness:

Weakness: The farther the distance that they are projecting their vision, the more chakra that is needed.

I see that you both put that the use of alot of chakra is needed. The only difference is that his uses alot of chakra under the circumstance of it being a great distance.

And would you be more willing to except it if he put that he has to have "good chakra control", even though I have yet to see ANYONE say that they do not have "good chakra control"?

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Enhanced Ranmaru Eyes Empty Re: Enhanced Ranmaru Eyes

Post by Zen Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:13 pm

No and I know that I have put that for some of my things,but anyway im just gonna drop it now.
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